I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 441: Sweetness


In this way, the biological research center of the Shanghai base city was handed over to Yu Wenjing, and besides Yu Wenjing, there were a few people she brought out of the base city in Jiangnan, but Li Yan was interested to stay Learn here. M 【】 【】

Fang Chong also has no premise on this. If Li Yan can really succeed, he is desperate. Now he lacks nothing, and what he lacks is such professional talents.

Such talents are hard to find before the last days, let alone the environment in which the number of humans has fallen sharply.

However, this talent problem, Fang Chong can only let it go.

And Yu Wenjing, since meeting Huang Qianchuan, her character will not be so cold, but she is still a workaholic strongwoman. For the task of taking over this biological research center, it can be said that the most unhappy is Huang Qianchuan. .

Because of his injury, he had to pretend, so he never touched Yu Wenjing once. After all, he had to do a full set of drama. After all, he was afraid that it would be troublesome for Yu Wenjing to see it ...

I finally managed to leave Jiangnan Base City. After several days of rushing, I always returned to Shanghu Base City, but what he didn't expect was that all of his original plans had failed, and Yu Wenjing accepted the Biological Research Center. He could accept it, but what he didn't expect was that Yu Wenjing didn't even want to rest, and didn't plan to look at other places in Shanghai base city now, she just took office ...

After hearing Yu Wenjing's plan, Huang Qianchuan almost fell to the ground.

His hopes fell through. And I can't say a word of complaint. After all, there are so many people here. If he tells him that he is opposed to Yu Wenjing's appointment because of such a thing, he is afraid that everyone will laugh at his big teeth, and Yu Wenjing is afraid that he will become embarrassed and angry. Not worth the money ...

Thinking again and again, Huang Qianchuan had no choice but to accept such a fact.


"Brother Qianchuan, it seems that you are not happy with Sister Yuwen's acceptance of this position?" Although Huang Qianchuan smiled strongly, her expression was still inevitable.

"No, I'm not happy there. She is competent, I'm happier than anyone ..." Huang Qianchuan was depressed. He didn't expect him to pretend for so long, but he was seen by the pastor.

But this time. He said he could not admit anything.

"Really?" Muge felt that Huang Qianchuan was really weird, and her instinct told her that she was right ...

"Of course, what did I lie to you?" Huang Qianchuan nodded affirmatively when Muge looked at him in doubt, but at this time, the others were attracted by the conversation between the two of them.

"You're really upset ....." Feeling weird, Yu Wenjing immediately took Huang Qianchuan's hand and walked a few steps, then turned his back to Fang Chong and used only two of them to hear the sound of. Whispered Huang Qianchuan.

"No, why aren't I happy?" He could hear the tone solicited in Yu Wenjing's words. Huang Qianchuan's heart was warm. He could easily hear from Yu Wenjing's tone. If he said something unhappy or opposed, Yu Wenjing will definitely listen to him ...

"You have it, don't lie to me. Get along with you these days, you! I can say that I understand it very well. The expression you just showed is something ..." Yu Wenjing's eyes still focused on Huang Qianchuan's body. . Although Huang Qianchuan denied it, Yu Wenjing still insisted. [] [] "If you are going to lie to me now, I will leave the Shanghai base city now. Anyway, your men like to lie to you, so do you ..."

Huang Qianchuan underestimated the observational power of a biological researcher.

Always and genes. Cells and other biological researchers who need a microscope to be able to deal with it, can she not see the slight changes in a person?

"Uh ...." I heard Yu Wenjing actually moved out. He didn't know how to answer well, to be honest. Huang Qianchuan?

"Say it or not ..." Fang Chong's expression changed at this time, which made Yu Wenjing more sure that Huang Qianchuan had something to do ...

"I said, you must not be angry, you must not laugh, you must not say no to leave me ..." Huang Qianchuan gritted his teeth, his heart was full, and he was ready to go out, but before speaking, he and Yu Wenjing must agree on three chapters ...

"Three more are not allowed?" Listening to Huang Qianchuan's request, Yu Wenjing couldn't help laughing, but she had no opinion. The three requirements were not excessive, but she was very curious, wondering what Huang Qianchuan was going to say. ?

"Yes ..."

"Okay, I promise you, can you say it now?" After watching Huang Qianchuan really did, Yu Wenjing nodded seriously, she was somewhat defeated.

"To be honest, I don't have any opinion about you taking over the biological research center in Shanghai base city, but I am not satisfied with your preparation for taking office today ..." Huang Qianchuan said.

"Why?" Listening to Huang Qianchuan's strange words, Yu Wenjing frowned slightly. Huang Qianchuan's statement is somewhat contradictory.

"Because I'm a normal man ..." Huang Qianchuan desperate.

