"Xiao Jun and sister Qin Lan and Ling Ya left, and Brother Qianchuan and Murong Xueli Yunyu also left. I don't know if they will meet the Destroyer this time, will they meet the Zak ..." The eyes of Muge's eyes are slightly red and swollen with the two teams moving in different directions. It is not difficult to imagine that Muge's heart is worried. M

This is the first time they have been separated for so long, and it is more than half of China's operation from the south to the north.

In the last days when anything can happen, such a departure is likely to never be seen again.

Although it is said that their current strength has reached the pinnacle of the entire earth, this pinnacle is only limited to humans.

Zombies don't know how much of the earth there is, with zombie creeping all over, and no one dares to slap his chest and say that he is not afraid of any creature, zombie or Zak.

"It's okay. With their current strength, even if they meet the Zak, or the destroyer is not without the power of a war ..." Fang Chong gently embraced the idyll of Mage, he was worried that he knew that he knew Why isn't it the same worry, but just seeing Muge like this, he really doesn't show well ...

"Um ..." Muge nodded, Fang Chong was comforting her, he knew, but Fang Chong's words were not all comfort.

The strength of Huang Qianchuan and Qin Lan has already exceeded 300 levels. To be honest, this level of strength is enough to fight the Destroyer and die. As for the Zak, it is still the same old saying, as long as it is a common primitive Zak Family. They are not afraid at all.

And with the continuous improvement of Fang Chong's strength. The Maya system has more and more functions enabled. After Fang Chong broke through the 300 level, the Maya system can already monitor the entire earth. Of course, the object is limited to the Zak people.

But to this day, there are still no major discoveries in the Maya system. However, the absence of a major discovery does not mean that the Zak people on the earth no longer exist. But the energy fluctuations of the ordinary primitive Zak were insufficient for the Mayan system to discover.

It is because of such a breakthrough in the Maya system that Fang Chong dare to let Qin Lan and Huang Qianchuan travel alone ...

Although the danger of this trip is inevitable, it is impossible to complete the defeat, as long as the Zak people do not advance. They can retreat safely.

"Don't worry. Except for Qin Lan and Huang Qianchuan, they are strong enough to deal with the Destroyer. Many of the things they brought with them this time are the latest research and development results of our Shanghai base city. The power is not comparable, although Foolproof, but at least there is security ... ”Fang Chong continued.

Today, more than two months later, the latest research results of the Weapon R & D Center have appeared more powerful weapons. After Qin Lan prepared this operation, they were basically able to bring in a weapon they could use to prepare Fang Chong They all let them bring them.

Like small energy vehicles and the latest energy fighters, they rarely say that they have more than a dozen fleets, especially small energy vehicles that have been proven in strength, bombing and critical times are essential.


"Then when will we start ..." Mu Ge also understood that the current worry was Bai worry, and she quickly adjusted her mentality. Fang Chong asked with a serious expression.

"Go out when you are ready, and arrive at the base city of Kyoto earlier. Commander Makino is also assured that he will not see you for a year. He should miss you ..." Fang Chong said without thinking.

The last choice of their pastoral song is still Qin Lan, Ling Ya they arranged, the goal is the base city of Kyoto they left before.

In addition to the beauty of adulthood, Qin Lan Lingya also wanted to give her a rare opportunity for her to return to the base city of Kyoto, her dearest favorite ...

"You don't seem to be able to call Commander Makino anymore ..." Hearing Fang Chong's words. Maki is happy from the bottom of her heart. She can say that the commander of Makino who could not think of it one day.

It's just that she has been pretending to be strong, it doesn't matter, and it doesn't make people see it ...

But what Mage doesn't know is that she thinks that no one knows her heart. //.// Indeed, whether it is Fang Chong or Qin Lan Ling Ya and others. Even if the emotional response is delayed, Huang Qianchuan can see ...

It's just that everyone is afraid to touch the animal husbandry sadly.

"Why?" Fang Chong and Muge turned around and walked towards the car. When he heard the words of Muge, Fang Chong turned his head in confusion.

"He is my father, how can you still call Commander Makino?" Muge saw the expression that Fang Chong still did not understand, her mouth bulging, her expression slightly slightly depressed.

"I know this, but is there a problem with calling him Commander Makino?" Fang Chong didn't notice the changes in the expressions of Makiko. He was still thinking about their next trip ...

"You ..." Muge was really upset. Why didn't she think that Fang Chong was not just a piece of wood in terms of feelings, but she was so confused in this kind of thing, she didn't know how to continue ...

