I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 448: Come in handy


"Anyway, the worst result is to die. Is the number of human deaths still low in the last days?" Fang Chong said terribly, but from the perspective of Li Yunyu, no matter how bad it is ...

"It's the same, we are not afraid ..." Murong Xue heard Li Yunyu's remarks, and she laughed. She didn't worry about how powerful the Zak people were. After all, Fang Chong had killed them, and they were like Li Yun. As Yu said, the worst plan was to die, but she was curious that Fang Chong's last sentence was enough time ...

Can humans upgrade so fast? These issues are more concerned by Murong Xue ...

"Why are you so powerful?" Murong Xue asked. M ()

"It's this kind of thing, but this level of genetic medicine is not suitable for you anymore, it needs more advanced ..." Fang Chong seems to have been prepared for a long time. After Murong Xue asked this sentence, Fang Chong took it handy. Come out two bottles of genetic medicine with white flowers ...

"Gene medicament?" Murong Xue was puzzled on hearing Fang Chong's words, but at the same time he and Huang Qianchuan picked up one bottle each ...

"That's right, this thing is called a genetic agent. Most of our strength depends on it ..." Fang Chong nodded, and also said the role of this genetic agent.

"Really?" Murong Xue was curious when she heard Fang Chong's words.

"Li Yunyu, you can drink and try, these gene medicines are good for the injury you just got hurt by me ..." Fang Chong motioned to Li Yunyu to taste it.

"Okay ....." actually decided to believe Fang Chong them, Li Yunyu didn't hesitate to pick up the white gene drug. Did not want to drink more.

In Li Yunyu's view, Fang Chong has the ability to kill them, so why are there other means, so Li Yunyu is not afraid that Fang Chong has other ideas ...

"How does it feel?" Li Yunyu drank the genetic medicine so directly. Murong Xue's face was full of curiosity.

"Feeling the heat flow in the body caused by this gene medicine, and then slowly guiding them to those uncomfortable positions in your body ..." Fang Chong, who had changed the gene medicine after entering the body, had been in Li Yunyu As he closed his eyes, he guided.

"Are there still hot streams?" Listening to Fang Chong's remarks, Murong Xue, who could not get Li Yunyu's answer, was even more curious ...

"You will know later when you try it yourself. This thing is not particularly precious now ..." Qin Lan grabbed Murong Xue, and Murong Xue's present side made them all a little bit confused ...

"Okay. I must try ..." Murong Xue shook her fist and replied with a playful expression, two big eyes staring at the genetic medicine in front of him.

It feels as if an accidental gene medicine will disappear ...


"Huh ....." A few minutes passed quickly and everyone was looking forward to it. Li Yunyu slowly exhaled a stale breath, and then took a deep, deep breath.

"How?" Seeing Li Yunyu's expressions and actions, Fang Chong had probably guessed that the absorption of the gene medicine should have been successful ...

"The injury is much better, and the effect is very good ..." At the same time that Fang Chong's words were heard, Li Yunyu had shaken God. As he said, it feels really good, and the injuries caused by Fang Chong before have been much better.

"Really?" He heard this sentence from Li Yunyu's mouth, and Murong Xue's face was full of curiosity. That kind of look seems to want to take Li Yunyu apart to see if it is as they say ...

"Of course it is true. You can try it now ..." Murong Xue, who looked and wanted to try again, was a little scared. Fang Chong encouraged ...

"Okay ....." Murong Xue, who was unwilling to admit defeat, was prompted by curiosity. She immediately picked up the genetic medicine, her eyes narrowed, and learned how Li Yunyu drank before, raising her head. , Drink in one drink ...

"Well, slowly feel the changes in your body, that is the heat flow ..." Fang Chong said. .

Listening to Fang Chong's words, Murong Xue's originally trembling body slowly calmed down due to tension, and her expression became very quiet and comfortable at the same time ....

It was also a few minutes later, Murong Xue's has suddenly opened, with a thick smile on his face ...

"Doesn't it feel good?" Qin Lan asked with a joke when he saw the change in Murong Xue's expression. Actually, everyone has drunk the gene medicine. The effect of the gene medicine is not clear. Asking this sentence is actually superfluous.

"Okay, very good, very good ..." Murong Xue answered with a smile, using three adjectives ...

"In addition to feeling that my physical injuries are better, my physical strength has become more full?" Li Yunyu saw Murong Xue look like this, and he knew that Murong Xue should be the same as the feeling he felt.