"A normal man?" Upon hearing Huang Qianchuan's words, Yu Wen calmed for a moment, but when she just wanted to ask the meaning of this sentence, her face suddenly turned red, and she instantly understood the meaning of this sentence ...

"With such a flowery girlfriend, I do n’t even have a chance to touch it. Can you say that I can be happy?" Seeing Yu Wenjing was not angry, instead she lowered her head because she was shy, Huang Huangchuan said immediately , He has to hit the iron while it is hot, if Yu Wenjing decided at this time it would be better ...

"How come your mind is full of unhealthy thoughts! ..." Having understood the meaning of Fang Chong's words, Yu Wenjing stomped her feet. She didn't expect Huang Qianchuan to be so bold at this time. , But also blushing and heartbeat.

"You asked me to say it. Besides, this reaction is also normal. Man?" Huang Qianchuan gradually became bold when he knew that Yu Wenjing would not be angry ...

"You ... I won't tell you ......" Yu Wenjing didn't expect Huang Qianchuan to have such a rash face, stared at Huang Qianchuan fiercely, then turned and left.

However, her heart is sweet at this time, and women sometimes enjoy the occasional badness of men, especially the men she likes, just as she likes Huang Qianchuan, she can allow him to be bad ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..


"What whisper do you say?" Seeing Yu Wenjing's face came back reddishly, Muge was curious, and she couldn't help coming forward. Go to Yu Wenjing's side and ask.

"Nothing, but I'm a bit tired. I want to ask if I can take over the Biological Research Center tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?" Yu Wenjing shook her head gently. 【】 【】

"Of course there is no problem ..." Fang Chong was just about to speak, Qin Lan had already answered first. She can see the change of Yu Wenjing.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong, who was pulled by Qin Lan, wanted to ask another question, but after seeing Qin Lan blinking, he nodded immediately.

"Then I will go back with Huang Qianchuan first, and I will not pass inside the weapon research center ..." Yu Wen said with a smile, and when he finished, he pulled Huang Qianchuan who had not returned to God ...

"They are?" Watching Huang Qianchuan and Yu Wenjing leave in a hurry, Fang Chong was puzzled.

"It's not the bad mind in your man's heart ..." Qin Lan gave Fang Chong a white look, and she was very suspicious that Fang Chong didn't know whether to pretend ...

"Uh ....." said by Qin Lan, Fang Chong suddenly realized. But he was very depressed, why did the three of them, when talking about others, must pull him.

As if he was really so bad ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong thought of the saying “Man is not bad, woman is not loved”, he has three people in love, and it seems that it is really bad for ordinary men to come ...

After being reminded by Qin Lan, everyone else understood that no one would bother them.

But Huang Qianchuan Yu Wenjing has been to the world of two people, but Fang Chong and they are not so happy.

There is still a lot to do. After missing them, Fang Chong also temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​going to see the weapons research center.

"Relocate the place where 100,000 people live first, and then plan for the others ..." Fang Chong saw Qin Lan and they stopped talking about Huang Qianchuan and Yu Wenjing. He also chose to pretend to be confused, otherwise. He was always depressed when he was hit by a shot.

"Shanghai is now completely under our control, and the place where we live is easy to solve. One district in Shanghai can solve it ..." When it comes to business, everyone laughed, and Lingya subsequently reported the data.

"Okay, let's arrange everyone into a district, but after the arrangement, we must set the rules that we need to comply with in Shanghai base city ..." Fang Chong nodded, emphasizing a little.

'No rules no standards'. Fang Chong agrees very much with this sentence.

The chaos in the Jiangnan base city has given Fang Chong a good wake up ... Fang Chongke does not want to see these survivors from the Jiangnan base city bring the habits of the Jiangnan base city to the Shanghai base city.

"How do we allocate these people? Is the number of teams or others?" Qin Lan asked.

"The team is the main one, bringing together our old players who can already stand on their own. One hundred people are a team and ten small teams are a big team ..." Fang Chong said what he wanted.

The fighting power of the last days is not all that the larger the number, the better, and sometimes mobility is more important ...



A few days passed quickly. In these days, everything in Shanghai was completely restored, and the extra 100,000 people had already settled in Shanghai's base city in an orderly manner.

After a few days of chaos at the beginning, it is now very orderly in terms of access, training, and work.

Many teams have even begun missions for practical training under the leadership of their captains.

Travel outside the Shanghai Third Ring Line… ..

Unlike the Shanghai city center location, zombies in areas outside the Shanghai Third Ring Road still exist. But not much. Not powerful ...

In addition to being too lazy to strangle before, there is another reason. The relationship between zombies and mutants is very subtle. Basically, where zombies appear, mutants will not appear ...