"What's wrong with me?" Fang Chong felt something wrong after he said something and didn't say any more. He turned his head and just saw the expression that Muge was so angry.

"Anyway, you can't call him Makino Commander anymore. Other people can call it like this, you can't, no, just no ..." Muge really wanted to yell, she looked at Fang Chong's innocent Face, it's really unclear whether Fang Chong really didn't know or did it on purpose.

"Why?" Fang Chong still had a doubtful expression on his face. He didn't know what happened to Muge today. Doesn't he usually call Commander Makino like this?

"Because of my relationship with you, you can no longer call him Commander Makino. At least you should call him an uncle ..." After Mengge was asked by Fang Chong for such a sentence, he finally knew that Fang Chong was not pretended and was speechless. In addition, she could only explain it, but she was a little embarrassed when it came to the last sentence ...

"Uh ....." was explained by Muge. Fang Chong came to his senses instantly. His expression was dull for a moment, and Muge was usually right. He really had the potential for a sudden stay.

Even his future father-in-law ignored it. Although he knew the father-daughter relationship between Muge and the commander of Makino, he did not even think of his own body, and he did not even think that Commander Makino was his future father-in-law ...

Fang Chong was a little embarrassed looking at the amusement expression of the animal husbandry. Although he knew that animal husbandry would not lose his temper because of this, as a man, a man who thought he was a good man, he felt a bit self-conscious ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Pastoral me ..." The atmosphere was a little awkward. While Fang Chong didn't know how to explain for a while, Muge didn't speak, so the two people didn't speak until they got into the off-road vehicle.

Just the words came to his lips. He didn't know what to say to continue ...

"Well, I know you usually do n’t pay attention to this. I understand. I just hope you do n’t call my father Makino Commander when you get to Kyoto base city. If you do n’t want to call me dad, you ’ll call an uncle. Okay? "Muge looked at Fang Chong's awkward expression, but she slowly leaned over Chong's shoulder, and said softly in Fang Chong's ear.

"Range, rest assured, I'm not unwilling to call. I just always ignored my relationship with Commander Makino. Although I know he is your father, but ..." Fang Chong's heart was warm, but after half of that, he Suddenly stopped, he found that he had not changed his mouth ...

"I did it again, but it doesn't matter. I called it a few times now, and I got used to it when I was in Kyoto's base city ..." Of course, Muge knew the reason why Fang Chong stopped when he said half, but Fang Chong staggered her and Not angry. She knows it's hard to change habits, especially when it comes to addressing them.

And from Fang Chong's performance, it is not difficult to see that in Fang Chong's mind, her status is not low, otherwise. Fang Chong didn't need to care about her feelings so much, and he didn't have to worry about them that way. Care about ...

"I will remember it well. When I arrive at Kyoto Base City, I will call Uncle Makino first, and then change his mouth after he does the same thing with us ..." Fang Chong grabbed Muge's shoulder and kissed her forehead gently. Then, gently said.

Indeed, if he wanted to change his name to Commander Makino's father all of a sudden, he wouldn't say whether he was yelling or not. Even if he dared to call it out, would it be a problem to commander Makino ...

"Is it my dad that he doesn't agree with us, you will be separated from me or hesitant ..." Muge asked.

"No, how could I be separated from you ..." Fang Chong did not know that Muge intentionally misinterpreted his meaning. When Muge said so, he was a little worried ...

"Then my dad didn't promise us what to do?" Muge laughed. He liked to look at Fang Chong's nervousness, and also wanted to see the changes that Fang Chong thought in this case.

Although she has long known that her father, Commander Makino, is impossible to oppose, she still wants to see ...

Being able to look at a person she loves is so nervous for her, this is a great happiness for the pastoral ...

"I asked him to agree, and I was so good, he would agree, and besides, we have cooked rice with raw rice, he couldn't agree ..." Fang Chong's eyes found the expression of the idyll, knowing the idyll After deliberately scaring him, he felt a lot more relaxed and figured it out. "And if he wants to hug his grandson earlier, he will even support me ..."

"How can you say that ..." Although the animal husbandry is absolutely bold in terms of emotion, I heard Fang Chong so naked and naked. Speaking these words naked, the expression of Muge turned red all of a sudden, and Fang Chong said with a soft voice.

"Why not? I did everything, and I was afraid to say ..." Fang Chong was very proud.

If it wasn't for the defeat, but also in the wild, he really wanted to be impulsive ...


After a few days, Fang Chong and theirs have come close to the base city of Kyoto after experiencing several leases of zombies, and the time spent on the road far exceeds their expectations.

Of course, such changes can still be attributed to the birth of new equipment ...

