I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 454: Nanyue Base City


"There seems to be a sound of guns. M" Qin Lan, who had left Shanghai base city for a few days, finally entered the area of ​​South Guangdong Province. Although they were helped by the satellite system, they avoided many zombie-intensive areas along the way, but Fighting still happened many times, and team members often suffered casualties, but because of the overall strength of the team, although there are many zombies, they do not cause much trouble ...

In addition, Qin Lan's team has nearly 20,000 people. Although the strength of more than 1,000 players has exceeded 200, the overall strength of other players has exceeded 100. In this case, the battle can be said to be Be invincible.

In addition to the casualty of the players, the bigger reason is the sudden appearance of the destroyer.

Different from Fang Chong's calm all the way, Qin Lan not only encountered a large-scale zombie encounter, but also encountered the zombie king destroyer.

In this case, a small number of casualties is already a blessing in misfortune.

However, the first shot after entering South Guangdong Province still made Qin Lan a little nervous ...

"Where's the front position ..." Qin Lan also heard the guns, and she could tell that the situation seemed tense ...

"Toushan City is a secondary city in the eastern part of Nanyue Province, not far from the base city of Nanyue survivors ..." Ling Ya quickly found out the information. This is the first time they have entered Nanyue City and Nanyue Province. They still lack relevant information.

"Accelerate the speed, and see what the situation is like?" Upon hearing that he had already arrived near the base city of Nanyue, Qin Lan's slightly tired expression appeared a smile, and their destination arrived, although the sound of gunfire seemed worse than them. Imagine it well, but she is not afraid ...

Zombies that can be blocked by guns and these weapons are nowhere near as powerful.

You must know that the strength of the entire team is enough to deal with tens of thousands of zombies. If there are fortifications, millions of zombies will not be afraid to attack them.

They are now small enough to deal with the not-so-low-level Terminators in the zombies.

"Understand ..." Ling Ya saw Qin Lan's smile and knew that he was not gloating. It's a joy to reach your destination ...

"All speeding up ..." Ling Ya sighed, and as her voice dropped, the speed of the team suddenly increased several times.

The mighty discovery proceeding towards the sound ...


"Captain. What can we do, but we can't support it ..." On a still bumpy road, behind the fortifications where dozens of cars were piled up, a young guy not more than 20 years old looked very nervous. Said a tired middle-aged man beside him.

Middle-aged men are not young. But with a calm expression, it is not difficult to see that he is a person with a story.

Unlike the tension of the young guy, even if the young guy is nervous again, his expression has not changed in the slightest ...

"If you ca n’t hold it, you have to hold it. Toushan City is now evacuating for less than 20 minutes. We have to block it. Even if we die here, we need to block them, even for a minute ..." The middle-aged man calmly looked at the more and more zombies in front of him, and his tone was flat, but with a trace of rift in the flatness.

In a few words, the mood of sharing the same in his heart is undoubtedly expressed.

"Okay, I see ..." I don't know if it is infected by a middle-aged man or if he knows the middle-aged man's words are not allowed to question, and the expression of the young guy instantly became serious. After paying a respect to the middle-aged man. He turned and ran away.

While running, shouting out loud, asking everyone to hold on ...

Under his intended shout, the low morale that was originally due to the approach of the zombies was swept away, and the morale suddenly increased again.

"Kill, brethren, don't care about bullets and shells. We must not let the zombie army approach. We want to gain time for the army ..." After a while the guns went off. //.//The gunshots are thinning again.

Looking at this situation, the middle-aged man frowned slightly. He felt the pressure.

With more and more zombies, the more pressure they will face, a calm personality like him may not be affected, but other people are different, especially as the young guy just under 20 years old People, unspeakable, now that their minds are not fully mature, in the face of the strong pressure brought by zombies, their fear is inevitable.

And once they feel a little fear, the situation is not great for them ...


"Just in front, sister Qin Lan, I attack ..." After Qin Lan's speed increased, within ten minutes, the sound of the guns became louder, and the small army walking in the front car was impressive. Seeing the location of the Zombie Army ...

"Go, be careful ..." Qin Lan also saw the army of zombies, and the situation was actually not bad, but to her surprise, there were not many humans surviving here, and zombies were approaching them.

What surprised her was the weapons in the hands of these survivors, which looked like ordinary guns and shells, but the power was much more than ordinary guns, and the power was even comparable to the energy weapon series they now have ...

