I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 445: Murong Xue's Choice


After hearing Murong Xue's words, whether it was Hu Han or the guards at the two gates, he quickly retreated ten meters away. Seeing here, Fang Chong still had a faint smile on his face. He I really admire Murong Xue's personality, go straight, this method can really make those who pretend to be deep. m.

However, Fang Chong was a little bit embarrassed. He was not afraid of Murong Xue's challenge. He had 100% confidence in his own strength, but it was true that he had no experience playing Fang Chong with a woman. After all, it was so long in the last days that he killed the zombies. Countless, but the number of hands-on times with humans can be counted with ten fingers ...

So after Murong Xue took a step forward, Fang Chong still stood stupidly ...

"Teach as you teach, just let me try it ....." Muge saw that Fang Chong was standing stupid and knew that he couldn't help the woman, and he couldn't help walking out, staring at Fang Chong and turning around. , Looking at Murong Xue Road.

"Why do you want to come?" When Murong Xue came out, Murong Xue had a weird expression on her face. Everyone could see that she was young. It is reasonable to say that she is not strong enough to go there ...

"I'm enough to deal with you, fight with him, you don't look enough, and I still help you, don't look at him with a smile on the sun all the time, in fact, you are very wretched, if you win, it's fine, if one is not careful Lose, I'm afraid that you can wear this little leather coat on your body is still a question mark! "Muge said with a serious expression.

"Insignificant?" I heard Muge said. Murong Xue's eyes became sharper instantly. Seeing Fang Chong look at him, murderous concurrency ...

"Uh ..." Listening to the sound of Muge and Murong Xue, he could hear a clear conversation, Fang Chong's expression suddenly became stiff, and the expression on his face couldn't help twitching. You can really say anything.

After seeing Murong Xue's eyes again, Fang Chong knew that there was no need to explain. Murong Xue must now hate him from his heart, and even said he was disgusted ...

"Our wretched uncle is good ...." Looking at Fang Chong's stiff expression, Qin Lan simply laughed and asked.

"Do n’t think it ’s really funny. I am uncle Woo, what are you? This sentence indirectly proves that your eyes are very low ..." Fang Chong also learned the tone when they were angry and hummed twice ...

"Uh ..." After hearing Fang Chong's words, Qin Lan and Ling Ya looked at each other. They found that the idyll was too much ...

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"Okay, I'll defeat you first, and then I'll pack him ...". After seeing Fang Chong and Qin Lan Lingya talking intimately, Murong Xue's aversion in the other side deepened a bit.

After recovering her eyes from Fang Chong, she looked at the idyll standing a few meters away from her, and said in a serious tone.

"Okay, see who beats who ..." Mu Ge saw her expression slowly after seeing the movements of Murong Xue. She thought that Murong Xue would not be strong even if she was strong, but now Murong Snow stood out after the pose. She put away her mind ...

The strength is close to two hundred levels, and the idyll of Muge is also higher. Murong Xue is strong and weak, at a glance ...

"Look at the trick ..." After seeing Muge suddenly put away the naughty of the little girl, Murong Xue was surprised for a while, this sudden change of momentum, Murong Xue put away the intention to stay strong.

"Good come ..." Looking at the impact of Murong Xue, Muge did not retreat, she was not afraid of Murong Xue's severe punch.

Although Murong Xue made her wary, she was still far away from making her afraid.

The same punch came out ...

In the blink of an eye, two people who were less than ten meters apart collided together ...

There was no slight error between the fists and the fists. After making a muffled sound, Muge snorted softly, and Murong Xue, who took several steps back in a row, was not in better condition.

Being able to gain a slight advantage is her preemptive move. * /. // *

"Is that right? It can be said of an opponent ..." Although the first move was that she had fallen behind, the expression on Muge's face did not show a frustration.

After watching Murong Xue re-pose, she has rushed out.

"It's so fast ..." Watching the speed with which Muge showed it. The big stubble man, including two guards, exclaimed at the same time ...

"Come on ..." Murong Xue's expression was still very calm, but after seeing the speed of Muge. She was very choppy in her heart, and the power of the pastoral song had exceeded her imagination.

In particular, the combat effectiveness, Muge's every move is extremely mature and calm, is one that can not be ignored, her strength will not be weaker than her opponent ...

Feeling the pressure brought by the hit of Muge, Murong Xue also moved at the same time. Instead of being passively attacked, it is better to master the initiative.

With this kind of thought, Murong Xue immediately exerted strength at the foot, and her strength broke out instantly.

