I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 442: Gunfire in Dongyang


The result of the discussion was that after the Dongyang city was laid, everyone took action. There were no horns and no shelling. The team of thousands of people was divided into five teams and entered Dongyang from five different directions. m ()

The uniform black armor set, the uniform black sword, this is the equipment of this team of 5,000 people brought out by Fang Chong.

On average, it has reached a level of 100 strength, and the armor of the armor set has exceeded 100, close to a hundred and twenty, which is enough to maintain the original black armor set that Fang Chong exchanged from the Maya system.

This set of self-developed battle armor set by Shanghai base city, Fang Chong they named the black hawk, this time is the first battle of the black hawk, but no matter what the black hawk's defense power, the appearance now alone has earned enough attention Fang Chong and they were very satisfied.

Although it is not as lightweight and flexible as being exchanged from the Maya system, it is extremely rare to be able to do so now with human capabilities. At least these 5,000 warriors with black hawk suits are the entire Shanghai base. The city admired him most.

The matching black sword is also not to be underestimated. The sword named Heifeng is also developed for the purpose of breaking the terminator's defense. Although the requirements for equipped with such a sword are somewhat high, the owner must be at least 100 or below. Strength, but its strength is really as sharp as its name, Fang Chong they have tried for a long time, the seemingly solid defense of the Terminator in front of Heifeng is useless.

Compared to going to the Blackhawk Warframe suit. Heifeng is more aggressive. If the Shanghai R & D Center of the Shanghai Base currently produces all its major products.

After all, with the rapid development of gene technology, the survivor strength of the entire Shanghai base city will definitely develop rapidly in the future.

A hundred levels may seem difficult to obtain, but in fact, under the guidance of experience and order, it usually takes less than three months for survivors of a dozen or so levels to reach it. Of course, the entire Huaxia area is now Only Shanghai base city has such conditions and strength.

Because the prerequisite for this rapid evolution is to have enough genetic agents as a backup. Without the ability to provide enough genetic medicine, even the survivor's potential is as good as empty talk.

Fang Chong had no solution, nor did the Mayan system.

Because of this, Fang Chong must attack everywhere. In addition to annihilating as many zombies as possible, more purposes are to collect muscle flesh and provide evolutionary protection for the reserve force.

But by the 100th level, the extent to which it can be achieved varies from person to person. It is absolutely impossible to want that person to endlessly upgrade.

Even if these tens of thousands of survivors were selected by them, it is impossible to reach each one as high as they are now. There is also an element of luck in the underworld.

As for the extent to which these people can grow up, Fang Chong can only let them follow their fate.

Because Fang Chong also knew in his heart that at this time in the last days, there were strengths of one hundred and fifty, and most of the time was enough to protect himself.

After all, the zombies that are most dangerous to humans are usually Terminators, which are about 130 to 40 levels of strength. It is enough to have 150 levels of such strength, and the king of the zombies, such as the Destroyer, is powerful and abnormal. According to the data given to Fang Chong by the Maya system, a truly mature destroyer can have more than four hundred levels of strength.

However, they are said to be kings of zombies, and the proportion of them cannot appear so much. There are already a lot of one million zombies.

As for mutant creatures, the strength of ordinary mutant creatures is between one hundred and two hundred, and there are not many mutant creatures that are more than two hundred levels or more. Except for those creatures that have the blood of the king, but this probability of appearance Basically similar to the Destroyer. There are very few, and because of customary reasons, most of the mutant organisms are in mountain forests. If humans do not go into the mountain forests in the future, the chance of encountering the king of mutant organisms is also small. Even less than the Destroyer.

Although there are many types of mutant organisms, there are only a few powerful mutant organisms. There are very few who can have the blood of the king ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Except for the two kinds of mutants and zombies, the real threat to humanity is the Zak. The Zak is absolutely powerful. Needless to say, but the number of Zak is a problem. About What is the number of Zak people on the earth now? Fang Chong does not know that the Mayan system has not been able to give Fang Chong an accurate data. "

Although Fang Chong was frustrated and speechless about the answer given by the Maya system, there was no way. His current strength could not open up more features of the Maya system.

However, Maya still gave Fang Chong a reassurance pill. Although she didn't know the exact number of Zak people on the earth, she clearly told Fang Chong that there were not many, not too many ...

Although vague, Fang Chong's heart can calm down a lot ...

To sum up, Fang Chong's conclusion is that human beings are necessary, but as long as their strength is close to two hundred or more than one hundred and fifty.

