I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 433: Battle of Jiangnan Base City


Looking at the deadly poisoned Zach, Fang Chong and them were shaking from shock in a while. Soon, the three of them laughed happily. This was an accident, but it was a timely one. accident. m []

After it was determined that there was no danger, Fang Chong, the body of Poisoned Zac, left them here without preparation. It can be said that the Zak people on each side were treasures, not the first time they killed the Zak people, so Fang Chong they all know.

Although Poisoned Zac had a great fighting power before he died, but after being killed, he could only be used as a mermaid. Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan dragged Poisoned Zac one leg and went over the Jiangnan base city ...

The death of Poisoned Zac was basically stopped in the base city of Jiangnan. All survivors who saw the killing of Poisoned Zac were very excited at this time. They knew that they had escaped again.

From this time on, their eyes turned to Fang Chong's eyes and they were silent in awe.

Not to mention the Jiangnan base city that was rescued again, it is enough for them to look up to the strength of their dedication alone.

Fang Chong ’s speed and explosive power, Qin Lan ’s flying ability, and the final energy grenade that killed the poisoned armor directly, etc. In the eyes of all survivors in the base city of Jiangnan, Fang Chong is no longer a human. It should belong to the existence of the demon, no matter the combat effectiveness or other, it is far beyond their cognitive scope.

"Can humans really be so powerful?" This sentence was after Fang Chong showed their fighting power in front of the survivors in the base city of Jiangnan. A word that often appears to all survivors.

They know that humans can become strong. Just like the evolutionists, yes, they are equally powerful, much stronger than ordinary humans, but they are really weak compared to Fang Chong. Not comparable at the same level at all ...

"What is this guy Fang Chong?" Fang Chong and they returned to the base city of Jiangnan, and the fat commander has come to their side.

"Zach ..." Fang Chong looked at the fat commander who was full of surprise and said. "Not a creature of the earth ..."

"Zak, don't belong to earth creatures?" Listening to these words spoken by Fang Chong, the fat commander's expression became extremely surprised.

"Humanity's biggest opponent in the future is a kind of enemy more powerful than zombie. Mutants ..." Fang Chong knew that it was time to talk to the fat commanders and those in power about the Zak, although now It is impossible to believe many people, but as long as this part of people believe what they say is enough.

Sooner or later, Zak's problems need to be faced with, so be prepared early. Efforts, when the Zak crisis really erupts, human hope will be much greater ...

"How is an alien creature possible?" Listening to Fang Chong, after jokingly saying this, the fat commander's mouths could not be surprised. Yu Wenjing, who had just arrived by her side, heard the news, and she The same reaction ...

Although it has been almost a year since the end of the world, it is difficult for them to believe that there is an alien creature on the earth at once.

But if they didn't believe it, the poisoned Zach's body before them had overthrown their negative thoughts.

They are struggling to see if alien creatures exist. (Go to the novel.) Is the corpse in front of you an alien species ...

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"We are not so boring to joke with you like this, anyway, we just reminded that it is your business to believe or not ..." Fang Chong added one more thing when he felt the doubt of the fat commander.

"We want to believe, but things like alien creatures are really hard to believe ..." It may be because Fang Chong was angry. When the fat commander answered, his voice was much lower.

"You are not required to believe that Poisoned Zac has now been killed. I believe that the zombies' attack should come soon. Fat Commander, please be as prepared as possible ..." Fang Chong looked from Fat Commander's expression After saying more is useless. Fang Chong did not insist any more.

"We understand ..." After hearing Fang Chong's words, the fat commander said nothing more. Fang Chong understood that since he didn't believe what they said, there was no need to waste time ...

"Zack this poisonous armor. Zak people are all treasures for us now." Fang Chong watched the fat commander and they left. The expression was always calm. From the perspective of Fang Chong, the fat commander did not believe that it was normal and he expected it.

But in the future, will they regret it? It will not be within Fang Chong's consideration.

After disregarding the fat commander's disbelief, Fang Chong turned his eyes and attention to the body of the poisoned Zach.

"What is useful?" Yu Wenjing's interest came after hearing Fang Chong's words. Although she is a biological gene researcher, after she knew Fang Chong, she found that what she had known before and what she learned was useful. It ’s not big. Compared with those that Fang Chong knows, it ’s like Xiao Wu Jian Da Wu. There is no comparison at all ...

Yu Wenjing is a proud person, but she is not a woman who can't see anyone better than her.

In her eyes, Fang Chong is very powerful and very esoteric. She is the person she needs to look up to for a long time to come.

