I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 437: Well hurt?



The Destroyer roared, and his huge body flew to the Emperor Qianchuan desperately, with his huge fist in front, and swept straight towards the Emperor Qianchuan ...

"Bash ..." In order to give Fang Chong a chance, Huang Qianchuan faced the attack of the Destroyer. When he gritted his teeth, his expression flashed a little yell, and the sword in his hand broke suddenly. m []

"Cang ..." There was still no miracle. Huang Qianchuan's sword slammed into the fist of the Destroyer. After making a crisp collision sound, Huang Qianchuan's whole person flew out like a disconnected kite ...

"Damn… .." Huang Qianchuan who was Zhenfei was unwilling, but the gap in strength was there.

After spitting out blood, Huang Qianchuan could not help watching his body getting farther and farther from the destroyer ...

"Destroyer, destroy it ..." There was no time to think about what happened to Huang Qianchuan. Fang Chong flew out of Huang Qianchuan's body: in an instant, his entire body had risen high.

The long sword in his hand was not stabbed in the slightest hesitation, and his eyes were determined.

"Hmm ..."

Huang Qianchuan's efforts were not in vain, Fang Chong's sword did not have the slightest difference in the chest position of the destroyer, Fang Chong did not retain the slightest reservation, all the swords with a length of over one meter were all submerged ...

"Go to death?" Eyed Huang Qianchuan's body fell heavily on the ground, while Fang Chong shouted, while holding his sword in both hands to continue to exert force, the blade turned around the Destroyer's chest ...

After completing these two actions in a short time, Fang Chong's feet were on the chest of the destroyer. Both hands are working at the same time. The sword is pulled away ...

"Roar ..." Finally, the severe pain in the chest caused the Destroyer to lower his head and see Fang Chong's falling body and the **** wound on the chest, and the Destroyer screamed in the sky.

At the same time, two fists that were a little bigger than the big water tank crashed down towards Fang Chong ...

"Bang ..." Fang Chong fell into the ground with some embarrassment, and as soon as he stabilized his body, a rumbling wind sounded from his ears. Instantly, Fang Chong's pores erected instantly.

Urgent. On the side of Fang Chong's body, he receded to the place where the destroyer's feet stood ...

Although this action was risky, at this time, the choice was undoubtedly right, after a loud noise. The smoke is filling ...

The destroyer lost his punch.

Fang Chong crawled out of the gravel pile, he escaped luckyly, but he was not so lucky in the place where he settled before, and the heavy punch of the destroyer with huge power directly blasted one by one. How deep is a meter, a few meters wide pit comes out, the power can be seen ...

"Almost… .." Fang Chong breathed slightly, although a series of actions just now has not caused him any substantial harm, but the risk-taking action is undoubtedly a huge physical exertion ...

"Roar ..." As soon as Fang Chong got up, the Destroyer bellowed with a terrible breath. This voice frightened Fang Chong, but Fang Chong immediately discovered that the destroyer could no longer stand up, and the blood-red blood had flowed all over the floor.

It seems that the fist-sized wound has caused fatal injuries to the destroyer ...

"Boom ..." As soon as Fang Chong's idea fell, the entire body of the Destroyer fell to the ground ...

"Is this dead?" Fang Chong looked at the Destroyer lying on the ground with a look of expression, and then he understood that all the attacks worked and the Destroyer died. [Read the novel ~]

Watching this unexpected victory, he shook his head slightly. Suddenly I remembered Huang Qianchuan, who didn't know how to die, suddenly pulled his leg and ran towards the place where he fell ...


"Relax! Brother Qianchuan will be fine ..." The scene where Huang Qianchuan was destroyed by the destroyer, both the idyll and Yu Wenjing sitting in front of the laptop screen could see clearly.

The idyll is okay, knowing the true strength of Huang Qianchuan and wearing a armor set on him, he was hit by the destroyer. The injury was certain, but the multiple injuries were unknown. But being killed is impossible.

In an environment like the last days, the only good thing is that human vitality has also become strong. As long as there is a breath, basically it is impossible to die, especially the more powerful human beings, the greater the possibility of recovery.

And they are different from other survivors, Fang Chong can always surprise them.

The destroyer has been killed, Fang Chong rushed to the past, only a few minutes ...

In such a short period of time, even if Huang Qianchuan was fatally injured, he must have breath now.

Based on these circumstances, Muge can tell Yu Wenjing very surely that Huang Qianchuan will not die, and that he will not lack arms and legs, but will be weak for a few days at most ...

"Really? He was hit by a fist by the destroyer just now. You know he's not much bigger than that ..." Yu Wenjing looked at Muge with suspicion.

The expression of Muge doesn't seem to lie to her, but she dare not imagine that under the aggressiveness just now, will Huang Qianchuan be all right?

"What did I lie to you? I screamed Brother Qianchuan one by one. If he had an accident, can I be so heartless and lungless?" In order to reassure Yu Wenjing, she patted her chest and promised ...

