I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 427: Take a look


Ling Ya didn't go out with Fang Chong, she always helped Qin Lan Muge keep an eye on the surroundings ...

Yu Wenjing Lingya has known each other for a long time, so when she saw her and Qu Lao appearing and murmured these words in her mouth, she interjected ...

"Kill the zombies?" Upon hearing Lingya's words, Yu Wenjing turned her head in surprise, wondering whether it was surprised that Lingya appeared or Huang Qianchuan went out to kill the zombies. m

"Yes, the zombies directly opposite the Jiangnan base city are the most powerful and have the largest number. If the zombies are not given power, it is still unknown whether Jiangnan base city can hold them ..." Ling Ya nodded.

"But aren't they just a small number of people to die?" Yu Wenjing was very powerful when he and Huang Qianchuan were alone, but it is powerful enough to deal with hundreds of thousands, or 100,000 zombies. ?

Judging from Yu Wenjing's mind, this situation is totally death ....

And said to give the zombies a dismount, do zombies have thoughts? None of these can be imagined by Yu Wenjing ...

"That's not necessarily true. They are very powerful, so powerful you can't imagine." Ling Ya's face didn't show the slightest worry. Looking at the puzzled expression on Yu Wenjing's face, she added. "Maybe you still doubt the sentence I said to give the zombies a disposition?"

"Yes, zombies can't be thoughtful, they are a living dead ..." Yu Wenjing nodded after being seen by Ling Ya, without denying her suspicion ...

"You are wrong, there are many levels of zombies. And the more advanced they are, the more powerful they are, the same improvement or wisdom ..." Ling Ya's skeptical expression to Yu Wenjing was indifferent. "To the zombies above Terminator, wisdom is comparable to humans ..."

"Comparable to humans?" Yu Wenjing's expression was dull for a moment. Lingya said this now. Totally beyond her perception ...

"The Terminator also has a zombie called the Destroyer. Whether it will appear today is still unknown, but if the Destroyer appears, it will bring a devastating disaster like his name ..." Yu Wenjing didn't know, Ling Ya didn't laugh at her ignorance.

As a researcher, Yu Wenjing didn't know that this kind of thing was common. After all, the research creatures they waited for were captured and delivered by the soldiers. The zombies of the Destroyer, not to mention these fighters in the base city of Jiangnan, they are themselves, and they are not sure that they can successfully defeat it every time. Not to mention capture ...

"So powerful? How do you know ..." Yu Wenjing frowned. These things that Ling Ya said are beyond her cognition. Not to mention the destroyer, even the terminator she has never heard of. The Hulk is the most powerful in their lab.

So Ling Ya said in detail, but she still held a skeptical attitude ...

"It's a long way. There are more zombies ..." Ling Ya exhaled. "As the end of time passes, zombies will only grow stronger, which is inevitable ..."

"Although what you said looks like a decent figure, I did research. Before I saw it myself, I remained skeptical ..." Yu Wenjing was very honest and honest.

"I understand. Maybe it's your personality that has attracted Huang Qianchuan's attention ..." Ling Ya smiled slightly, Yu Wenjing was older than her. But when he said that, Yu Wenjing was innocent.

Looking at Yu Wenjing like this, Ling Ya suddenly thought about why Huang Qianchuan liked Yu Wenjing ...

"He… .." Yu Wenjing didn't expect Ling Ya to say such a sentence directly. For a moment, her face was a little red, and I didn't know how to answer Ling Ya's sentence ...

"I didn't expect your cold personality and things to make you embarrassed. I always thought that researchers were creatures without feelings ...." Seeing the changes on Yu Wenjing's face, Ling Ya's face smiled The meaning is stronger.

Speaking of Huang Qianchuan's name can change the face of an iceberg girl like Yu Wenjing, which undoubtedly shows that Huang Qianchuan has a drama, and the possibility of success is not small ...

"I ..." Yu Wenjing was anxious. She didn't know how she felt about Huang Qianchuan, but she wanted to deny it, but she couldn't say it ...


"Fang Chong, what are we going to do next?" After a group of dozens of cars exited the gate of Jiangnan Base City one after another, the speed of the car was raised all at once ...

After the vehicle traveled a long distance, and after faintly being able to hear the roar of the zombies, Hu Bing asked Fang Chong, this time he chose to share the car with Fang Chong, but not because he was afraid, but because he was worried about the command and Fang Chong clashed ...

Although he is a commander, he does not necessarily have more genes in command and combat than Fang Chong. Like today, he does not intend to command alone, and he has full power in Fang Chong's hands.

"Chong, stop at the intersection ahead ......?" Fang Chong looked at the road ahead and observed the surroundings. From time to time, Fang Chong understood the data from Qin Lan and calculated the time gap ...

