I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 459: No reason to let him down


It has been known that the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack has huge power, and Huang Qianchuan who entangles and attacks with 蜈蚣 Zack. M 【】 【】 Dare not to have the slightest reservation. In the case of a complete outbreak, Huang Qianchuan did not fall.

On the contrary, compared with Zacak, his body was unusually petite. He slightly prevailed. At least he has not been injured yet, but under the premise of protecting his body muscles from being affected, Huang Qianchuan's sword was not able to. What kind of damage has been caused to the large-sized 蜈蚣 Zack? Is the blade splitting the large-sized Zack, but the damage is not ...

Over time, Huang Qianchuan's expression became not so good ...

Although it is true that he has the upper hand in this case, the situation of Huang Qianchuan is not great without being able to cause great damage to the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack.

Although the huge body of the super large 蜈蚣 Zack did not dominate in a small range of sports, the huge body brought him extremely powerful defense. This is far from being comparable to Huang Qianchuan.

And such an advantage has become more apparent over time.

After a few minutes, Huang Qianchuan's face has begun to turn red, sweat beads on his forehead have emerged, although the speed and strength are still there, but there have been signs of decline ...

Huang Qianchuan couldn't help but be anxious.

Without Fang Chong, it is difficult for him to discover the weakness of this super large 蜈蚣 Zack. Although there is a high possibility of eyes, it is not easy to hit the eyes of the super 蜈蚣 Zack.

The characteristics of tadpoles are also unmistakable on the very large tadpole Zach. Countless feet are one of its advantages for eye protection.

Huang Qianchuan is not without trying to attack the eyes of the super large 蜈蚣 Zack. But every time the body hasn't come near, the feet of the oversized 蜈蚣 Zack have already stood up ...

Looking at these shining long feet, Huang Qianchuan was still very jealous. He would not despise him because of his exaggerated feet.

Huang Qianchuan clearly remembers that after Fang Chong said something, the creatures above 300 levels, even the cornea of ​​its eyes, were as hard as iron.

The cornea of ​​the eye can reach such a degree, not to mention the feet like metal ...

"Cang ..." It took a few more minutes, and Huang Qianchuan's speed inevitably dropped. Although he was still able to compete with the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack, it is not difficult to see that Huang Qianchuan has become somewhat Struggling.

Another round of violent attacks. After Huang Qianchuan blocked the huge tail attack of the huge 蜈蚣 Zack with a sword, the whole man finally made a muffled sound and flew out ...

Although it landed smoothly, Huang Qianchuan was half-knelt on the ground. A bloodshot inevitably flows from his mouth, and his face is pale ...

hurt! Although it is not heavy, the huge force still injured Huang Qianchuan's internal organs.

After wiping the blood on the corners of his mouth with his hands, Huang Qianchuan's expression looked a little embarrassed. Looking back, he still did not complete the movements in his hands, but the light on the big iron ball has become increasingly weak. Upon landing, the man slowly stood up and took a deep breath, and Huang Qianchuan yelled. The whole person disappeared again ...


Huang Qianchuan did not dare to stop. He knew that once he stopped, the feeling of weakness in the body would spread throughout the body, and once this happened, it would be absolutely impossible to win the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack. []

Huang Qianchuan knew his own body, and now it was time to work hard.

Gritting his teeth, Huang Qianchuan's speed was still increased to the extreme, and the sword in his hand was even tighter.

Originally, he turned his attention to Li Zak, who was in Li Yunyu's side. After hearing Fang Chong's howl, his huge body turned again. A pair of huge eyes stared at Huang Qianchuan ...

It didn't seem to think that Huang Qianchuan was so tenacious. After all, Huang Qianchuan's attack on it was almost the same as tickling it.

With a mocking look in his eyes, the oversized 蜈蚣 Zack's body is closer to the ground, but countless feet are bent at the joints. At a glance, I know that this 蜈蚣 Zack is accumulating energy. May be trying to give Huang Qianchuan a fatal blow ...

Although the idea of ​​a super large 蜈蚣 Zack is good, Huang Qianchuan is not stupid. After discovering such actions as 蜈蚣 Zack, he already thought of this possibility ...

"Come on ..." Although I know that the super large 蜈蚣 Zack is ready to go, Huang Qianchuan did not show a hint of timidity. After seeing the super large 蜈蚣 Zack so confident, he knew that With such a blow, such confidence is bound to be extraordinary. After thinking about this, Huang Qianchuan's warfare became more intense.

After shouting, Huang Qianchuan's momentum suddenly increased again. The physical strength, which had almost reached the end of the storm, broke out again, and the speed increased unexpectedly again. He could hardly see his shadow ...

At this time, Huang Qianchuan knew that the time had come for his victory. His expression was as quiet as standing water, but his eyes were extremely confident and sharp.