"That's good, let's go check it out, too?" Yu Wenjing heard what Muge said again, but nodded and believed, but she was still not assured, at least until she saw it with her own eyes, she was still skeptical ... .

"Okay, the destroyer is dead, and the zombie army has suffered heavy losses in another attack. We can say that we have won the battle in the Jiangnan base city, and there is not much danger to go out ..." Muge nodded, and she also Wanna go and see.

Just now Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan were injured, Fang Chong did not know what happened ...

After having the idea, Muge didn't drag and drop. After putting down the notebook, he pulled Yu Wenjing and rushed down.

Looking for Lingya while running ...

Ling Ya long after Fang Chong and they dragged the destroyers. She took the army and killed them in the army of zombies.

Jiangnan base city can win in the second wave of mad zombie attacks. Lingya, they all contributed ...


"Brothers are okay?" Fang Chong was thinking of Huang Qianchuan and didn't know if he was dead or alive. He soon came to his side and looked at Huang Qianchuan with his eyes closed. He was startled and pale. Seems less optimistic ...

Without much thought, Fang Chong immediately took out several bottles of gene repair drugs and poured them into Huang Qianchuan's mouth. []

After a few minutes, Huang Qianchuan finally moved, his eyelids trembled slightly ...

"Can't die yet, Destroyer. How powerful is it?" Huang Qianchuan finally opened his eyes and scolded his mouth. He was almost beaten to death with a punch. No wonder he was not depressed.

"It's okay to die. Injury is a good thing for you now ..." Hearing Huang Qianchuan will also scold others, Fang Chong can let go of a hanging heart.

"Yeah! It ’s good to see me injured? When is it good to be injured?" Huang Qianchuan almost heard Fang Chong's words, and he was almost furious. Say no good ...

"Think about it yourself, did I make a mistake? Your injury today has been too much in time ..." Fang Chong continued.

"What do you mean, make it clear ..." Originally thought that Fang Chong was teasing himself, but looking at Fang Chong did not seem like a joke, he was puzzled ...

"Yu Wenjing ..." Fang Chong said a name.

"What is Guan Yuwenjing?" Huang Qianchuan frowned, and Fang Chong first said that his injury was a good thing. Then he pulled Yu Wenjing again, he was confused by Huang Qianchuan ...

"Opportunity! You don't want to think about it. You Wenwen was injured. She definitely saw it. She was already worried about her. She was worried and sure. And you can't die now, just injured, not for you. Good chance? "Fang Chong said with a treacherous smile.

"You mean?" Listening to Fang Chong's words so plainly, Huang Qianchuan understood something.

It's time to open the wood ...

"Yes, that's what I mean, as long as you are injured. She will definitely take care of you, and whether your relationship can make rapid progress during this time depends on yourself." Fang Chong nodded, he I did not expect such a simple matter to explain to Huang Qianchuan for so long.

"Oh, it's true ..." Huang Qianchuan laughed at Fang Chong. But his hand to touch his head made him hoarse and grin just halfway through the movement.

Life is worry-free, but it is impossible for the body to rest for a few days so fast ...

"Crap. When did the brother say something that made no sense ..." Fang Chong rolled his eyes.

"But you said, would Yu Wenjing think I was killed by the destroyer, and turned and ran away?" Huang Qianchuan suddenly thought of another possibility.

"Why are you dead? What are you doing? Let's hate her?" Fang Chong was a little speechless, and Huang Qianchuan was an idiot.

"Really?" Huang Qianchuan looked a little worried.

"If you are half alive and half dead, she might run down ..." Fang Chong thought and said.

"Why?" Huang Qianchuan heard Fang Chong's words, his eyes widened instantly, Fang Chong had something in his words.

"You don't believe it yourself. If you're half-attacked, half-dead, or missing arms or legs, she's not afraid? In an environment like the last days, who wants to put up a wasteful man ..." Fang Chong laughed.

"What you mean is that she may have really run away ...". Although Huang Qianchuan knew that he was intact now, as long as he rested for a few days, it would not be a problem, but Fang Chong's words still worried him, not his own. Body, but worried that Yu Wenjing is still there ...

"To be honest, there is such a possibility, but you do n’t have to worry about such a woman if she runs away! Such a woman!" Fang Chong himself was a little hesitant, and he regretted that he had helped Huang Qianchuan to take the next It is too beautiful to portray seriously. If Yu Wenjing really ran away, he would be guilty ...

"I understand ..." Hearing Fang Chong's words, Huang Qianchuan nodded.

But the look of the eyes suddenly dimmed a lot ...

Seeing Huang Qianchuan like this, Fang Chong was only able to pat his shoulder gently ...


The artillery fire continued. Not dare to kill the destroyers after Fang Chong them. The roar of the zombies suddenly fell to freezing point, and slowly, the army of zombies had begun to retreat.

Before, Fang Chong was a little worried that when the zombies retreated, he would cause some trouble. After all, he was a living person standing here, and he also took care of Huang Qianchuan.

