I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 439: Return and situation


"Finally leaving Jiangnan Base City, time flies ..." At the gate of Jiangnan Base City, Yu Wenjing looked at the defensive wall of Jiangnan Base City and said with a sigh. M.

Ten days after the siege of the zombies, during these ten days, the injured Huang Qianchuan has recovered, and Fang Chong has not been idle in these ten days. They run around in the Jiangnan base city and are extremely busy. Yeah, but the busy results are huge. They spent ten days convening 100,000 people in the base city of Jiangnan. Of course, these people are not fighters, but the victory lies in their youth, and they respect their experience. People have potential. With the resources and resources they now have, the strength of these people is only a matter of time.

As for their current combat effectiveness, they do not have much so-called.

As for Huang Qianchuan, in these ten days, the happiest person will be said to be him. When he was injured, he not only did not have to respect Fang Chong them, but he could also play against Yu Wenjing after being exhausted and exhausted all day. It can be said that it is really envious of others, but Fang Chong is not inferior to Huang Qianchuan in this regard.

After Fang Chong said that sentence to the third daughter that night, the third daughter is now very happy with what she can say, and her happiness can be said to have skyrocketed.

"Sister Yuwen, if you can't bear it, we will let Brother Qianchuan stay here to accompany you. We have tens of thousands of people here. It's not a problem if he is more or less." Feeling hard, Mu Ge smiled and looked at Yu Wenjing and Huang Qianchuan.

But the smile was a little stiff, she was homesick. Thinking of Kyoto base city, thinking of Commander Makino …… ..

"A good woman will not drag on his man. I believe I can be a good woman, so follow him. It is the first step I need to take ..." Listening to the song of the pastor, Yu Wenjing knew that she was joking, But she said it very seriously, Muge was joking, but she used this opportunity to show her heart.

For more than ten days, she had almost nothing to say and nothing to talk about, although she did not have any physical contact. But in terms of emotion, Yu Wenjing has put his whole mind on Huang Qianchuan.

"Sister Yuwen, when you say that, I'm ashamed, compared to you. I'm going to be inferior. If Fang Chong doesn't want me in the future, I'll look for you ..." Muge beaked, but she said Still playing.

"If Fang Chong doesn't want you, you can rest assured. I let Huang Qianchuan punch him ..." Yu Wenjing also laughed. In these ten days, she laughed more every day, or so to speak. The smile on her face these days is longer than she has laughed so much.

"Brother Qianchuan can't win him at all, it seems I will be bullied by him in the future. No one in my family can threaten him ..." Muge said with a sullen expression.

"Uh ..." Fang Chong, who was not far away from them, was listening to their conversation just now, and although he was a little speechless, he could not stand it. But after hearing the words of Muge again, he couldn't calm down. He knew that if he didn't speak again, he really couldn't wash after jumping into the Yellow River ...

"Am I really that bad?" Fang Chong justified.

"Although not now, but who knows in the future?" Muge looked back.

"In the future?" Fang Chong really wanted to say, "Sister, are you too worried?"

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"Well, you two, this matter will be left until later. This time the team is so long, we have to start as soon as possible ..." Qin Lan said, she knows that Muge is joking, but this way Fang Chong's words are enough to depress Fang Chong. Fortunately, Fang Chong is not a small intestine chicken man ...

"Yes, Sister Qin Lan ..." Muge heard Qin Lan's words, and she mischievously spit out her tongue, then closed her mouth and said nothing. She knew that this time was a big deal, and she really didn't care.

"Well, if we are ready, we will leave ..." Fang Chong saw Muge like this. In addition to shaking his head with a helpless smile, he didn't know what else he could say?

And the most important thing is that it matters. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.) Today they left Jiangnan Base City, they planned it out in the morning. The number of people who can fight next to them is definitely not more than 3,000. Among these 3,000 people, except one In addition to the absolute combat effectiveness of more than a hundred people, most of the other 2,000 or more are ordinary combat effectiveness. The weapons used are only ordinary thermal weapons. Such weapons are no problem with ordinary first- and second-tier ordinary zombies. , But zombies above zombies are troublesome.

Among more than 100,000 people, there is only one in thirty combat effectiveness, which is also something Fang Chong worry about.

The reason why I dare to set off today, in addition to the plan is already at a perfect level, Song Ming was notified a few days ago, and last night I had camped in a small town only 100 kilometers away from the base city of Jiangnan.

Today, Fang Chong only need to safely avoid the 100-kilometer distance. It can be said that safety is even greater.

