I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 447: Li Yunyu's strength


After Li Yunyu put his gaze on Fang Chong's body, he looked up and down Fang Chong, but the cold expression still remained unchanged. m * /. // *

"We are from Shanghai Stock Exchange ..." Fang Chong didn't say any nonsense when he saw Li Yunyu so directly.

"On the Shanghai market?" Li Yunyu's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard Fang Chong say these three words, but soon he returned to peace.

"Maybe you thought I was teasing you, but the fact is ..." Fang Chongyou captured the change in Li Yunyu's eyes and saw an expression similar to Murong Xue, Fang Chong said.

"Do you have this ability?" Li Yunyu's head rose slightly, his eyes sharply looked at Fang Chong.

"Need to try it?" I felt Li Yunyu's gaze and warfare, yes, it was not murderous, but warfare, and Fang Chong's mouth showed a laughing arc ...

After feeling Li Yunyu's war intentions, Fang Chong was excited and wanted to fight him without fear. At the same time, Fang Chong knew that a person like Li Yunyu was so straightforward and able to speak ...

"That's what it means ..." Li Yunyu has always attached great importance to the cultivation of warfare, which means a kind of momentum.

But Fang Chong, standing in front of him, showed a momentum like a mountain at this time, and was not affected by him at all ...

Seeing this kind of Fang Chong, Li Yunyu had some belief in his heart that Fang Chong said that they did have the strength to win the Shanghai Stock Market ...

But for so long in the last days, he saw a human strength like him, or a few points stronger than him. He was boiling blood from the heart. The war in my heart is more intense ...

Although Murong Xue is on par with him in fame, Li Yunyu knows that Murong Xue is not his opponent at all, so he has always tried his best to fight Murong Xue. As for those doubts, he always ignores ...

But today is different, the breath revealed by Fang Chong is very strong, he moved!

"Okay ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"Begin… .." Knowing that there will always be a battle, Qin Lan signaled the others to retreat, and she sang a little ...

"Be careful ..." With Qin Lan's voice falling. Fang Chong saw that Li Yunyu was not planning to shoot first, and his body moved.

After shouting to be careful, he turned into a black shadow and went straight to Li Yunyu.

Fang Chong made no effort. He knows the personality of a person like Li Yunyu, you can kill him with one stroke, but you must not be merciful, and let him deliberately ...

"Good time ....." From the moment Fang Chong's body turned into a dark shadow and rushed towards him, Li Yunyu's heart tightened and his pupils contracted. He knew that he met his opponent today. A little surprised, he thought about Fang Chong's strength, but Fang Chong's first move was still beyond his expectation.

But Li Yunduoyu's expression was still calm. The stronger Fang Chong showed, the more he could excite his nerves. As Fang Chong Yue got closer, his right hand slowly raised.

At the same time, at his feet, the whole force went straight towards Fang Chong like an arrow off the string ...

Although Li Yunyu's speed is not as fast as Fang Chong, but it is also very fast. A person with lower strength can only see a golden afterimage.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the two bodies, one black and one gold, collided together instantly ....



"Is this the true strength of Li Yunyu?" Looking at the two figures in black and white colliding fast, Murong Xue's expression was full of incredible.

Fang Chong's strength was prepared when Huang Qianchuan showed it yesterday. But now Li Yunyu, a person who claims that his strength is not much different from his, actually has such a terrifying strength?

"We still underestimated him. Li Yunyu's strength is indeed very strong, but this has something to do with his special control ..." Qin Lan's expression was also a little surprised.

Li Yunyu's speed and combat effectiveness can reach this level really beyond their expectations, Qin Lan believes. Fang Chong, who is fighting with Li Yunyu, should have the same idea.

But Rao is like this, Li Yunyu is still firmly suppressed in front of Fang Chong ...

But Fang Chong wanted to defeat Li Yunyu at once.

Under careful observation, Qin Lan has discovered that Li Yunyu is different from ordinary people.

When he fisted and Fang Chong wanted to contact. Those positions will always emit some golden light. After these golden lights burst out, Fang Chong's ferocious effect was even worse than expected.

And this golden light does not appear in Li Yunyu's fists. When his strength is not as good as Fang Chong and his speed cannot keep up, Fang Chong's tricks on his upper body are also very ineffective because of this situation.

This kind of golden light similar to the defense cover, Fang Chong also played very depressed.

However, without having to worry about hurting Yun Yu, Fang Chong's hands and feet were also released. With the full firepower, Fang Chong's speed increased a little bit without knowing it.

However, this inadvertent change, Li Yunyu's expression can not be so easy, faster and faster, more powerful, Li Yunyu's golden light is getting dim.