"Okay ..." Hu Bing didn't ask any more. He was a straight-hearted man, and instead chose to believe in Fang Chong, he no longer doubted.

Soon, the intersection Fang Chong said arrived, and the commander Hu Bing ordered all the people to get off the bus one after another, quietly waiting for the arrival of the zombies ...

"Zombies are not terrible. We will be safe after defeating them ..." The roar of the zombies also became louder and louder. Knowing that the battle was imminent, Fang Chong looked at the soldier with a somewhat unnatural expression behind Hu Bing.

Compared with Fang Chong's calmness, the soldiers under Hu Bing seemed very worried and afraid.

They did not say that they had not experienced the battle, but like today, it is the first time to rely on such a small number of people to fight so many zombies ...

Fear is inevitable ...

"Yes. There is nothing to fear from the zombies, we just have to fight ..." Hu Bing heard Fang Chong say such things, he didn't know what Fang Chong wanted to express.

Speaking of which, he saw Fang Chong's soldiers compare with hiss. The old face can't help but a red, gap, a big gap ...

"Commander Hu Bing prepare! We are ahead, you are behind, or after that sentence, you ca n’t run and save your strength ..." Fang Chong didn't care what Commander Hu Bing did, and he understood it.

Face danger. Showing fear is inevitable.

"Remember that we are not here to die ..." Fang Chong looked at the road in front of his eyes, and his right hand slowly pulled out a pale cyan sword ...

"Kill ..." Didn't wait for Commander Hu Bing to say anything, while Fang Chong pulled out his sword, Huang Qianchuan beside Fang Chong. Including the other players around him, there is no need for Fang Chong to say anything. Seeing that Fang Chong pulled out the sword after pulling out the sword ...

After Fang Chong's killing word dropped, a team of hundreds of people launched at the same time and rushed out instantly.

Tacit understanding, there is a record. Watching Fang Chong rush out. Commander Hu Bing was full of envy.

Are there such teams still afraid of fighting?


"So look at other people, my husband, what are the zombies ..." After feeling the real gap, Commander Hu Bing turned his head expressionlessly. He shouted at the soldier who still had a little fear in his expression afterwards.

Although it is known that there is a big gap between people, the cowardice that has been shown before the war no doubt shows that these people are timid. Hu Bing also did not expect that those who thought he was the future of Jiangnan Base City had a fear of death ...

After saying something to hate iron and steel, Commander Hu Bing took a deep breath. After striving to calm down, he also raised his sword ...

A red-colored blood-sworded sword, an enhanced version of the Blood-sworded sword series, Fang Chong prepared for their three commanders.

Although the black sword is not bad, the bloodsword is obviously a higher level ...

"Kill ..." With the sword in hand, Commander Hu Bing ’s confidence has also increased a lot. He is also a militant. Fighting has never been feared for him, especially in this seemingly dangerous battle. His eyes are complicated.

There was a trace of bloodthirsty in the excitement.

He didn't wait for his men to answer. He had the same style, squatting slightly on his knees, leaning forward slightly, shouting a killing word, he put a force under his feet, and the whole man rushed out.

Commander Hu Bing is fast and has the same momentum. From this point of view, it is difficult to separate them from Fang Chong.

"Kill… .." After Hu Bing rushed out, the soldiers he brought out looked at each other. After they gritted their teeth, a slight struggle appeared in their expressions, but after one of them whipped out the black sword, they immediately The sound of another sword coming out of the sheath sounded ...

Immediately after, one figure rushed out, two figures rushed out, and finally, dozens of soldiers rushed out with their swords ...

After overcoming the fear in their hearts, their expressions became calm, excited, and bloodthirsty from the initial struggle to the end ...

"Kill ..." The distance and Fang Chong were getting closer, they shouted to kill the sky ...


"Suddenly, let's get rid of the terminator behind ..." Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan looked at each other very closely. After Fang Chong slashed several zombies around him, he said something to Huang Qianchuan ...

"Hmm ..." Knowing what Fang Chong thought, Huang Qianchuan nodded.

Their important task now is to solve the Terminator, followed by large-scale killings. Although the Terminators are not so easy to threaten their teams, the commander Hu Bing brought different people.

Of the more than 150 people, except Hu Bing who is relatively strong, none of them is above the 50th level. Because of this worry, Fang Chong had to consider a little further ...

"Then rush ..." After looking at the small army around them, they did not have much problem, Fang Chong didn't hesitate any more, and if he didn't rush to resolve the Terminator, their situation would be more passive, and the wisdom of the Terminator should not be underestimated. ….

"Okay ..." Huang Qianchuan saw Fang Chongchong go out. He is not far behind.

The sword drew in front of the sword, and the whole man stung into the zombies. After the combat effectiveness really broke out, no zombies had the ability to stop the two of them.

