I have to say that the phrase "many people with more power" really makes sense. Although in Jiangnan Base City, everyone's individual combat power is far less than when they were attacked on the Shanghai Stock Exchange before, but their personal strength was insufficient. It was quickly made up for by the number advantage, especially the defensive position like now. M 【】 【】

The combat power of more than 6,000 and more than 100,000 is not a little bit or two, and in addition to the batch of weapons and equipment provided by Fang Chong, Jiangnan Base City itself has a lot of weapons and equipment.

Fang Chong was even thinking that if there were no large-scale terminator in the army of zombies, relying solely on the fat commander's own team, the defense would definitely not be a problem, with or without them they would not be a problem ...

Seeing that there was no panic, Fang Chong was more relaxed. The occasional Terminator or the Hulk who had approached the defensive wall were quickly killed by Xiao Qi or Qin Lan. Basically, the battle continued. After dozens of minutes, the initiative remained firmly in their hands ...

Although the appearance of the Terminator was very shocking, it also made the fat commanders be regarded as powerful evolutionaries. The fat commanders were full of vitality as the Terminator was killed under the gun of Xiao Qi. There is even an urge to go down and kill some.

"Zombies don't seem to be siege now?" Looking at the scene where the zombies were steadily suppressed, Ling Ya went to Fang Chong and said.

Since the beginning of the battle with Mugege, her eyes have not left the screen of the laptop. But observed for such a long time. Judging from her knowledge of zombies, zombies have behaved strangely today.

In addition to not being so powerful, speed is also a big issue. Today's zombies run like targets, without any difficulty, and often burst out with one shot ...

"You mean speed and attack?" Fang Chong nodded after hearing Ling Ya's words. He also discovered the phenomenon Qin Lan said.

"Yes, today's zombies seem to be one grade behind. The Terminator is the most normal of them ..." Ling Yayao pointed.

"What do you mean. Zombies may be playing a conspiracy?" Fang Chong was mentioned by Ling Ya, but he understood something.

No wonder he just wondered what the reason was. Today's zombies always look weird, but now they understand. The abnormal cause lies in the zombies, who are playing a plot ...

"I'm just skeptical, but this unusual behavior of zombies is very likely ..." Ling Ya nodded seriously, and she was worried about this.

Zombies are also very clever. Humans may not be able to play conspiracies, especially when Fang Chong encountered a mutated zombie when he was on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. He is even more outstanding in late conspiracy. A big loss ...

"It's very possible that you say, but anyway. We must pay attention to this ..." Fang Chong decided.

After all, in addition to the strength of zombies may become stronger again, night is also an important advantage for them.

Fang Chong looked at the time, knowing that the time of night was coming, he was more sure of the guess in his heart ...


"Ling Ya, you need to inform all guards and tell them to wake up 100%. The real danger comes from the night ..." Fang Chongyue thought more and more, and the development of things should really be as they imagine Normally, zombies are terrible. (Read novels.)

Sacrifice tens of thousands of zombies to paralyze human vigilance, this courage Fang Chong believes that only zombies can do this.

"Understand. I also sounded the alarm for them. Too easy victory always makes people relax ..." Ling Ya understood Fang Chong's meaning, even if Fang Chong did not remind her, she could see it.

Most of the zombies were always killed dozens of meters away from the defensive wall of the base city of Jiangnan, in this relaxed state. Many soldiers began to go out of business and shot a shot. Stop for a while and chat with the people around you more than aiming at the zombies.

And the word they say most is.

"Zombies? What's so terrible about zombies, my head exploded their heads ..."

"I hope our worries are really worried ..." Fang Chong comforted himself at a glance as Ling Ya left.

His eyes were staring far in front of the base city, and Fang Chong always felt that there was something unusual in the places where his eyesight was hard to reach.

As for what is there? Fang Chong did not know, nor did he know how to guess.

The battle continued, and more than two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

And at this time, with the advent of the night, the zombies have finally changed differently. The night has just come and many zombies have not yet shown their terrible side ...

However, Fang Chong was more assured that after Ling Ya went to notify the commanders at various positions on the defensive wall, the show commanders absorbed this opinion.

Although they did not understand, and did not believe that the zombies really knew how to play conspiracy, the fat commander had told them before that what Fang Chong said, they would do whatever they could and could not disobey. Looking at these commanders constantly shuttled around the guard's side, Fang Chong's confidence could not help but increase a bit, in Fang Chong's view, only in this way, they have hope of victory.

"Will our guess be wrong?" At more than eight o'clock in the evening, the attack of the zombies was still normal and very bland, or it could be said that compared to the initial attack of the zombies, the number of zombies was also decreasing ...