"Yes, this is the unique effect of genetic medicine. If your level is already high now, this genetic medicine can still improve your strength! But now, you can only restore injuries and physical strength ..." Fang Chong is Some accidental calendars Yun Yu can feel this way for the first time after taking this genetic medicine ...

"This genetic medicine has a grade release? How did this genetic medicine come?" Murong Xue wondered how this magical thing came about? Although it can be said that anything can happen in the last days, she is curious and very emotional when something with such a good effect appears.

In particular, Fang Chong uttered a sentence that would have improved their power if the level of the gene medicine had not been lowered.

It can be said that Murong Xue is now more curious about how the advanced genetic medicine needs to be obtained ...


"You weren't curious why we stopped every time we killed a zombie and cut it apart?" Fang Chong said with a smile.

"Yes!" Murong Xue nodded, she was puzzled before. But when they asked Fang Chong, they didn't say that it was mysterious.

"Did this genetic medicine be extracted from the corpse's white flower?" Seeing Fang Chong did not continue to say, but looked at her with a smile. Murong Xue's expression became a little shocked.

"You guessed it ..." Fang Chong nodded unexpectedly Murong Xue.

"Isn't that disgusting?" Upon hearing Fang Chong's determination that the genetic medicine was taken out of such a disgusting body, Murong Xue's expression instantly became extremely ugly, and there was even a kind of vomiting. feel…..

The wonderful enjoyment of the gene medicine just disappeared instantly.

"You should remember that the white flower is very beautiful and clean ..." Seeing Murong Xue's response, Qin Lan had to speak. She is also a girl who knows more about Murong Xue's feelings now, knowing that Fang Chong intentionally , She gave Fang Chong a white eye ...

"But can the contents of the disgusting guy in the zombie be eaten?" Murong Xue remembered those things. It ’s really like Qin Lan said, very beautiful and clean ...

But it was clean from the body of the zombies ...

"It's also clear to you, that white flower is called myogenic meat, which is the source of strength in the body of the zombie. It is also a substance that humans must obtain in the last days to evolve ..." Qin Lan admired Li Yunyu quite He didn't overreact because he heard it was taken from the body of a zombie. The expression is still calm, still cold ...

"Did you really drink these things? And there are so many?" Murong Xue heard Qin Lan's explanation and introduction, but her expression was much better, but she still didn't believe it. This kind of thing from the body of the zombies, Fang Chong them can drink so much?

"Of course, if you don't drink, where do we have the current strength?" Qin Lan nodded. She is now completely immune to this thing, between nausea and survival. She chose the latter ...

"Okay, you are strong enough. I have served you, and I will not flinch ...." Murong Xue believed Qin Lan's words, knowing that this is what the saying goes, and if you gain, you will lose something.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The stronger the zombies, the bigger the flesh of the muscles they take out, and the more effective the gene medicine that can be extracted, similar to the two of you, now you want to get more powerful At least the genetic medicine needs to be like the zombies and the terminator you killed before ... "Fang Chong knew that Murong Xue most wanted to know about this problem.

"Isn't that rare?" After hearing Fang Chong's name of the Terminator, Murong Xue's first reaction was very little. After all, it was rarely seen here in Dongyang, so they killed the Terminator. Not many times ...

"Less?" Fang Chong and several of them smiled amicably when they heard Murong Xue's worry.

Maybe this is less suitable for Dongyang? In other places, there are a lot of things to say, Fang Chong they can be said to have a deep understanding ...

"What do you mean by this?" Seeing Fang Chong all smiled, Murong Xue asked with an awkward expression. She didn't know what was wrong with the sentence she just asked?

"There are definitely a lot of Terminators, maybe there are few here in Dongyang City, but in other places, you can kill you softly ..." Qin Lan stopped and smiled, and explained the embarrassment of Murong Xue ...

"Is that so?" Murong Xue suddenly realized when Qin Lan explained.

"Follow us, you are not afraid of killing without zombies, you are afraid of killing ..." Fang Chong gave Murong Xue a guarantee. In fact, Fang Chong did not brag. They experienced so many long battles, and that time was not based on Less is better than more.

Are you afraid of zombies like this fighting habit?

"Okay, I believe you ..." Murong Xue nodded, and she now noticed the difference between her and Fang Chong. I also know that their choice to join Fang Chong should be correct. After all, things have progressed so far, and their gains are not small ...

"I won't let you down ..." Fang Chong gave a guarantee ...

