I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 449: Weapon R & D Center


Despite all the troubles along the way, I returned safely to Shanghai. m () (M_)

Although the number of zombies encountered on the road was many, they came in batches, up to tens of thousands at a time. In the absence of powerful zombies, even if it was the largest one, tens of thousands of zombies were quickly caught. Kill ...

In the entire team, in addition to their more than 5,000 people, the strength of the more than 1,000 members of Li Yunyu is not small, although the strength is not as high as their side, but killing zombies is also handy. And Murong Xue's men are not weak, of course, compared to Fang Chong and Li Yunyu, the number of other survivor camp members, although they do not show how powerful fighting, but Under normal circumstances, there is no problem with their self-insurance.

In the case of self-insurance, there is no problem, other people can be more confident in their shots, and without worries, the efficiency is greatly improved ...

Among them, the most dangerous is that the team passed a small town on the road. There were five Terminators and hundreds of Hulks. The emergence of such high-end combat power was unexpected, but fortunately, Fang Chong Chong and their team members have been fighting for hundreds of years before they avoided major casualties ...

But Rao is like this, dozens of people died in the hands of zombies ...

Although I have been accustomed to death for a long time, the casualties occurred when we were close to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which undoubtedly cast a shadow on everyone's mood, and this sudden situation also alerted Fang Chong to them. Never underestimate the danger of the last days ...

As the vigilance of the team increases. Fang Chong and they also got serious. The last part of the team's journey was peaceful, but it was not because of the fear of zombies or that they were close to Shanghai Stock Market ...

"The front is the scope of Shanghai Stock Exchange. The road here is also wide, basically we can say that we don't have to worry about anything else ..." Seeing the familiar environment of Shanghai Stock Exchange, Fang Chong had a relaxed face on their faces. Expression.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange is their hope for the future. As for now, it is a home.

Back to Shanghai Stock Market. Fang Chong feels like they are home ...

"Let everyone's spirits improve. We have reached the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Be careful. You don't have to walk for a long time to relax ...." I heard them say this. Li Yunyu, Murong Xue and others all understood Fang Chong's meaning.

Give everyone hope that morale will not be so low ...

"Understand ..." As the instructions were passed on, the original team was somewhat down, and some listless players slowly became excited. The arrival of the Shanghai Stock Exchange showed that they were not far from hope.

When they come to Shanghai Stock Exchange, their hope of living well is even greater… ..

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Song Ming, how do you arrange your accommodation ..." A short while later, the team and Fang Chong had previously envisaged a smooth entry into Shanghai.

"No problem, the absolute number of residential quarters can live. Moreover, each floor of ours has been specially cleaned up, absolutely guaranteeing that no zombies exist ..." Song Ming stated their arrangements ...

"That's good ..." Fang Chong heard this, nodded, and Song Ming said that such preparations had made Fang Chong very satisfied.

After all, it is the end time, and if it is required to be as high as before the end time, it cannot be achieved.

Where do you live in the last days? It's a safer place to rest. As for before the end of the age, there are appliances, computers. That's impossible. Maybe there are houses in these residential districts, but in the absence of electricity, there are also….

"But in some places the living materials are not complete, you need to live in. Then prepare slowly ..." Song Ming continued.

"None of these are problems. It ’s enough to give people somewhere to live. And the promise I made is to have somewhere to live ..." Fang Chong waved his hands and said that Song Ming said the living materials, now there is no need to worry ...

"I see ..." Song Ming nodded, and Fang Chong immediately understood when he thought about it.

In the last days, no material is really needed. The last days are survival, not enjoyment ....

"Let everyone help, and the team was organized according to a team of one thousand people ..." After seeing Song Ming understands what he meant, Fang Chong said again. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to access us.)

"Okay ....." Song Mingming walked over ...

Having arrived in Shanghai, and seeing little difference between the environment and what Fang Chong said, Li Yunyu and Murong Xue, including the other eight survivor camp leaders, have believed and accepted Fang Chong Side arrangement.

At the same time as acquiescing in this arrangement from the heart, Song Ming came over and asked the team to divide them according to the number of one thousand people. They also had no opinion.

After seeing Fang Chong's powerful performance on the road, they were convinced that Fang Chong had said what they had said before, and they could really make them stronger overall.

And after you do n’t have to worry about being in a dangerous environment, is there anyone who is not big enough for them? The most important thing in the last days is strength, the strength you have.

As for the forces, they are all false.

The reason why they are willing to do this is actually very simple.

It is to hope that the survivors can be twisted into a twine, and the strength can be concentrated.


