I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 446: Iron City Master


"You want to make the idea of ​​Iron City, the difficulty is not small, you know, the owner of Iron City has never been a good speaker, the name" cold face killing God "is not in vain ..." Has agreed to Fang Chong their Murong Xue, after hearing that Fang Chong's next goal is the owner of Iron City, she said nothing at all. M (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.)

"Isn't it difficult for you to talk? We are not assimilated by us now ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly. He knew that Murong Xue wasn't joking, but "Crimson Killing God" would be "Crimson Killing God", he He never feared anyone, at most he served the soldiers first. If he did not accept, he would be convinced. If he did not want to, he would give up at most.

They will not lose anything ...

"I'm soft-hearted and a good person. If I don't care about the survivors in other camps, do you want me to join? One, difficult! Two words are difficult ..." Murong Xue snorted.

"Okay, it's us that we are high, our beautiful Murong beauty will be all companions in the future, so we should cooperate well ..." Qin Lan, who smelled a hint of gunpowder, knew that Fang Chong and Murong Xue would be allowed to talk like this, and they would make noise Already.

She hurried out to do peacemaking ...

"Yes, you still tell us something about this" cold-killing **** "steel city master?" Ling Ya nodded.

"Okay, I still have some dealings with him. Although I'm not familiar with it, it's almost the same ...". Murong Xue's character is also an optimist. As Qin Lan Lingya said, her attention shifted.

"How did this title come?" Muge asked curiously. Actually, it ’s not just her, including Huang Qianchuan and others who are very curious. Now it ’s the last days. How can there be such a title similar to the title in martial arts novels ...

"It's quite shocking to say. A few months ago, there were not so many survivor camps here, and the number of zombies was far more than now. At an emergency when survivors broke through, he stood alone. After coming out, it also showed his horrible metal manipulation power. It can be said that he was fighting hard and countless zombies died in his hands. He stood on the battlefield like a **** of killing ... "Murong Xueton said. . "In addition to his relatively cold personality, the title of cold face killing God came out, but in addition to a cold personality, as long as he is not against him. Or does not touch his bottom line, people are still good .... "

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"That's a character ..." I heard Murong Xue's brief introduction. Fang Chong has counted in their hearts, but this cold character is a problem.

Fang Chong also know that this cold should be different from Ling Ya, Ling Ya is just superficial cold. Treating these siblings who are so familiar that they can no longer be familiar with them, Ling Ya gets along well ...

The coldness of the iron city owner, Fang Chong thought that a person should be similar, Yu Wenjing ...

But now Yu Wenjing has Huang Qianchuan. It doesn't seem to be as cold as when I first saw it, but I don't have much to say ...

"It's a personal thing. And his ability to control metal is very weird. Although I haven't played against him. But he is definitely not his opponent. After all, these bullets have no effect on him at all, as if you are holding them now. Fighting sword, afraid that he didn't hit him, he has deformed… .. "Murong Xue nodded, and Fang Chong and they were in line with the iron city master.

"Indeed, the ability to control metals is really horrible, but I don't know if there is any scope or other restrictions ..." Fang Chong's expression appeared dignified, and Murong Xue said the point.

These swords belong to the metal category, and they definitely cannot work on them.

"It should be able to reach a diameter of 100 meters, or that the power within the diameter of 100 meters is the largest ..." Murong Xue thought for a moment.

"Then you think about it, how many things can he control at one time?" Fang Chong asked again.

"It's the same action I saw, but once! But the last time I saw him, it was the time he killed the Terminator more than two months ago ..." Murong Xue said.

"Understood, we will meet the Steel City Lord tomorrow ..." Fang Chong probably had some low in his heart, and he made a decision. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to access us.)

"Do you really plan to go?" Murong Xue was a little worried. After all, she didn't know the strength of her opponent, and it was very dangerous to attack rashly, just as she is today. If she casually fought them with Fang Chong instead of herds, I'm afraid she will lose a lot ...

Eating a long one, she did not want Fang Chong to make the same mistake. After all, they have now boarded the same boat, and it is a boat with a bright future ...

"Go, why don't you go, and you don't have to join us? If he doesn't want to, we'll just let it go ..." Fang Chong waved his hand indifferently, he was telling the truth, this Steel City owner didn't join them too The big thing is that the strength of controlling metals may really be powerful, but the scope of operations is also limited.

It's the end of the world. There are all kinds of discarded metals everywhere in the city, and the number of cars alone is amazing. But once the environment changes, it's not in the city, but in the different cities of the jungle, desert, swamp meadow, Afraid of attack power will be greatly reduced.