However, Yu Wenjing's pride makes her serious, more serious than ever, and she wants to surpass Fang Chong, at least in terms of what she considers her talent, like biological genetic research, she wants to be Must go beyond Fang Chong ...

The last days are no longer the world she is familiar with, and the mutant creatures in the last days are much different from what he learned, but these are not the problems. From the conversation between Fang Chong and Fat Commander just now, she has seen that Fang Chong is The erupting creatures in the last days, including the research of zombies and this corpse, that is, the Zak people have a lot of knowledge different from the Earth people. After knowing this. Yu Wenjing's attention slowly found the right direction. She wants to learn from Fang Chong ...

"Do you believe this Zak tribe is an alien creature?" After seeing Yu Wenjing appearing in their small group, I heard Yu Wenjing ask such words, Fang Chong already knew that Huang Qianchuan should be successful, otherwise With Yu Wenjing's personality, it may appear here for no reason.

Knowing that Yu Wenjing had become a member of their small team, Fang Chong swept away the depression just now. He didn't answer Yu Wenjing's question directly, but he asked curiously.

For a small team, the most important thing is mutual trust.

"Originally my thoughts were the same as those of the fat commander. [] I don't believe what you say, but I would like to believe what my companions say." Yu Wenjing said very seriously.

"Okay, this is our own team, since it is our own. I will tell you seriously, what you see now, what you hear, all we say is true, I agree with the poison Jia Zak is a Zak tribe. We didn't lie to you ... "As far as Yu Wenjing's answer is concerned, Fang Chong can be said to be unusual. After praising Yu Wenjing, Fang Chong said seriously.

"Yes, everything Fang Chong said is true. You do n’t believe Fang Chong also have to believe me ..." Huang Qianchuan saw Yu Wenjing received everyone's approval, he is undoubtedly the happiest one, everyone's voice fell At that time, he took Yu Wenjing's hand in front of everyone ...

"Why should I believe you? You are not mine ..." Yu Wenjing didn't expect Huang Qianchuan to hold her hand in front of so many people, and she was so brave that she dared to say such things .

She struggled subconsciously, but she was not as powerful as Huang Qianchuan.

"Don't you agree?" Huang Qianchuan looked at Yu Wenjing's slightly shameful expression, and there was a hint of confusion on his face.

But after a little surprise, he remembered, just when Yu Wenjing just wanted to promise him. The alarm sounded in Jiangnan Base City, worried about what happened, Huang Qianchuan got out of the car without waiting for Yu Wenjing to say yes, at the same time Ling Ya and Muge arrived, and later. He hurriedly rushed to help Fang Chong, and then it is now like this ...

Think of these. Huang Qianchuan discovered that Yu Wenjing was right, he really is not Yu Wenjing's ...

Huang Qianchuan was depressed, and now he doesn't understand what Yu Wenjing is thinking.

"Did I agree?" Looking at Huang Qianchuan's nervousness, Yu Wenjing was content with a small heart. This inadvertent reaction showed her a clearer sense of her place in Huang Qianchuan's heart. ....

"Yes, but didn't your mouth shape promise two people to export?" Huang Qianchuan was tense, holding Yu Wenjing's hand a little stronger, and it seemed that he would escape if he let go. general…..

"You hurt me ..." Yu Wenjing felt the power coming from her hands, and she couldn't help but struggle again.

"Ah, I didn't do it on purpose ..." Hearing Yu Wenjing's words, Huang Qianchuan's hand quickly pulled back as if he was holding a red soldering iron. However, he was reluctant to let go, while apologizing, he still firmly grasped ...


"You ..." Seeing Huang Qianchuan's loose hand and grasping tightly, Yu Wenjing's face looked even redder. He did not expect Huang Qianchuan to dare to this extent.

But she also knew in her heart that she knew that Huang Qianchuan was so afraid that he would refuse him.

Yu Wenjing was actually very curious. Huang Qianchuan was so enamored of her that he was so enamored of her ...

Her heart was sweet, and she was a little bit depressed. Huang Qianchuan was also sometimes a wooden one. She just said that she had joined the small team of Fang Chong. Did n’t she agree with him?

"You don't promise me that I won't let go from now on, otherwise you will chop my hand with a knife ..." Huang Qianchuan is playing rogue. He is really a little confused now. It is difficult for a woman to guess ...

"You ..." Listening to Huang Qianchuan's threat similar to a rogue, she really couldn't laugh or cry.

Finally, after a few more seconds of stalemate, Yu Wenjing announced his surrender. Say what Huang Qianchuan wanted to hear. "Let ’s go, can I promise you?"

"Success, why not ..." I heard Yu Wenjing say this. Huang Qianchuan laughed stupidly.

