"Um, this speed ....." Looking at Yu Wenjing, who had helped Huang Qianchuan, appeared behind Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong's expression was full of surprise, how could he never imagine that Yu Wenjing's speed could reach this level?

"Couldn't Yu Wenjing be a speed-evolver?" Fang Chong wondered for a while, he thought. But soon, this idea was overthrown by himself. If it is really an evolutionary, the eschatology has erupted for so long, it has been manifested long ago, and it is impossible to wait until now.

"Why is that?" Fang Chong became even more puzzled when he felt that was not the case.

"That's the power of love ..." Yu Wenjing was also surprised at the speed of the idyll. After hearing Fang Chong talking to herself, she leaned on Fang Chong's shoulder with a smile.

"The power of love?" After Fang Chong heard Muge said this, his attention was refocused on Yu Wenjing and Huang Qianchuan. Indeed, he can now read this from Yu Wenjing's nervous expression. An emotion ...

Of course, Fang Chong was also very surprised. The relationship between Huang Qianchuan and Yu Wenjing could have progressed so fast? But the fact is before them, they ca n’t believe it ...

"Do you think Huang Qianchuan just pretends that this fall ...?" Watching Yu Wenjing chilling and warming up beside Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong suddenly thought of this.

"It's possible that your man is the most cunning ..." Muge was said by Fang Chong, and then saw Huang Qianchuan now half snuggled in Yu Wen's peace, she agreed.

"What is your man, Huang Qianchuan is his Huang Qianchuan. I am me, and I disdain to use this deceit and sympathy ..." Fang Chong did not expect that he could even make a move when lying down, his expression was depressed. I feel wronged to justify myself ...

"You are really so brave, brave ..." Listening to Fang Chong's utterance of these words, Muge stared suspiciously at Fang Chong.

"Of course ..." Fang Chongyi took for granted.

However, he regretted it after answering, because he found that a strange smile appeared on the expression of Muge after he answered this sentence. He can imagine what happened next ...

"Okay, then you bravely say to sister Lingya I love you ..." Muge said.

"Uh ....." Fang Chong did not expect that the idyllic song had such an idea, he was a bit messy ...

"How? Don't dare? Love doesn't dare to say ..." Muge's eyes glanced at Fang Chong.

"Mage song. So many people here, don't make a joke ..." Ling Ya knew that Fang Chong was still a big boy in this respect, a bit shy. Although I really hoped that Fang Chong would say these three to her alone Words. But she obviously does not want Fang Chong to be difficult ...

"He said that, didn't I just ask for it?" Muge looked disappointed. Although he knew Fang Chong's intentions, who wouldn't want to hear such a woman!

"When I go back, I will say ..." Fang Chong was a little embarrassed when he looked at it like that. But there are so many people here, he really can't tell, but he gritted his teeth and made a promise ...

"Okay. Going back is fine, but you have to face the three of us. Each of them will say it alone ..." Muge's face filled with a smile, obviously she was so tricky ...

"Okay ..." Fang Chong also knows that this is the ultimate goal of Muge. But isn't that just saying three more words twice? What's so called, not to mention he is sincere.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Huang Qianchuan, how do you feel? If there is no problem, we will return to the base city of Jiangnan?" Fang Chong had already dealt with the body of the destroyer, it was already late at night, to be honest, Fang Chong was also a little tired.

"Okay, go back ...." Huang Qianchuan has been cuddling with Yu Wenjing just now. The feeling of warm and caring from Yu Wenjing makes him very dependent. But you ca n’t stay here all night, right? And Huang Qianchuan was surprised to find that Yu Wenjing could really take care of him as Fang Chong had guessed before ...

Thinking of this possibility, Huang Qianchuan's expression was even richer.

"Be careful ..." After Yu Wenjing made her decision, she was not so shy. Although her face was still red when she helped Huang Qianchuan to walk, she was much better than she was at the beginning, and she gradually didn't care about the idyll. Isn't it ridiculous.

She enjoyed and enjoyed this sweet feeling. Although Huang Qianchuan was very woody, she could read Huang Qianchuan's meaning from the eyes of Huang Qianchuan.

"Tired?" When he returned to the base city of Jiangnan, Yu Wenjing was sweating a lot, and his back was soaked. Looking at Yu Wenjing like this, Huang Qianchuan felt very sorry.

Although he enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of, he felt a little guilty when he saw Yu Wenjing being so tired.

"It's okay, as long as you're fine, I'll be okay ..." Yu Wenjing helped Huang Qianchuan lie down and lit the lights in Jiangnan base city. She found a towel like Huang Qianchuan to wipe his face, and put his own blood on it. Part of the blood from the destroyers, including other zombies, was scrubbed clean ...

Yu Wenjing, with a serious expression, is very gentle, as if his wife is a bad husband ...