Without a trace of reservations between each other, the two were directly entangled, and the speed was staggering. Otherwise, Fang Chong's strength was much higher, otherwise, they wanted to see clearly between them. It's very difficult to do it in one way ...

In less than a minute, the two have already scored dozens of punches, but in the case of equal strength, no two of them are at a disadvantage ...

Watching Murong Xue show such strength, Fang Chong nodded in appreciation. Murong Xue's strength was somewhat unexpected. Although Muge is the weakest of them, to this day, the strength is infinitely close. Two hundred levels, so what they can be sure of now is that Murong Xue's strength is near the two hundred levels, but not more than two hundred levels ...

Otherwise, the pastoral song is not an opponent at all ...

When Fang Chong thought about these issues, Murong Xue and Muge had dozens of more punches, and the speed was still too fast ...

"It won't work if it grows so big. Or stop them ..." There is a little more time. The speed of Mengge and Murong Xue's confrontation has slowly decreased, and it can be clearly seen that the two have already suffered from power failure.

In the case of half strength, even if you fight for a long time, the results are similar. Of course, provided that Muge does not secretly drink the genetic medicine, otherwise, Murong Xue is definitely not an opponent ...

"Yeah, there is no hatred between us and Murong Xue ..." Fang Chong nodded. Qin Lan makes sense ...

"OK ..." Qin Lan went forward ...

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"Sister Qin Lan, what are you doing out there? Let me defeat her ..." Murong Xue's side. Hold tight at the moment when the fists between two people did not collide ...

"Your strength is close, and there will be no results if you fight. Since this is no need to waste time ..." Qin Lan looked at Muge and Murong Xue calmly, she didn't bother about Muge and Murong Xue's angry eyes. ….

"Who says she's about the same strength as me, and if you give me a little more time, I'll definitely put her head into a pig's head ..." Murong Xue hummed.

In addition to being angry that she has not been able to defeat the pastoral song, she is also covering up her ability to jealous of Qin Lan ...

Being able to easily dissolve the power that she and the animal husbandry blasted out has already told Murong Xue! Qin Lan's strength is much higher than her ...

After knowing this, Murong Xue's heart was even more turbulent, and the strength of a pastoral song was enough to be able to compete with her. Not to mention that there is a person who is stronger than her now ...

"Yes, sister Qin Lan, don't stop me, I made her into a panda ..." Of course, Muge is not vegetarian. Not only is she not weaker than Murong Xue in battle, she is even less likely to give in to her effort ...

"Just pause and wait until you're done with your business. If you want to fight, go for a fight ..." Qin Lan shook her head silently. Two people are so big or look like a child ...

"Okay ....." Qin Lan has spoken to such a degree that Muge they dare not say anything, nodded and walked towards Fang Chong them ...


"I don't know if we can sit down and talk now?" Fang Chong asked with a smile after seeing Muge and Murong Xue come over and sit down.

"Yes. But her strength is so ordinary, I still don't believe you can survive in Shanghai Stock Market ..." Murong Xue did not conceal the skeptical meaning in her words ...

"I'm ordinary, are you very strong? I don't think you can beat me so much?" Muge is very dissatisfied with the meaning of Murong Xue ...

"A little stronger than you ..." Murong Xue is also the proud master.

"Waffle ..." Muge would not show weakness.

"Well, Qin Lan is right. After we decide on the aspect of cooperation, we don't care if you two want to fight like this.

"Okay. I'm waiting, I'm sure she'll find her teeth all over ...

"Who is afraid of who ..."

"Well, let's go straight to the business.‘ Fang Chong did n’t go to discuss anything with them anymore, he knew to keep saying they would still be noisy, he did n’t care ...

"Okay, tell me about your purpose ..." Murong Xue was distracted by Fang Chong's interruption, and Muge could only stare because Murong Xue didn't say anything.

"In fact, our purpose is very simple, you, the survivor camp relocation ..." Fang Chong did not interrupt, and directly talked about the point ...

"Why?" Upon hearing Fang Chong's good words, Murong Xue asked with a calm expression, but she did not show the fussing reaction of Fang Chong's imagination ...

"Because we want the common strength of human beings, and your survivor's camp defense is too weak to resist large-scale zombies ..." Fang Chong had long thought that Murong Xue would ask such a question, he simply Answer without thinking ...

"Should you be ruled that way? Slave?" Murong Xue looked at Fang Chong with a look on his chest. Suddenly I remembered that Muge said that Fang Chong had a cumbersome side. She asked very puzzled, and her eyes became sharper when she thought of Fang Chong's side.