"Speaking of your next plan here in Dongyang, let's not waste any more time ..." Li Yunyu has been calmly listening to the conversation between Fang Chong and Murong Xue, he wants to know. Murong Xue had already asked clearly, so he didn't need to speak again.

"You know the danger of the last days is difficult to predict. Our plan is to convince the survivor camps around Dongyang City as much as possible. After all, the area of ​​Shanghai is so large. More survivors will never be a problem in the past ..." Fang Chong stated their plans and ideas.

"What do you mean is that we hope we can help persuade the survivors' camps?" Li Yunyu said directly, he could hear this from Fang Chong's words ...

"Yes, the two of you are the two most influential people in Dongyang. Letting you two talk about it is the most suitable ..." Fang Chong nodded, Li Yunyu's direct character Fang Chong liked it ...

"We can try this, but we can't guarantee the effect ..." Murong Xue nodded, indicating that she was not a problem. As for how successful she was, she had no idea. After all, many things sound ridiculous. Murong Xue does n’t know now that she believes Fang Chong so much, is n’t it ridiculous ...

"We do not demand, nor do we threaten others. The opportunity is our own grasp, and they miss no one else ..." Fang Chong shook his head, expressing Murong Xue's worry that they are unnecessary ...

"It will be simple. This thing will be put in our hands. I will go with Li Yunyu. The strength of persuasion should be able to be strengthened a little more ..." Hearing Fang Chong's mentality, Murong Xue thought nothing of it. Promise ...


In the next few days, Fang Chong's work was in the hands of Li Yunyu and Murong Xue, so the busiest is to count them both.

Although Dongyang City is only a second-tier city. However, the number of survivor camps around is surprisingly large, except for Li Yunyu and Murong Xue, who are the two most powerful. There are more than ten other big and small.

This number of survivor camps was really the first time Fang Chong saw them since the last days.

However, after handing over the task to Li Yunyu and Murong Xue. Fang Chong and they are not idle. It would be too shameful to waste a 5,000-strong team in this way.

In order to prevent waste from happening to him, Fang Chong divided the team of more than 5,000 people into ten teams, which basically started every day. Of course, even if the purpose is to kill zombies, collect available materials and resources ... ...

As more and more survivors from the Shanghai Stock Exchange join in, the most important thing is food. Other materials are also indispensable.

Now the Shanghai base city has just started, the Biological Gene Research Center and the Weapon Research Center have come in handy, but other materials that are needed for daily life are temporarily unable to produce ...

However, Fang Chong also knows that this situation is temporary. In the near future, they will also be able to produce these materials themselves.

This is why he chose to go to Shanghai.

No one can deny the danger of Shanghai Stock Market, but the industrial development of Shanghai Stock Market is even more familiar to Chinese people.

Now every item is slowly coming in handy ...

As long as these ancillary facilities can come in handy, the development of Shanghai will be getting better and better, and it will develop like a food chain.

At the same time, the strength of Shanghai Stock Market can continue to grow. As long as there are more and more powerful human beings, the hope of humanity in the future is greater ...

In this way, time passed quickly, and Li Yunyu and Murong Xue also completed the task entrusted to them by Fang Chong. In the past few days, the two of them ran all the survivors around Dongyang City. Camp, and the harvest was unexpectedly large. In the camp of more than ten survivors, in addition to the third place, the number of survivors was more than 10,000, and there were two survivors at the end of the ranking. Camp did not want to join Fang Chong them, several other survivor camps, after Li Yunyu and Murong Xue said the reason, they agreed without thinking ...


On the fifth day, it was also time for Fang Chong and other survivors to make an appointment to leave Dongyang City.

"Are you all here?" Fang Chong looked at the leaders of the ten survivor camps including Li Yunyu and Murong Xue, no longer strange.

"I'm here ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can go ..." Murong Xue has become the leader of the ten survivor camps. Fang Chong asked, and she answered that she had done it before Fang Chong came. Ever statistics ...

"Okay, let's go ..." Fang Chong didn't make nonsense either. He left here early to return to Shanghai.

Ten survivor camps, the number of survivors is between 50,000 and 60,000, this number is not small anymore ...

Fortunately, when Fang Chong came out this time, he brought with him more than 5,000 absolute mains in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. With such a powerful force, Fang Chong was quite relieved ...

As the troops slowly set out, Fang Chong constantly adjusted the way the team moved forward. The head and tail of the team came out with old players in front, and there were also a large number of players on both sides of the team to protect ...

As for Fang Chong, these powerful guys are scattered around the team to prevent powerful zombies or mutants.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ...... Continued ...)

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