"You are so good ..." Looking at Yu Wenjing's serious look, Huang Qianchuan finally couldn't help it, boldly reached out his hand, and gently touched Yu Wenjing's face.

When Yu Wenjing's hand touched Yu Wenjing's face, Yu Wenjing's movements in her hand were obviously stiff, and her breathing was slightly agitated.

The face that had returned to normal was slightly reddish and looked more beautiful and moving.

"Did you show the Mu Na that you intended ........." Yu Wenjing gently covered a small, boneless hand with Huang Qianchuan's big hand on her face, and gently pressed it to let Huang Qianchuan's hands can make full contact with the skin on her face.

She didn't know that she was as bold as Huang Qianchuan, and her movements became more and more intimate. She even had some doubts, if it was not for Huang Qianchuan. Are they now in a relationship where they can meet naked and naked?

"No, I didn't pretend, really ...." Huang Qianchuan didn't expect Yu Wenjing to ask such a question. Suddenly he realized that he was bolder now.

"Oh, I didn't blame you again, be careful to move the wound ..." Yu Wenjing looked at Huang Qianchuan nervously, she knew her worry was unnecessary.

"Really?" Huang Qianchuan rejoiced, he knew he had succeeded. Has gained beauty ...



Suddenly, a door opening interrupted Huang Qianchuan and Yu Wenjing's sweet moves.

"Don't we come at the right time, something bad ..." Watching Yu Wenjing's nervous back step, and a red expression on her face. Fang Chonghe and Muge, who came in, looked ambiguous.

"Are you guys?" Huang Qianchuan responded quickly. No one, Muge continued to talk. He knew that if Muge continued to talk, he and Yu Wenjing were afraid to find a hole to drill in.

"Can't come to see you if you're fine?" Muge looked at Huang Qianchuan deliberately. "Is Brother Qianchuan forgotten?"

"No, no. I just thought you were all tired ..." Huang Qianchuan was crying. The girl named Muge was obviously intentional, but he did not have the opportunity to refute it intentionally.

"Well, we made clear the purpose of our visit, and you were hurt. There must always be someone to take care of it at night? With so many of us, who do you want to take care of, you say ..." Fang Chong also did not want the pastoral The joke is overdone, the best is the best ...

And they really have a purpose. The purpose is to fuel the current relationship between Huang Qianchuan and Yu Wenjing and make their love more violent ...

"Take care of ..." Huang Qianchuan stared at Fang Chong. Taking care of the two words significantly increased the tone.

"That's right, otherwise she will be pastoral? She is your sister. This is the best ..." Fang Chong ignored the reminder of Huang Qianchuan and said to himself.

"Yes, the most suitable one for me to stay, what do you say? Brother Qianchuan?" Muge sat down at the bed and said with a smile, but this expression seemed a little creepy to Huang Qianchuan.

At this time Huang Qianchuan discovered that they were not here to take care of him, obviously they were to destroy it?

Yu Wenjing took good care of him. What are they doing here?

"I'm here again, and you're all going to rest ..." When Huang Qianchuan was depressed, Yu Wenjing said something unexpectedly.

"Sister Yuwen, do you take care? Isn't it okay?" Muge was somewhat surprised. Yu Wenjing would stand up and say at this time, her expression was slightly surprised.

"Why?" Yu Wenjing didn't flinch, she also knew that Muge had deliberately done it.

"Yeah, why?" Huang Qianchuan didn't flinch at this time. Yu Wenjing could be so bold, why couldn't he?

"Think about it, lonely boys and widows, not so good? And we are brothers and sisters, obviously there is no such problem to worry about ..." Muge explained.

"Then why are you clinging to Fang Chong from day to night?" Huang Qianchuan was also angry, and they dared to destroy it.

"I like Fang Chong? He likes me too, our lovers are very common together ..." Muge raised a brow playfully, and she was not afraid of Huang Qianchuan's unveiling of the bottom.

"Okay, that ’s where the joke is. We are actually here to see you and give Yu Wenjing something. Are you restless? We believe Yu Wenjing can take good care of you ...." Huang Qianchuan, Qin Lan came out and said.

"Give me something?" Yu Wenjing was puzzled when he heard Qin Lan's words.

"That's right, I'll give you something ..." With the attention of Yu Wenjing and Huang Qianchuan, Qin Lan took out a bag and put it in the hands of Huang Qianchuan and Yu Wenjing who was sitting back at the bedside of Huang Qianchuan.

"What is it?" Huang Qianchuan asked again. They seemed to have nothing missing. Could the last days be compared with before the last days, they used to give gifts ...

"Battle suit ..." Qin Lan said.

"Wipe, I forgot this thing ..." Huang Qianchuan heard Qin Lan's name and suddenly realized.