But now there will be more and more survivors in the Shanghai base city, and their own strength will become stronger and stronger. The significance of leaving these zombies is not significant anymore, and with the frequent annihilation, what really can pose a threat to humanity in Shanghai is no longer there.

"Where are we going?" After a few days of happy life, Huang Qianchuan's mental outlook was greatly improved. There was always a smile on his face.

"A second-tier city 500 kilometers away from Shanghai, where there is a small base of survivors. The number of survivors is expected to be around 100,000. I plan to absorb them to Shanghai's base city ..." Fang Chong marked on the map the destination they were going to leave today.

Already, the Shanghai base city has become the most powerful base city in China and even the whole world. Fang Chong can now be said to be very hard.

In these days of rest, Ling Ya and Muge are not idle.

The two of them, one leaning on a notebook and controlling the satellites in the sky, observe the place where there are human survivors in Huaxia.

"And the range of the above Shanghai base city within 500 kilometers in diameter is the scope of our future blueprint. Where to go is necessary ..." Qin Lan added.

"Understand ..." After knowing Fang Chong's plans, Huang Qianchuan had no other opinion, and nodded, he walked towards the first car.

Now he is the named commander-in-chief of the Shanghai base city.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"It seems that there are fewer and fewer zombies? What do you think?" Thousands of people are driving on the highway from Shanghai to this second-level city, all the way forward. Fang Chong's troubles were few and far between. Fang Chong was surprised by this situation.

After all, the number of zombies encountered was so small that they had to wonder what was going on.

However, whether it is a satellite system or a small energy reconnaissance aircraft, the pictures returned are normal. In this case, Fang Chong was very puzzled, but in the manifestation of various evidences, they accepted this statement.

"There are few zombies on the highway here, but it's a normal category, but we still can't take care ..." Fang Chong said, knowing the complexity of the last days. Every time Fang Chong goes out, he will play a twelve-point spirit.

Especially where there are fewer zombies, he pays more attention.

Because of the drastic reduction in the number of zombies, in addition to the fact that the place was sparsely populated, it is also possible that the site of mutant creatures or the powerful Zak people in this area ...

It is these two points that Fang Chong is most worried about.

"You said, let's go to this small survivor camp. Will they be very surprised to see us as monkeys?" Muge was curious again.

"Surprisingly imaginable will definitely, but it is impossible to think what you said now to be treated as a monkey ..." Fang Chong shook his head. He would not admit the parable of the idyll.

"I believe that according to the next day, we should be able to arrive at noon tomorrow ..." By the evening of this day, Fang Chong's convoy came to a small town a hundred miles away from their destination. More than a hundred kilometers, but Fang Chong and they were not in a hurry.

Although with their strength, there may not be many dangers, but in the future to avoid accidents, Fang Chong decided to be conservative, and for the next hundred kilometers, they wanted to pass through their destination. The urban area of ​​this secondary city ...

No matter how good it is, even if it is a second-tier city, the number of zombies will not be small, that is, with such considerations, Fang Chong will only pull out a team of thousands this time, and most of them will Is an old member, most of the strength is close to or has exceeded the hundred.

Only such a force has an absolute overwhelming advantage ...

As for the new members, Fang Chong does not intend to take risks until his strength does not exceed thirty levels, because that strength will be dangerous and abnormal once it encounters a really large number of zombies or mutant creatures.

"Sweeping the zombies of the whole town, collecting muscle meat and supplies ..." After observing the environment of the whole town, Fang Chong gave instructions.

Now staying in such a small town, the ultimate purpose of sweeping the zombies is not to worry about being attacked by zombies, but more because of the muscle meat and materials in the zombies.

The Shanghai base city with more than 100,000 people is very different from the previous six thousand, especially the consumption of materials and genetic medicine.



"Dongyang City is a second-tier city in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, but the population base before the end of the last century was also about one million. It belongs to a very developed area, but the economy should be based on agriculture ..." It was close to noon the next day, Fang Chong's convoy stopped in front of Dongyang City, a second-tier city belonging to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

Looking at the swaying zombies in the city, Qin Lan reported some information about this secondary city before the end of the world.

Fang Chong now judges that the danger of a city is generally divided according to the population base of the city before the last days.

After all, the larger the base of the population ~ www.readwn.com ~ the absolute number of zombies, the greater the dangerous situation ...

"It seems that this must-have for Dongyang City ........." After hearing about the food-oriented economy, Fang Chong had new plans ...

"What do you value is the food base?" Huang Qianchuan asked.

"Yes, what we will lack in the future is food and supplies, and now it is necessary to plan ahead ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"Then you can't get around this for the city ..." Huang Qianchuan looked at this secondary city without too many high-rise buildings in front.

"Yes, it is necessary to fight. It is necessary to make Dongyang City survivor camp believe in us, join us, and give them sweetness ..."

………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued.)


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