I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 450: New equipment

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"But because of the problem of the material, the number is a little small, only a few dozen ..." Seeing Fang Chong happy to be like this, Xiao Lan said in a small voice, but the material is a big problem. m []

"A lot, if you can build so many high-level sabers casually, the high-level sabers are too worthless ..." After hearing Xiao Lan's tone, Fang Chong knew instantly that Xiao Lan should be afraid that he would Disappointed.

In fact, Fang Chong knew better than anyone that this kind of sword was difficult to create. In the exchange space of the Maya system, the exchange price was clearly there.

And although the power of the "Blood Soul Blade" is now huge, they have very few members in the entire team that have reached 200 levels, and they are now mostly waste. 'Proficiently.

For members with a strength of more than one hundred, the black blade is enough now ...

"It's true, and I also thought that the number of" Blood Soul Knives "is enough for us to use, and over time, when everyone's strength can reach this level, we may have enough materials ... .. "Xiao Lan nodded in confidence when she heard Fang Chong's words. She also knew that among them, Fang Chong was the most stressed person. Because of this, Xiao Lan was afraid that Fang Chong would be disappointed ...

"Not everyone can break through two hundred levels, each one is a hurdle, and the higher the level, the more difficult it is to cross this hurdle ..." Fang Chong said, regarding the road of human advancement, Fang Chong now knows it well.

However, to say so, but in fact, as long as ordinary humans can reach the level of 100 or more, the problem of self-protection in the last days is not large. Generally, zombies are dozens of levels, and basically do not reach 100. Level, while mutants are much more threatening than zombies, but under normal circumstances. As long as you do not go deep into the mountains and forests, it is difficult to encounter advanced mutants.

And those mutant creatures that usually appear in or near cities and suburbs. Even if the strength is strong, it is not strong ...

In this case, as long as the Zak people are not encountered, humanity can now be said to be invincible.

of course. The invincible place here is Fang Chong they are now in Shanghai base city.

It can be said that the Shanghai base city should be the area with the highest number of high-end combat power among the large and small base cities in the entire Huaxia region.

After all, Fang Chong, Song Ming, and Huang Qianchuan are among the survivors of the earth. Strength is the most powerful ...

Although Fang Chong and Song Ming's innate advantages are not as good as Huang Qianchuan, fortunately, they started early, especially Fang Chong himself. No one can match the innate advantages of the Maya system, and his strong explosive power is even his strength The approaching Song Ming is not his opponent either.

And with the deepening of the last days, Fang Chong's combat skills honed from life and death are even more rare. He is no longer the barbarian who can only hack with a sword ...


"Not everyone can do it? Is there a limit to talent in the case of genetic medicine?" Xiao Lan just nodded at Fang Chong's words. [Just reading the novel ~] She actually knew this. However, Murong Xue and Li Yunyu, who can also hear Fang Chong's speech, cannot be as calm as Xiao Lan's.

"Of course, level 50 is a small hurdle, but level 100 is a big hurdle. Of the tens of thousands of people brought back with you this time, no more than a third of the survivors can reach a hundred. Grade… .. ”Fang Chong did not hide Li Yunyu and Murong Xue.

"Yeah, if everyone can increase their power endlessly. Isn't humanity still invincible?" Murong Xue heard Fang Chong, she understood.

"But you two don't need to worry about it. With the strength you are now showing, it is not a problem to break through the 300 level. As to what level can I reach? I am not sure, after all, you are trying hard to break through, but In the future, it ’s hard to say if you still hold a breakthrough in this mentality ... ”Fang Chong can see that Murong Xue is still a bit worried ...

"Understand, we will continue to work hard ..." Listening to Fang Chong describing the future so well, Murong Xue nodded seriously.

"Okay, let's move on and see the two good things Xiao Lan just introduced ..." Fang Chong didn't think about what Murong Xue and Li Yunyu are thinking now. If he wants to be strong, he must pass his own level first. ….

"Hmm ..." Xiao Lan knew that Fang Chong's words just touched Li Yunyu and Murong Xue, but she didn't say much. After Fang Chong said she was going to see two breakthrough weapons and equipment, she Lead the way right ...

What I have to say is that, as the weapon research and development center that was originally a shipyard, the area is not small. If Xiao Lan was leading the way, Fang Chong really doubted whether he would get lost.

There are equipment, machinery and other big guys everywhere, and there are all kinds of accessories and parts. Of course, Fang Chong knows that these should already exist. After all, what they want to make now, even if they need to use something like There are definitely not many such parts ...