"Well, we have delivered the things, and we should go, otherwise, it will be hated by you ..." Qin Lan said. "As for how to wear the armor suit, Huang Qianchuan, you have taught Yu Wenjing yourself. How many of us can't say ..."

"Okay, I understand ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded. To be honest with him, he really wanted them to leave, and their presence here would only make them both embarrassed and embarrassed.


"I know why Fang Chong you arranged Brother Qianchuan's room in this small room ..." After handing the suit of armor to Yu Wenjing, Fang Chong left.

While walking towards their own room, Muge had a deep smile on his face.

"Why?" Ling Ya asked curiously, and she didn't find it strange. That room is the closest to the door. Isn't Huang Qianchuan the best choice to live there?

"If you think about it, that room is so small, what will happen when Sister Yuwen puts on a suit of armor?" Muge smiled vaguely.

"Oh ..." Ling Ya and Qin Lan heard Muge's explanation. At the same time suddenly realized.

"Do n’t you have too much imagination, it makes me seem to focus my mind on this kind of thing all day ..." I felt that the eyes of the three women were focused on him, Fang Chong was depressed, he really Wronged! Imagine these thought to be coincidences.

"That's what you guys do, we know ..." Muge gave us an expression of unbelief.

"We have the power to remain skeptical ..." Looking at Fang Chongtou asking them for help. Ling Ya and Qin Lan stated their position ...

"Uh ..." Fang Chong knew that he was isolated again.

But they were used to this treatment, and Fang Chong followed them after they entered the room.

"The defense battle has been won, should we also go back to Shanghai?" Everyone sat down. Qin Lan had spoken first. It was of great significance to kill the destroyer today. Basically, the threat that Jiangnan base city will face in the future is cut off. They are leaving now without any problems. Moreover, the extraction technology of gene drugs has been left, they also believe that in the near future, the strength of Jiangnan base city will be greatly improved.

"It's time to go back. After returning to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, we must mention as much strength as possible, develop materials, resources, and prepare for the future ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Qin Lan said what he thought.

In addition, Fang Chong also wanted to contact the base cities in the entire Huaxia region as much as possible, and twist all the Huaxia people into one as much as possible. That kind of power was huge.

Chong Qiang may not dare to imagine this problem, but it is not the same now. The strength is here. Once this time brings a group of survivors from the base city of Jiangnan, their strength will continue to increase in a short time.

Everything is lacking in the last days, that is, there is no shortage of zombies, not to mention the rest of the earth, China alone has billions of dollars. How many strong people can this number of zombies create? Is conceivable ...

"The area between Jiangnan Base City and Shanghai City is one of the most suitable land for grain growth in the entire Huaxia region. We can start from this aspect, and the fat commanders should have a good experience?" Qin Lan said.

"Yes, I think so too. Now that China has a small population, as long as it can develop into a food base here in the Yangtze River Delta Plain, there is no need to worry about it in the future ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"What do you mean by that, do we want the main development center between Shanghai and Jiangnan Base City in the future?" Said Muge.

"Yes, this place is dominated by plains. In the future, we will focus on here. We can avoid being attacked by mutants as little as possible ..." Qin Lan nodded, and Muge guessed correctly.

This is the biggest advantage of Jiangnan.

"And besides that there are not so many mutant creatures in this place in the south of the Yangtze River, because of the superior environment, even if the Zak people do, they will not be very powerful, which is even more important." Fang Chong added.

"Then we set it this way, and with the population of more than two million people in the base city of Jiangnan, we can develop a large number of combat capabilities, and the industries in these areas are equally developed and have many advantages ..." Ling Ya also hung on his face Deep smile.

She knows that if the future can really be like what they are describing now, the future of humanity is bright ...

"But the imagination is beautiful. It really takes a long time ...." Fang Chong saw everyone's hopes overflowing and he had to pour cold water.

"Anyway, as long as there is hope, we will not be afraid. We will succeed ..." Qin Lan shook her fist. She believed in Fang Chong, but also in themselves, and more in humans.

Are there fewer miracles created by humans?

"This mentality is the best, and we will succeed ..." Fang Chong nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is important that everyone can maintain this mentality.

"Well, everyone will rest early. From tomorrow on, we will start to pick the easy ones to take back to Shanghai ...." Fang Chong changed a topic and he felt tired.

"Okay, but Fang Chong, have you forgotten that you still have something to do?" Suddenly, Muge stood up and sat on Fang Chong's thigh.

"What else?" Fang Chong looked at the smile of Muge, and suddenly felt a little creepy. He didn't know what the ghost idea of ​​Muge was doing ...

"Do you promise me tonight to say something when you come back?" Muge kissed Fang Chong gently. "Dear, don't forget, we are all back now ..."

"You originally said this, okay, I said ..." Hearing the sigh of relief, he was relieved, and he was not afraid to meet frankly, was he afraid to say it?

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