I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 460: Smashed to death


Li Yunyu's original cold expression became crazy, his eyes stared at the large cymbals lying on the ground.

Although he didn't move, the momentum of Li Yunyu's body was rising, and the golden iron ball floating in front of him became brighter and brighter.

Looking at Li Yunyu's performance now, a smile appeared on the corner of Huang Qianchuan's mouth.

At this point, he can already imagine the ending.

Li Yunyu's performance has exceeded his imagination, and has not let his efforts go to waste

Talents are really powerful, especially as their strength increases

"Go ..." After the golden iron ball bloomed like the sun, Li Yunyu's hands pushed forward, and he shouted in his mouth.

The golden iron ball, which is definitely not small in weight, slowly flew forward, and the goal is of course a large cricket lying on the ground ...

As for the large Zacques at this time, the eyes are full of panic, and it has a direct feeling for the power brought by the golden iron ball.

I can feel it from the performance of gradually becoming restless

However, although the speed of the golden iron ball is slow, the size of the large iron ball is not fast enough. Between the advance and retreat, the golden iron ball has slowly approached the top of the large iron ball.

"His… .." may not be able to withstand the huge pressure brought by the golden iron ball, and the large cymbal Zach reluctantly made a sharp roar.

Li Yunyu's expression has always been very calm from beginning to end. His eyes are firmly locked on the large 蜈蚣 Zack's body. After the golden iron ball is suspended above the large 蜈蚣 Zack's body, while maintaining the same degree of advance and retreat, Li Yunyu's A smile appeared at last sight

"Fall ..." After a long period of struggling, the large-scale Zachak finally slowed down. The blood from the dozens of long-foot wounds cut by Huang Qianchuan kept flowing, and he lost too much blood. Has severely affected the operations of large 蜈蚣 Zack

Seeing that the scene he had been waiting for appeared, Li Yunyu's expression became serious again. After frowning tightly, he shouted loudly ...

As the sound fell, the golden iron ball originally suspended at a height of more than ten meters fell instantly.

"Bang ..." A loud noise made the earth tremble slightly.

The golden iron ball hit the body of the large Zachak directly, and the body that was hit was deeply recessed into the solid ground ...

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After a large iron ball smashed into the body with a golden iron ball, he whistled violently, but the golden iron ball in a few tons is not the body that can be twisted in a large one. of

"From ..." Of course Li Yunyu could see the plan of the large-scale 蜈蚣 Zack at this time, but he was unexpected that he did not control the golden iron ball to firmly suppress the 蜈蚣 Zack's body, but in the large蜈蚣 Zack shouted when he was struggling the most ...

After Li Yunduo shouted this sentence, the golden iron ball slowly left the body of the large 蜈蚣 Zack.

As for Zuzak, I felt the body suddenly light, it knew that the opportunity had come without any hesitation of hands and feet, and the huge body was quickly channeling out ...

"Want to run?" Looking at the next round of actions of the large 蜈蚣 Zack, Li Yunyu's expression did not show any fluctuations, and his expression was full of confidence. He looked calmly at the large 克 Zack and rushed out.

Although Li Yunyu didn't see any movements, he only saw that he wanted to run, and the golden iron ball resuspended in the air moved again.

At this time, the large 蜈蚣 Zack is no longer its advantage, and the huge and huge body allows Fang Chong to easily find that the track of the large 蜈蚣 Zack has become a burden.

Otherwise, if this huge body is not at work, Li Yunyu's first move might not have been able to hit the corpse of a large Zach.

It is not difficult to see from the slightly sunken position on his body, that the trouble caused by the large smasher just now is not a lot.

In a short time, she had escaped from the large 蜈蚣 Zack, hundreds of meters away. It was too late to do anything, because the character's iron ball once again locked her position from the air.

Feeling a little agitated feeling of the large 蜈蚣 Zack, Li Yunyu spit out a letter, and the golden iron ball still suspended in the ten-meter-meter high was once again smashed down with amazing mouth ...

Although the large 蜈蚣 Zack felt the danger signal from the air, an extremely dangerous feeling came from the air at the moment it looked up.

No warning, no time to react ...

Under the horrified gaze of large 蜈蚣 Zack, the golden iron ball smashed heavily

The target certainly hit its body without a doubt ...

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"His ..." Another severe hiss came out, and the pain of the flattened body caused the large 蜈蚣 Zack to twitch strongly, screaming again and again.

