"Battle suit, now ..."

After the black 'armor suit' completely disappeared into the blood, Fang Chong was able to clearly feel the martial arts. The King of the Holy King made the sacred king to kill the night. The God of the Seal of the Immortal Seeking Demon Pride in the World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned the Shao Zhou Emperor's Martial Forces to Kill the Night God Deity Seal Jiu Zhongtian was the strongest to abandon the Shao Zhou royal family to the skin surface as if there was something extra.

According to the method of using the 'Battle Armor Set', Fang Chong meditated again.

Suddenly, the skin of the body 1ù was covered with black in an instant. In less than a second, there was an extra layer of something similar to ‘armor’, but the color was dim black ...

"Is it exactly the same?" Fang Chong stretched out his hands and saw the fully covered fingers on it, picking up the small dagger; Li Yicha did not break the black.

The defense is really not as Maya said ...

"Close." Fang Chong meditation again. All of a sudden, the black 'armor' was completely withdrawn.

"Haha, it's really convenient enough ..." Fang Chong held out his hands and saw that he had completely restored the yellow skin, and Haha laughed. But when I look at myself in the mirror, my expression is wonderful ...

A body man appeared in the mirror.

"Rely on ..." Fang Chong couldn't help cursing after seeing the man in the mirror.

It turned out that when the ‘Battle Armor’ suit covered his body, there was no pop-up novel net. He had already exploded the clothes he was wearing, and the scale armor had burst, and small kùkù is no exception ...

He is not crazy, of course, it is extremely awkward ...

Moreover, the problem of exploding clothes also caused him headaches. If he explodes clothes once after using it, would it be that finding clothes has become a task.

It is not easy to find a piece of clothing in the last days. Unlike in the past, you can find a shop and go in any way you like.

Now there are only two or three suits in his storage space.

Thinking of clothes in the storage space, I quickly found a suit to put on, and then thought of a way ...

"By the way, look at the eschatology survival manual ..." After putting on his clothes, Fang Chong thought of the survival manual, an almost universal book.

The above content also changes frequently.

"See if there is any information on the 'Battle Set' ..."

After Fang Chong opened the survival manual, he searched for each area. Quickly found information about the 'Warframe' ...

"How to use the black 'Battle Armor Set' ..."

A very suitable title appeared, Fang Chong knew what he was looking for ...

"Battle suit, ordinary combat suit, you can change the shape of the wearer ..."

"There is no expiration date and time limit, and it can be worn for 24 hours ..."

"The most powerful defensive shape is 'Armor Type' ..."

Information on the 'Battle Set' appeared.

"It can be worn for twenty-four hours, isn't it… .." After reading these materials, Fang Chong understood that the role of this suit is still more than tǐng, and he can also change the shape at will, that is, can change the style at will ...

After Fang Chong understood the meaning, he then took off his sportswear, and after slick, he meditated again ...

The whole body was covered with black again in an instant.

"Shirt, Western suit ..." Fang Chong wanted to try this time to see if it was the same as described in the survival manual. The shape of these two clothes appeared in his mind.

As soon as he came up with this idea, the armor-shaped clothes on his body changed, and then a suit of western shirt and shirt appeared, but the color was still black.

"It can really be like this ..." Fang Chong walked to the mirror and looked at himself inside. It was quite tǐng satisfied.

After months of experience and genetic changes to the body, Fang Chong's whole person now looks very different, tall and mature, which is very different from the innocent otaku. ….

And the clothes changed from the armor set are more fitted and look better.

Later, Fang Chong tried to change the armor set to another look.

It was finally determined that there was no problem in the appearance of the combat vest, short-sleeved casual wear, or armor type. As long as Fang Chong wanted to look, the armor set could be changed.

And Fang Chong also tried one of the so-called strongest defenses, which is to cover the whole body and surround it with his head to form a helmet-like ...

"It seems that I will wear it tomorrow ..." After a series of attempts, Fang Chong was finally relieved that this suit of armor was better than he thought.

Not only the defense is amazing, but the temperature can be ignored. The current climate is close to summer, and the temperature is already very high. However, after wearing a suit of armor, Fang Chong did not feel martial arts in it even when he was covered by the whole body. The Holy King made the holy king to kill the **** of the night and seal the throne to seek the magic and proud of the world ’s ninth day. The throne of the Indian throne begs the pride of the world Nine Emperors to abandon the youngest Daozhou royal family to make a **** to kill the **** of the night.

If the only flaw is a single color, only black. Fortunately, the style can be changed at will ...

Knowing that it was not too early, Fang Chong lay on netbsp; after turning the suit of armor into pajamas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

One night passed quickly.

Early in the morning, Fang Chong was the first person to come out of the room.

The first thing he did after netg was to go to a vacant room next door ...

I don't know how dangerous the action is today. If you can improve your strength a little, you don't need to pay 1ang.

After arriving in the room, Fang Chong then took out the gene extraction machine and the myogenic muscle u collected yesterday. After you prepare these things, you are busy ...

There is still a difference between the myogenicity of the green corpse and the corpse beast, and the head alone is a lot larger.

Fang Chong's skillful moves, netbsp step by step; soon, there are more than ten cups of the agent extracted from the myogenicization of the corpse beast, and there are many cups of the gene agent extracted from the myogenicization of the corpse human ... .

When this was done, there was no pop-up novel net, and everyone else also started netbsp; "There is still an hour before the military regroups, everyone must be ready ..." Fang Chong called everyone after everyone finished washing Into the room.

"In the big cup is the genetic agent of the corpse beast ~ www.readwn.com ~ In addition to Ling Ya, everyone has two cups per person ..." Fang Chong said.

"Um ....." Qin Lan, Xiao Lan, these people have long resisted the agent extracted from myogenic muscle u, and can even say that they like it ... And the most important point is that gene agents can improve their level ...

As soon as Fang Chong's voice fell, everyone couldn't wait to drink it ...

Only Ling Ya stood there with a sad look ...

"Your level is only fifteen, can you drink a small cup?" Fang Chong did not drink it immediately, but turned to Ling Ya and said.

"Why?" Lingya was depressed when she came in just now, why did Fang Chong deliberately miss her. But now she wants a small cup.

"The inside of the small cup is extracted from the muscles of the" Green Corpse Man ", which is more suitable for you. To be like them, you must raise your body level to level 20 or higher ....."

Fang Chong smiled slightly, Ling Ya's response he took into account ...

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