That's right, the target of Huang Qianchuan's attack is to choose the most vulnerable position of the ultra-large 蜈蚣 Zack's body defense.


The ultra-large 蜈蚣 Zack ’s defense is amazing, but the eye is still its most vulnerable place. It can be said that any important creature with eyes, the eyes are their absolute weakness. This is the case of the Zak people, this is the case for humans, and the mutant creatures are also same.

In addition, Huang Qianchuan has tried this super large 蜈蚣 Zack several times. It can be said that during his test, the eyes are the most important place for the defense of the Super 蜈蚣 Zack ...

It is also because of this, Huang Qianchuan has become more and more certain that the eye position is the most vulnerable place of the super large 蜈蚣 Zack ...

As Huang Qianchuan's speed increased again, the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack's eyes humanized a magical expression, but it soon returned to calm. That is the look of contempt.

Looking at Huang Qianchuan has no fundamental direction. In a straight line, Zuzak's head slowly raised.

The super-large Zach, whose wisdom is not worse than that of humans, has understood the target that Huang Qianchuan wants to attack ...

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"His ..." After a low, but rather harsh sound, the oversized 蜈蚣 Zack erected several long feet, staggered around the eyes above the head position ...

"There is such a trick ....." Huang Qianchuan was flying fast, and the distance between him and the super large 蜈蚣 扎克 was rapidly approaching. Seeing that he was about to reach the front of the large 蜈蚣 蜈蚣 克, he made such a move. The move was greatly unexpected. 【】 【】

However, the battle experience has already been counted on as the emperor Qianchuan who is in full swing. In the face of such changes, he did not panic. It is even more chaotic. After realizing that the super large 蜈蚣 Zack has guessed the target of his attack, he did not change the direction of the forward, but the blood-red sword in his hand could not help but hold it tighter.

"Superimposed chop ..." Huang Qianchuan was still a few meters away from the body of the super-large Zachak. He stepped on the ground with one foot, and his body leaped high with the rebound of force. After shouting three words in his mouth, his hands did not stop, and the blood-red sword began to turn.

Huang Qianchuan was able to break through the 300th level of strength, and finally he was able to master the sword skills, and it was still the most powerful stacking chop.

And what Huang Qianchuan couldn't imagine was that it would come in handy after breaking the 300 level.

However, because the encounter was a very large 蜈蚣 Zack, such a blow would not work. There is no bottom in his heart ...

But now it has reached the point where "the arrow is on the string" and "have to send it."

Huang Qianchuan knew that if his blow failed, waiting for them would be much more dangerous ...

His eyes were somewhat decisive, and now all his hopes had been placed on Li Yunyu's body ...

"Well ..." Huang Qianchuan, who had desperately desperately turned his sword down after seven revolutions, and by this time his body jumped up high into the sky, and the rising degree came to an abrupt end.

With the force of the falling of the sword, the sword grew faster and faster, to the end. The whole body fell down like a shooting star, and the sound of tearing air was faintly heard, creaking ...

The oversized 蜈蚣 Zack saw Huang Qianchuan carrying such a powerful attack. He originally erected the tops of several long feet, and suddenly several long feet extended. The crisscross pattern is on top of its head ...

It may be that he felt the momentum of Huang Qianchuan's blow, and he slightly raised his eyes with a little fear.

The sarcastic atmosphere has disappeared at this time ...

The oversized 蜈蚣 Zack is not a panic, though. But it's not hard to feel the fear in his emotions.

Huang Qianchuan saw such a scene, his mouth slightly raised, but there was a bitter smile in his smile, he knew better than anyone else, his blow seemed to be powerful, but could it be fatal to the super-large Zach? I don't know yet.

If there are not so many feet on the top of the super-sized 蜈蚣 Zack to resist, the effect is absolutely good, but it is hard to say now.

And the eyes of this super-large cricket Zak grow quite strange. Although the eyes are large, they are deeply recessed. A blow like him, unless you can break through ten long feet, then split the super-large cricket. After ten centimeters of Zac's skull, he was able to hit the eyes of this super-sized Zac ...


The matter has reached such a point, Huang Qianchuan also has no choice, the sword has already come into contact with the long feet of the oversized 竖 扎克 ...

"Well ..." A clear voice sounded when the sword and long feet touched.

Without any suspense, the oversized 蜈蚣 Zack is as thick as the long feet of human thighs. In front of the **** red sword of great strength, like the firing of ceramics, the hard surface instantly cracks. Feet, bright red blood erupted ...

But the breaking of a long foot is only the first horn of battle. After the first long foot is cut off by the sword, the momentum is unabated. In the blink of an eye, four or five long feet are broken by the hand of the sword ...

And at this moment, Fang Chong's momentum was even greater.

In the end, it was similar to what Huang Qianchuan himself expected. The sword slammed like a tiger and cut off all the long feet standing on the head of the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack.