"I have no problem, just arrange it. I, including our team, will accept… .." After hearing Song Ming's discussion with them, Li Yunyu immediately stated.

Song Ming does not plan to force others, but it is indeed the most appropriate and most familiar to them according to the number of thousands.

After all, zombies in the last days are often attacked in groups. Human beings are powerful. But there are dangers when the number of people is not dominant.

In addition to a team of more than 1,000 people, in addition to ensuring that humans can compete with zombies, they also ensure mobility ...

"Me too ..." As Song Ming's eyes shifted to himself, Murong Xue didn't even have to think about it.

She thinks similar to Li Yunyu.

After Shanghai's environment was almost the same as Fang Chong's description, she lost her alertness ...

The thing she wants to do now is to get the accommodation and future arrangements for these survivors early, and after finishing this, she can quickly feel the charm of the experience potion ...

Fang Chong gave her and Li Yunyu's hands the genetic medicine extracted from several Terminators killed today .....

She had already realized the magic of genetic medicine, and she couldn't wait any longer. She dreamed of wanting to experience the feeling of strength and seeing growth ...

"We have no problem ..." Holding the same mentality as Li Yunyu's Murong Xue, after seeing Li Yunyu's statement, the rest of the camp leaders also expressed their attitude ...

"That's it, that's it ..." Song Ming saw that. He didn't say much. After they both ignored it, his work was easier to start ....


With Song Ming's departure, Li Yunyu and Murong Xue tacitly approached Fang Chong and they now have the same questions in their hearts. They want to ask Fang Chong whether the gene medicine from Terminator is the same. Take this ...

After believing that Fang Chong would not deceive them, they were willing to choose to believe in Fang Chong, or in other words, they had begun to like the atmosphere of Chong them above. For them, this feeling is wonderful.

In other words, the feeling at Fang Chong them has not been felt for a long time ...

"You should want to ask me how to take the gene medicine from Terminator?" Fang Chong asked when Li Yunyu and Murong Xue arrived.

"You know?" Murong Xue nodded when he heard Fang Chong say so.

"Similarly, gene drugs are well absorbed, especially this kind has been extracted, there is no side effect at all, this thing may be the safest food in the last days ..." Fang Chongzui said immediately.

"Okay, we understand ..." Murong Xue had no doubt. As for Li Yunyu's still cold expression ...

"Let's go, I'll take you to see our weapon research center. I believe you will have more confidence in the future of Shanghai Stock Exchange ..." Fang Chong looked at the two of them and suddenly remembered that For a long time, he himself had not visited their weapons research and development center.

Biological research centers are important, but weapons research and development centers are equally important, especially those for energy weapons.

The future depends on them.

of course. When weapons come out, transportation is also important. After all, the use of cars as a means of transportation will not be used in the near future. The eschatology has now become available. All cars and other transportation vehicles still rely on gasoline, and gasoline comes from petrol stations. The oil is depleted and there is no need to reuse it.

The inconvenience of transportation is impossible to transport from the place of origin as before the end of the age ...

"Okay ...." Li Yunyu, who had not been a big talker when he heard Fang Chong's proposal, spoke unexpectedly.

"Let's go then ..." It's a rare Li Yunyu to speak once. Murong Xue was originally not interested, but at this time it's hard to say no ...

"You won't be disappointed. If nothing unexpected happens, you can choose a weapon in your hand ..." Fang Chong promised.

"Really? That's about to go ..." When Murong Xue heard this sentence, Murong Xue suddenly became energetic ...

"Okay ..." Li Yunyu still cherishes words like gold.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

The weapon research and development center, Song Ming, and the child, Ye Lao chose to go to an original shipyard in Shanghai. The reason is simple. In addition to all kinds of large-scale machinery, there is enough space.

And in the future, they will not always be able to rely on two means of transportation, land and air, and this means of transportation is also essential ...

"This is where our first aircraft carrier was born?" Came to the destination. Murong Xue was introduced to the shipyard to attract the attention of the past.

"It should be said ..." Fang Chong was not quite sure. Before the end of the last days he was a standard otaku. He knew more about games and entertainment. As for military matters, he was not interested ...

So is the aircraft carrier from here? He knows a little bit about it ...

"How dare you say that this place is yours?" Upon hearing Fang Chong's words, Murong Xue rolled her eyes and looked at Fang Chong with a glance.

"Let's go in and say, this is my first time here ..." Fang Chong's expression was awkward, and Murong Xuehua's glance could not say him, but Li Yunyu also cast the same look. Fang Chong is even more depressed ...