"Who said rule? Still slaves? We are talking about fair cooperation ..." Fang Chong was speechless. He admired Murong Xue's head, and his imagination was so rich.

"I won't believe it. Men's words are generally unreliable, not to mention you have a cumbersome side, hiding a knife in your smile ..." Murong Xue shook her head.

"What?" After hearing Murong Xue's words, Fang Chong's expression became stiff again. She actually said that he was insignificant?

"She said. I believe that if you are not bad to a certain extent, your own companions will not betray you, and I will have a reputation ..." Say ...

"Explain the animal song to yourself ..." Fang Chong was speechless. If Murong Xue continues to be skeptical like this, there is no need to say any cooperation at all. From the character of Murong Xue that Fang Chong has contacted from now to now, it is not easy ...


"Why is your mind so dead-headed? If a wretched person grows into such sunshine, I really admire it ..." Muge explained.

"Your consciousness means that what you said before is deceptive?" Murong Xue was confused, but one thing she was sure of was that the words that Muge told her before were useless and fake ... .

"Yes, but it can't be said to be deceiving. Isn't that afraid that you have been clamoring for a fight with Fang Chong?" Muge nodded, she did not deny ...

"You are despicable ..." Murong Xue gave a comment ...

"This doesn't seem to have anything to do with being humble or mean?" Fang Chong heard Murong Xue use such a word to describe it, and he was a little speechless.

"Anyway, it's not a legitimate method ..." Murong Xue said by Fang Chong, she didn't seem to have any connection, but she didn't care.

"Well, let's not talk about some of these, but let's talk about the camp of your survivors. You should think about those 20,000 survivors ..." Fang Chong knew that it was impossible to speak to women. Yes, they can play tricks ...

"You tell me your purpose, I will make a decision again?" Murong Xue's expression also became serious, such a thing. She can't be joking, but before she knows their purpose, she really doubts ...

"It is impossible to believe that you have no purpose, but we will not force you to make your own decision ..." Fang Chong shook his head. He really has no purpose, Murong Xue has been asking him to say the purpose. It really stumped him.

"At most, I just hope that there are more survivors on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In the future, I will really encounter more dangers and more powerful people ..."

"It's such a simple purpose?" Murong Xue was still very skeptical when she heard Fang Chong's words, but when she saw Fang Chong's expression, she was a little convinced. After all, it is difficult for a person's eyes to lie, Fang Chong said sincerely .

If Fang Chong is pretending to be like this, then Murong Xue will admit that he failed ...

"Yes, believe it or not, we won't force it ..." Fang Chong actually wanted to say a few hard words, but he couldn't say anything.

"Actually, you promised it? Bailey is harmless. You should know our strength. If we have other purposes, you are not an opponent at all, and we have thousands of players outside your survivor camp. The strength is more than a hundred levels ... "Qin Lan saw that Murong Xue still had no idea, and she also spoke.

"What does 100 level mean?" Murong Xue heard Qin Lan's words, her expression became more serious, thousands of people outside their survivor camp? Mu Xue was still thinking that the reason why Fang Chong did not dare to mess around was to worry about their place ...

But after Qin Lan said these things, she knew that things were far more simple than she thought ...

And Qin Lan said something she was very puzzled, similar to the hundred, two hundred ...

"The division of strength is similar to yours. The strength is close to two hundred levels. The guards outside just now are at most ten levels, and those who are behind you have strengths ranging from fifty to sixty to seventy ..." Qin Lan talked about the subject ...

"Is there such a division?" Murong Xue was extremely shocked to hear Qin Lan's introduction, which he did not know.

She knows the strength of her men. According to Qin Lan's division, she is indeed similar by comparison ...

"It's true that you don't know a lot, because your little survivor camp has no communication with the outside world ..." Qin Lan nodded. "You don't even know the level of the zombies ..."

"Yeah ....." Listening to Qin Lan's series of words that shocked her ~ www.readwn.com ~ She really felt that he really had a feeling of sitting in the sky, thinking that this survivor camp could be in her efforts The environment of the last days survived, but after hearing a series of explosive news similar to Qin Lan, she was shocked.

Especially the two things, Zombie Siege and Destroyer ...

She couldn't imagine if it happened to them in this little survivor camp? All killed? Fear is the only possibility ...

And with Qin Lan's displayed strength or Huang Qianchuan's performance speed, Murong was frightened and shocked, and human beings are now so powerful.

And after seeing their sword, her feeling of sitting in the sky and watching the sky became more obvious ...

At this time, Murong Xue already has a choice ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued). )


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