"Then why don't you let go ..."

"How do I let go ..."

"Don't you just let me know if you answer?"

"My girlfriend didn't hold back just now. Now she's justified, and there is no reason to let go ..."

"You rogue ....."

"I'm a rogue. I don't have to be afraid to go rogue to my girlfriend. Besides, can a boyfriend be a rogue by pulling his girlfriend's hand?"

"…………………… .."


"They're saying this?" Listening to the conversation between Yu Wenjing and Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong and others couldn't hear after looking at them for a few moments. This kind of flirtatious words made their goosebumps fall off .

Knowing that they did not need to count on them to dissect this poisoned Zac, Fang Chong did not delay any more time, and the army of zombies was approaching, and there was not much time left for them now. I do n’t know what will happen later.

"From the belly of the Poisoned Zac, start by peeling off the Poisoned Zac's skin ..." Then Fang Chong started to do it himself. Bian Xiang Qin Lan described the most valuable place on Poisoned Zac ...

Soon, with Fang Chong's introduction, the scaled armor of Poisoned Zac was completely peeled off, and the abdomen of this Poisoned Zac was also treated by Huang Qianchuan.

Zak people have a lot of valuable things. Take this poisonous Zach, for example, the most valuable thing is that besides the scaled armor visible to the eyes, the muscle meat unique to them is also very rare.

And the difference between this poisoned Zac and other Zacs that Fang Chong met before is his poison sac. The venom inside can often play an unexpected role ...

"Is this the poison sac?" After watching a turquoise, ball-sized sphere appearing in the poisoned Zach's liver, Muge asked curiously. She couldn't believe it. Fang Chong's howling now is caused by this guy.

But after knowing the power of this poison sac, she resisted the urge to cut through the poison with a knife.

"Of course, just now, there are not many poisonous Zac spills. Otherwise, my life will be accounted for there ..." Unlike the curiosity of Muge, Fang Chong saw this poison sac, and he was full of heart Depressed, he just destroyed a suit of armor well under the poison of Poisoned Zac.

"Oh, don't complain anymore. Isn't it possible to show off your muscles?" Seeing Fang Chong's depressed expression. Ling Ya has a rare humor ...

"Yeah, yes, Lingya is right ..." Qin Lan smiled.

"You ..." Fang Chong also laughed, and he could only laugh at the response of Ling Ya Qin Lan Muge ...


More than two hours later, when the sun was setting. Fang Chongzhong stood on the defensive wall of Jiangnan Base City, his expression approached with the dense zombie army. They gradually became heavier. They are directly in front of the base city of Jiangnan. Zombies are also the main point of attack for zombies. They also have the most zombies ...

Looking at the unknown number of zombies, many panting breaths slowly spread across the defensive wall.

Even Fang Chong was the same. When the number of zombies really appeared, the shock was much greater than they thought.

"What to do next?" Looking at the zombie army that was shaking slowly and slowly, the sweat dripping on the fat commander's face, it seemed like he would have run away if Fang Chong had not stood by him.

All he can do now is to give command to Fang Chong ...

"There is no other way to deal with zombies. Don't think of being able to scare them ..." Seeing the fat commander put hope on him, Fang Chong shook his head and said.

"Is that really the only way?" Listening to Fang Chong's words, the fat commander was a little disappointed even though he had prepared for it.

"Still be prepared first. Once the zombies have entered the scope of the attack, the shells should not be polite, but it is better to pass the order and let all the soldiers' guns be aimed at the ordinary zombies. Chong added.

For the Terminator, even the enhanced version of the energy-concentrating gun can not hurt it. Rather than wasting too many guns on them, it is not for Qin Lan or Xiao Qi to shoot. Qin Lan's bow and arrow power is absolutely enough. Powerful, and Xiaoqi's energy sniper rifle is no less powerful. It can not deal with zombies with a strength of about 300 or so, such as the Destroyer, but it does not have many zombies such as Terminator. Say, it's enough ...

"Understand ..." After knowing that Fang Chong's strength was not what they could imagine at all, the fat commander nodded without any doubt this time.

Watching the fat commander leave ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong called Qin Lan and Xiao Qi, and gave them the main purpose ...

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"Boom ..." With the sound of a huge bombardment, the defense of Jiangnan base city officially kicked off ...

"Hit ..." As the fat commander's voice sounded, the defensive walls around the Jiangnan base city opened fire almost simultaneously.

Guns, bombs, small missiles all blasted out towards the zombie army ...

The sound of explosions, guns, screams of zombies, roars, shouts of soldiers, and the shouts of commanders formed a fierce battle ...

………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued ...)


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