I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 443: Overcome difficulties


Feeling that Huang Qianchuan's body was revealed to be substantive murderous, the stubble man's face suddenly changed color. He finally knew that Huang Qianchuan's threat was not beyond his power, and this was like substantive murderous. He had never been in them. I felt it in any of the strong men in the camp. M //.//

Looking at Huang Qianchuan's contempt eyes, the stubble Han had already reached his lips and could not say anything.

"Do you need to try it?" Huang Qianchuan took a step forward, his mouth slightly tilted to make him look a bit more evil.

"No, no need, I apologize for you ..." Watching Huang Qianchuan's footsteps, the stubble man couldn't help but take a step back and said with a pale expression.

Huang Qianchuan is very strong, and he can't resist that powerful feeling. He now believes Huang Qianchuan's words. If they don't put away their guns, I am afraid that hundreds of them will be different.

And when Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong and others looked at them equally, although they felt that they were not as dangerous as Huang Qianchuan, but the thought of Fang Chong walking in front of Huang Qianchuan just made the heart of the stubble stubborn. It ’s been eight times, he does n’t know when human beings can be so powerful, and they are met by them ...

"It is not necessary to apologize, but I hope not to let us hear that he still likes to grab other survivors' supplies, otherwise ... Huang Qianchuan looked at Lu Yu coldly, and the murderousness appeared naked. .

Looking at Huang Qianchuan's eyes, Lu Yu's expression was no longer calm. The momentum of the previous clamor did not immediately know where to go. If you look closely. It's not hard to see that the dumb-hat young man named Lu Yu shivered slightly.

"No, I promise you, I won't do it in the future, otherwise I'll do it myself ..." After knowing that Huang Qianchuan can do it, the stubble man gave Lu Yu a vicious look.

The stubble man is now crying without tears. Lu Yu is just an idiot. They can come here with so many guns and cannons. Fang Chong can go here without using these hot weapons alone. Will they be weak? ?

The stubble man is now sure that these guys in black are in front of him. All are capable.

Only those who are capable do not like to use guns, but like to use cold weapons ...

The only thing that puzzles the big stubble han is that since when has the ability to be so cheap. You can run into it everywhere, you can run into so many at the touch. Is there any truth?


"Well, let's not talk about his affairs for a while. Tell me where do you come from?" When Fang Chong spoke like a stubble man, he could kill someone with his character, unless he could really move. That man was really hopeless, and Fang Chong's main purpose here was to receive the survivors of Dongyang Survivor Camp.

If you kill people casually in this way, it will not be good to establish a cruel image.

"We are from a survivor's camp not far from Dongyang ..." Hu Han, who had already been subdued, asked Fang Chong. He didn't hide it, and it didn't bother to report the camp. After all, in the cities and counties around Dongyang, there are several camps for survivors, but the most and the most powerful are the survivor camps they are in .

"I know this, tell me about the strength of your camp ..." Fang Chong continued to ask, judging from the answer of the stubble Han's first sentence, it did not say false.

"What's your purpose?" After hearing Fang Chong's second sentence, the stubble man suddenly became nervous.

He now doubts Fang Chong's purpose very much.

"Rest assured. If I want to lay down your survivor camp, there is no need to ask you ..." Fang Chong knew what the big stubble man was so nervous about, so looking at him now so nervous, he did Laughed.

"You are too confident, right? Although you are very powerful, don't underestimate our camp ..." Listen to Fang Chong's words of contempt. . The stubble big man's expression is a little complicated. In his opinion, Fang Chong was too arrogant.

Fang Chong they are strong, he knows. But is it possible that Fang Chong wanted to lay a survivor camp with dozens of people now in front of them?

In the stubble's mind, it is absolutely impossible.

"It's almost time. It's time for you to see our strength. I believe you won't look like this anymore ..." Listening to Hu Han's words, Huang Qianchuan laughed.

"Do you still have hidden strength?" After hearing Huang Qianchuan's words, the stubble man turned pale in a moment.

As soon as he spoke, he saw the roads around them. The street did not know when a lot of the same clothes as Fang Chong and they looked basically the same.

I saw the number of people in black surrounding me.

For the stubble man, the number of people is not terrible. What is terrible is the strength of these people.

Fang Chong is no longer familiar with their strength, so as soon as these people appeared, the heart of the stubble stubble drew his heart, because those who just came out of the surrounding, the stubble han felt the peace from them. Fang Chong appeared like them.

