I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 467: 2 choices


"Then look for death ....." His face flushed, his eyes were about to spit out a fire, and the bald and brawny man with a bald head screamed, and ran with a large knife of one meter in his hand and ran towards the three of Huang Qianchuan ... .

The color of the sword is yellowish. From the movement of the bald head, it is not difficult to get out the weight of such a machete. m [Go to the novel ~]

"But it's made of ordinary metal ..." Huang Qianchuan gave an answer in his heart, and they can also see the strength of the bald head. But to be honest, judging by his strength of more than three hundred levels, an opponent who can't reach even one hundred levels has a feeling that an adult is bullying a child. ,

In fact, not only Huang Qianchuan's own feeling is like this, Murong Xue and Li Yunyu standing in a row with him also have the same expression. This bald head is very powerful, but the strength is just average.

Such strength, they do not look at it at all ...

However, the three of Huang Qianchuan were so calm, it was not the same in the eyes of other people. Even Yu Yu, who thought the three of them were not bad, had a look of anger at this time ... .

Looking at the three Huang Qianchuan who were motionless, she wondered in her heart whether she was looking at the wrong person this time? The words of bald head Biao just now have been pointed out. If the three of Huang Qianchuan and the bald head don't fight and lose each other, then their trouble will come.

After all, bald heads need power, and he spoke to such a degree in front of so many subordinates. If he didn't do it with them once, he would lose the status of his boss ...

Think of these. Yumei's brow frowned slightly.

She really didn't know. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to work so hard to cause Bald Biao and Huang Qianchuan to fight with each other. Today's **** sure ...

As for the result, Yu Mei will know when she knows. When she refocused on the bald head, the distance between the three of them and Huang Qianchuan was less than twenty or thirty meters. Such a distance can be said to be fleeting. .

But at this distance, Huang Qianchuan and the three of them still kept such a stupid standing posture. Seeing here, seeing the **** Yu Mei who was accustomed to turning around, she did not want to see Huang Qianchuan and the three of them were chopped by the bald head. Now ...

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"I'm coming ..." when the bald head was less than ten meters from the three of Huang Qianchuan. Li Yunyu's eyes opened, but before he did anything, Murong Xue's voice appeared in his ear. Li Yunyu turned his head and saw Murong Xue's smiling face ...

After I say these two words that are too simple to be simple. Murong Xue's body moved.

Feeling the wind brought by the bald head running violently, Murong Xue's expression became a bit cold. Before the bald head Murong Xue's words and deeds were unhappy, she knew that a person like bald head must be a scourge in the last days. Slag.

It can be said that the bald head is the human who Murong Xue wants to kill soon after the first time in such a long time ....

After having sentenced Baldhead to death, Murong Xue did not plan to keep his hand.

The strength far beyond the 250th level all broke out instantly, and the body disappeared in place with a strong airflow ...

The bald head, who was less than five meters away from the three of Huang Qianchuan, had his original expression suddenly disappeared after seeing Murong Xue suddenly disappeared. [Read the novel ~] His expression froze instantly.

Such a sudden change was completely out of his imagination. Seeing such a speed, his back was instantly cold, and he knew that he had hit the iron plate this time.

However, when he regretted that he had no effect, he felt a gust of air rushing towards his body, he gritted his teeth, and the huge machete in his hand changed direction in an instant. He originally intended to cut Huang Qianchuan three of them The chopped machete stands in front of him ...

After doing these actions, the expression of the bald head was slightly eased, although shocked by the strength of the other party. But he had confidence in the machete in his own hands, and when Murong Xue moved, the corners of his eyes swept her without using a weapon.

He firmly believes that Murong Xue wants to break him with his hands and feet. This machete is just a crazy talk ...

Especially after seeing Murong Xue raising one foot.

The bald head smiled.


Murong Xue's long leg was kicked in half a second and hit the machete in front of the chest accurately.

Looking at the self-righteous expression of bald head Biao, Murong Xue directly cursed a "stupid hat". But scolding and scolding, she had no intention to show mercy, and more than 20,000 pounds of force broke out from her foot ...

Black boots centered in the center of the slightly golden machete. A crisp impact sounded.

Listening to such a voice. Many people who originally thought that the three of Huang Qianchuan were frightened, at this moment their expressions became brighter instantly.

They all saw the strength that Murong Xue just showed. Although not as profound as the bald head, it was absolutely shocked.

As Murong Xue's long legs came into contact with the machete, the bald head was always shocked with a smile on his face. He could feel the tremendous power from the machete body. That kind of power is not what he can now counter ... .