As these actions. Huang Qianchuan, who still had a little power, also put his left hand on the handle of the sword. With both hands superimposed, the power of the sword waned ....

The strength that was focused on this point added that Huang Qianchuan's saber, which had become slower in his hand, instantly returned to its previous state.

In the end, within a thousandth of a second, the knife quickly fell in the eyes of the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack, who had become a bit frightened, and accurately cut an eye on the head of 蜈蚣 Zack ...

Like Huang Qianchuan's previous fears, although the power of the sword is huge, the strange look of the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack's eye position allows the sword to cut into its eyes at once ...

The sword was stuck more than ten centimeters deep into Zak's skull ...

"Damn ..." Seeing this scene, Huang Qianchuan couldn't help anxious. He has reached the limit of strength, and it is impossible to draw a sword ...

In addition to his nervousness, Huang Qianchuan became pale immediately after seeing the next move of the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack.

Suffering continuous attacks from Fang Chong. After losing a dozen long feet, the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack, after Fang Chong's sword was stuck, finally passed by.

Although he lost the support of dozens of long feet, his head position is no longer able to support his fast movements and actions, but do not forget that its attack power is not weaker than the tail of the head position ...

Huang Qianchuan took a deep breath. All he can now rely on is his armor suit. His strength is almost dry, and he is incompetent in the face of a tail attack like Zuzak ...

"Touch ..." As Huang Qianchuan himself imagined, his body had no time to do anything. I was swept by the tail of Zacque's tail ...

After the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack's tail attacked Huang Qianchuan with great strength, Huang Qianchuan's entire body flew out like a cannonball ...

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Huang Qianchuan, who has fully withstood a blow from Zazak, has no luck this time with a sword in front. After sweeping his tail in Huang Qianchuan, he suddenly felt clear after flying up. As soon as the chest sank, a hot sensation appeared, a mouth, and a mouthful of crimson blood spurted out.

Huang Qianchuan felt this feeling, and his chest felt hot and clear. The bitter smile on his face grew stronger.

Although there was a suit of armor to block this oversized 蜈蚣 Zack's wrath. However, there are only a large part of the power that the armor suit can block. As for the part that exceeds the armor suit defense, it directly acts on Huang Qianchuan.

The huge power of more than 350 levels, even a small part, cannot be blocked by Huang Qianchuan's body.

No matter how powerful human beings are, they cannot compare with Zak or mutant creatures.

Even zombies are many times more than humans ...

Thankfully, though. Although Huang Qianchuan's body was not able to completely block Luan Zake's attack, it was under the effect of the armor set. He was injured, but not fatal ...

In addition to the visceral rolls and broken ribs, there were no fatal injuries ...

"Boom ..." Huang Qianchuan's body hit a number of trees and smashed to the ground ...

"Is it true that I want to die here ..." Huang Qianchuan struggled a bit, his body moved hard, his hands supported the ground, and finally he got his upper body against a big tree that was broken by him, but wanted To stand up barely ...

After trying a few times without success, Huang Qianchuan gave up ...

A bit disappointed, Huang Qianchuan looked up, and some felt that God was not thin to him. At this time, the movement of the oversized 蜈蚣 Zack seemed to have become a problem. Although 蜈蚣 Zack was coming towards him, he lost the top ten In the case of several long feet, I was not used to it at all, but Huang Qianchuan sent out two or three hundred meters under the blow it had just made ...

Now this distance undoubtedly gives Huang Qianchuan a chance ...

However, Huang Qianchuan's expression quickly stunned again, because he could not move. Although Zuzak moved slowly, it was a matter of time to climb to him ...


However, when Huang Qianchuan thought he would die, a powerful momentum suddenly appeared. Huang Qianchuan felt such a momentum, and his expression froze instantly.

"Li Yunyu ..." Huang Qianchuan laughed bitterly. He never thought that Li Yunyu, who had not been moving at all, had finally completed his trick at this critical moment.

Turning his head around ~ www.readwn.com ~ he just saw Li Yunyu looking at him.

What makes Huang Qianchuan very surprised is that Li Yunyu has pressed the volume of a car into an iron ball, an iron ball with a diameter of about one meter ...

Although Huang Qianchuan was far away from Li Yunyu, he could not feel the momentum of Li Yunyu, especially the iron ball with golden light.

Dangerous, very dangerous ...

"Come on, try Brother's trick ..." Li Yunyu saw that Huang Qianchuan was still able to move, and after a sigh of relief, he looked at the super-large 蜈蚣 Zack with a mad expression.

The reason why Huang Qianchuan is doing this now is undoubtedly to create opportunities and delay time for him.

Huang Qianchuan paid such a large price for this, he has no reason to disappoint Huang Qianchuan ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… .. (to be continued. If you like this work, Welcome to the starting point to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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