"It seems that we do not want to retreat… .." After hearing this roar through the sky, Huang Qianchuan and Fang Chong stopped involuntarily, and then, a loud roar sounded one after another, as if echoing, But Fang Chong feels that they are responding the most ...

Watching the original zombie army that had already retreated, Huang Qianchuan smiled bitterly, and said helplessly. m.

Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan are no strangers to the roar of the sky or the change of the zombie army. Needless to say, the Destroyer appeared.

Being able to save the morale of the zombie army at once, except for the king of the zombie, there is no prerequisite for the creature to do it.

Although the mutant zombie is clever, in the end it is only clever. In the zombie army, its role is always a military division, and it really decides the winner or the destroyer, the absolute king in the zombie.

Having experienced the combat power of the Destroyer once, Fang Chong and they agreed with it.

Although the Destroyer finally died in their hands, but if by chance, his long sword could be inserted into the Destroyer's heart, I am afraid that they would not be able to stand here today ....

After a few days, although Fang Chong, including Huang Qianchuan, has improved greatly, is the Destroyer still the same? Fang Chong did not have any knowledge in their hearts. As the absolute king among the zombies, the speed of the destroyer's improvement is not slow, and it can be said that it is very fast.

After Fang Chong knew that their opponent was the Destroyer, what they were most worried about was the level of Destroyer's strength. In other words, how long has the Destroyer in front of him been promoted?

Because the promotion time is an important basis for measuring the strength of the destroyer.

The destroyer they killed in Shanghai. Just recently promoted. Otherwise, replace it with a completely mature destroyer, even if there are ten more Fang Chong at that time, the destroyer can completely destroy them with one finger.

The difference between the mature type and the promotion just now is also the point that Fang Chong is most worried about.

However, a full-blown Destroyer cannot appear, and the time difference is absolute.

However, even if the full-blown Destroyer cannot appear, as long as it is a little stronger than the Destroyer who is promoted at the primary level, it is enough to admire them.


"This is not what you want?" Listening to Huang Qianchuan's complaint, Fang Chong smiled lightly. They were always worried about the possibility of the destroyer. They thought that the battle was about to end, and the victory belonged to the entire Jiangnan base city. when. I did not expect that the Destroyer came out at this time, and came down like a world ...

And this change is likely to become a turning point in the battle for the defense of the base city of Jiangnan, and it is a deadly turning point.

It's also time for Fang Chong to desperately, not desperately. Many of them were able to escape, but the base city in Jiangnan couldn't keep it.

With the height of the Destroyer approaching ten meters, and the body shape of a Titan giant, the defensive wall on which the base city of Jiangnan relied cannot survive his fists at all.

Because of this, Fang Chong had no choice but to fight except fighting.

"I want to fight, but I'm not stupid enough to go to the Destroyer to fight. This perverted guy is not terrible enough to have not experienced it ..." Hearing Fang Chong's words, Huang Qianchuan answered with a look of depression.

"Have you been scared?" Huang Qianchuan looked at the expression of depression. Fang Chong laughed.

"Uh ....." Hearing Fang Chong's words and the exaggerated expression on his face, Huang Qianchuan was even more depressed. Why wasn't Fang Chong even joking at this time ...

"Okay, don't play anymore, the business matters ..." Looking at Huang Qianchuan's expression now, Fang Chong held back a smile for a while.

"it is good….."

"Small army, you go back with the team first. The destroyer is not something you can deal with at this level ..." You can already feel the slight tremor of the earth because the destroyer runs, Fang Chong turned and told the small army One sentence. * /. // *

Just now the whole team stopped as the two of them stopped.

Having determined that the mutation was due to the destroyers, Fang Chong knew that Xiaojun could not help them anymore.

It is true that their strength is not weak, but the zombie king at the level of the Destroyer can no longer be described as ordinary.

Even if they are now 250-level strength. There is also no certainty of victory.

He and Huang Qianchuan are ready to fight.

"I don't, I want to help ...." Xiao Jun's expression was stubborn when he heard Fang Chong drive them away ...

"Listen to the order, if you don't want us to be distracted, injured or killed because we want to take care of you. Just take the team back ..." Knowing that Xiaojun is not old, but Fang Chong has a strong temper. He didn't say much, just stated the pros and cons. He believed that the army could understand ...

"Then you tell me, what was that roar just now ..." Xiaojun did not expect Fang Chong to say to him. From Fang Chong's solemn expression and serious tone, Xiaojun knew that Fang Chong was not joking.

However, he couldn't believe what it was that could make Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan nervous like this. In the eyes of Xiaojun, Fang Chong was very powerful. That's what he thought after he knew Fang Chong from the beginning. After all, he never I have seen Fang Chong fail.

So he was curious and curious! In the end what is Dongdong so powerful. Can make the roar that rang through the sky just like that ...

"Destroyer ..." Fang Chong looked at Xiaojun and spit out three words lightly.

