"I just want to know how we can see the situation outside the base city ..." After Yu Wenjing got into the car, she could feel that Qin Lan and Muge were watching her besides Ling Ya. M

Looking at everyone's smiles, Yu Wenjing said with no confidence.

"We all understand, what is the embarrassment of the same woman ..." Qin Lan laughed. Yu Wenjing said that there was no silver in this place. They all said they were speechless. Yu Wenjing was not young, but In terms of emotion, she couldn't let go of them more than they….

"I… .." She still bowed her head a little embarrassingly when Yu Wenjing heard Qin Lan's words.

"Well, we don't force it, emotional matters can't be reluctant ..." Ling Ya shook her head helplessly, then said. "But to be honest, Huang Qianchuan is quite a good person. I believe he will treat his feelings seriously ..."

"I'll think about it ..." When Ling Ya said so calmly and earnestly, Yu Wen raised his head after a short while, with the same serious expression.

"That's good, Sister Yuwen, I believe we are right ....." Mu Ge heard Yu Wenjing's words, she was very happy, Huang Qianchuan had a show, and she did not have to worry about Fang Chong eating the bowl and looking at the pot It's ...

"I have a question I want to ask you, don't you be angry?" Yu Wenjing's expression relaxed a lot, and it seemed that he felt a lot easier when he said this word she would consider ...

"No problem. Sister Yuwen asked directly ..." Muge said with the slightest consideration.

"Then I asked?" Yu Wenjing was still a little tangled.

"I should want to ask why the three of us women can get along so well with the same man, aren't they?" Seeing Yu Wenjing's expression was a lingering expression. Qin Lan knows what she wants to ask, and at the same time this question should be why he dare not admit that she already likes Huang Qianchuan's idea.

Thinking of this, Qin Lan said it herself first, and she didn't particularly care about other people asking this question.

It's one thing that the three of them get along well, Fang Chong is also very good to them, they are all true ...

"Hmm ..." Yu Wenjing didn't expect Qin Lan to see the question she wanted to ask. After nodded earnestly, she looked forward to Qin Lan being able to answer her ...

"It feels strange, we don't know how to say it well, anyway, we won't be jealous of each other, nor will we fight each other. They are like my sister ..." Qin Lan answered with a smile.

"That's it?" Yu Wenjing didn't expect that the complex relationship she imagined turned out to be so simple in Qin Lan's mouth. Surprised, she was more curious about how the three daughters of Qin Lan Ling Ya Mu Ge and Fang Chong knew each other. "How did you meet Fang Chong, did he force you?"

"Force?" When hearing Wenwen Jing's words, Qin Lan and the three of them smiled tacitly.

"What are you laughing at?" Looking at Qin Lan, the three of them smiled so happily. Yu Wenjing was a little dazed, she didn't think she was asking something wrong?

"If you really say coercion, it might as well be said that the three of us forced him ..." Ten seconds later, after Qin Lan and the three of them finally held back laughing, Muge said a little with embarrassment.

Although the other party was indeed like this at the beginning, but now she still feels a little embarrassed to tell others ...

"Ah, you guys ..." Yu Wenjing's mouth widened when she heard Muge's words. She didn't know if she should believe this. But when I think of Fang Chong, it really doesn't look like those prodigal sons ...

"She has always liked Sister Qin Lan alone, and we have no choice but to do this trick ..." Muge said the first sentence, and it didn't matter if she went on. She was curious to see Yu Wenjing, but she was generous and Yu Wenjing. Speaking of how they knew Fang Chong, the relationship changed a lot later.

With that said, a happy smile filled her face ...

"I didn't expect that the last days were so dangerous, and the cruel world was so fun in our narratives ..." Yu Wenjing listened to the words of the muge, and his expression was full of incredible.

"If Sister Yuwen likes longing. It doesn't matter if you like or don't like Huang Qianchuan, I can choose to join us and be equal in our team ..." Although Mu Ge hopes that Wenwen Jing can be interested in Huang Qianchuan, she It is also known that feelings cannot be reluctant.

"I will seriously consider it, thank you for your invitation ..." Yu Wenjing nodded seriously. The expression that had always been cold also changed in different arcs.


"Zombies have appeared ..." Ling Ya's voice sounded after a short silence in the car. She has been paying attention to the laptop screen and finally saw Fang Chong and their zombies ...

"Is that a zombie that is a lot taller than the Hulk is the Terminator?" Yu Wenjing heard Ling Ya's words, and her attention was attracted by the scenes on the laptop screen ...

Because of curiosity, Yu Wenjing watched the notebook screen very seriously. She also noticed any changes in the zombies. What surprised him most was the terminator in the zombies. The terminator that was several meters high was undoubtedly the easiest to find. of.

