I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 451: Other countries


"Go back and prepare well. Maybe soon, we will start to act ..." After reading all the achievements of the entire weapon R & D center, Fang Chongda was satisfied with progress. m

The speed of developing weapons and preparations far exceeded his imagination, and now they lack the strength of only combatants.

Before the strength does not reach a hundred levels, it is dangerous to make a mission.

Within this limit, Fang Chong knew that all he could do now was wait, and the wait time was not short.

"Okay ....." said to be shocked. Rather, Li Yunyu and Murong Xue were full of motivation. Today they came to the weapon research and development center. They can be said to be an eye-opener. Many things they have never thought of of.

"I will let you have the information on the transport ship and flight equipment when you are ready. Do n’t worry ..." After seeing that Li Yunyu and Murong Xue were confident, Fang Chong knew that they had no problems. He turned his head and said to the children and Ye Lao.

"Yes, we will wait well. Now the R & D center has gradually increased the production capacity, and the production capacity should be able to further expand ..." The old boy nodded.

"Speaking of personnel, today there are tens of thousands of new members in the Shanghai base city. If you are short of staff, you can further absorb ..." Fang Chong knows that talent in research and development requires talent, especially It is both design and manufacturing.

If it were not for this, there would be more than a hundred people in the R & D center ...

You have to know that many of the hundreds are ordinary workers who are more proficient in machine operation. The real experts are just a little ...

"Let ’s go. Of the tens of thousands of people, how can you find some? After all, you can find dozens of them by the chance of picking one of them ..." Ye Lao heard Fang Chong and he immediately Come spirit, if it was not too early to see the sky, he even has the urge to go now.

After all, it ’s better to start first. In addition to pressure, they still have strong competitiveness. Especially talent.

The situation of Yu Wenjing's biological research center is similar to them. Now the most lacking is talent. We must know about biological research and development. The talents needed are even more obvious ...

"Okay, you have time to go by yourself ..." Fang Chong nodded, after seeing Elder Lao whispering about the issue, he finished this sentence. Then Li Yunyu and Murong Xue walked away ...


"This building is one of the places where we live. You live here too. If you have any questions, you can just ask us ..." After coming out of the weapon R & D center, Fang Chong drove to the city center by himself. Drive.

Before long, Fang Chong's car stopped in front of the city government building.

"OK ..." Li Yunyu was not polite. When Fang Chong finished talking, he had already got off the car.

Where he lives is not a big problem for him.

However, there is no objection to Fang Chong's arrangement. The main reason is because Fang Chong also lives in this place. For Li Yunyu, where Fang Chong is, a miracle may also occur, although in his personality he would like to be closer Fang Chong, the biggest reason is because Fang Chong's strength is strong.

"There are a lot of places to live above. Pick them yourself. Anyway ..." Fang Chong nodded when he saw that both of them were OK.

"Okay ....." Li Yunyu walked straight up. After seeing here, Murong Xue had to step up to follow ...

Looking at the back of the two of them, the corner of Fang Chong's mouth inadvertently tilted slightly.

"It's interesting ..." Fang Chong murmured in his heart, then he went in the other direction ...

Fang Chong arrived at the conference hall on the third floor of the Shanghai Municipal Government Building. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.) There are already a lot of people in it, of course. These hundreds of people are now the high-end combat power of Shanghai Stock Exchange and the outstanding talents in various positions, but the age gap is somewhat large. The youngest is Xiaojun, who is less than 20 years old, but in recent times, he has grown very fast and has been able to stand on his own ...

The older ones, like Lu Tao and others, are already middle-aged men in their thirties or forties ...

The purpose of Fang Chongkai's such a conference is very simple, and it can be said to be very important, because this conference is not only related to the future of the Shanghai base city, but also the future changes of the entire Huaxia region.

Fang Chong let the weapons research and development center mass produce transportation vehicles. It is not without purpose. The so-called transportation vehicles are transportation forces. Fang Chong intends to support the war by fighting. It is also essential ...

Humans and Zak and zombies are different from mutant creatures. Humans' combat power and experience need to be tempered before they can be possessed, which is very different from the natural talents of the three human enemies ...