It's a breath that only the strong ...


"Look, there is a team of 5,000 people with refined weapons and the strength of the players is not less than one hundred. Do you think that your broken camp is blocking us?" Fang Chong asked again.

"Five thousand people?" Originally, when he saw that there were people in black all around, the stubble man thought that the number of Fang Chong would not be small, but he couldn't think of Fang Chong. They had more than 5,000 here. people….

What's wrong with this number? Knowing their entire survivor camp, the number is close to 20,000. But there are more than 5,000 people here alone. He fully believed in what Fang Chong had just said ...

If they really want to lay down their survivor camp, it's really simple, there will be no other suspense when they all come together ...


"Why? Doesn't it feel impossible to stop it?" Fang Chong looked at the stubble man with a completely stubborn expression, and asked again.

In fact, it wasn't just the stubble man with a shocked expression on his face.

Lu Yu, who had been clamoring to rob them of their supplies, now had a pale face and even shook his legs. It feels like crumbling.

After seeing Fang Chong's members with more than 5,000 uniforms, he didn't dare to take a sip, he was afraid that if he was not careful, it would be like Huang Qianchuan said. Different places ...

"Yes, it's unstoppable, but you are all so powerful. Does it still make sense to ask?" Han Hu's eyes were a little dim. He was still worried about Fang Chong's purpose. After all, there are many degenerate humans without humanity. He was afraid that Fang Chong would have the same hobbies. If this is the case, then the survivors of the survivor camp will be a miserable start ...

He didn't want to see such things happen, but the forces Fang Chong showed had made him desperate ...

"Well, it doesn't bother you to tell you. Since you are so curious, listen carefully ..." Fang Chong was somewhat surprised that this stubborn man's sense of responsibility, even if he saw them so powerful now, he is still the same.

It is not difficult to see that Fang Chong Han has put aside life and death.

To be practical. Fang Chong really appreciates the character of the big stubble man.

"In fact, I have been asking you how the strength of the survivor camp is purposeful, but it is not as human as you think, we are very sunny ..." Fang Chong began to introduce their most important purpose .

The stubble man listened to Fang Chong's words, his expression gradually changed from his original worry, and finally, after hearing Fang Chong's ultimate purpose, he was relieved by the long atmosphere ...

"Are you really going to pick up the survivors from our survivor camp?" After understanding Fang Chong's purpose, the stubble man asked with surprise and joy. Although he felt the possibility was remote, he was still calm.


"Then you have to see what you mean, if you are not going to leave Dongyang City. We will provide some material support and help ..." Fang Chong nodded and admitted that what he said meant, of course, they are free to choose Fang Chong will not force anyone.

"Really?" Listening to Fang Chong's words, Hu Huhan really felt that happiness came so suddenly.

There will be a time when the pie falls in the sky ...

"Well, don't ask me to answer anymore. What I said is the truth ..." Fang Chong shook his head silently. The stubble man looked very old. But in this environment today, he has always been incoherent, mother-in-law ...

However, although Fang Chong was speechless, he did not show any unpleasant emotions, but he did not want to pull on with the stubble han, otherwise, he would not know if he could pull it until tomorrow ...

"Okay, I know, why don't we set off and go back now?" After knowing that he was really sloppy, the stubble stunner immediately closed and the topic turned to other aspects ...

No longer doubting Fang Chong's purpose, he immediately proposed.

"Yes, there are basically no zombies in Dongyang now. You have to be much safer in the future, but I believe that it has been more than a year since the last days of the outbreak. Even if there are still supplies in the city, the number is definitely not much, except for those Good airtightness, or dry goods, long-lasting food, everything else should be gone… .. ”Fang Chong surprises the stubble man again.

Create a good environment for them, which is also within the scope of Fang Chong's sweetness ...

"Really?" After seeing that Fang Chong hated his mother-in-law, he always told himself not to ask these non-nutritive words, but after hearing such words, he couldn't help it.

"Can you still hear the roar of the zombies?" Fang Chong motioned to everyone else to calm down and let them listen to themselves ...

After a few minutes of rest in the audience, the other expressions were overjoyed ...

Really, they didn't hear the roar of the zombies anymore.


"The front is our camp. There are about 20,000 survivors. The number of survivors is the most in several base cities around Dongyang ..." Soon Fang Chong and others finally led by Hu Han Came a few kilometers away from Dongyang, in front of a small town on the outskirts of the city.