"Yes, that is the Terminator. The strength can be compared with the Fat Commander ..." Qin Lan nodded, and Yu Wenjing was right in guessing that is the Terminator ...

"Compared to the fat commanders?" Upon hearing such a statistic, Yu Wenjing's expression was utterly lethargic, and this kind of combat power was too bad, right?

"Yes, it is really powerful ..." Qin Lan nodded.

"Isn't that Fang Chong them in danger?" Seeing Qin Lan nodding, Yu Wenjing almost screamed in surprise. In this case, Yu Wenjing was really crazy ...

"I'll know if you take a look. They've killed them ..." Yu Wenjing's exclaimed words were not finished. Qin Lan's voice interrupted her, because during their conversation, Fang Chong's battle with the zombies had become heated.

"Isn't this looking for death? So many zombies ..." Hearing Qin Lan interrupted his thoughts again, Yu Wenjing finally saw what was called quantity; a huge group of zombies ...

"I'll know if I look at it next time ..." Unlike the first time Yu Wenjing saw her worries, Qin Lan was much more calm. What dangers hadn't experienced? These zombies that appear on the screen are nothing ....

"Okay ....." Yu Wenjing no longer denies her thoughts about Huang Qianchuan. With such a temporarily ungerminated emotional seed, Yu Wenjing now appears from time to time even if she is watching the news. The shadow of Huang Qianchuan ...

That feels strange. wonderful.

"..." Ling Ya, after seeing Yu Wenjing's interest, would not say anything else for the time being.


"What does Huang Qianchuan want to do?" Looking at the not-obscure picture that came, Yu Wenjing looked carefully and saw Huang Qianchuan first. Yu Wenjing's expression was wonderful ...

"It's impossible for sister Wenwen to catch the thief first." Even though Muge didn't take a hard look at what was happening on the screen, she heard Yuwenjing's exclaiming and changes in her expression. What do you think of Huang Qianchuan ...

Capture the thief first capture the king, Huang Qianchuan and Fang Chong have always been the best candidates to do this kind of thing ...

"He's going to kill those terrific terminator ...". Yu Wenjing understood Huang Qianchuan's time. After the purpose, she talked a little ...

"Yes, only in this way can protect those bad commanders of Commander Hu Bing ..." Muge nodded.

"I hope he's okay ..." Huang Qianchuan's speed is getting faster and faster, Yu Wenjing's mood is even more ups and downs, this feeling like watching TV, silenced the shock.

Yu Wenjing murmured in his mouth.

Go on. Yu Wenjing saw Huang Qianchuan leaping high, and it felt like a martial art master in martial arts novels. A jump is a few meters ...

And after Huang Qianchuan provoked, his hands were not idle, the sword was shaking ...

In the end, Yu Wenjing saw Huang Qianchuan's sword as a result of the terminator. Her expression can no longer be described with surprise. It can be said that the shortcomings of those who still had doubts about Huang Qianchuan had completely disappeared by this time ….

Huang Qianchuan now looks like a bloodthirsty God of War ...

And when Yu Wenjing hadn't shaken God, Huang Qianchuan on the screen moved again. Among the zombies without the slightest impact, within two minutes, two Terminators and dozens of Hulks died in the hands of Huang Qianchuan.

It can be said that Huang Qianchuan is more and more brave, but Yu Wenjing is very thrilling.

It wasn't Huang Qianchuan who was forced into danger by the zombies. Instead, Yu Wenjing's mentality has completely changed. After confirming that she has a slight affection for Huang Qianchuan. Huang Qianchuan's every move now may affect Yu Wenjing's heart, let alone kill in the zombies like now.

It seems that an accidental Huang Qianchuan will die in the hands of zombies ...

But slowly, Yu Wenjing finally realized that her worries seemed redundant.

There were so many zombies who died in the hands of Huang Qianchuan that he couldn't count in front of the screen. One hundred, two hundred ... or thousands? Anyway, the number is astonishing ...

But Huang Qianchuan himself had nothing at all. Do n’t say anything about injuries. Yu Wenjing even found that Huang Qianchuan did n’t even feel that he was free of force….

Yu Wenjing is more curious how powerful Huang Qianchuan is ...

………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

"The Terminator was solved, and the other zombies were killed as soon as possible. Our people have no problems, but Xie Tao and they failed. They just upgraded shortly. The lack of combat experience is their fatal weakness. They want to speed up ..." Fang Chong After solving the last Terminator, and also handing over fifty Terminators here today, Fang Chong turned his head and said to Huang Qianchuan.