Song Ming didn't come by himself. After hearing about Fang Chong's situation, he brought half of the combat power of Shanghai Stock Market, and there were more than 3,000 soldiers who basically reached the 100th level.

Fang Chong knew this kind of combat effectiveness. Even if he encountered 200,000 zombies, there would be no possibility of victory, but the number of casualties might be higher.

"Okay, let's go…." As Fang Chong's voice fell, she glanced around for a few moments. When she found the most important people and arrived, she didn't mess around.

"Departure ..." Fang Chong had no opinion.

With the order of Fang Chong, the team finally moved slowly, and Huang Qianchuan and Xiaojun and Yu Wenjing's car ran ahead. The length of the team of more than 100,000 people can be imagined.

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"They left, and this Jiangnan base city can finally be quiet. Although they don't know what their ultimate purpose is, they are destined to die in the last days ..." Watching the convoy of more than 100,000 people slowly left. The three fat commanders standing at the defensive wall of Jiangnan Base City said with emotion.

To the three of them, Fang Chong was mysterious enough. In addition to their true identities, the combat effectiveness that erupted was what made them most puzzled ...

"Leaving like this, I don't know if it is good or bad for us ..." He Chu's expression was very afraid of calmness. He is also one of the three who likes to use his brain most, but Fang Chong them are people he has never known. What is used to explain it?

"I don't know in the future, but what is certain is that they are all good people, and their arrival has given us a lot of help and opportunities ..." Hu Bing thought simpler. But what he said is not useless.

After Fang Chong and theirs arrived at Jiangnan Base City, the benefits they waited for were obvious.

In less than a month, they had stopped fighting at levels 120 and 30 after Fang Chong's appearance. . It can be said that as the rocket grows fast, although the fat commander is fat, among the three, his strength is the fastest growing. A few days ago, it had already broken through one hundred and fifty.

This was also an unexpected surprise.

"It's the same, although we don't know their purpose, but now we have nothing but cooperation with them. There are no other good choices, and they haven't let us be fired ..." The fat commander nodded. Hu Bing and He Chu both said clearly.

"Now we don't need to consider these issues of Fang Chong for the time being. Our most important purpose now is to agree with what Fang Chong told them before they left. Our priority now is to make Jiangnan Base City stronger, Those who have potential become more powerful and strengthen our combat effectiveness. "He Chu detailed the plan.

"Yeah, genetic medicine is our opportunity. In the future, we really have to rely on ourselves. Not every time we are in danger, we can be like this time ..." Commander Hu Bing said with emotion, he remembered more than ten days He was still reluctant after the previous defending war, especially after the Destructor was so powerful.

"Yes, the three of us are not young guys. We must work hard to make the Jiangnan base city on the future Chinese puzzle ..." The fat commander clenched his fists. He has not had this passion for a long time.

"it is good….."

"it is good….."

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"Now it's really quiet along the way. It seems that the victory of the Jiangnan Base City was a lot of blows for the zombies ..." Going forward, Fang Chong met them on the road. Few zombies arrived, basically, all scattered.

After walking for dozens of kilometers, the largest number of zombies encountered did not have a thousand heads, and such a large number of zombies were basically killed as soon as they appeared, which would not create any trouble or panic at all.

After adding tens of thousands of people, Fang Chong also issued some instructions that had not been issued before.

Similar to encountering zombies, one does not stay.

It has been decided that this large area between Shanghai and Jiangnan Base City spans several areas to become the center of Huaxia's future. Zombie Fang Chong is not allowed to exist.

Moreover, the number of people has increased greatly, and the consumption of materials is also huge. Besides killing zombies, in addition to preparing for the future from now on, it is also conducive to resource development.

The benefits of genetic medicine are magical. Fang Chong did not conceal other people. Fang Chong knew that only by doing so could he mobilize other enthusiasm.

And some members have tasted the magic of genetic medicine, and after their strength changes, it can be said that they are the most active in the team ...

And as this statement spreads among the personnel, there are more and more active personnel in the team. Fortunately, there are not many people with weapons in the team. Otherwise, the team may be panic and difficult to manage. .

"Isn't this the right thing? The zombies have suffered a great deal of vitality, and we are getting stronger and stronger, this is undoubtedly the best ..." When Fang Chong said, Qin Lan answered, she also kept an eye on the surrounding environment and was walking out After such a long distance, she was more sure that the plans that Fang Chong had said in the Jiangnan base city were feasible ....

"You're right, but there are fewer zombies. The genetic medicine we need is a bit troublesome?" Ling Ya was also worried. After all, zombies appearing in one place cannot be infinite.

