I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 461: arrangement


"Go in, it's only two months and I haven't seen it for a year, don't you want to?" Fang Chong looked at the door standing uncertainly, said the idyll of the pastor. M []

The guards outside the gate were stopped by Fang Chong and they did not inform the commander of Makino ...

"Take it for granted, I'm afraid ....." The pastor covered her chest, her mouth slightly pursing.

"Afraid of something, he is the father ..." Fang Chong was a little speechless. The girl of Muge was usually not afraid of it, but she didn't dare to enter the door of her house ...

"I'm afraid I will cry when I see my dad, I am afraid that I don't want to leave after seeing my dad ..." Muge looked at Fang Chong, and her eyes were slightly wet. When she said these words, her voice was crying ...

"But do you think it's good to be here?" Fang Chong gently embraced Muge's shoulders, and let her lean against his arms, softly speaking.

Fang Chong said that the song was so strong that Fang Chong did not dare to imagine before the last days, and that the song was not entangled because he did not want to leave.

"But ..." Muge cried out, and it was difficult for her to choose. Her father was only a woman, the only relative in the world, but as a daughter, she couldn't accompany him.

And now in the last days, in this world with no idea of ​​today or tomorrow, she does not know how many chances he has to meet with Makino Commander.

She was afraid that she would have to leave after staying here for a few days in Kyoto base city. She didn't want to face parting ....

"We persuaded your father to let him return to Shanghai Base City with us. Don't you think we still have a backbone in Shanghai Base City?" Fang Chong didn't know how to comfort Muge, they were doomed to stay in Kyoto's base city, but they cannot stay here, does not mean that Commander Makino!

Thinking of this, Fang Chong laughed, and now most of the events in Kyoto's base city are on Song Ming's body. With a small number of people now, Song Ming is no problem. However, as Shanghai's base city slowly grew, Song Ming's ability seemed a bit difficult.

Song Ming is not a super-talented person with good management skills. He also told Fang Chong many times to make substitutions ...

Fang Chong did not know who to choose before, but today he found a solution to this problem.

Commander Makino was the commander of an army before the last days. Is it a problem to ask him to come to a base city? The answer is absolute, Kyoto base city can develop so well. Their five commanders contributed, and there were five commanders here in the base city of Kyoto. There were no problems with Commander Takaki Makino and Commander Takaki Makino.

But as soon as Commander Makino arrived at the base city of Shanghai, Fang Chong became even more powerful. In addition to liberating Song Ming as a top combat force, the development of the Shanghai base city can be more on track.

Commander Makino's outlook on life, personal experience is not at all comparable to Fang Chong ...

Fang Chong was thinking more and more that this method was feasible.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it, but are you willing to let my dad take charge of the Shanghai base city?" Muge's eyes widened instantly, Fang Chong's proposal completely solved any problems ...

But Muge didn't know that Fang Chongyuan was unwilling to give her father the right to speak on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. After all, people are selfish, especially in front of power. (Read novels.)

How much Fang Chong's effort took the establishment of Shanghai Stock Exchange. Idyll is better than anyone ...

"Stupid girl. I never value power, let alone his father ..." Fang Chong rubbed Muge's head lightly.

However, Fang Chong was very happy to be able to say so, but for Fang Chong, these things of power are clouds, if not for the needs of survival. Fang Chong will not build these base cities, but in the last days. Those who want to survive and want to protect the people he cares about. Must be like this, he has no choice ...

"Then let's do this ..." Muge looked into Fang Chong's eyes and knew that Fang Chong was telling the truth, she rejoiced a little.

"Just your dad would he agree?" Fang Chong thought of another question.

"I'm her daughter. If he doesn't agree, I'll sever the father-daughter relationship with him ..." After Muge had no more concerns, her playful character returned ....


"Who is it outside?" The voice of Makino had just fallen, and the voice of Commander Makino sounded inside the room ...

"I was found, I haven't rushed in ...." Fang Chong heard the voice of Commander Makino, and he laughed, knowing that Muge's plan to surprise the commander of Makino fell through.

They all ignored that Makino Commander is also an evolutionary, and is an evolutionary who is definitely not low in strength.

Speaking out loud like them, the commander of Makino will not find it strange, but in Fang Chong's view, this is also good, and no longer has to worry about the pastoral songs.

"I know ..." It was clear that Fang Chong really wanted Commander Makino to go to Shanghai base city. Mage Song was in a good mood and was urged by Fang Chong. She also spat out her tongue out playfully.

"You'd better be careful. If you just want to sever the relationship between your father and daughter with your father just now, I don't know if it has been heard by him ..." Fang Chong gently scratched the nose of wrinkles of herdsmen.

"Is this really possible?" Fang Chong said so intentionally, the expression of Muge suddenly became tense, and asked in a low voice.