In this case, the vigilance of the guarded soldiers dropped again, and even the presence of a commander to supervise it would not help much.

Seeing these situations, Huang Qianchuan was anxious to find Fang Chong ...

"It's impossible. You and I weren't on the first day of contact. Do you think it's possible?" Fang Chong shook his head without thinking.

"I think so too, just ...." Huang Qianchuan frowned. The thought in his heart was similar to Fang Chong. But the development of the scene is indeed very different from what they imagined ...

"Tell our own brothers to be careful, and you remind the fat commander one more time, be careful of the consequences ..." Fang Chong groaned and said seriously.

This is not his place. The soldiers are not his brothers either. Although they are soldiers, there is no discipline at all in an environment like the last days ...

"Okay, you understand what we mean, but with the situation of scattered sand in Jiangnan Base City, I just hope that our worry today is really worried ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded very seriously. [Read the novel ~]

After saying this, Huang Qianchuan left ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Time passed by more than an hour. The zombie unexpectedly stopped the attack miraculously. This sudden change, Fang Chong's brow frowned even tighter. The development of things really did not surprise them.

The zombies really seemed to be fighting psychologically with them, and Fang Chong managed to raise the vigilance of the soldiers. I didn't expect to have more zombies, and I have to say that the zombies did work, and they did the same.

When the zombies stopped attacking, voices of dissatisfaction with their counterparts appeared, saying what Fang Chong was doing in a trifle.

Some soldiers even slept on the wall desperately ...

Looking at these situations and the sound of dissatisfaction in his ears, Fang Chong was a bit difficult.

Although it can be ignored, more than two million survivors and they are also surrounded by zombies. This is what makes him embarrassed, and Fang Chong understands that they need to rely on them. It's not easy ...

"What's the situation now?" Fang Chongshen took a deep breath, and his ears were automatically shielded from those messy voices. He walked beside Ling Ya and Muge. Fang Chong was only able to provide satellite data when he was not sure whether the zombies would continue to attack ...

"It seems to be waiting for everything, hoarding in the area where you are blocking the zombies today ..." Ling Ya switched the screen and marked it on the map at the same time ...

"They are waiting for the time, waiting for when everyone on our side is impatient, this is psychological warfare ..." Fang Chong heard such a news, his performance seemed more dignified, and the development of things went beyond him. Mastery ...

"Will it be Mutant Zombies, or are Mutant Zombies and Destroyers all there?" I heard Fang Chong say three words of psychological warfare. Several of them, Ling Ya, stopped tacitly without talking, and Fang Chong was right.

"It is very likely, but the night is their biggest cover. It is impossible to find the mutant zombies or the destroyers in the night. All we can do now is wait. Wait for the zombies to attack and see you Zhaozhao Zhao ... "Fang Chong shook his head gently. Said somewhat helplessly.

The guess of Huang Qianchuan's sentence is not unreasonable, but now even if they know that things are like this, but the environment is limited, no one has a better way ...

"Then let's take a break, save our strength, and wait for the zombies to throw themselves into the net ..." Huang Qianchuan didn't care about it anymore. After laughing at him, he sat down by the wall, his eyes narrowed slightly ....



Finally, around ten o'clock in the evening, a roar suddenly rang through the entire area of ​​the Jiangnan base city.

"Roar, roar, roar ..."

As the first roar rang, the second one followed, the third one, and in the end it was all the beasts crying together.

"Are you here?" Listening to the angry roar from the zombies, Fang Chong stood on the wall looking far ahead, listening to the rumbling footsteps, Fang Chong murmured in his mouth.

The real zombie attack really started.

Different from Fang Chong and their calmness, those soldiers who had fallen asleep just now, when they heard the shaking from the ground, they woke up almost at the same time, and immediately fired guns and aimed at the distance.

"Come here, good things have just begun ..." Knowing that their worries were not unnecessary, seeing the zombies were approaching, Huang Qianchuan laughed. They waited for no effect ...

"The real test finally kicked off ..." Fang Chong nodded. Signaled Ling Ya that they had increased their attention. Note if there is a Destroyer ...

"Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan, the zombies really attacked. What shall we do next?" After Fang Chong told Ling Ya they went to the wall again and watched the smoke and billowing scene, but Fang Chong also returned Before long, the fat commander's breathless voice sounded behind Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan ...

"You take care of it yourself? A scattered sand team can't stand the test ..." Fang Chong did not turn back, among the crowd who just questioned. Although there were no fat commanders, they did not stand up and called everyone to continue to wait, to believe Fang Chong them and so on ...