Of course, it is necessary to have some absolutely powerful fighters. Although there are not many kings of zombie destroyers and kings of mutant creatures, they will not be only one and a half. The number of minutes may exceed one thousand, and there are Zak This uncertain factor is among them.

So having a group of absolutely powerful fighters is a must.

Of course, this hope Fang Chong believes that it is not difficult to achieve, similar to them, he and Huang Qianchuan, Song Ming, the strength of the three people are already close to 300 levels.

And Qin Lan Ling Ya Muge, these people, their strength also broke through 200 levels not long ago, of which Qin Lan's combat level is the highest. The 100th level is the first hurdle for human upgrading, and the 300th level will send a watershed. As long as it can be broken, the strength is doubled.

"I didn't expect this sword to be so easy to use ...." No specialization. Fang Chong, these people are far more than about a hundred characters. Starting from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, I also wore a suit called the Blackhawk, holding a self-developed sword, Heifeng ...

"Of course it is not a problem to deal with these ordinary zombies. Although the number of special metals in these knives is not large, it is enough to bring the level of these knives to another level." Fang Chong still looked at the front calmly.

"Well, we can't settle the battle as soon as possible, and we can't fall behind too much. Although Dongyang City is not a first-class city, it is still a question whether there will be destroyers ..." Huang Qianchuan could see around his eyes. After the zombie massacre, he calmly walked to Fang Chong and said.

"That's right. Everyone's speed should be relaxed as much as possible. Without using hot weapons, you have to rely on manpower ..." Fang Chong nodded.

Today's attack on Dongyang City, their plan is an attack method similar to a sneak attack. Although this attack method cannot be as powerful and hot as the attack of a hot weapon, its destructive power is amazing, but there is a benefit that it is not created too With a loud noise, the zombies would not come out with a bang.

Thus. In the future, it is Fang Chong or others, and there are not many zombies that need to be faced. Even if the zombies in one place are denser, the extent is limited.

And this time, this team can be said to be very powerful, unless a large-scale Terminator appears, otherwise, it is impossible to cause them trouble ...

"Understand, everyone continues ..."

The fighting continued without siege by the zombies. Fang Chong's five teams are advancing fast. It can be said that they have not encountered any trouble ...

After several hours of attack and massacre, the number of zombies who died in Fang Chong's hands has already exceeded 100,000. Fang Chong and they are not counting.

However, when it was almost dark on this day, about half of the zombies in Dongyang City had been cleared. It belongs to three zones without humans, zombies, and mutants ...

"Find a place to rest, today's battles are all over ..." After taking out the muscle meat from the zombies killed by him on the ground, Fang Chong began to use radio to notify the captains of the five units.

Although they now have the advantage, it is undoubtedly a bad choice to continue attacking at night. In order to avoid accidents, Fang Chong chose to stop very wisely. When the time is not an issue, it is the hard way reason….

"it is good….."

As each team leader made it clear, Fang Chong did not ask them to gather all together, and everyone went to find a place to hide.

But hiding this thing, in such a city, it is simply as simple as finding a room and hiding it.

With more than 5,000 people from Fang Chong hiding in the residential building at night, the entire Dongyang city fell into a deadly silence.


"It's day again ..." A quiet day passed quickly. When the first rays of sunlight shone into the windowsill, Fang Chong and them were ready to go. Looking at the sun still exuding light and heat, Fang Chong slightly Smile.

Life will still be good, and today will be even better.

Dongyang City was beaten, at most it took half a day, Fang Chong believed that the purpose of their trip to Dongyang City could soon be completed ...

"Hmm ..." But just when Fang Chong was preparing to give an order to start, a small gunshot seemed to spit out in the quiet environment in the early morning.

Fang Chong's expression changed when he heard the gunshot.

"Who fired the gun ..." Fang Chong didn't know who had broken the plan. After a slight expression on his face, he quickly shook God and turned on the radio immediately.

"I don't know, it's not our side ..."

"Not ours ..."

"Not ..."

Under Fang Chong's inquiry, the captains of the five units immediately answered, but who would not be their own?

After listening to the five team captains' statements, Fang Chong frowned. The gunshot was the easiest to attract the attention of the zombies. Although they were not afraid at all, they could avoid these troubles, who would not want?

"Boom ..." However, Fang Chong did not expect that the person who shot him could not be found, and another sound of shelling came. It's not hard to hear from the sound. The power of this gun was much greater than that of the previous shot.

After determining the direction of the sound, Fang Chong thought of the reason.

It is already infinitely close to the survivor camp of Dongyang City. It is not impossible to have a survivor attack other than their own.

"Maybe other survivors ..." After clearing his thoughts, Fang Chong said.

