I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 452: Li Yunyu smiled


More than two months have passed since the time was dazzling. Over the past two months, the Shanghai base city has undergone drastic changes. The number of survivors has been directly promoted from more than 200,000 to 1 million. Combatants rose directly to more than half a million. m

Although most of them are not powerful genetic warriors or evolvers, but in such a large number of cases, even ordinary firearms can cause huge casualties to the enemy ...

And in Shanghai's base market, it is actually not a dream to want to be strong. As long as you can show your potential, being strong is only practical ...

What made Fang Chong extremely happy was that besides the surge in the number of survivors in the Shanghai base city, the high-end combat power did not differ much from what they had imagined.

Reaching a level of combat effectiveness of more than one hundred levels solves 40,000 people, except for two or three thousand people who are close to or have reached two hundred levels.

Under the plan to support the war, all high-end combat power did not exist in the Shanghai base city from the beginning. Although there was no rush to expand outwards, for more than two months, they were still above the Shanghai base city as the center point. Infiltrating outward, to this day, several provinces and cities around them have been in their hands. As for the provinces and cities that they have laid down, the provinces and cities have basically been slaughtered.

In this case, the zombies' muscle meat is also being transported back to Shanghu Base City incessantly. This is also a guarantee that Shanghu Base City does not have to worry about insufficient supply of genetic medicine ...

Apart from this, Fang Chong and their strengths are far beyond the top combat capabilities of ordinary soldiers. In the past two months, their strength has also improved significantly. Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan, Song Ming, and Qin Lan did not have The problem has entered the ranks of 300, and Huang Qianchuan has the highest potential, which has exceeded 350. Fang Chong didn't know how to explain this leap-like strength growth, and asked the Mayan system! The answer given by the Maya system is the question of talent ...

Fang Chong heard such an answer. No one but depression.

The only comfort he can bring is that after his strength exceeded 300 levels, he was finally able to master the skill of flying. However, compared to Qin Lan, who is one level lower than his strength, his flying skills can only be described as stupid. Now ...

seriously. Fang Chong's little self-esteem was still hit ...

Even he himself was a little skeptical of direct talent issues.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"There are two survivor base cities farthest from us right now. Are we going to start separately or operate in three different ways?" Fang Chong and their dozens of high-end in the conference hall of the city government building in Shanghai base All those in power are here.

Qin Lan convened this meeting after all the fighting groups reached the standard ...

"The western base city, the southern Guangdong base city ..." Fang Chong nodded. As early as when we left the base city of Kyoto, we knew that there are four major survivor base cities in China. Now, Jiangnan base city is no longer in danger. With their help, the strength of Jiangnan base city is also developing rapidly. Not on the Shanghai base city, but it should be a lot stronger than the western base city or the southern Guangdong base city ...

As for what's going on in Kyoto? Fang Chong does not know now, after all, it has been almost a year since he got out of the base city of Kyoto. But as normal. The development of Kyoto base city should not be bad ...

In addition to Fang Chong, they had left a lot of equipment before leaving the base city of Kyoto. Except for their experience, the original strength of the base city of Kyoto was good.

In this case, the strength of Kyoto base city should be not bad from normal….

"Yes, we have been away from the base city of Kyoto for so long except these two places. It is necessary to go back ..." Qin Lan nodded, and when she said the last sentence, she put her gaze on the pastoral ...

"It's been a long time since Makige has seen Commander Makino. Back home, at the same time, we can bring a batch of new equipment to the base city of Kyoto and the latest research and development success of the biological research center ..." Ling Ya also said.

"As for the base city of Nanyue .. My suggestion is to keep it as far as possible. The environment of Nanyue is not inferior to that of the Yangtze River Delta, and the industrial foundation of Shenzhen is not weak. We should be able to develop him. Become the second key area of ​​Huaxia. With the survivors of Huaxia now, the area of ​​Jiangnan base city, plus Nanyue base city and Kyoto base city, these three give the area enough to live and live ... ”Huang Qianchuan pointed at the map During this time, he didn't think about this problem a little, thinking about the most suitable solution is like this ...

Huaxia now has at most the population base of tens of millions of survivors. In this case, the coverage of the three base cities is enough ...

Although today, the level of threat to humans has fallen to the lowest value since the end of the last days, but the situation is still severe under the condition that the number is still dozens of times that of humans. If you are not careful, you will overturn in the gutter. It is still possible ...

The reason why Fang Chong considered so much, is also worried about this ...

In their opinion, it is best for human beings to be able to work together, and the belief that people are more powerful is still deeply rooted in Fang Chong's belief.