But soon, Fang Chong found that he thought wrong. Although the zombies retreated, they retreated like the tide, but they were in this area, and no zombies came.

Fang Chong was surprised when he looked at this situation. At first he was narcissistic and thought that his murderousness had reached the point where the zombies could be frightened. But after the eyes reached the Destroyer's body, his expression was a little depressed.

He thought of the cause when he saw the corpse of the destroyer.

The zombie was not afraid of him, but because the body of the destroyer was here.

Fear of being able to kill the Destroyer ...

"Haha, it's still me ..." Fang Chong immediately laughed again. The zombie is afraid of the person who killed the destroyer, and he is not the person who killed the destroyer?

Fang Chong felt a little complacent ...

"Narcissistic ..." Depressed Huang Qianchuan heard Fang Chong talking to himself, and closed his eyes silently.

However, when Fang Chong was so troubled, he felt better, and he would not be so worried about Yu Wenjing's incident just now ...

"You can't control ..." Fang Chong also sat down, and as the zombie army dropped hundreds of thousands of corpses and retreated at the same time, it undoubtedly shows that their battle for the defense of the Jiangnan base city has been won ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Ten minutes later, the number of zombies can be seen in Fang Chong's vision, and more and more human footsteps followed.

Fang Chong knew that it was the survivors of the base city in Jiangnan who came out of the base city to collect the muscle meat in the zombies.

From Fang Chong to the Jiangnan base city after the extraction technology of gene medicine. No matter fat commanders and others or Qu Lao, they can no longer waste these.

Hundreds of thousands of zombies today are enough to increase the combatability of Jiangnan Base City, and this upgrade is a benign circulation system, and Jiangnan Base City will become stronger and stronger.

And Fang Chong also believed that today ’s defense battle was won, and the destroyers were killed by them, so for a long time to come, Jiangnan base city can rest easy, but this is not to say that Jiangnan base city is really Completely safe, although there is less danger from zombies. There is no need to worry about the mutant creatures because of the topography of the base city of Jiangnan, but Fang Chong frowned slightly with the poisonous Zach that appeared earlier today.

Poisoned Zach has actually appeared in this place, which shows that this place in Jiangnan Base City is not 100% safe.

The existence of the Zak people has caused many unstable factors in the base city of Jiangnan….

"Fang Chong, are you all right?" The sound of footsteps walking towards them caught Fang Chong's attention, Fang Chong just looked up. The voice of the idyll came over ...

"It's okay, why are you guys coming out ..." Gently raised his head. Fang Chong saw the lovely face of Muge all at once, and asked a little while smiling.

"If we don't come out and see someone, someone is going to die… .." Muge saw that Fang Chong stood up and nothing happened, she smiled happily. While talking, she pointed at her after Yu Wenjing ...

"Oh, I see ..." Fang Chong saw Yu Wenjing for a while, but was surprised to be banned soon. Yu Wenjing appeared, which does not mean that all his previous concerns were superfluous. No need to worry about Huang Qianchuan's disappointment or despair after hearing that Yu Wenjing ran away.

It can be said that seeing the appearance of Yu Wenjing, Fang Chong was no less happy than Huang Qianchuan.

"Sister Yuwen, our brother Qianchuan is lying here. Would you please accept it without arms and legs? If there is no problem, you will sign for us and we will go back to rest ..." Muge is a smart Girl, she had already guessed some problems when she saw Fang Chong's surprise when he saw Yu Wenjing.

So with the gesture of Fang Chong's eyes, she caught the focus at once ...

Huang Qianchuan, who had been keeping his eyes closed, heard the words of the sister Yuwen by Muge, and he supported the ground with both hands, trying to get his body upright ...

"Xiaoge you ..." Listening to such explicit words from Muge, Yu Wenjing's expression turned red instantly, and she looked at Muge with annoyance, but she paid more attention to Huang Qianchuan's body.

Seeing Huang Qianchuan trying to sit up, she hurried over ...

"Hey, are you so proactive, are you still afraid that I am making fun of you?" Muge pouted his lips, Yu Wenjing's behavior was a bit of a lie.

"Xiaoge… .." Yu Wenjing was supposed to run into Huang Qianchuan's hands. After the song was spoken by Mengge, she quickly shrank back like an electric shock ~ www.readwn.com ~ and kept a distance from Huang Qianchuan.

"Uh ....." Seeing Yu Wenjing unexpectedly retracted his hands, Muge's expression was depressed, he could even think of Huang Qianchuan scolding her ...

"Ah…." Just when Muge didn't know how to re-create Huang Qianchuan's opportunity to make up for her fault, Huang Qianchuan screamed unexpectedly, and had already sat upright with his hands and a half, After he screamed, he fell down ...

"Be careful ..." After seeing this scene, Fang Chong shouted the word "careful", and he jumped over.

However, his speed is fast, but in this case today, his speed is much inferior to Yu Wenjing. Fang Chong has just started, Yu Wenjing has appeared beside Huang Qianchuan.

…………………………………………………………………………………… .. (to be continued.)


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