"It's possible that we set off immediately, listening to this gun attack, if a terminator appears, they will definitely lose ..." Huang Qianchuan also nodded, when the words were finished. He was already rushing ahead.

As Huang Qianchuan set out, the others rushed behind.

Huang Qianchuan broke out very quickly. They basically killed them all the way, and the zombies they encountered were slashed and killed. The speed is slightly faster than yesterday, and the movements on the hands are more flexible. After all, yesterday's experience was not wasted ...


"Who are you… .." Soon, Fang Chong finally saw the people who shot the gun. On a street in Dongyang, dozens of cars were gathered together. Hundreds of people gathered in front of them, all holding them together. Guns and there are a lot of zombies and some human bodies in front of them, the scene is very **** ...

After these people saw Fang Chong's arrival, a man who appeared to be in his 30s or 40s came out.

"We are from Shanghai Stock Exchange ..." Looking at this stubborn big man. Fang Chong stepped forward. Although the other party was not polite to ask questions, and they were somewhat displeased with the action of holding a gun at them, it was normal to maintain such vigilance in an unpredictable environment in the last days. Knowing this, Fang Chongcai Active opening.

He didn't come to find fault, what he hoped was to recover these survivors from the lower Dongyang survivor camp.

"On the Shanghai market?" After hearing Fang Chong's report on the three words Shanghai, the survivors from the Dongyang Survivor Camp all looked at Fang Chong and others with suspicion.

"You lied, how could there be a survivor in a city like Shanghai ..." The big-faced stubble man hadn't spoken yet, and another one came out behind him. He is a little younger than his age. After hearing Fang Chong's words, he said immediately.

"Believe it or not is your problem. We don't seem to have an obligation to explain it to you, right?" Hearing the words of the other party, Huang Qianchuan was obviously a little unhappy. The words of the other party were a little bit aggressive and they didn't say it. They still pointed their guns at them. Huang Qianchuan has an urge to teach them well ...

"You don't need to explain to us who you are, but Dongyang is our place here. You'd better hand over the materials you got in Dongyang, otherwise you will never come back ..." Hearing Huang Qianchuan Then, the younger, young man who looks like a book with a smile, said with a sinister smile ...

"So you are going to grab it?" Huang Qianchuan also laughed. He did not expect that Dongyang City had encountered a robbery that was also human. Huang Qianchuan wanted to laugh. Do they look weak?

But Huang Qianchuan looked back and thought about it. They are now like this. They do n’t have a hot weapon, they just use a sword, a sword that does n’t look much different from a cold weapon. It really makes people think they are weak. Pathetic ...

"You're guessing right, if you are acquainted, you will quickly leave the supplies to leave ..." He nodded when he heard what Huang Qianchuan said.

"What if I say no?" Looking at this young man with a sinister smile on his face, Huang Qianchuan's eyes moved. It can be said that what he hated most was this kind of person.

And after observation, this young man does not have much strength at all ...

"Are you trying to die?" The young man was angry when he heard Huang Qianchuan's words, and his rifle was aimed at Huang Qianchuan.

"I advise you not to disturb, otherwise you will be dead ..." Huang Qianchuan couldn't help laughing when he heard the threat from this dumb-hat young man.

He looked at the rifle he was holding and shook his head helplessly. Although the power of this rifle is good, but with their current strength, even if they take off the armor set and do not defend, they are not likely to break their bodies. Defense, not to mention the fact that it is now wearing a battle suit… ..

"Enough, Lu Yu, it's not your turn to speak here ..." Maybe he saw Huang Qianchuan's confident expression and the stubble-faced man snorted when the silly hat youth talk wasn't out.


"Who the **** are you? In Shanghai, as far as I know ~ www.readwn.com ~ there is no such thing as a survivor in a city like this?" After Hu Han stunned the youth, he turned his head and looked at Fang Chong they asked. However, his eyes were quite dignified, Fang Chong and their performances were too calm in the face of hundreds of muzzles ...

"You are the head of your team?" Huang Qianchuan didn't answer, but asked more.

"Yes ..." Hu Han nodded.

"Well, looking at your face, I don't plan to kill him for the time being, but there is no next time, and you better let them put away their guns, otherwise, they will die later, don't blame me for not reminding ... . "Huang Qianchuan's mouth slightly raised.

"You ....." Listening to Huang Qianchuan's words, the muscles on the face of the stubble man twitched a few times, Huang Qianchuan is a threat, a red, naked threat ...

"You can't believe it, but don't regret it ..." Huang Qianchuan's tone slowly cooled down, and an irreplaceable murderous spirit emanated from him ...


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