"This can be considered, but I don't know if the two base cities except Kyoto base city are willing to believe us?" Fang Chong heard some of them say the key points, and he was quite worried when he felt the same. of.

Human beings are selfish, Fang Chong is not sure. Those in power in the base cities of South Guangdong and West China are willing to devolve power. If they are not willing, all their preparations are likely to be in vain.


"At that time, depending on the situation, if it does not work, we do not rule out the use of weapons. They can be selfish, but we cannot let the survivors ignore them. Without completely driving the zombies clean, the survivors follow those in power. This is undoubtedly the act of seeking death ... "Huang Qianchuan said aloud, although his current statement is more general, he has to say that he is right.

When there are not many human beings, it is really impossible for those in power to influence the future of human beings ....

Dealing with zombies requires more manpower and combat effectiveness, but in the future. When the Zachs raged, they needed more humans.

Except that the Zak people are more powerful than zombies, no one knows how many Zak people are on the earth now.

The Zak are not zombies. Zombies can be calculated. The number of survivors can be calculated by subtracting the number of survivors before the end of the world. Although it is not 100% accurate, overestimation is better than underestimation ...

"Yes. The means must be done even if it is bloody. Our future does not allow others to destroy, they do not have the power to put the survivors in a dangerous zone ..." Muge also said indignantly.

"At that time, everyone will act according to the situation. Indeed, we cannot be soft-hearted ..." Fang Chong had no opinion. The idyllic song is practical. Huang Qianchuan's worry is also justified ...

"Returning to the topic, we still have to talk about the route and the distribution of fighting power ..." Qin Lan interrupted these failures that have not yet appeared and he can be said to be old for a long time. He finally couldn't help it ...

"You said it yourself just now. It's been a long time since Muge came out. It's time to go back. It's a must to divide into several teams ..." Huang Qianchuan said.

"I agree ..." Ling Ya had no opinion.

"But who is going to Kyoto base city?" The scoring from Shanghai to Kyoto base city is also not short, although it has been once. That's where they came from. But who can guarantee that the situation is still safe?

For zombies, they have no purpose, and without the second sight, they are quite likely ...

"I'll go to the western base city, others. You can do it yourself ..." Huang Qianchuan said first.

"Then I'll go to the base city of Nanyue ..." Xiaojun looked at the others and said unwillingly. In these two months, his strength also came up. Under Fang Chong's special care, his strength has exceeded 200 levels.

Has entered the high-end combat effectiveness of their team.

At his current age. It can be said that the future is limitless.

And although the talent of the small army is not the top, it is definitely not weak ...

"Well, Xiaojun will go to the base city of Nanyue, and I will go too. He needs high-end combat power ..." Qin Lan said. Xiao Jun has always been treated by her original brother. Qin Lan is honest, and asked him to rest assured that Qin Lan could not do it ...

"Then we will go to the western base city with Huang Qianchuan. Although Huang Qianchuan is very powerful, sometimes it ’s difficult to beat with two fists ..." Seeing Qin Lan saying this, Li Yunyu and Murong Xue looked at each other. After a glance also expressed his position.

"Since all these choices, Brother Song and Xiao Lan are still staying in the Shanghai base city, and our old stronghold is also very important. Without heavyweight staying behind, we cannot rest assured ..." Ling Ya said.

"Okay ....." Song Ming originally planned to go on a mission, but Ling Ya said so, he doesn't care, after all, staying here in Shanghai base city, the responsibility is equally important ...

"As for me to accompany Qin Lan and Xiaojun ..." After Ling Ya saw that Song Ming had no problems, she went on to say ...

"Eh ....." I saw that everyone had chosen their own place so quickly. Fang Chong looked weird. Everyone ignored him this time. Can I do this now?

"What about me?" Muge and Fang Chong felt the same. She found out that she and Fang Chong were rejected by everyone this time ...

"Yes, you have chosen yourselves, don't we two have nowhere to go?" Fang Chong nodded likewise, saying that Muge was justified ...

"Do n’t you two forget, we chose the base city of Nanyue, and Huang Qianchuan chose the base city of the west ..." Qin Lan smiled.

"Yeah, isn't that the focus of these two base cities?" Fang Chong looked slightly depressed. He found that Qin Lan and Huang Qianchuan seemed to be intentional ...

"Don't you have another option?" Murong Xue smiled ambiguous.

"There's still ..." There was a creepy idyll murmured by eyes like Murong Xue, whispering softly.

"There isn't, Kyoto base city… .." Murong Xue didn't plan to let go of the idyllic song. She had the opportunity to tease the idyllic song. She didn't want to miss it. The relationship between….

However, I have to say that in the past two months, she has been with Li Yunyu for a long time, and the relationship between them has changed greatly.