"Click ..." The sound of bone fracture that only he and Murong Xue could hear was sounded. Listening to this sound and the huge pain from the arm, the bald head completely changed his face.

He knew that the bones of his hands and arms had completely broken under the huge force brought by Murong Xue.

The expression on his face was full of incredibleness. His original self-confidence strength and confidence were completely broken at the foot of Murong Xue. Under the eyes of his enlarged pupil, the deformed hands could not stop the inertia of the machete close to his body ... .

"Ka-chan ..." There was another crisp sound of broken bones.

The slightly golden machete and his hands completely fell into his chest. As for the ribs that were broken under great force, at this instant they also penetrated all his internal organs ...

At last. The body that had been completely bent slowly came off the ground. Fly out in an instant ...

"Bang ..." A bald man close to one meter nine fell so heavily in front of him that Yumei and the two of them confronted each other.

The sturdy square ground slate is cracking ...


"This ..." I couldn't bear to see Huang Qianchuan and other people's miserable rain charms, and they suddenly opened when they heard the exclamation of others, but at this time I saw a scene where the bald head was kicked and flying . (Read novels.)

Eyes full of unbelievable rain charm eyes stared at the bald head on the ground ...

Without a trace of **** bald head, he could not see a trace of vital pupils completely filled with panic, and the sharp contrast formed by the continuous flow of blood from his mouth ...

Although she has thought of killing the bald head countless times all the time, but now seeing his death, Yumei doesn't feel a little happy, she knows the strength of the bald head.

Sweeping her eyes, she saw her face pale after seeing the completely deformed slightly golden machete ...

She knew what this slightly golden machete meant. It is said that they do not have any doubts about cutting iron like mud. Even in the western base cities, such machetes represent the crystallization of powerful technology ...

Everyone in the Western Survivor Base City is longing to have such a sword. But the strength does not break through the 50th level, such a sword is a luxury for them. In their two teams, the number of people with such a sword is not more than ten ...

But is such a sword, deformed under Murong Xue's feet?

Yu Mei couldn't imagine, how powerful the power of Murong Xue was. This strength was beyond her imagination.

With this sudden change, everyone was silent for a moment, and the scene suddenly became silent, as if time was still.

The only thing that can be the same is everyone's expression. In addition to being surprised, I was wrong, and with some worried expression, I was completely silly ...

"Ah ..." After dozens of seconds, someone finally recovered from the shock. The bald-headed man who was the happiest in the clamor before was as crazy as he left his weapon and yelled Into a building ...

In an environment like a city, yelling and leaving the team like him, the outcome can be imagined ...

Huang Qianchuan looked at such a scene, he just shook his head gently.

The result was expected long ago, but his opponent was so vulnerable that it was a bit unexpected ...

And was called by this person. When everyone else saw Huang Qianchuan and the three of them slowly approached them, everyone's expressions panicked and ran? Can you run? Although their companion ran out like that just now, but the result is the same as they were waiting to die here ...

And want to resist? But Huang Qianchuan's powerful strength has been enough to make them desperate ...

Yumei's face also became a little pale, and the strength demonstrated by the three of them made her completely desperate. She started the incident just now, and she can predict her own ending.

Murong Xue kills people with the same expression as killing chickens. Yu Mei didn't even have the idea of ​​asking for mercy. It can be achieved to the same degree as Murong Xue, not by killing one or two people ...

"Who the **** are you?" Huang Qianchuan's footsteps were uncomfortable and their voices were not heavy, but the sound of each footstep sounded like thunder, and it made Yumei's heart beat once.

It's not far away from dozens of meters, as if Emperor Qianqianchuan had come to Yumei and they looked at the three faces without any expression and could not see the change of mood, anger, sorrow and emotion. Yumei finally got a little momentum and body Facing Huang Qianchuan.

"Does it matter?" Huang Qianchuan looked at Yumei with his eyes still unchanged.

"If you want to kill, just kill! I read the wrong person today ..." Listening to Huang Qianchuan's words, Yumei's expression became paler. "But the challenge is my own, can you let others go ..."

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"Let others go?" Huang Qianchuan was surprised when he heard Yu Mei say such a sentence.

"Yes, I hope you can let other people go. You are strong, but don't kill them. I caused them ...." Yu Mei had decided in her heart. She's cut out. The look at Huang Qianchuan was very firm ...

"Do you think it is possible?" Huang Qianchuan felt some unexpected Yu Yu's courage, and in an environment like the last days, this woman actually had such a behavior that she was willing to give her life for the team. He had no intention of killing Yu Yu. Xin ’s heart has no such thought any more, but just now things were really stirred up by Yu Mei, so he did n’t plan to let her go like this, punishment was necessary.