"Destroyer ..." After hearing the legendary name, Xiaojun's expression changed.

He also knew that Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan would be so worried. The only time in Fang Chong's memory that he was injured was ten days ago. The injury was caused by the destroyer.

It can be said that because it cares, Xiaojun is very sensitive to this name.


"What was the voice just now?" Never heard. Never imagined. Standing on the defensive wall of the base city of Jiangnan, the fat commanders heard that they could hear the roar of the sky.

"That voice is?" Looking at Ling Ya and Muge's faces changing, Yu Wenjing asked very puzzledly. The changes in Ling Ya and Muge were all caused by that roar.

What exactly did that roar represent? Yu Wenjing is also curious ...

But after seeing the changes on the faces of Muge and Ling Ya, she was more curious and more worried.

"Destroyer ..." Ling Ya suddenly stood up, holding a telescope in her hand, looking around, as if looking for something ...

"Destroyer?" Listening to these three words, Yu Wenjing frowned. She didn't know what these three words meant, but she was familiar. It seemed to have been heard somewhere recently, but one thing she could be sure of was that the destroyer should be one of the zombies. Zombies like Hulk ...

"The king of zombies. There is a metamorphosis of more than three hundred fighting powers, whether it is offensive or defensive capabilities, which can be called horrible ..." Muge didn't look back, but she knew that Yu Wenjing should be very curious at this time, while pointing her finger Flutter on the keyboard while explaining ...

"Isn't that Fang Chong them very dangerous, and the Jiangnan base city is also dangerous?" After listening to the introduction of Muge, Yu Wenjing's expression became a little pale for a moment, and she finally understood why Ling Ya, who had been calm and unpredictable, was listening. After such a roar, his face changed greatly.

"What are you talking about?" The fat commander, who came from other places, and several others, just heard the last introduction of Muge. When Yu Wenjing finished speaking, he couldn't help but interject.

Already knowing the division of human strength including zombies, mutant creatures, etc. after the end of the world, he knows more what the three hundred or more levels represent. He was still desperate with a hint of luck ...

"Am I so boring?" Muge didn't look back. She was searching quickly. She had to find the destroyers, and at the same time determine how many destroyers were in the army of zombies surrounding the base city of Jiangnan.

She didn't want to see Fang Chong trying to kill the destroyers after they worked hard. There is a back ...

Pastoral has a plan in mind, if the number of destroyers exceeds one, they will flee ...


"Roar ..." As the army left, the army of zombies had regrouped, and another roar rang through the sky. The army of zombies poured out like a tide.

However, the goal was not Fang Chong, but Jiangnan base city in the distance. .

"This guy is indeed the king of zombies. With a roar of light, the zombies that had been deprived of the six gods suddenly recovered?" Watching the zombies continue to attack, although Huang Qianchuan was prepared, he really saw the zombies attacking with all his strength. He Still quite touched.

He knew that without killing the Destroyer, it would not be possible to do so today.

"Go! This guy must solve ..." Fang Chong did not answer Huang Qianchuan's words, his eyes stared at the destroyer. There is no need to worry about Jiangnan Base City for the time being. Although the Destroyer appears to be able to restore some of the slump, human beings have human advantages. As long as the Destroyer is not close to the defensive wall of Jiangnan Base City, the fat commander can hold them.

So Fang Chong knew that today's victory will be in their battle with the destroyers.

"Understand, isn't it just a small destroyer? It's not that it hasn't been killed ..." Huang Fangchuan turned his head when he heard Fang Chong's words, and their eyes stared at the destroyer hundreds of meters away. .

But his mouth was easy to say, but Huang Qianchuan's expression did not have any joking charm in it, and his eyes were dignified.

"I stunned you ..." Fang Chongshen took a deep breath, and after a word, his body suddenly moved.

The sword was killed, and Fang Chong rushed straight up.

"Okay ....." Huang Qianchuan understood the meaning of Fang Chong, and the two people have not cooperated in fighting once or twice. As Fang Chong rushed out, he followed him ...

"Hou ..." I didn't know if it was murderous or the airflow changed. Fang Chong moved them. The mutation did not notice that their destroyer turned his head at this time.

A pair of red eyes in the night stared at Fang Chong fiercely. Then there was an angry roar.

"Kill ..." Fang Chong reacted though some accidental destroyers. But he has already rushed to fight, and he has no reason to change direction, and the huge body of the destroyer can still create some opportunities for him. It can be said that the huge body of the destroyer is an advantage and a disadvantage ...

"Human, die ..." Seeing Fang Chong still moved unmoved, the destroyer moved, and at the same time his mouth was vaguely spoken of three words, but although they were vague, Fang Chong could still clearly hear What means….

"Dead. Who is dead yet do not know?" Listening to the provocative words of the destroyer, Huang Qianchuan was not a fuel-saving lamp, he yelled while rushing. There seemed to be an idea of ​​scolding the winner with the destroyer.