Although Li Yunyu is still cold, when she stares at him, he will blush ...

In addition to making Murong Xue feel good about Li Yunyu, besides that she found him quite fun, in a mission. Li Yunyu lost half of his life to Murong Xue ...

The situation at that time was very critical, if not now different from before the last days. If there is a special life-saving medicine such as repair gene medicine, now Li Yunyu can sit here is a question mark ...

And after the last time again, Li Yunyu took a very important position in Murong Xue's heart, but neither of them has explained so far ...

I like to be a matchmaker's idyll. Grab this from time to time, tease them a few words ...

Sometimes Murong's words really annoy Li Yunyu's timidity.

But sometimes I also appreciate the sweetness that I don't say ...


"Kyoto base city is just like Kyoto base city, what's so funny ..." When Muge knew Mu Rongxue's intentions, she was not to be outdone. "I'll go back with Fang Chong, you're gonna ..."

"I don't want to be stubborn. You admit it ..." Murong Xue didn't expect that there was such a domineering aspect of the idyllic song, so she wouldn't be ridiculed ...

"Of course I dare admit it, you think I have the courage to be as big as the two of you! I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I dare not speak ..." Muge snorted, and then poked Murong directly The matter between Xue and Li Yunyu ...

"I don't dare there, it's just that he dare not say ..." Murong said to her most depressing point, Murong Xue squeaked and pointed at Li Yunyu.

"Hey. Brother. Other girls have achieved such a degree. Do you have to make a statement, like it if you like it, and let her find someone else if you don't like it ..." Murong Xue said, everyone's eyes will be brushed The brush is concentrated on Li Yunyu's body ...

Looking at it this way, Li Yunyu's face appeared a little embarrassed at first sight. Feeling a little crooked, and some dare not look directly at Murong Xue.

Seeing Li Yunyu like this. Huang Qianchuan decided to help ...

"I ..." Li Yunyu opened his mouth.

"Huh, did you see it? Brother Yunyu is not interesting to you at all, please die, laugh at me, now you are depressed, be affectionate ..." Muge saw Li Yunyu this guy is Fang Chong at first After copying her, she was a little speechless, so she decided to take a strong medicine. After looking at each other and Murong Xue, she rushed out and said ...

"You ..." Knowing that Muge is helping her, and deliberately aroused Li Yunyu in this way, she will be aware of it all at once. It was wonderful to perform ...

"There is such a thing as you speak in the animal husbandry ..." Fang Chong said. He did not see the eye contact between the animal husbandry and Murong Xue just now, thinking that the animal husbandry was intentional, and he was a little angry.

Especially after seeing Murong Xue's somewhat awkward expression now.

"I'm just telling the truth ...." Muge was also worried that the performance was seen through by Li Yunyu, but with the addition of Fang Chong, Li Yunyu cannot be fooled unless it is a tapeworm in their stomach, Murong. Xue's expression was very realistic ...

"You ..." Seeing the aggrieved expression of Muge, Fang Chong wanted to say two ruthless words that could not be said. There was no other way. He set his eyes on Murong Xue. "Murong Xue, don't pay attention to what Muge said, Yunyu should not be like Muge said ...".

"I'm actually ..." Li Yunyu's expression on his face turned red. When he saw Murong Xue's body tremble slightly as if to cry, he suddenly stood up from his seat.

"What is it?" Seeing Li Yunyu's sudden movements and the three words spoken, everyone's attention was immediately attracted to him. Murong Xue's breathing was even a little rapid, and his face was flushed. Rise slowly ...

The idyll asked a very disruptive atmosphere ...

"Actually, I don't care about you as much as I do, but you also know that my character is cold. I don't know if you can accept my character, and I don't know if you like me or not ..." Hear In the words of Muge, after Li Yunyu's eyes slowly closed, his body trembled violently. After the whole scene was quiet for more than a minute, Li Yunyu broke out ...


"It's not right ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lang is affectionate, and he deliberately can be paired up from today ..." Muge laughed.

"Thank you for your pastoral song. You are really good at using this radical ......" Murong Xue also laughed and smiled very happily. She never dreamed about the emotional wood of Li Yunyu. Today she dared to speak out in front of so many people Say what he said.

"That's right, that's how they men stay ..." Muge took a deep look at Fang Chong and concluded ...

"Eh ....." Fang Chong's expression was dull for a moment. He didn't expect that things would turn around and he was dragged into the water again.

And Li Yunyu's expression is even more exciting.

But after Murong Xue took the initiative and took his hand, there was a smile on his face ...

Li Yunyu actually laughed?

………………………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued ...)


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