"Of course, you spoke so loudly, so confidently, with your father's strength! Maybe you can't hear?" Fang Chong looked at her nervous and smiled even more.

"It's all up to you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't say that we should sever the relationship between father and daughter ..." Muge's expression became very depressed, and she didn't see that Fang Chong was making fun of her.

"Who is going to sever the father-daughter relationship with whom?" The voice of Muge had just fallen, and a sound of footsteps came. When the door opened, the voice of Commander Makino sounded in Fang Chong's ears ...

"Uncle Makino ..." Fang Chong wasn't scared. With his strength, the commander of Makino had already felt the moment he came. After Commander Makino opened the door, he moved forward ...

"Fang Chong ..." Seeing that it was Fang Chong, the commander of Makino froze suddenly, his expression as dumb as a chicken ...

"Dad, I'm back ..." After hearing the voice of Commander Makino, and seeing that there was no commander, she could no longer hold back tears when the person whom Muge thought about night after day appeared in front of her. After calling out Dad, he flew into the arms of Commander Makino.

No matter how strong and brave you are. Children in front of parents ...

Fang Chong looked at such a scene, his eyes were also slightly moist, he had to sigh, his family is never able to give up. [Read the novel to come ~] and it will become more profound with the extension of time and distance ...

"It's good to be back, just to cry, what a silly girl ..." He hugged Makige with both hands excitedly, even if the commander of Makino experienced many years of vicissitudes. There are also incoherent words at this time.

Fang Chong borrowed the light, it is not difficult to find that the eyes of Commander Makino flickered with tears ...

"Dad, you don't know how much I miss you, are you okay ..." Muge is completely childlike, but she doesn't forget to care about her at the same time ...

"Dad also thought about it, you can rest assured that Daddy's physically strong ...". Makino Commander patted the back of the song. It's like coaxing a child.

But everything he said was true. His physical fitness is now many times better than before the last days.

Evolutionists are blessed with physical fitness, which is not comparable to ordinary people at all.

If human beings could live to 80 years old before, now there are no problems for a hundred years ...

"Go, let's go in and say ..." Commander Makino soon remembered that there was still Fang Chong here, and now it will be seen by others here, as a commander. Some things need attention.

With that in mind, he let go of his hand. Fang Chong was invited to follow their father and daughter ...


"Dad, during these days. Is the situation in Kyoto's base city stable ..." After the excitement of the first sight, Mage's mood calmed down at this time.

She also thought of key issues at this time.

"Zombies and mutants attack from time to time is common, but with the growth of human power, zombies and mutants are no longer a concern. Attacks are surprises and creatures that send us genetic medicine. It can be said that humans now have survival in the last days. As for the Zak people you mentioned, you haven't encountered them yet ... "Commander Makino understood Fang Chong's meaning, and he did not hide it.

From the perspective of Commander Makino, Fang Chong has been running outside, and their knowledge is much broader than them ...

"That's good ..." Listening to this, all the worries on Muge's face disappeared. Commander Makino did look okay. They didn't have to worry about Commander Makino cheating them ...

The appearance and changes of these Zak guys are difficult to determine. They are easy to meet ...

"How are you? Why are you and a bunch of people coming only to you?" Commander Makino then asked, and he always felt that Fang Chong seemed to be missing something when they came in. Until now he found out that it was human, wrong, human. … ..

Before Fang Chong did not leave the base city of Kyoto, he knew how many core personnel there were in this team, but today, outside of Muge, there was only Fang Chong alone. Seeing this, the commander of Makino looked a little hesitant. … ..

"We acted separately a few days ago. They knew I missed you. Let's rush here. As for Brother Qianchuan, he went to the west, and Sister Qin Lan went to Southern Guangdong ..." Muge was in front of the commander of her father, Makino. , She has no reservations ...

"You can be so bold like this. Although so many people are not bad, but so many of you, once dispersed, your strength will be greatly weakened." After hearing the words of Muge, Commander Makino's expression suddenly became tense. In his opinion, Fang Chong and they were all too careless.

Although I know that their young and young strength is stronger than their old ones, but now, in the last days, anything can happen ....

"Hey, dad, don't worry about it, tens of thousands of people, even if they are used to fight the current base city of Kyoto, maybe they can fight down ..." Muge laughed.

"What do you mean by this ..." The Makino commander frowned, and the words of Makiko were a bit exaggerated when he heard ...

"Our current strength is no longer the same as when we left the base city of Kyoto. We have tens of thousands of people with a strength of more than one hundred. Even if the strength exceeds two hundred, there are thousands of people. What do you fear about such strength ..." Idyll said proudly.

"What ..." Commander Makino was shocked when he heard the words of Muge.