These outbreaks like Fang Chong rely on their own strength, there is no worry in this area ...

Therefore, Fang Chong does not think that the owner of Iron City is really invincible.

He wants to go. In fact, the biggest purpose is curiosity. The eschatological world has changed a lot, and many things feel new ...

"It's better not to do anything. He has a high reputation in the surrounding camps of survivors. I'm afraid it will cause public anger ..." Murong Xue heard Fang Chong's heart, but she let go of it. less.

"You don't have to worry about this. Regarding your decision to join us, you still have to make it clear to your subordinates and members of this survivor's important organization as soon as possible. It will take four or five days for the slow and one or two days for us. It's time to leave this place ... "Fang Chong nodded, expressing understanding. Talking about Murong Xue and her survivor camp ...

"I believe they will support my choice ..." Speaking of the rest of the survivor camp about her decision to join Fang Chong them, Muge is very confident ...

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The next day, under the leadership of Murong Xue, Fang Chong and his team of dozens of cars set off from her survivor camp. The target points directly at Iron City ...

"In fact, I still don't believe the danger you said. After all, in these areas, the number of zombies is very small. Even if there are the destroyers you say, the number of zombies he can call up is also Absolutely not, especially if more than 80% of the zombies in Dongyang were killed by you ... "Murong Xue said in the car looking at the current environment outside.

Their team had not seen a zombie for ten minutes ...

"Then why did you agree in the end? If we regret it now, we won't force it ..." Fang Chong knows the zombies far more deeply than others. Although Murong Xue said that this possibility is very likely, But Fang Chong had dealt a lot with the destroyers. It is clearer that the rallying of the Destroyer is many times beyond their imagination ...

"Indeed, last night, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that I might be deceived by you, but when I came back, I thought you said about the future evolution and that magical genetic medicine, so I am glad to meet you again. Then I saw that this morning After thousands of fighter members, I am even more assured that your strength is really enough to settle the survivor camps around the entire Dongyang city, but you did not do so, I know that there is really no need to lie to us ... . "Murong Xue said.

"You observe it very carefully ..." I heard these from Murong Xue's mouth. Fang Chong's eyes flashed with admiration. He had seen Murong Xue before, but from the analysis just now, Fang Chong was even more sure that he did not see the wrong person ...

"It is necessary to observe carefully. I must be responsible for more than 20,000 people in our survivor camp ..." Murong Xue was not modest.

"Oh, it would be better if you were more modest ........." Fang Chong laughed ...

"You do n’t need to be low-key if you have the ability. It ’s already doomsday. I do n’t know if I will be alive tomorrow or not. Why, like before the last days, live with thick camouflage every day. ... "Murong Xue shook her head. She did not agree with Fang Chong's point of being modest ...

"That is also true, it is really tired to wear a disguise. It seems that the last days are not a bad thing in your opinion ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Murong Xue, who looked a little carefree, could say something so profound. Then he came as a surprise.

But he does not deny this view of Murong Xue. Before the end of the world, indeed, people were under great pressure ...

"Mentality problem ..." Murong Xue looked at the front, although she said in her mouth that she didn't know what would happen tomorrow. But Fang Chong can feel her strong confidence from her current expression ...

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"It really lives up to the name of Iron City ..." For about half an hour, Fang Chong and his team of dozens of cars stopped in front of a building that was shining in the sun ...

After getting out of the car and looking at the material of the defensive wall outside the city, Huang Qianchuan lamented.

The tens-meter-high defensive wall is full of metal texture. In some potholes, Fang Chong can see some traces of cars ...

Seeing this, Fang Chong and they knew without asking that this defensive wall should be from the hand of the Iron City Lord, coldly killing God ...

"It is true that the defense here is much higher than that of other survivor camps, but it is also because the construction of such a defensive wall is very difficult and apart from the Iron City owner himself, there is no way to help ..." Murong Xue Say

"It ’s better than it is bad. There are gains and losses. This is an inevitable rule." Qin Lan said.

"Oh, don't say these things that can't be changed, let's go and see the uniqueness of this steel city, and the mysterious steel city owner, let's kill the **** in cold ..." Fang Chong had no one else So many sighs, the establishment of such a city seems a bit wasteful for Fang Chong. Not only is it time-consuming and labor-intensive, if you meet the Zak in the future, it can play a very small role. Starting, he can seal the top of the entire city ...

"Okay ..." Murong Xue didn't stop talking.

Immediately. A dozen or so of Fang Chong successively walked towards the gate of Iron City.