"Roar ..." Listening to Huang Qianchuan's provocation, the destroyer roared again, and at the same time, Fang Chong found that the speed of the destroyer had increased by a few points.

"Touch ..." Fang Chongtian speeded up unexpectedly. The distance of tens of meters was pulled down by the destroyer's acceleration. It can be said that the destroyer appeared to Fang Chong in an instant. .

Facing this sudden change, Fang Chong's preparations for all attacks have become futile, and the sight of the fist of the Destroyer is getting bigger and bigger. Fang Chong was only able to change gears one by one, use the time difference, and change to a deadly punch to avoid the destroyer.

The fist was short, and it was directly bombarded on a passenger car on the road. Instantly, the passenger car of several tons flew up and flew straight for hundreds of meters before falling heavily.

Looking at such a power, Fang Chong was startled. The power of the Destroyer was really unimaginable. In his case, he threw out a passenger car. But it is tens of meters at most.

"Come again ..." Fang Chong was surprised by the punch of the Destroyer, but he was not afraid. The stronger the Destroyer was, the stronger his fighting spirit became, and he stabilized his body. He jumped, and his body rushed straight for the Destroyer instantly.


"Fat Commander. Don't be embarrassed anymore. The destroyer is Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan. We must stop the zombie counterattack ..." Watching the Fat Commander after he heard the situation of the destroyer, he was scared to the six gods After the look, Muge urged silently.

After seeing Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan confront the Destroyer through the satellite system, she suddenly guessed Fang Chong's thoughts ...

"Did the zombie attack again?" Hearing the words of Muge, the fat commander struck a spirit.

Although he is not greedy for fear of death, but thinking that the Destroyer is so powerful, he lost all confidence, and even planned to give up the battle ...

"Of course, except for a few of us now, no one else knows what happened. It is not a problem for you to command. It's not a problem to keep the base city ..." Mu Ge saw that the fat commander was still sacred, and she continued urging very silently. .

Afraid that the zombies will not stop attacking, and in the case that most soldiers do not know the terror of the destroyer, as long as morale is not dispersed, there will be no problem in keeping Jiangnan base city.

And the only thing that can change the battle is the destroyer. Now the destroyer is dragged by Fang Chong and they have little to do with it. They can be repelled just now, and they are the same now ...

"What are you talking about?" Hearing the reminder of Muge, Fat Commander's expression was a joy, and he found that he had overlooked this most important link.

"Crap!" Muge said angrily, and this fat commander was too vocal ...

"Okay, I went ..."

As the army of zombies re-approached their defenses, more fierce fire was scattered from the wall than before. Soon, the attack of the immortal army was stopped at once, and the pace of progress stopped abruptly.

Seeing the situation improved, the fat commander also worked harder, and the scale of victory gradually turned to them ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

While the defense wall was slowly reversing some disadvantages, Fang Chong and their two sides also fought dozens of rounds with the Destroyer. The fighting process was equally fierce, and Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan also hung on their bodies. There are several places of color, which look very embarrassing, especially Fang Chong. The feather defense in the armor set has been destroyed. He put on a normal black suit again, and the injury is much more serious than that of Huang Qianchuan ...

"Come again ..." After attacking the destroyed one again, Fang Chong took the sword and continued to rush forward.

After several wounds have been created in the Destroyer's Zombie, Fang Chong's target is still the position of the Destroyer's chest, which is the Achilles' heel of the Destroyer. As for the head, Fang Chongke does not have the confidence to defeat the Destroyed. Eyes of the people ...

"Okay ..." Knowing that only the sword in Fang Chong's hands could provide defense for the destroyer, Huang Qianchuan understood that Fang Chong's purpose was the position of the destroyer's chest, and he followed.

If he can't break the defense of the destroyer, he will cover it, confuse the destroyer, and attract the attention of the destroyer ~ www.readwn.com ~ Create opportunities for Fang Chong ...

Knowing that this time was a wrong chance, Huang Qianchuan was yelled, the purpose was to attract the attention of the destroyer ...

"Be careful ..." Knowing that Huang Qianchuan is about to take risks, Fang Chong's expression is more focused and more serious ...

"Hou… .." After fighting for so long, there is still no way to kill Fang Chong. The destroyer is getting more and more angry, and the attack is more chaotic. After seeing Fang Chong's continued provocation, it explodes. This time he is not here. Gu Zuoyou, he only has Huang Qianchuan in his eyes, a human who has always challenged him ...

"Opportunity ..." After knowing that the destroyer's attention was completely attracted to him, Huang Qianchuan shouted two words.

"Understand ..." Of course, Fang Chong had the opportunity to discover this. After the destroyer attacked Huang Qianchuan, he put a lot of effort under his feet, and his body suddenly rose up, rushing towards the destroyer beyond his limit speed ...

Long sword pierced in front ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued.)

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