"I didn't expect that the changes outside now are so great. You can actually knock down the Shanghai market of the city of death ..." Listening to Muge's words and their experiences after leaving the base city of Kyoto, the commander of Makino was filled with emotion .

Especially after hearing the experience of smashing the city with the largest number of zombies in China. Commander Makino's expression was even more exciting. He didn't know how to describe it, and Fang Chong also praised them for having such strength.

"The search for zombies and mutants is not a concern at all. But the Zak people are very dangerous, and we must rush time with them ..." Fang Chong said.

Having said that, it must be said that business is up, and Fang Chong wants to grab time. So it is impossible to stay here for a long time in Kyoto base city.

"I see. What you mean tomorrow, I will go and discuss with others to explain the facts about Zak, we will also popularize ..." Commander Makino understood Fang Chong's meaning.

"Well, it is the best to popularize. And this time we come back, we also brought some new types of weapons from the Shanghai base city. Should there be a research center here in Kyoto base city?" Fang Chong continued. At the same time, Fang Chong gave the material drawings and general usage to Commander Makino ...

Fang Chong knew that it was difficult for other people to be convinced by the fact that the Zak people did not appear here in the base city of Kyoto, but after he provided these new weapons information. Believe when Commander Makino goes. The convincing power of speaking should increase a lot ...

He knows how powerful these new weapons are for the base city of Kyoto ...

Even the commander of Makino, after getting the drawings and materials handed to him by Fang Chong, he was instantly shocked ...

"These can really make success?" It took a while to shake God from shock, Commander Makino's voice was very excited, he could see how much these new weapons mean to humans ...

"We have products for weapons. But we did not bring them to the base city of Kyoto, if our uncle is interested. We can go and see them tomorrow and try something ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"Okay. Go tomorrow ..." Commander Makino nodded politely, if not considering that Fang Chong had just arrived in the base city of Kyoto, he had the urge to see it immediately.

"Dad, how can you become impatient now, and the incumbent is indifferent and doesn't know where to run ..." Muge laughed, although he knew how much these new weapons meant to humans, but Commander Makino was excited. This is still beyond their imagination ...

"Don't you wonder how important this thing is to humans?" Commander Makino didn't care.

"Know, of course, we have been along the way, this weapon has not been used less ..." said Muge's head leaning on the shoulder of Commander Makino, shaking.

"Well, I know you're tired. How about going to rest early ..." The Makino commander turned his head, leaning on the look of the rancho, eyes full of love.

"Okay, but we have one more thing to tell you, you must promise us… .." Muge nodded, but she suddenly found out that there was a big event that she hadn't said yet. His dad was going to a meeting tomorrow, so he had to take advantage of it. This opportunity was made clear to other commanders ...

"What's the matter?" Commander Makino saw that Makko became so serious all of a sudden, he was curious.

But after asking this sentence, he suddenly remembered that he heard it when he opened the door.

As if that sentence was from the mouth of the herd.

"It's all up to you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't say that we should break off the relationship between father and daughter?" The commander of Makino suddenly came to his mind.

"Don't Makiko want to say this?" Although Makino Commander didn't believe that Makiko would say such things, but thinking of what he heard just now, he hesitated in his heart, his expression also looked a little pale ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"About you! I said to Fang Chong, you must promise us ..." Muge did not notice the change in the expression of Makino Commander. When she said these words, her eyes kept looking at Fang Chong.

"You said, Dad must agree ..." Commander Makino trembled slightly, and his bad feelings in his heart grew stronger ...

"I'm still afraid you won't agree ..." Muge paused, and opened his mouth several times without saying a word ...

"It's okay, you say, Dad, listen, even if you say you want to sever the father-daughter relationship with me, I promise ..." Looked at the expression of Muge, Commander Makino sighed.

"Dad, I'm joking. You don't care, I'm afraid you won't agree ~ www.readwn.com ~ I said ..." When he heard the words of Commander Makino, Makko's face turned red. She lowered her head and did not dare to look into the eyes of Commander Makino.

"I don't agree, you ..." "The commander of Makino is getting more confused, and he seems to be wrong, but what is it that threatens her?" Commander Makino is dumb ...

"Is that what happened to you and Fang Chong?" After a while, Commander Makino thought of Fang Chong.

"No, it's not a child's personal affairs, it's something about you ..." Muge's face turned redder. She didn't know how his father connected things to Fang Chong ...

"Let me say ...." Listening to the conversation between their father and daughter, Fang Chong couldn't bear it. The original simple things seemed to be complicated by their questions and answers. Fang Chong was afraid of what he would do. Misunderstanding is bad ...

When Fang Chong spoke, Commander Makino nodded, and Makko had no opinion.

……………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( an.) To vote for referrals and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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