Intimidation similar to this kind of puzzle is the best ...

Although she is willing to give her life for the team, the practice of sacrificing others is Huang Qianchuan's aversion.

Their strength is not a problem, but today they are replaced by others. They are afraid of death ...

"You ..." looked at Huang Qianchuan's mouth and smiled. Yu Mei's expression froze suddenly. Her expression that had become red because of courage was suddenly pale. She heard the meaning of Huang Qianchuan's sentence ...

She glanced back at all the people standing behind her.

"What the **** are you doing, am I going to kill all of us by myself?" Yumei's voice shuddered a little. Not fear, but guilt, guilt for those who stand behind her ...

Although she completely occupied the upper part of the population, she saw that so many of them had died after the death of Bald Biao.

After a certain gap in strength, it is no longer possible for tactics to work.

"Do you really want to give their lives for them?" Huang Qianchuan laughed, but the laughter at this time in Yu Mei and everyone behind him sounded like a creepy illusion.

"As long as you promise to let them go, I will be willing ..." Yu Mei's expression was a bit sloppy. She didn't know why Huang Qianchuan suddenly changed her statement. Although she still wanted to die, she could let others survive. She is satisfied.

"Well, you come here to die, right?" Huang Qianchuan listened to Yumei's willingness to plant four words, but she really admired it. A woman with such courage can already make people admire it.

Although there was still some dissatisfaction in my heart, it was very light.

After all, they were not harmed in any way. Forgive them and forgive them ...

"Qianchuan you ..." Murong Xue heard Huang Qianchuan's words and couldn't help but yell. Li Yunyu also subconsciously turned his head to look at Huang Qianchuan. He didn't speak, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Although they are also very angry, Yu Mei just led the disaster to them. But if they want to kill one person casually like this, the two of them really can't do it, especially after seeing Yu Mei willing to give life to others, they have forgiven her from the heart ...

"Do you think it's too cheap to kill her alone? Am I soft?" Huang Qianchuan certainly heard the meaning in Murong Xue's sentence, but it was scary and could not be abandoned halfway. So he misinterpreted what she meant.

"Yes ..." Murong Xue heard Huang Qianchuan's answer and wanted to yell, but Huang Qianchuan turned her face and blinked at her. She understands ...

Although I do n’t know what Huang Qianchuan's purpose is, since Huang Qianchuan doesn't really want to kill so many people, she doesn't matter ...

"Then I can't help it. I promised people's things would not be easy to regret ..." Huang Qianchuan turned his head a little distressedly and looked at Yu Mei with a more pale face.

"You can't regret it ..." Yumei's expression was dumbfounded.

"No, I can't argue with my companions because of you, it's not worth it ..." Huang Qianchuan slowly shook his head.

"Do you really kill people like that?" Rain charm hissed exhausted.

"It's better that I give you two choices and choose your own ..." Huang Qianchuan saw that the purpose had been achieved, his mouth slightly raised, but now this expression seems to Yu Mei, there is a devil smile. Yu Mei didn't say anything, she knew that Huang Qianchuan's choice was not a good choice ...

"In fact, you are willing to die for them, but they are not touched at all. People like them, you are totally wasteful. I give you two choices, one is for you and the other is for two of us. One, we let go of the others, the second has no choice, you all die ... "Huang Qianchuan said flatly. "You choose! But your own results are the same. My personal suggestion is that you choose the second one and put it to death. Let them die with you and have a companion. We can also kill a happy one for a long time. No taste of human blood ... "


"You… .." Although she knew that the choice must not be explained, she really felt desperate after hearing Huang Qianchuan's choice.

"Sister Yumei, I'm willing to ..." But when Yumei couldn't decide ~ www.readwn.com ~, a female voice rang behind her, and a girl in grade two biennium came out, thin and gray-faced, Looks like a very stingy feeling ...

"Sister Yumei, I'm also willing to ..." Huang Qianchuan was surprised when someone came out, but what he didn't expect was that another person in this team came out ...

"You guys ..." Yu Mei's expression was very excited. She didn't expect that someone would be willing to treat the team like her original family like her. She was afraid just now that Huang Qianchuan said that nobody cares about her life and death. Although there are only two people, it shows that her efforts are worth it ...

"Well, did you make a choice?" Huang Qianchuan unexpectedly returned to the accident, but he still wanted to see that no one could take the initiative to stand out at the back. At this time, more than courage is needed ...

"We choose the second one, and die together ..." When Yu Mei opened her mouth slightly and was about to say the choice, a huge roar exploded in his ear ...

Hundreds of people behind Yumei's expression were excited and looked excited. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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