Zombies are caused by human infection with the virus, so now there are more or less zombies in a place, and it is related to the fact that there are more or less humans in this place before the end of the world. The more humans there are, the more definite the number of zombies.

Ling Ya's worry is not without reason ...

"Anyway, China is so big that we can't live here. The stage in the future will be broader. Zombies don't have to worry about being gone soon ..." Muge said.

"What you said makes sense, but we don't have to take that far into consideration now. Those are the future. What we need now is with Song Ming. They will reconcile. Bring these 100,000 people back to Shanghai, our They are the cornerstone of whether the future will be strong. "Fang Chong did not allow Qin Lan to continue their discussions because this kind of thing wanted a suitable result. Easier said than done ...

"This is also true, but you can rest assured that I just carefully checked the route between us and Brother Song Ming. It can be said that there is nothing abnormal. If you win, you don't need another hour. In time, we will be able to reconcile… .. ”Muge knew what Fang Chong was worried about, and pointed to the notebook in her hand with a smile.

"It's best to be like this ..." Fang Chong nodded. After telling Huang Qianchuan that everything was normal, he drove intently.

No blocking. The road was opened when they came before, and the speed of the team was gradually increasing. From 30 kilometers per hour before to 6,000 now, almost doubled ....


"After this high-speed road, the next toll station is Brother Song Ming's camp last night ..." After more than an hour, after several battles of different sizes, Fang Chong's team had already Came to this small town where Song Ming camped.

It has been far from being able to see someone standing guard, and Fang Chong and their people have loosed their hearts.

Although there is no real danger, it is unimaginable to worry about the personal comfort of 100,000 people.

"Fang Chong, you are here, everything is going well?" Song Ming saw the arrival of Fang Chong and these people, and he was so concerned that he hadn't seen each other for almost half a month.

"It's okay, otherwise, there aren't so many people joining us ..." Fang Chong knew that everyone needed time to rest, and he didn't rush, but talked to Song Ming.

"What's going on in Shanghai? Okay?" Fang Chong thought of Song Ming's situation in the base city.

"Okay, everything is going smoothly. The most important thing is that the researchers are making rapid progress. After this time with so many people, our strength will be further improved ..." Song Ming answered.

"Well, there are still a lot of technical talents in this 100,000 people. I'm afraid that our strength can be further improved ..." Fang Chong heard the news of Song Ming, he was very happy, although everything was in In the plan, but everything can really develop as he hopes, it is rare ...

"It would be even better. On the Shanghai city side, the old professor who came with us from Kyoto Base City has no idea how many times I have said that I need manpower in this area, but I have never been suitable. This reason is also one of the reasons that affects development to a certain extent. "Song Ming continued.

"Let's introduce you to a core figure of our future ..." After speaking some Fang Chong's concerns, Fang Chong asked Song Ming to follow him.

Although Song Ming did not respond very much, when he heard Fang Chong's core character in the future, he had a weird expression. What his eyes meant was that Fang Chong had found another woman?

But suspicion was suspicion. He didn't say it. He knew that Fang Chong was not like that.

But people will change ...

"You don't think I mean ourselves, right?" Fang Chong made an inadvertent side face, just seeing Song Ming's expression doubt, he instantly understood, Song Ming misunderstood the meaning of his words.

"Isn't it?" Looking at Song Ming's nervous expression, Song Ming asked.

"Of course, you see, it's just ahead ..." After Fang Chong's expression was a little speechless, he saw the vehicle made by Huang Qianchuan.

"Huang Qianchuan?" Song Ming knew that it had something to do with Huang Qianchuan.

"Yes, didn't you expect to find a girlfriend here in Jiangnan Base City?" Hearing Song Ming's words, he didn't pretend to be mysterious ...

"Is this happening?" Hearing Fang Chong ~ www.readwn.com ~ Song Ming smiled and smiled brilliantly ...


"Yu Wenjing, what about the title? I have to ask Huang Qianchuan ..." In front of Yu Wenjing and Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong introduced, but the words made Huang Qianchuan speechless.

"Song Ming, our good brother, can't be described beyond birth ..." Fang Chong continued.

"That's right? The kid has grown up, and the wood is open, but my brother and sister, how do you think of this boring guy ..." Song Ming and Yu Wenjing greeted him, and he inevitably laughed at Huang Qianchuan.

"The deceived ....." It has been known from Fang Chong's words that Song Ming's status is the same as Huang Qianchuan's, and from this joke, he can hear that his relationship with Huang Qianchuan is also extraordinary, she is Fang Chong Smile to Huang Qianchuan face.

"Uh ..." (To be continued ...)


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