Such as Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan who entered the unmanned realm, after a while of strenuous killing. They are getting closer and closer to the Terminator.

"Hou ..." I don't know if I felt the murderous power revealed by Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan or I felt that both Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan were challenging his dignity. The terminator closest to Fang Chong them, after exclaiming an angry roar, he pulled up his long legs and rushed towards Fang Chong them ...

"I'm here ..." Huang Qianchuan, who has reached the pinnacle of momentum, was depressed for a day when facing Yu Wenjing, and now there is such an opportunity to vent, how could he let it go ...

The sword was erected and stood upright.

As the Terminator got closer and quieter, Huang Qianchuan also exerted strength at this moment. The whole person is like an arrow off the string, so fast that the naked eye can't catch it, and rushes to the terminator, which also rushes over them ...

"Dead ..." Terminator didn't know how many had been killed, Huang Qianchuan could say, no stranger at all. When the body was close to the terminator that rushed over and there were still dozens of meters, the body instantly broke off the ground ...

"Human, die ..." Looking at Huang Qianchuan, who was leaping high, the terminator who rushed over did not show the slightest fear, and his tall body could not help speeding up a bit. While a huge fist blasted out, he still murmured a word ...

"Stupid ..." Huang Qianchuan looked at the self-righteous Terminator, his expression including movements did not change at all, as his body fell. The sword in his hand turned into a stream of silvery white light and fell down.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh ..." The sword and fist contacted, Fang Chong unexpected. Directly through the fist of the Terminator, after a minute and a half. The strength in the hands of Huang Qianchuan continued to strengthen.

Finally, while the Terminator was too late to make any screams, the sword was cut from the Terminator's head ...

The whole Terminator is divided into two ...


"Are you interested in seeing Huang Qianchuan's battle with the zombies?" Ling Ya looked at Yu Wenjing with a constantly changing expression. She waited for a long time before re-opening, but this time she cleverly avoided it. Yu Wenjing was embarrassed.

Instead, he answered Huang Qianchuan about their fighting ...

In fact, the purpose of Ling Ya's questioning can be said to be the same. If Yu Wenjing wants to see it, it undoubtedly shows that Huang Qianchuan has now occupied a certain position in Yu Wenjing's heart.

"Can you see it?" Yu Wenjing heard Ling Ya's proposal without any pause, and then she blurted out ... but she regretted it a little after asking this sentence. Isn't that a trick? In fact, she was very annoyed herself. She didn't know why she couldn't get rid of Huang Qianchuan's situation from time to time.

She even wondered if she really did what Ling Ya said, and she really felt about Huang Qianchuan.

But this idea just emerged from him, and he quickly denied it. After all, she only knew a man named Huang Qianchuan on the earth today ...

Although love at first sight existed, Yu Wenjing didn't believe that it would happen to her. Although she noticed that there was such a man when she first saw Huang Qianchuan today, she didn't like it at that time, but she was disgusted.

Huang Qianchuan looked at him in fascination ....

Although Huang Qianchuan denies the adjective of color fans, Yu Wenjing has always insisted that it seems that this reason is also an excuse she can find now ...

"Of course, if you are interested, it will definitely not be a problem ..." The angle of Ling Ya's mouth is already very high, and the answer directly asked by Yu Wenjing has explained everything.

"I'm not really interested ..." Yu Wenjing was flushed by Ling Ya, but she denied it.

"Really? Well, I'm not too reluctant, you are here by yourself, I went to see ..." When Lingwen Yu heard the wrong words, Ling Ya was also confused. When she was finished, Lingya walked away ...

Ling Ya was also worried about Fang Chong's situation. Being strong is being powerful. After all, it is not invincible ...

"Just like this ..." Yu Wenjing turned to leave as soon as she saw Ling Ya's real words. She was so annoyed that she stomped her feet and complained a little bit ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiaojing, if you want to go and see Well, sometimes don't keep refusing to admit the most direct thoughts in my heart ... "When Yu Wenjing was so annoyed, Qu Lao didn't know when she appeared beside her again.

"I'm just curious about what equipment can look so far away, Qu Lao, don't you misunderstand anything ..." Yu Wenjing's flushed face deepened a little, knowing that Qu Lao saw it, she quickly found an excuse ... ....

"Oh, let's check it out ..." Of course Qu Lao would not argue with Yu Wenjing. Yu Wenjing himself found a reason for him, and Qu Lao helped push it ...


"Come in, the location is quite wide ....." Yu Wenjing gritted her teeth and walked out to find Ling Ya. What she didn't expect was that she had just arrived next to the car and was still wondering if she really knocked on the drive window. At that time, the door of Ling Ya's car had been opened ... (to be continued ...)



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