With the defensive power of the protective cover greatly reduced, he was finally able to appreciate Fang Chong's strength.

First, the hands and feet were paralyzed. In the end, the body was repeatedly hit, and the speed gradually slowed down ....

"Li Yunyu has lost ..." After seeing that Li Yunyu's speed could not keep up with Chong, and the golden light on her body had disappeared, Murong Xue knew that Li Yunyu had lost.

"Boom ..." As soon as Murong Xue's voice fell, Li Yunyu's body suddenly flew up, sending out at a speed as fast as possible, and hitting a metal wall instantly ...


Knowing that Li Yunyu would not take the initiative to admit defeat, Fang Chong did not intend to show mercy to his subordinates. Accurately kicked Li Yunyu's hands up in the cross. Although Li Yunyu's hands bloomed with dazzling light, this did not prevent his body from being kicked and flying ...

"Yes, you are strong, I lost ..." Li Yunyu, who was hit hard by the metal wall, inevitably fell off the wall.

After slowly rising from the ground, a corner of his mouth spilled blood.

It is not difficult to see from here that although Li Yunyu's defense is strong enough, Fang Chong was injured in the last hit.

However, Li Yunyu's next performance was surprising.

Not to be angry or angry, nor to look at Fang Chong coldly, but to pat the dust on his body. After wiping off the blood on the corner of the mouth with your hand, the corner of the mouth was raised and said with a smile ...

"Li Yunyu laughed?" Seeing Li Yunyu's smile, Murong Xue's expression suddenly became stupid.

In fact, with the exception of Fang Chong and others who did not know Li Yunyu very well, others. Especially the two guards who just came to inform Fang Chong of their visit.

At this time their expressions could not be described by shock, they were completely stunned.

Li Yunyu was defeated without saying, their grim killers laughed ...

Actually laughed ...

This smile can impact their thinking more than Li Yunyu's defeat by Fang Chong ...

"You are also good, stronger than I expected ..." Fang Chong slowly stepped forward.

"You haven't tried your best yet?" Li Yunyu suddenly asked.

"Aren't you also not using your special metal manipulation skills?" Fang Chong did not answer.

"You were wrong, I used it, and I used it when defending ..." Li Yunyu shook his head with a bitter smile.

His special skills can only be used alone. After Fang Chong showed amazing speed, he had lost the opportunity to control the metal and Fang Chong to keep distance.

"So it is ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"I'm not using my full strength, but I can't use it, you're not a zombie. It's not a mutant creature ..." Fang Chong then said ...



Hearing Fang Chong's next sentence, originally a little angry Li Yunyu understood that he was not without killing tricks, but those killing tricks could only be used in desperate time, but after losing to Fang Chong's hands He also knows that even if he uses his killing tricks, he may not be able to hurt Fang Chong.

Fang Chong's displayed strength is indeed much stronger than him ...

However, this time the failure Li Yunyu has not been hit so much, the disappointment must be there, but this failure also aroused Li Yunyu's strong fighting spirit and let him know that his strength is not the limit now The future has a long way to go. And his strength can still continue to grow ...

"Okay! I lost, you can talk about your purpose of finding me ..." After understanding Fang Chong's so-called exhaustion, Li Yunyu asked.

He knew that it was impossible for Fang Chong to find him just for this match. In his opinion, since he lost. Fang Chong's request is normal, as long as it does not violate his principle of being a man. He will not refuse ...

"It's actually very simple. We want to ask you to leave Dongyang City and return to Shanghai with us ..." Fang Chong was not surprised by Li Yunyu's attitude. As early as Li Yunyu's test, Fang Chong had already I thought of this result ...

"Why?" Li Yunyu originally thought what kind of conditions Fang Chong would propose, but Fang Chong actually proposed such a condition that is not a condition ...

"Zombies have evolved very quickly, as have mutant organisms. According to the environment around Dongyang, your survivor camps are not safe at all, and in addition to the threat from zombies, the material resources needed for human survival will become increasingly scarce in the future ... … "Fang Chong listed the key points.

"Your steel city may be able to block the attack of zombies, but being able to block it does not mean that you can live safely. Once the zombies surround the steel city, the days are still there, and the day when the lack of supplies is the time when the city is destroyed ..." Fang Chong said what he summarized ...

"Murong Xue, did you agree to them?" Li Yunyu calmly listened to Fang Chong's words, his head moved slightly, and his eyes were on Murong Xue.

"I promised, maybe I don't care, but I must be responsible for the more than 20,000 survivors in my survivor camp. Moreover, Fang Chong and they are very reasonable ..." Murong Xue nodded.