With these plans in mind, Fang Chong knew that it was necessary to discuss with you and give notice. After all, as their power became greater and greater, his responsibilities became greater and greater, and everyone was willing to listen to him. Next, he knows that he has to respect other people's ideas even more ...

Moreover, there are many people and powerful people. He also knows the saying of Zhuge Liang, the three tanners. In many cases, there are too many people, and other people can remind him of places that he doesn't expect ...


"Everyone should know the most important issue we want to discuss here today ..." After Fang Chong sat down in the center, he glanced around and said seriously.

"The future of humankind and our choices ...." Qin Lan knew what Fang Chong wanted to express. This mobilization would be her preparation for a long time. Speaking, she would be more skilled than Fang Chong ...

"What do you mean?" Many people who didn't understand clearly heard the title that Qin Lan said.

"It's actually very simple. What we want to say is our future choice, whether it is to nest in the Shanghai base city or go out and unite all the Chinese survivors ..." Fang Chong watched everyone confused. Look, he explained with a smile, Qin Lan's words were too elegant ...

"Our current strength can be said to be the most powerful in China, and we have new weapons that other base cities do not have. And in a couple of months, our strength will further increase. In addition to hundreds of people, After breaking through the 200th level, members close to or exceeding the 100th level will break through 30,000 people. This is a force to be reckoned with ... "Fang Chong's words fell, while everyone whispered, Huang Qianchuan stood up , Holding a statistical report in his hand ...

"Do we really have the energy to unite the survivors of the entire China region first?" Someone questioned. Although the statistics read by Huang Qianchuan are very inspiring, but the strength of more than 30,000 people sounds a lot, but once these more than 30,000 people are divided into several teams, even a dozen teams will not look great.

And Huaxia is so big, the distance is so wide. Can they really do what they imagine now?

This is the most worrying thing for everyone present ....

"If I said yes, do you believe it?" Fang Chong knew that the problem was coming, but he didn't think about it ...

"Fang Chong, let's just say what you think in your heart ..." After a while, everyone's eyes were attracted by Fang Chong's words. After waiting a while, Fang Chong said that the animal husbandry was a little anxious.

Actually, she also knew Fang Chong's plans, but after she knew Fang Chong's plans. She was still a little worried.

After all, it is impossible to eat a fat man in one bite ...

"Thirty-thousand people have a combat strength of over a hundred levels. Although not many, but don't forget that these 30,000 people are only the first batch. Don't ignore them. We now have more than 30,000 fighting forces in the Shanghai base city. … .. ”Fang Chong also picked up a piece of data, which is the latest statistical table on the combat effectiveness of the base city.

Fang Chong now knows how many survivors they have in the entire base city, and how strong they are in combat ...


"Yeah. We have so many survivors in the entire base city right now, Fang Chong is right. More than 30,000 strengths over a hundred are only temporary, according to the current rate of survivor strength improvement. As long as it is not particularly poor talent, or Physically impaired, basically, survivors of two or three dozen strengths can reach the hundredth level in just over two months, and those with a certain strength foundation are far more than that. "Fang Chong's words fell, There was another mess in the conference hall.

However, this time Fang Chong did not speak to stop everyone. He knew that everyone needs to discuss it. After all, this decision is not a child who has played at home. Once it is decided, it is difficult to say whether it is a victory or a defeat. If it fails, Fang Chong himself Don't know what will happen?

But although Fang Chong didn't know what would happen to failure? However, Fang Chongda did not consider from his heart that he would fail. Human beings are now seen by Fang Chong as powerful enough, and their subsequent attacks are not without purpose.

Their main purpose is the survivor's base. In this case, the attack becomes much simpler, and you can avoid entering the mountains and forests as much as possible in the wild. In this way, for the most part, the They do n’t need to intersect with mutant creatures at all, so that their enemies are zombies ...

And once the strength of human combatants can exceed a hundred levels, there is no reason for failure in the face of zombies, after all, there are not many destroyers.

As for the most horrible Zak people, Fang Chong also believes that they will not pose much threat to them in a short period of time. According to the Maya system, the Zak people are now about the same as Fang Chong, and it takes time ...

The time difference is very important to Fang Chong, and to a large extent, human beings really want to be united, especially in the future when they need to face the Zak ...

"Although many survivors have passed the 100th level, they have stopped, but at this level, with hundreds of levels of combat power, we can already be invincible when facing zombies, Fang Chong said before That idea has something to do with it ... "Another person analyzed it ...