To be practical, Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan were a little disappointed. Also a little angry.

"It was indeed that we were wrong just now, but now if you don't help, there may still be a chance that the Jiangnan base city will not be able to keep it ..." Listening to the cold tone of Huang Qianchuan and Fang Chong, the fat commander's heart suddenly cooled down He knew that Fang Chong's treatment of him this way was undoubtedly a manifestation of his dissatisfaction ...

"Have you kept a relationship with us?" Huang Qianchuan heard the fat commander play such a card, and he smiled softly. From the perspective of Huang Qianchuan, the fat commander was sometimes 'cute' and naive.

The fat commander has time, but he is not so naive. So much time can be spent playing like the fat commander ...

"You guys ..." Hearing Huang Qianchuan's words, the fat commander's heart was a little bit hesitated. He knew Huang Qianchuan was really angry.

After all, they are not bodhisattvas, and the clay figurines have three-point fire. Not to mention that they are living people. Imagine when you put yourself in the imagination. They seem to remind everyone so many times. Those who are reminded are not just a word of gratitude, but some People also questioned them and were very dissatisfied with them ..... a lot of things are hard to hear.

"We are not saviors. Don't you think of how powerful and selfless we think. Sometimes it is necessary to make a price for some of our actions ..." Huang Qianchuan interrupted what the fat commander would say next ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Fat Commander, are you talking nonsense to your soldiers who are not going to command well to fight? They just bragged about how powerful they are now, it's really time for them to perform ..." Mu Ge saw the Fat Commander still not dead. What more to say, she went over and said.

Pastoral was just the most angry one. Then the soldiers do not know for the time being, but the fat commander is a commander. The highest power in Jiangnan base city.

Under such circumstances, such a person holding power did not dare to stand up and say a few words. We must know that many of his soldiers were prepared by Fang Chong.

"I see, we are ignorant ..." From Muge's words, the fat commander also knew that they were wrong, ridiculous, and to the point where Fang Chong could not forgive them at all. After thinking about this, he He walked away sadly.

He was very upset in his heart, and his arrogance caused such a situation, no wonder others ...

As for the existence or destruction of the Jiangnan base city, it is up to the fate.

"It's time to call Xiaoqi and Qin Lan back; there is a lesson for these unmanned soldiers in Jiangnan Base City. Too easy life always makes some people proud and arrogant ..." Fang Chong's eyes remained as he watched the fat commander leave. Looking at the direction in which the zombies ran away.

By this time, the speed of the zombies' advance was very fast, almost doubled.

And not only the speed has increased rapidly, the number is also amazing, and the dense crowds that can be seen by the eyes are zombies.

Often a cannonball hit it, leaving a space, but the next second, the bombed position was occupied by zombies ...

"Roar, roar, roar ..." Without the suppression of Xiaoqi and Qin Lan's fire, a few Terminators rushed to the front immediately, and a huge body of fifty or six meters high kept crashing against the defensive wall. The defensive wall was slamming, sand and stones scattered ...

Looking at this situation, the soldiers on the defensive wall panicked, not to mention the shaky feeling. They just lost the confidence of fighting just by seeing the huge body of the Terminator.

To be practical, they have seen such a huge zombie for the first time since the last days erupted.

The Terminator had appeared earlier, but when it first appeared, it was bombarded by Xiao Qi and Qin Lan. They saw it, but they were too far away and didn't feel much.

"Touch, touch ..." As the defensive wall was hit, the soldiers on the defensive wall became even more flustered. No matter the guns were not as smooth as before, the defense of the entire Jiangnan base city was almost chaotic. With more and more zombies gathering under the defensive wall, basically, this battle is about to be declared defeated, and it is a matter of time when the Jiangnan base city is broken by the zombies ...

………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Brother ~ www.readwn.com ~ What are we going to do now?" The situation is becoming less and less optimistic. At this time, not only the soldiers on the defensive wall panic, the survivors in the Jiangnan base city are even more panic, and there is abnormal noise everywhere. The last days seem to come again ...

Looking at these situations, Hu Bing's expression was extremely ugly. Jiangnan Base City, the place where they had worked so hard, couldn't keep it ...

"After the defense wall is knocked down, you find a chance to break through, and now you can't take care of the other ..." said the fat commander with a dumb look.

"Is there anything wrong with Fang Chong, why did the Terminators have no firepower to suppress it?" He Chu also came to the fat commander at this time. He was not here just now, so I didn't know Fang Chong and them The current relationship between commanders.

"(To be continued ...)


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