Soon, Fang Chong and they saw two new types of weapons and equipment that Xiao Lan introduced to them just now.

It is in a small exhibition hall, where there are dozens of swords with different colors.

When Fang Chong approached, he found that there were still a few words in this showroom, called 'Battle Knife Pavilion'.

Seeing these three words, Fang Chong wanted to laugh a little, after all, since the end of the world, shouldn't it be so elegant? However, thinking that it may also be the case of a child or Ye Lao, Fang Chong wisely chose not to speak ...

"There are more than a dozen models?" When he walked into them, Fang Chong's eyes were suddenly attracted by swords with different colors. After all, he only knew two swords. One was that they were all equipped before they set off for Dongyang City. Hei Feng Sword, the other is the Blood Soul Sword that Xiao Lan just told him ...

However, for the time being, I do n’t know the names of these dozens of Chinese warriors. At the same time, Fang Chong always has an illusion. These swords have a sense of acquaintance ...

"Of course, don't you think that these swords look a bit familiar?" Xiao Lan nodded, and asked a question that Fang Chong felt very confused just now ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded, indicating that he felt the same way ...

"This blood-sworded sword, that shattered sword ..." After seeing the doubt on Fang Chong's face, Xiao Lan picked up a red and dark-colored sword and said ...

Listening to Xiao Lan's words, Fang Chong understood. [] These swords were redeemed by him from the Maya system. I also understand why there is a familiar feeling ...

"And these are different versions of Heifeng battle and blood soul sword. Users can now have different weights and different volumes of swords according to their strength ..." Xiao Lan saw Fang Chong's expression and knew that Fang Chong had understood . She did not continue to waste time on those swords, instead Fang Chong began to introduce other ...

"It's human ..." Fang Chong nodded and said that he understood, but it was rare for Tong and Ye to think of it.

After all, even genetic fighters have different priorities, although most genetic fighters are based on strength. The speed is supplemented by the way of development, but some of them are mainly speed and strength are supplemented. If the two use the same sword, the combat power that can erupt is simply different.

But after the fighting style and weight are different, each has their own choices. Will be able to exert the fighting power as much as possible ...

And in addition to these, there are several swords designed specifically for power genetic warriors. The shape of the sword is huge and the weight is much more than ordinary swords. It can be said that the talents of power genetic warriors can be displayed to the fullest ...


"You choose to take advantage of yourself ...." Looking at the curious expressions on Li Yunyu and Murong Xue, Fang Chong knew that both of them were excited without asking, and knew that they had such an idea. Fang Chong pointed to these battles ...

"OK ..." Li Yunyu nodded. But looking around these knives, I just don't know which one to take. Finally, he refocused on Fang Chong.

"Your speed and power are relatively uniform. As I said, you still have the most common and standard blood soul sword ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly, then picked up a black sword Almost **** sword.

He played against Li Yunyu, and he knew what Li Yunyu's specialty was.

"Okay ...." Li Yunyu didn't talk nonsense, now he. Already believed in Fang Chong, Fang Chong opened a different door for them. For the last days, they have changed dramatically in the past two days.

"What about me?" Seeing Fang Chong chose Li Yunyu. Before thinking about which one to choose, Murong Xue also invested in Fang Chong.

"This slender… .." Fang Chong recalled the scene of Murong Xue and Muge fighting, and he quickly made a decision. Murong Xue had an advantage in speed. He chose a slender blade for her. Bloodsword.

"Okay ..." Mu Rongxue nodded directly after receiving the sword and waving a few times.

"Okay, go and equip it ..." Fang Chong didn't plan to stay here in the Battle Knife Pavilion.

However, in the display room over the armor set, things are not as good as those in the Battle Knife Pavilion. There are only a few of them. Without further reading, Fang Chong chose two sets of the same Black Eagle II armor for them. Suit.

Blackhawk No. 2 is not inferior to Fang Chong's exchange of a lot from the Mayan system. After giving them two sets, Fang Chong also changed one ...

"Is this thing really so defensive?" I heard Fang Chong talked about this armor suit, and Murong Xue was actually curious. Before she contacted Fang Chong, she saw it at first glance. Fang Chong and their gang all wore these armor suits and thought they were playing cool.

"Will you be able to appreciate it if you are in danger ..." Fang Chong did not explain, after all, he couldn't really take out a sword and slash it on this armor set? After all, these armor sets are hard-won.

And Fang Chong also believes that the two elders, Ye Lao and Tong Lao, judge that if they can give the level, they must be tested ...