"Yes, and as more survivors we contact, our strength will be like snowballs. The bigger and bigger, Fang Chong is planning to support the war ..." Someone solved the first one. Question, the next question is easy to analyze. After listening to the analysis of these people, Fang Chong himself felt a little surprised.

He himself is not as far away as these people think, at this time he finally realized the true meaning of the phrase that the other three tanners beat Zhuge Liang ...

Hearing these people's analysis, he himself has benefited a lot ...

"It seems that this thing is really feasible. It is not without reason that Fang Chong is so anxious. The fear of alien creatures from the Zak tribe is the main reason they want human survivors to unite ... "

"It should be, after all, the Zak are so powerful. If we human survivors can't unite, we will die ..."

"Then we choose to attack and help Fang Chong as much as possible ..."



"You are terrific, just let everyone discuss this in just a few words. And most people have already chosen to support it. It seems that they may pass all of them ..." Fang Chong smiled after listening to everyone's conversation, However, Qin Lan, who was sitting next to him, said, somewhat depressed, that Fang Chong's words were similar to his words. But having this kind of discrimination is why he doesn't understand ...

"You just said that you didn't talk about the points that everyone cares about ..." Fang Chong smiled. What he wanted to see was the scene that everyone supported. Only in this way can they give more unity ...

Once everyone can resolutely support them, their main purpose in the next one or two months is to train experts ...

"It seems that everyone will support us. We will collect information and plan routes in the next time. We can take the first step as soon as one month ..." The more Qin Lan heard, the more most people decided Obey Fang Chong's previous proposal.

under these circumstances. Qin Lan knew. The planned route is undoubtedly the most important ...

"Yes, but this problem is not difficult to solve. We with satellite system control can easily find the location of the survivor base city or the small camp of the survivor ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"Leave them to me and Muge them, and guarantee the perfect completion ..." Qin Lan said she was clear.

It can be said that it is now in the aspect of satellite control. Qin Lan and Muge are familiar with Fang Chong many times.

"I just don't know if we are like Huaxia now, but what about other countries?" Qin Lan said afterwards. Suddenly, such a sentence came up ...

"I don't know, have they all been killed by zombies?" Fang Chong shook his head. He has never thought about this issue. If Qin Lan does not mention it today, he may really ignore other countries ...

"It's impossible. We all have so many survivors here, let alone other countries. Before the outbreak in the end of last year, humans in many European and American countries prepared a lot of guns and ammunition, as well as food. We can say that they The chances of survival are many times greater than ours ... "Qin Lan shook her head directly. She felt that before the end of the last days, because of the doomsday rumors, residents of many countries in Europe and the United States were convinced. In that case, Many people have things like preparing food and weapons, so after the end of the last days, they should have more advantages than Huaxia.

Especially in the country of Rice, Rice has no choice but to use weapons such as firearms. At the beginning of the end of the last century, possession of firearms was a big advantage, and there was no fear of zombies ...

"What you said makes sense. I don't know if these countries in Europe and the United States can master the technology of genetic medicine. Similarly, is there anything like the Zak in Europe and the United States?" Fang Chong is also very curious now.

"If we can control the satellites in European and American countries, it will be easier to know ..." Qin Lan put forward a hypothesis.

"After we have reached a new level here, it will not be difficult to collect the information on that side ..." Fang Chong said with sympathy.

"I don't know if they will approach or take the initiative to cross the sea and come to China?" Qin Lan was quite excited.

"This is hard to say ..."


Fang Chong and Qin Lan whispered these things ~ www.readwn.com ~ while others discussed slowly and quietly, seeing their expressions have answers ...

"We agreed to attack and complete the pride of the Chinese people ..."

"We believe that you believe more in yourself, we are not afraid of death, and even more afraid of accidents ..."


As everyone calmed down, Fang Chong did not speak, but the others said one by one. To be honest, they all believed in Fang Chong's words. At the end, they were very moved.

Soon, this meeting ended as they chose to obey Fang Chong's decision unconditionally ...

However, in the following time, Fang Chong did not have the time to sit back, make tactics, or plan routes. These things are necessary ...

…………………………………………………………………… (To be continued.)


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