Qin Lan saw it here and understood that the biggest reason these survivors can survive to this day should be these weapons.

"I know ..." Xiao Jun saw that Qin Lan had no objection, and he nodded before jumping out of the car.

Seeing this movement of the army, several members of the troop carrier behind him jumped out of the car, and quickly moved in the direction of the army ...

The assault unit is the name given to the team led by the army.

Xiaojun has always envied Fang Chong's strength, and as Fang Chong's strength becomes more and more powerful, the yearning in his heart becomes stronger, but the reason for the age and Fang Chong's intention to protect him Although he is in the last days, in fact, he looks like a flower in a greenhouse and has strength. However, the actual combat effectiveness and combat experience are completely incompatible with his strength.

Xiaojun wants to change this state in his dreams, but he also knows that Fang Chong and their good intentions. In the case that his strength was not enough to protect himself, he had been holding back, but not until more than two months ago. Two hundred levels of his strength finally broke ...

Break through two hundred levels. The great significance not only proves his potential, but also means that he can no longer be said to be weak.

Two hundred levels is a watershed, the first step of the last-day powerful road ...

After Fang Chong and they agreed that he would lead the team to the base city of Nanyue, he was full of confidence.

Although it is said that the real power of the team is Qin Lan. But in fact, Qin Lan rarely took the initiative to seize power. He did not encounter danger or powerful zombies. In the case of the enemy, Qin Lan and Ling Ya basically did not shoot.

And because Qin Lan was in the team, they sat down. Many times the small army chose to hone their combat experience.

It was for this reason that he had the establishment of his commando unit.

A team of more than a hundred people, although the number is not large, but the strength can not be underestimated.

More than one hundred teams with a strength of more than two hundred levels, you can imagine how powerful the fighting ...

Even if he is as powerful as Fang Chong, in the face of such an attack, his victory is no problem, but in the end he should be very embarrassed ...

But after the assault team was formed. The harvest of the small army is not small. In the trials of life and death, blood and fire, his combat power has skyrocketed, and his combat experience has also been enriched, especially the transformation of his temperament ...

If he said he felt like a little brother next door, now he is a murderous king. Every move is filled with momentum from the heart ...


"Kill ..." Xiaojun led his assault team all the way, and soon arrived near the army of zombies they saw. It was when the zombies found that they turned their heads to look at them, the **** sword in the hands of the army was raised high. As he shouted, he was like a sharp sword, rushing into the army of zombies ...

"Kill ..." With the same shouting and the same scarlet sword, while the small army attacked, hundreds of people behind him rushed to the zombie army without any hesitation ...

"That's ..." After seeing the life and death of the middle-aged man, after seeing that the zombies were getting closer, he had no idea of ​​surviving. After holding the statement that he and the zombies were all gone, the gun in his hand was finally shot. After a bullet, he pulled out a gray, rusty sword that seemed to appear on him.

In addition to being a captain with a weak command, he is also an evolutionary.

Although this grey sword is not good-looking, the middle-aged man treats it like a baby, because the origin of this sword is the same as the guns they have now ...

They got it from a dilapidated spaceship ...

The middle-aged man who had originally planned to fight desperately did not move yet, but the back of the zombie he saw was chaotic. With such a change, the pressure of their defense became relaxed all at once.

The middle-aged man, who felt extremely surprised, jumped onto the car as a defensive wall with a surprised expression.

After standing several meters high, the middle-aged man saw a scene they would never dare to imagine.

A black torrent appears in the corpse of zombies, accompanied by the screams of the zombies. This black torrent rushes through the zombies quickly. Wherever they go, the zombies fly around, or the remains of the zombies. Limbs flying around ...

Looking at such a scene, the expression of the middle-aged man can no longer remain calm.

Especially after seeing clearly that this black torrent is composed of a personal team, his mouth that could not be closed closed widened instantly.

He even forgot to order his team to attack ...

And just now they were madly attacking their zombies. At this time, they had already turned around and faced the direction of the black torrent rushing blankly.

A roar came from the mouths of these zombies who were ready ...

"Is this still human?" Finally, the muscles of the middle-aged man's face were numb, and his mouth was closed again, but after rubbing his face with some stiff expressions, he felt in his heart ...

However, after knowing that zombies are impossible to kill each other, the middle-aged man is quite sure that this is a human.

A group of powerful humans ...