"Okay, I believe ..." Murong Xue was also curious, but Fang Chong didn't want to answer, so he didn't ask much.

As for Li Yunyu, he didn't say nonsense, he moved directly to see if it would affect his actions and actions ...

After all, his unique ability has given him a very strong defense. Therefore, the armor suit is optional to him, after all, not every opponent is as powerful as Fang Chong ...

"Yes, it does not affect the activities. The defensive force is very powerful ..." Unlike Murong Xue's uncertainty, after a series of activities, Li Yunyu directly praised and passed the activities. He has learned the practicality of this armor set ...

In terms of defense, it has exceeded his own defense, and what made him even more surprised is that the materials used in these armor sets are not metal ...

"That's really good ....." Seeing Li Yunyu's evaluation, Murong Xue also felt ...

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As these two things. Fang Chong did not continue to walk in the R & D center for no purpose. He did not forget that he had a purpose here when he came to the weapon development center, and the purpose was not small, and it had a huge impact ...

"Children, Ye Lao where are they ..." Fang Chong then asked Xiao Lan.

"In their workshop, the newly designed energy troop carrier is about to be completed ..." When Fang Chong was asked what the second old place was, Xiao Lan would not know what Fang Chong said.

"Go and see ..." Fang Chong showed a smile on his face, and Tong Lao and Ye Lao did not let him down ...

This brand-new 'energy troop carrier' is Fang Chong's main item for the second old special attack. There must be a means to transport soldiers in large numbers.

The speed of small energy vehicles is fast though. However, there are at most two people at a time, which is not suitable for the preparation for the war. Therefore, they have to break through themselves. The new type of "energy troop carrier" appeared in this situation ...

After Xiao Lan knew that Fang Chong had such a purpose, she didn't talk anymore, leading the way directly. Murong Xue was curious about the so-called new design, after Xiao Lan and Fang Chong walked away. She also followed, and Li Yunyu saw that the three of them had left, and followed him ...

As we continue to go deeper. Fang Chong and they came to a large workshop, and there were a large number of people in the workshop. The number should be more than a hundred. These talents who are talented in machinery are all found by Fang Chong. It's time for them to show their strength ...

"Fang Chong, you are coming ..." Fang Chong just walked into the busy workshop and was suddenly found by the child standing at the monitoring station.

"Yeah, a child ..." Fang Chong nodded, his voice respectful.

Childhood and Ye Lao are not too young, but this age is still the backbone of their R & D center, Fang Chong respects them from the heart ...

"This energy troop carrier can be successful within a few days, but how it works has yet to be verified, but it should be successful ..." The old child walked out and introduced Fang Chong while he was walking. Features and what they envision ...

"It can be used for both land and water. It would be too bad for such a big guy to really fly into the sky ..." Fang Chong proposed that there was still some dissatisfaction in his childish tone, and he had to speak comfortably After all, in his opinion, amphibious use plus some other functions are already very powerful. After all, their purpose in the design of the “energy troop carrier” is to change the main energy source, and at the same time, the defense is better. Many, only sufficient defense can guarantee the safety of personnel ...

"Although this is said, if you can fly, can you ignore the obstacles and improve the efficiency of many terrains?" Said the child quite regretfully.

"Don't worry about our children. We still have time. This 'energy troop carrier' failed to achieve this goal. Don't we still have planes?" Fang Chong continued with a smile.

The drawings of the energy transport machine and the required drawings can be directly exchanged from the Maya system. To be honest, the problem is not big, just the question of wanting and not thinking ...

"Do you have drawings?" Knowing that Fang Chong can always surprise them, so after Fang Chong said this sentence, the expression of the child's expression suddenly excited.

"I'll give it to you in a few days. In addition to the" energy transport aircraft ", the fighter jets should also be equipped with some" transport ships "... Fang Chong nodded. Although he can take it out now, he wants to let the children Older, they have completed this batch of 'energy troop carriers ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong changed the time a bit ...

"Okay ....." Childhood is very good.

After a detailed look at the energy personnel carrier in the workshop, Fang Chong and their children accompanied Ye Lao Ye Lao to watch the 'energy cannon'. These weapons and equipment are related to energy. It can be said that in this short period of more than two months, The technology development in Shanghai has reached a very fast level.

As for Li Yunyu and Murong Xue, looking at these dazzling weapons, their expressions were completely dull, and Fang Chong's strength was beyond their expectations again.

Like they saw and saw these energy weapons of power, they finally fully believed why Fang Chong did not put their zombies in their eyes ...

If they also have such weapons and equipment, they will have the same confidence ....

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