Struggles again and again, but in the case of severe physical exertion, the large 蜈蚣 Zack seems to have reached the end of the storm. Just when it was about to give up, Li Yunyu once again unexpectedly controlled the golden iron ball Slowly hanging

In the next few minutes, the scene went very weird.

Every time the large-scale Zachak flees wildly after Li Yunyu retrieves the golden iron ball, but every time he escapes not far away, he is again heavily hit by the golden iron ball. After ten consecutive times, Li Yunyu again The golden iron ball was recovered once, but the large 蜈蚣 Zack no longer escaped ....

Li Yunyu's expression slowly slowed down as he looked at the large cricket Zack who was sighing and screaming.

However, Li Yunyu had no intention of letting go of this large 蜈蚣 Zack. After taking a deep breath, he stretched out his hands at the same time, and hundreds of meters away, the golden iron ball on the large 蜈蚣 Zack moved.

Slowly rising under the control of Li Yunyu

But this time it is no longer ten meters high, and it is tens of meters, or hundreds of meters high.

Li Yunyu ’s hands also increased with the rise of the golden iron ball, but after a violent 100 meters away, Li Yunyu ’s movements stopped, and from Li Yunyu ’s dignified and slightly trembling hands, it is not difficult to see the calendar. Yunyu is at the end of this time

However, Li Yunyu did not show disappointment due to exhaustion of physical strength

After looking at Huang Qianchuan's side, he smiled slightly, and with his hands raised above his head, he recovered instantly, and lost the golden iron ball controlled by Li Yunyu. He fell from the air as quickly as he collapsed, and the speed became faster and faster. , The air was made chaotic sounds by intense friction ... "

"Hit… .." Within a second, the golden iron ball had gone hundreds of meters, and the force of the golden iron ball could not be calculated by weight under the interaction of forces.

There was no accident. Under the calculation of Li Yunyu's error-free, the golden iron ball smashed into the head of the large 蜈蚣 Zack.

Huge impact and accurate position, the large cymbals smashed into the gravel soil without any struggle


"This time should be dead ....." Looking at the battle completed without errors, Li Yunyu's expression was relaxed. In this battle, he suffered the most pressure. After all, once he failed, they were completely passive. Whether a team can continue or not depends on this time.

That is because Li Yunyu is so nervous because of the important matters ...

With a touch of nervousness, Li Yunyu slowly approached the body of the large cymbal that was already motionless.

It doesn't feel much from a distance, but after approaching, Li Yunyu's heart is full of powerful shocks. The large 蜈蚣 Zack has given him too much visual impact. The huge body looks like thick scales ...

Every part of the large 蜈蚣 Zack's body is called Li Yunyu secretly shocked. After an instant distraction, Li Yunyu returned to God.

After taking a deep breath, Li Yunyu stepped out of shock. After seriously determining that this large 蜈蚣 Zack could not die again, Li Yunyu extended his hands and slowly removed the pressure. The golden iron ball above the head of this large cricket

After removing the golden iron ball, Li Yunyu finally saw the whole picture of this large 蜈蚣 扎克

Although the head was smashed with blood and flesh, Huang Qianchuan was caught in the sword of his eyes by this time.

Looking at such a cruel picture, Li Yunyu, who has been accustomed to killing, did not show any major discomfort. He finally understood why the last time, after a large 蜈蚣 Zack was hit by an iron ball, he was motionless ...

I did n’t know it before, but now he understands it, because the blood-red sword

It is the credit of the sword that really caused the death of large 蜈蚣 Zack ...

"Dead, I can't die anymore ..." After pulling out the large knives Zakaka's sword on his face bones, Li Yunyu held the sword and walked to Huang Qianchuan slowly ... .

"Good job ..." I had already guessed such an ending, but after hearing the data reported by Li Yunyu, Huang Qianchuan couldn't help but praise it ...

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"Kill, try to resolve the battle as quickly as possible, and don't have any fish that miss the net ..." Murong Xue yelled at others while fighting fiercely, they have been fighting with the third batch of crickets from now on until now Grams fight, and the number of 蜈蚣 Zacks who died in their hands was no less than two hundred

This amazing amount of Murong Xue was surprised by his calculations, but it was the case

Although they paid a lot of money for this, they were still within their range

Because of the advantage of quantity, members are usually topped as soon as the members are injured. In this case, no members were seriously injured or died. As in the last days, this situation, as long as not die, continue to live with a sigh of relief. Chances are great ...

The battle continued, but what Murong Xue could not have imagined, after Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu had a violent sound and a slight trembling on the ground, Zak, who had desperately attacked at this time, suddenly lowered his attack. Many times, even some Zacques have retreated ....