However, I have to say that the middle-aged man's fight admires and admires these superhuman humans from his heart ...


"Large troops attack, speed up the pace, and eliminate the zombies as quickly as possible ..." After the small army's assault team was killed, Qin Lan also came to the front. With his order, almost half of the 20,000 team members rushed out.

Although the number of zombies is quite large, there should be tens of thousands. Even tens of thousands, but after Qin Lan and their more than 10,000 fighters joined, the situation suddenly changed.

The original number advantage of zombies disappeared instantly, and the number of zombies decreased with the naked eye ...

"Sister Qin Lan is really not interesting. Letting the large troops attack so quickly, we have no time to play ..." Listening to the growing screams and growing screams, Xiao Jun's expression was a little depressed.

"Oh, let's return to the team as soon as we kill. Although these zombies are not dangerous, we can't take care of them. Sister Qin Lan is also afraid that we will have an accident ..." Xiao Qi, who is near Xiaojun, smiled and said that she also She gave up her most familiar attack.

Although the sniper is faced with much lower danger than melee combat, but after seeing Xiaojun's hard work, she also decided to hone herself, and that's it, she became a member of the commando ...

But I have to say. Xiao Qi and Xiao Jun are the same. Facing the battle, they seem to have a natural instinct to quickly grasp the essentials of the battle ...

Xiao Qi is also the only member of their assault team with a strength of less than 200. The most important thing is her female ...

She was with the army and was arranged by the army. He was worried about her injury ...

It was just that Xiaojun didn't expect that so many days passed. Xiao Qi was not in danger and gave little army heroes a chance to save the United States. However, Xiaojun himself was in distress several times, and Xiaoqi stopped him every time ...

This is the most depressing of the army ...

"Then we will kill directly at the places guarded by the survivors?" Xiao Qi said, Xiao Jun understood that after seeing the zombies behind him must have been slaughtered by the army on their side, Xiao Jun aimed his eyes. The zombies in front of them.

"Well, I believe Sister Qin Lan is also interested in communicating with the survivors here in South Guangdong Province ..." Xiao Qi nodded, even if Xiao Jun didn't mention it, she had the same idea ...

"Okay, kill… .." The young army that was able to kill, after Xiaoqi was the same, he no longer hesitated. The speed of the explosion broke out just as if he was trying to get a baby.

The sword fell from his hands, and the depression that Xiao Jun could not kill because of Qin Lan's insertion was all scattered in the army of zombies.

The whole person walked through the army of zombies like a meat grinder. Wherever they went, the zombies flew flesh and blood, ...

As the zombies in front of them became scarce, the roar of the zombies became more and more sparse.

Xiaojun, they know that this battle should come to an end ...


"Is this still human?" After the middle-aged man pierced into the army of zombies with his black torrent, his expression fell into a dull expression.

The appearance of Xiaojun completely subverted his perception of human strength. The performance of Xiaojun today cannot be described by human beings.

"Who are the heads here ..." After killing the last few scattered zombies, the small army they appeared in front of the fortifications, watching so many guns and ammunition emptied, the small army was Admire the courage to fight this kind of heart ...

"I am, what do you want me to do ...." After seeing the small army they appeared in front of him, the middle-aged man has returned to God. He doesn't know what they asked him to do ...

"We want to know what it is called, and how long is it from the base city of Nanyue?" Xiao Jun didn't make it difficult. He knew that everyone who struggled to survive in the last days was actually not easy ...

"Toushan City here is not far from the base city of Nanyue ........." Hearing Xiaojun asked such a ~ www.readwn.com ~ middle-aged man with a puzzled answer. Although they were curious about the small army, they asked questions about the base city of Nanyue, but after seeing their powerful fighting power, he did not hide it because the middle-aged man knew that if the small army wanted them to go, let them show them now The strength that comes out is no problem if you want to lay a base city in Nanyue.

Perhaps before today, the middle-aged man would not believe that such a powerful human being appeared, but after seeing the small army today, he overturned his own conclusions before ...

"Our sister Qin Lan wants to see you, let's go ..." Xiao Jun nodded after the news obtained by Xiaojun from the middle-aged mouth was similar to that obtained by Ling Ya before.

"Who?" Hearing Xiao Jun's words, the middle-aged man's eyes were a little doubtful.

"The most powerful in our team ..." Xiao Jun explained with a smile.

"Women?" The expression of the middle-aged man was even more surprised

………………………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued) ...)

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