"You have the ability to provide material for so many survivors?" After receiving Murong Xue's affirmation. Li Yunyu's expression was struggling, and finally his eyes returned to Fang Chong's body ...

He did not deny the claims made by Fang Chong, he was really moved, but he had to doubt Fang Chong's purpose! After all, they lack material, but Fang Chong cannot be short of them?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Yes, here you should be clear. The plain between Shanghu and Jiangnan base cities has been developed by us. Food and supplies, the materials on which humans depend, will be self-sufficient in the near future." Fang Chong simply Introduce it.

"And with the further improvement of genetic technology, materials and materials will no longer be a problem, but there is a premise. That is, we need enough survivors to go to the Shanghai market, and there must be a lot of people. We want many people to work with us Create a large base city ... "Qin Lan added.

"Yes, we need a large number of survivors. This is also our biggest purpose of finding you ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"That is to say, you can choose for yourself, we will not force anyone, and you do not have to listen to us and make a choice because you lost to me this time." Fang Chong continued. "If you don't know each other, if you think your Iron City is better, let's take it as it is and meet a new friend ..."

"No need to say more, I promise, I promise you unconditionally ..." Li Yunyu listened to what Fang Chong and Qin Lan said. He has made a decision ...

"Don't think about it any more?" Although Fang Chong thought that Li Yunyu would agree, he didn't expect how easy Li Yunyu would agree? Fang Chong even has the illusion that they have become fragrant ...

However, this phenomenon is what they want to see. After all, the Shanghai Stock Market is so large that there are not enough survivors to develop at all.

With the completion of the Biological Gene Research Center and the Weapon Research Center, Fang Chong's eyes have become even more distant. His goal is to make the Shanghai city, the base city, the most powerful in China and even the world. Survivor base city.

Of course, this base city is called the most powerful? In addition to having a powerful human being, we must not fall behind in terms of science and technology ...

These are what Fang Chong hopes to see ...

"No, I already know the pros and cons of what you just said ..." Li Yunyu shook his head directly.

"Okay, then you are welcome. And also the survivors of the entire Iron City ....." After knowing that Li Yunyu's mind had been decided, Fang Chong laughed, and an additional Li Yunyu showed that they went to Shanghai The base city has one more high-end combat power in the future ...

And besides Li Yunyu, Murong Xue has the same potential. It can be said that the results of this trip to Dongyang City have greatly exceeded their expectations ...

It didn't matter if the next few survivor camps did not accept their invitation. Or more precisely. With the addition of Murong Xue and Grim Slayer Iron City Master, other camps with less strength than these two survivor camps will definitely agree.

But I think so, but what is the result, Fang Chong is not sure for the time being ...


"When will we set off to go back to Shanghai?" Fang Chong has been promised, and after a chat, they are already familiar, and Li Yunyu's words are gradually increasing.

"It takes another day or two, right?" Fang Chong said. "There are several survivor camps around here. If possible, I mean to call them all to Shanghai Stock Market. After all, staying here may not be in a short time, but no one can tell in the future."

"Zombies will kill less and less, and it's not necessarily so dangerous, right?" Murong Xue was a little confused.

"Yes, there will be fewer zombies as they kill, but in the last days, zombies are not just a threat to human beings. In addition to mutant creatures, the more powerful is the Zak, a creature from aliens ... After Li Yunyu and Murong Xue were taken as their own, Fang Chong did not intend to conceal them. For the Zak people, let them be prepared early.

In Fang Chong's view, with Murong Xue and Li Yunyu's strength, in the future they will become an important force of the Zach ...

"Alien creatures?" After hearing this, Li Yunyu and Murong Xue's expressions became astonished at the same time. This shocking news was not from Fang Chong, they would definitely think they were crazy.

Or neuropathy ...

"We have images of fighting ....." Fang Chong and they were not surprised by their reaction ~ www.readwn.com ~ After all, for the first time, Fang Chong himself had doubted it for a long time, but with the Zak people They appear more frequently. They have more information about the Zaks in their hands. They also have some video data. With these video data, it is easier to make people believe ...

"Really an alien creature?" With the completion of several videos, Li Yunyu and Murong Xue's expressions fell into a dull expression ...

Although not in person, the shock of the battle still moved them ...

"The Zakhs are very powerful and they are evolving at the same speed. Their only weakness is that the number of Zaks is not large. Our victory is in numbers. Difficult to say. "Fang Chong continued.

"But now the Zak people are not strong, we still have time to prepare ..." Fang Chong continued to analyze.

....................... (To be continued ...)


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