Although their main purpose is Terminator. But there are not many Hulks here. The Hulk with a combat effectiveness exceeding level 50 has an explosive power exceeding level 60. In addition to the old team members' ability to easily solve it, for the sake of Xie Tao and their team, they were brought out by Commander Hu Bing. Danger….

Human beings are becoming less and less able to die, Fang Chong still hopes that ...

"I know ..." Huang Qianchuan was intended to breathe a sigh of relief. Although the strength is powerful, the fierce assassination is also a huge physical loss ...

"Okay, I'll go ..." Fang Chong shook his head slightly. When Huang Qianchuan took out the gene repair agent to restore his strength, Fang Chong moved by himself ...

The Terminator can also cause some trouble for Fang Chong, but the Terminator has been killed, leaving these Hulks and corpses. Fang Chong is just chopping cabbage and radish ...

Long swords swept, often a few zombies fell, their heads are different ....

"Kill ..." With Fang Chong joining the battle, the place where the zombies were the most severely surrounded, everyone felt the pressure was relaxed. I do n’t know who shouted a kill, and then it was shouted to kill the sky.

In addition, Huang Qianchuan joined this time. After using the speed to select the Hulk, the pressure is getting less and less. The number of zombies has plummeted ...

In less than half an hour, there are not many dead zombies that can be seen ...

"Are there any casualties ..." After the battle. Fang Chong asked Xiaojun to count the number of casualties ...

"Ten injured, zero death ..." Xiao Jun reported a number with a relaxed expression. Although there were still injuries, but zero casualties were a rare situation ...

"Also, I want everyone to collect my flesh as fast as possible, we must speed up to leave here, otherwise, there should be zombies coming later ..." Fang Chong is also very absent, zero death has already enough….

After speaking with Xiaojun, Fang Chong was not idle. Watching a lot of team members and soldiers sitting in the panting atmosphere, Fang Chong slowly walked to the vehicle where they left the base city ...

After calculating the approximate number of people, Fang Chong left the gene medicine on the seat of the vehicle according to the number of two for one person ...

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Drinking genetic medicine after a fierce battle is undoubtedly the best time for the body to absorb it. It is said to do more with less ..." Fang Chong knows that there is such a benefit, he cannot possibly miss it ...

As for ten injured pairs. It was less than a moment after Huang Qianchuan threw them the gene repair agent. The injuries were brought under control. It is believed that these shocking wounds can be recovered without any delay until the evening. And most importantly, with the existence of genetic repair agents, the injured need not worry about being infected and becoming alive. Zombie ...

"Whether to go forward or retreat ...." After about half an hour, after collecting the muscle meat from all the zombies, Huang Qianchuan came over to ask Fang Chong ...

"What do you think?" Fang Chong personally intends to retreat. After all, these people are the most powerful combatants. Continued pursuit of zombies can kill them even more, but the siege is a large area, not at all The number of them can be changed. Once the Jiangnan base city can't keep being rushed in by the zombies, the casualties will be hard to believe ...

When they go back, even if the situation is critical, they have the last line of defense ...

At the same time, Fang Chong did not know if they would continue to hunt and kill the zombies. Will there be such a zombie in the ambush. If one or two destroyers appear farther away from the base city of Jiangnan, then these people will be in danger. Once he and the Emperor Qianchuan are entangled in the Destroyer, no one else can be so lucky ...

"It's better to go back first, and then go on. I don't know if the zombies ambush ..." Huang Qianchuan directly said what he thought.

"I also have such considerations, and the zombies were not so easy to retreat, we still go back to the base city of Jiangnan to change without change ..." After hearing Huang Qianchuan's meaning is similar to him, Fang Chong said Planned ...

"This works ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded.

"Well, that's it ..." Fang Chong prepared to leave.

After the plans of Huang Qianchuan and Fang Chong were finalized, the collection situation of Xiaojun was similar, and tens of thousands of zombies were killed by them ...

After completing these important things, Fang Chong didn't stop anymore and was ready to take these people home ...


"They really killed all the zombies that could be seen?" Yu Wenjing, who was slowly becoming numb ~ www.readwn.com ~, said something when they saw Huang Qianchuan and they were ready to return in triumph.

Although witnessing Huang Qianchuan's killing of zombies was as simple as cutting vegetables, when he really saw that zombies were everywhere, Yu Wenjing was shocked by the zombies, and it felt indescribable ...

"Of course, in addition to the higher level of zombies, the number should be around 10,000, and there is a little less to cause trouble ..." Qin Lan said with a smile. They did not worry about a little bit today ....

"Rarely ten thousand?" Hearing Qin Lan's words, although Yu Wenjing was shocked a lot today, Qin Lan's understatement was still not something he could do.

He was more curious about what Qin Lan Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan, etc. have experienced ...

………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued.)



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