"Go, go in ...." From a distance, we can see that there are obstacles in front of the defense, and soldiers holding guns are guarding. After Fang Chong knew that the stubble han did not deceive, he waved his hand and the team continued Magnificent advance.

"I did not expect that there could be so many survivor camps in a small suburb of Dongyang?" Qin Lan said with emotion after the team restarted.

There are several survivor camps in one place. It was the first time they had crossed several provinces and cities.

"That's because Dongyang is not big, there are not many zombies, and there are no high-end zombies with abnormal strength. Otherwise, a destroyer will be able to destroy these survivor camps ..." Huang Qian Chuan said that there were hundreds of thousands of zombies killed in the past two days. It was not that the destroyers did not show up, and even the terminator was very few.

Otherwise, they would not be able to kill so fast ...

"It's true that the survivors of these camps should celebrate well, they are much happier than other humans ..." Qin Lan nodded, she also knew this.

But they also know that this is the case in Dongyang. In China with such a wide area, the chances of appearing are still quite a lot ....

"I just don't know if there are particularly powerful fighters in these survivor camps?" Huang Qianchuan said with interest.

"Yes, about ten kilometers from here, there is a survivor camp named Iron and Steel City, and their city owner is the most powerful survivor camp on the side of Dongyang City ..." Huang Qianchuan voice just fell, The stubble man sitting in front of the co-pilot turned his head, and probably pointed his finger in the direction ...

"Is the steel city owner?" Huang Qianchuan was interested in hearing such a name.

"Yes! It is the Lord of the Iron City. His strength is very strong. Occasionally high-level zombies or powerful mutant creatures appear here to kill him." Hu Han nodded and said about the story of the Iron City Lord. Very browful ....

"It seems that the survivors here adore him, don't they?" Looking at the performance of Hu Han, a young man, Fang Chong also became interested. Although I don't know the strength of the steel city master for the time being, but not weak is certain. Should be the identity of an evolutionary ...

"Of course, you don't know. One month ago, one of our smallest camps was suddenly violently attacked by zombies. One of them was more than one storey high, and less than four or five meters, like a giant, guns. Even the tank ’s artillery did not give it a bit of damage… .. ”Hu Shouhan nodded, and Fang Chong said that they were thinking….

"If you can't break his defense, you will end up destroying even a few tanks. The survivor's camp can be said to have suffered heavy casualties.

In the end, the owner of Iron City came out and killed the giant zombie after a fierce battle ... "Hu Shouhan said in detail.

"It should be five meters. That kind of zombie is called a terminator ..." Fang Chong and they listened to the description of the big stubble man and did not reveal much accidents. Terminators have been in contact with them for a long time. If the destroyer appeared, it would be a **** Be more full.

And Fang Chong also knew that the Terminator could not reflect the true strength of the Iron City Lord.

But it is also possible that the strength of this steel city owner is about 150?


"You know?" Originally, the stubble man thought that when talking about these anecdotes, Fang Chong should be very nervous. After all, more than five meters of zombies sounds scary enough, but he didn't expect that Fang Chong was not just them Not much surprise was revealed, as if they were watching at the scene, some details about the Terminator could be spoken ...

"Of course, Terminator, we don't know how many have been killed to this day ..." Muge pouted, in her opinion, the stubble man was too fussed.

Not to mention before, just a few days ago, when the Jiangnan base city defended the battle, the Terminators who died in their hands did not have a thousand or eight hundred ...

"You guys?" After hearing the words of Muge, the stubble man looked at Fang Chong and others incredulously. He finally knew the reason, why Fang Chong would be so calm when they heard the zombies more than five meters high. They heard steel The Lord of the City struggled to kill the Terminator without answer ...

"Now our world is huge ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are also many types of zombies, and our steps are not easy to keep up with ..." Fang Chong said meaningfully.

"It looks like we're at the bottom of the well ..." Hu Shouhan nodded.

"We can't say that, we are progressing, but the evolution of zombies and mutants is not slow, and there is not much news now, I don't know it is normal ..." Fang Chong shook his head gently.

The eruption of the last days paralyzed all communications, and because of this, all messages were lost and could not be shared.

However, Fang Chong believes that it will not be a problem in the near future. Through Mayan systems, Fang Chong they have started to try to control communication satellites. Once they can be successfully controlled, coupled with the emergence of a new generation of communication machines, this problem will be met. The solution ...

........................................ (To be continued ...)


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