The energy troop carrier is not only superior in performance. The speed was more than they expected. In the northern regions that have slowly entered the winter, you can basically ignore road icing or other unexpected road conditions ...

This discovery was undoubtedly an unexpected surprise for Fang Chong.

With such a discovery, they are more at ease with Qin Lan or Huang Qianchuan.

With the same equipment, Qin Lan and the environment they face are much better. The provinces and cities on the south side of Guangdong will not snow at all in winter, which means that the problems they face will be simpler ...

"Maybe tomorrow I will be able to reach the base city of Kyoto. What did you say when Uncle Makino saw you?" At night. Fang Chong and they did not continue to rush, they have been rushing for several nights in a row, the Kyoto base city is in front of them, and they are not so anxious. And it ’s snowy this evening ...

Under this kind of weather, there may be some unexpected situations that they cannot imagine, and the active level of zombies is also prone to anomalies.

Originally in Fang Chong's imagination, the activities of the zombies should have converged in such weather, but in fact, after Fang Chong had hurried for several days, they found that what they had guessed was wrong, and Somewhat wrong.

Fortunately, they have a team of thousands, and the strength of the team is extremely strong.

Except for the hundreds of members who have broken through the 200th level, the others are all members who have broken through the 100th level. This kind of power, coupled with Chonghe's so many new weapons, Fang Chong is completely confident to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations ...

Otherwise, the entire army might be overwhelmed on the first night leaving the Shanghai base city ...

Imagine that a team of thousands of people plunged into the encirclement of tens of thousands of zombies, not to find death ...

But what the zombies didn't expect was that they had a full meal, but they were killed in the end. Although the battle was fierce, it was in fact. The price Fang Chong paid was not great.

But in fact, the gains are also great, especially for those fighters who have just entered the 100th level. Night battle is undoubtedly a platform for their rapid growth ...

Especially after several consecutive nights of rushing, wars. Although they were tired, their gains were greater than anyone else.

Because of this discovery, they did not have any complaints that Fang Chong had no humanity ...

It was such a night that Fang Chong and them were now resting in place and camping beyond their expectations.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...

"I don't know, he may get angry, especially in the face of you man who stole his baby woman ..." Muge nestled in Fang Chong's arms, eyes watching the white snowflakes falling outside, his mouth slightly pursed, Said a little naughtily.

Fang Chong is now happy to change the name of her father Commander Makino as his uncle.

Fang Chong was able to change her mouth so quickly, and it also proved her importance in Fang Chong's mind.

"I'm not afraid of him being angry. He is not as powerful as me, and you should be careful that I get angry. After being bullied by me, no one in your family can support you ..." Fang Chong said with a smile in his arms.

"Hum, if you dare to bully me, my dad can't teach you, I will sue Qin Lan and see if she doesn't clean up you. If it irritates us, we will give you abstinence for three months and let you taste What does it taste like to be a monk ... "Muge shook her fist ...

"Are you threatening me?" Fang Chongli laughed a few times and looked at the muge with ambiguous expressions ...

"Just threatening you. If you are a monk, you can try it ..." Suddenly Fang Chong's big hand was not honest ...

"Then pick it now, it's enough to be a robber, and then it's okay to be a monk ..." Fang Chong's hands proficiently reached into the sensitive position of the herd, and moved up and down.

Under Fang Chong's offensive, Muge quickly became sweet, panting, and flushed ...

Originally, the idyllic song was not willing to make Fang Chong so easy to succeed, but as Fang Chong's offensive increased, the idyllic song suddenly fell down and up, with a loud cry, the idyllic song announced its surrender ...

In the end, a loud voice echoed in the compartment. Fortunately, the sound insulation effects of these troop carriers are so amazing that no one is affected by them ...

After having a new type of energy personnel carrier, it is no longer necessary to worry about being attacked by zombies or mutating creatures at night when camping in the wild. In addition to the advanced alarm function, the new energy personnel carrier can be ignored in such a snowy environment ...

This is why Fang Chong dared to ignore other ambiguous…

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"We are back in Kyoto base city ..." The next day ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the evening, Fang Chong finally returned to the base city of Kyoto that they left more than a year ago, looking at the base city of Kyoto that has not changed much, Idyll is obviously the most excited of them ...

In addition to fortunate that she is still alive, more importantly, the base city in Kyoto has a different meaning to her. Her father, Commander Makino is also in this base city ...

In the last days, there is nothing more touching than seeing loved ones again ...

When shouting this sentence, the eyes of Muge slowly turned red!

…………………………………………………………………… ...... Continued ...)


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