In order to show no hostility, Murong Xue came out of the way, and the other people did not approach the Iron City ...

As they approached, Fang Chong and them could more and more feel that this Iron City was indeed magnificent. They believed that if the end time could be defeated, this Iron City would be a unique epitome of the end world environment.

"What kind of people are you?" Fang Chong dozens of them soon reached the gate of the Iron City, and they were stopped by two young men with rifles in their hands. The sound is not loud, but it is calm and hard. At a glance, they know that they have also been baptized with blood and fire. Otherwise, they do n’t feel that way ...

"Murong Xue… .." Murong Xue is no stranger to this inquiry. After taking a few steps forward herself, she answered ...

"Commander Murong?" After hearing Murong Xue's own name, the two guards' voices were a little surprised.

Seeing that the two guards were able to say Murong Xue's identity at once, Fang Chong believed that what the big stubble Han had said to them about the distribution of Dongyang's forces.

Murong Xue's name is actually synonymous with cold noodles.

Otherwise, these guards would not know this in Iron City ...

"I want to find Li Yunyu, the master of the iron city ..." Murong Xue saw them guess her identity. It was directly spoken by the purpose ...

"Okay, wait a minute, let's report it ..." Hearing that it's about their city master, the two guards' feet quickly report like grease.

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"Murong Xue? What is he here for?" The center of Iron City. A five-storey building, also made of metal. One was twenty-five or sixty-years-old, with big eyes and big eyes. Short-haired, but stubborn-looking man, his mouth moved lightly under the cold expression after hearing the two guard reports.

The tone of the speech was bland, and there was no trace of emotion in it.

"She didn't say, but just said that she was going to the Lord of the City, and there were more than a dozen people around her ..." The two guards looked at the Lord of the Iron City with a respectful answer.

"Let them come in ..." Although there was not much intersection with Murong's fright, he still heard about Murong Xue's person. Although he was unfamiliar, Li Yunyu, the iron city master, admired Murong Xue quite.

Her survivor's camp is a little bigger than his Iron City. He doesn't have much management and feels a big head, let alone Murong Xue a woman.

In an environment like the last days, it doesn't mean that more people have more advantages. In the absence of supplies, the more people there are, the greater the pressure is inevitable ...

And Murongxue's survivor camp, in terms of overall strength, is much weaker than Steel City ...

"If you can help, you can help ..." I don't know what purpose Murong Xue was holding. After the steel guard Li Yunyu saw the two guards leaving, he made a decision in his heart ...

In his opinion, Murong Xue should be a material problem. After all, apart from this problem, there were no other large-scale zombie invasions. He couldn't think of other things ...

It was even more unexpected that a group of people like Fang Chong would appear ...

"Commander Murong, our city owner has requested ..." Soon, the two guards returned to the door. They also knew Murong Xue's two guards. They respectfully said that in their eyes, Murong Xue and their city master were both It's a heroic existence ...

"Okay, please lead the way ..." Murong Xue's personality is like this. People respect you, and she also reports it ...

"Please ..." The two guards heard Murong Xue's kind words, and they became more and more favorable. They knew that the rumors were true ...

As the two guards led the way, Fang Chong followed them and walked into this iron city like an iron bucket.

The area of ​​the Iron and Steel City is not very large. As Fang Chong walks and observes the surrounding area, the area should not exceed 20,000 square meters. It is said to be a city, but rather a larger building.

Of course, Fang Chong also knows that in the case of Li Yunyu alone, it is difficult to make such a city.

Not long after, they have already reached the center of the Iron City, the city's main government ...

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"Iron City Master… .." Entering the gate, Fang Chong and they can see Li Yunyu, golden clothes, tall body standing in the middle position ~ www.readwn.com ~ Uiyu extraordinary ...

Fang Chong was somewhat surprised to see such a steel city owner. He intuitively told him that the steel city owner was really not weak.

But it is still difficult to threaten him ...

"Murong Xue, you have something to do with me ..." Li Yunyu said that Fang Chong and his party had gone away one after another.

"Actually, I am not looking for you. I am just a guide. They should be looking for you ..." Murong Xue is honest. Although he admires the strength of the Iron City Master and his person, he has always spoke so coldly He hates ...

When Li Yunyu asked, she pushed Fang Chong to the front. It was Fang Chong who wanted to find him, so Fang Chong told them ...

"Who are you?" Seeing Fang Chong step out, Li Yunyu's eyes were on him.

…………………………………………………………………………………… .. (to be continued.)


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