Murong Xue was extremely surprised at this situation. He originally thought that coincidence was an isolated phenomenon, but with the emergence of disappointment, more than one and a half years later, Murong Xue finally saw something different.

"There must be something wrong ...." Murong Xue directly guessed the possible possibility, and the accident is the most explainable ...

But what happened Murong Xue didn't know at all, but judging from the performance of 蜈蚣 Zack's absent-mindedness and unintentional love, Murong Xue can get some hints. On the one hand, it may be that Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu are fighting against large 蜈蚣Occupy the advantage and another possibility is that large 蜈蚣 Zack has been killed by Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu. These 蜈蚣 Zacks have lost their king, and have lost their backbone. It is normal for them to fall in love.

However, compared to the two possibilities, Murong Xue may think that the former may increase.

After all, large-scale Zack is not weak, and the time has passed and it is not long. Even if Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu have the strength to defeat the large-Zack, but the biggest possibility so far is to suppress it ...

Thinking that it might be suppressed, Murong Shegar thinks it is possible. When she looks at these Zhacker actions, she feels that they want to support them.

Thinking of this, Murong Xue spoke, and she absolutely needed what they needed right now, that is, to suppress Suzak, and to beheaded, whether it is to reduce the trouble for Fang Chong or to prevent future troubles ...

Inspired by Murong Xue, all members understand the meaning of Murong Xue, and in the case of absolute strength, they are fighting more and more bravely.

At the end of the battle, almost all the members who were able to fight surrounded them and surrounded the remaining dozens of Zacques.

In such a powerful situation, the last dozen heads of Zuzak failed to sustain for a long time, and finally died in Murong Xue's sword ...

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"Kill pretty ..." After the battle, Murong Xue was panting heavily. Among these people, her strength is the strongest. There is no doubt that she is the most powerful one among all the others.

After taking out a genetic medicine and drinking it, she was worried about the situation of Huang Qianchuan and left some people to take care of the wounded. After vigilant and packing up the battlefield, she rushed to Huang Qianchuan's side non-stop ...

Although it was not very far apart during the first battle, after the war, Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu were afraid that the battle would cause serious damage to them, and they intentionally opened the distance between them and Murong Xue.

In the future, the Vietnam War became farther and farther away.

Rushing all the way, but in a calm and unusual environment, Murong Xue's expression is very solemn, too quiet, as quiet as stepping into the dead ...

Especially the surrounding environment was destroyed so badly, all of them can imagine how fierce the fighting was then ....

As their expressions became more worried, their steps accelerated a bit.

However, they were shocked after seeing the large corpse of the large 蜈蚣 Zack, but after discovering that the large 蜈蚣 Zack was motionless, they instantly relieved the atmosphere and relaxed their expressions.

The death of large-scale Zac, undoubtedly shows that Huang Qianchuan is all right

Soon, they found Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu.

"Huang Qianchuan was injured?" Murong Xue was still more careful. After approaching Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu, she suddenly found that Huang Qianchuan looked a little decadent, and she was much weaker in momentum.

Seeing here, Murong Xue's first feeling was that Huang Qianchuan was injured ...

"It's okay, I can't die ..." With his hands over his chest, Huang Qianchuan feels a lot better after continuously drinking several repair gene pills. However, because of his injuries, Huang Qianchuan's smile still affects the wound. … ..

"Don't worry, we won't tell Sister Yuwen. Don't be stubborn when she isn't you ..." How could Murong Xue not see the current situation of Huang Qianchuan, but after hearing that Huang Qianchuan has drank so many genetic medicines, She said nothing

Looking at Li Yunyu, I found that Li Yunyu felt good, and the momentum seemed to be a little stronger before

I was surprised and curious.

Although it is known that the strength of Huang Qianchuan is the main force of the offensive ~ www.readwn.com ~, but the main force was so badly injured that his appearance of Yunyu intact is a bit inexplicable ...

"His strength has improved, and his talent for controlling metal has also been improved. This is normal ..." Huang Qianchuan looked good. Murong Xue was wondering what, in order to avoid their misunderstanding, Huang Qianchuan said ...

"Oh ..." Murong Xue got such an answer, but she realized that compared to Li Yunyu she had known before, she was not a master of fear of death. Although her personality has always been cold, she is very man ...

This is why Murong Xue chose Li Yunyu


"The battle is over, are we still in a hurry?" Murong Xue asked, it wasn't too early, and the spoils had to be cleaned up. If you want to continue to hurry, you will be a little bit late in time ... Continued)

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