Dare to love these two guys intentionally ...

"Okay ..." But after Fang Chong proposed to go in, Li Yunyu said Fang Chong in cooperation.

It's still simple to the extreme, but this time Fang Chong sounded very pleasing ...

At the gate, the guard was an old member who had followed Fang Chong for a long time. Seeing that Fang Chong came by himself, they let it go without even asking ...

Murong Xue and Li Yunyu, who did not know the relationship between Fang Chong and these guards, frowned.

They should be wondering about the slackness of the guards here, after all, how important Fang Chong had bragged about this weapon R & D center.

Is n’t it important to guard a place as important as this? Although the entire Shanghai Stock Market is under their control, people's hearts are unpredictable, and it is hard to guarantee that some people will not have their hearts ...

However, as Fang Chong drove slowly, the expressions of Murong Xue and Li Yunyu changed again. The two men who had thought that the guards were lax, saw the guards ten steps and one hundred meters, and they re-examined them. This weapon research and development center.

Because they found members of these guards. Many of them are not weaker than the two of them ...

When they were shocked, they became more and more curious about the Shanghai market. Fang Chong's strength was in the end ...


"Fang Chong, are you here?" Seeing that Fang Chong appeared, although Xiao Lan didn't know who Murong Xue and Li Yunyu were behind him, she greeted with a smile and knew Fang Chong's character, not herself Man, he ca n’t bring anyone casually in such an important place ...

"This is Murong Xue and Li Yunyu. Our newly joined members are not bad. It's our own ..." Fang Chong introduced. For Xiao Lan, Fang Chong never hides anything. This little girl is not clever. Yu Muge, have been together for so long. Fang Chong also knew this.

Otherwise, this center will not be her here ...

"Hello. Welcome you ..." Xiao Lan held out her hand, and after hearing Fang Chong's words that they were good, Xiao Lan knew that they should be really good and trustworthy in character.

Fang Chong's eyes are more spicy and picky than they are ...

"Xiao Lan, our best companion, we can say that my sister who was born and died together shortly after the end of the last days ..." Fang Chong introduced Xiao Lan Qin Lan, and he could see the doubts in the eyes of Murong Xue and Li Yunyu.

Xiao Lan is very kind to him ...

"Hello ..." Murong Xue understood, but she stretched out her hand with a smile.

"Hello ..." Li Yunyu rarely smiled.

"Is this going well?" After introducing them to each other, Fang Chong went directly to the topic, which he is more concerned about now.

Now that there are more and more survivors in the Shanghai base city, weapons and equipment must keep up.

Fang Chong, two kinds of achievements developed by the weapon research and development center, such as the Black Eagle Warframe Set and the Black Front Sword, are very satisfied. They are very practical and cost-effective. Fang Chong is suitable for the current situation in the last days.

Although the armor sets and weapon swords exchanged from the Maya system are more powerful, their practicality is far inferior to those independently developed by the weapon research and development center ...

"Very well, the two experts have re-developed a new Warframe suit and made adjustments based on the original Black Hawk. In addition to being thinner and lighter, the defense performance has been more effectively improved, and the defense force can reach two hundred. Above the level ... "Xiao Lan said.

"Ye Lao was named Black Hawk 2 by this new type of armor set ..."

"I did not expect that in a short period of time, there was a new breakthrough in this Warframe Kit ..." Upon hearing the news from Xiao Lan, Fang Chong's face was overjoyed, and he still underestimated Ye Lao and Childhood. strength….

Now Fang Chong finally knows why their work was blocked before the end of the world, many reasons are limited by materials. Now the eruption of the end of the world, a variety of different materials appear before the end of the world, these new materials, to a great extent It makes up for the difficult problems that can't be solved ...

"In fact, there is not only a breakthrough in the armor set ~ www.readwn.com ~ The weapon of the sword is also excellent ..." Xiao Lan nodded.

"Is it Hei Feng No. 2 ..." Hearing what Xiao Lan said, Fang Chong asked subconsciously.

"No, it is a new type of material. The color is different from the black of the black front. The blade is blood-red, and the shape is not much different from the shadow sword ..." Xiao Lan introduced.

"What's that?" Fang Chong laughed, and he found that he sometimes thought it was too easy to think about the problem ...

"Blood Soul ..." Xiao Lan also introduced some characteristics about the "Blood Sword" while naming her name. "Attack power exceeds two hundred levels, infinitely close to two hundred and fifty levels ..."

"It's all good guys, I like ...." After hearing this attacking sword, Fang Chong's expression was a little puzzled at first.

………………………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued.)


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