I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 468: Western base city


"You ....." Listening to the sound of thunder in the ear, Yu Mei's body froze suddenly, tears bursting out of her eyes, but she didn't look back, she didn't want to keep her guarding The companion saw her crying. M * /. // * (Baidu search, Rainbow Literature Network)

"We choose the second one and die together ..." Listening to the words they kept repeating, Yumei knew that no matter how the three of them had decided their fate, it didn't matter. Listening to them said that to her Anything is worth it.

"It doesn't seem like you paid for it? Well, give you a little more time to choose ..." Huang Qianchuan looked at Yumei calmly, his tone still flat.

However, Huang Qianchuan, who looks very calm now, is actually shocked in his heart. He never thought that these people Yu Yu had been working hard to protect were really worth her doing.

"Don't think about it, you remember your promise, the three of us chose the first one ..." As long as the person behind her shouted, Yumei had a choice in her heart.

"Okay ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded his head, his face also showed a look of appreciation, but appreciation was appreciated, Huang Qianchuan still slowly pulled out the sword he was carrying behind, a bright red color looks very strange sword ...

After Huang Qianchuan pulled out the sword, he held up the blood soul sword high in his right hand, and there was no change in his expression to the angry shout from his ear.

Feeling the killing sent out from Huang Qianchuan, Yu Mei, who had wiped the tears in her eyes, turned her head gently, and finally glanced at the people she was willing to protect with her life. Her eyes closed slowly.

She can feel the horror of Huang Qianchuan's strength, which is a kind of powerful strength that she did not even resist, and her only wish now is to hope that Huang Qianchuan can keep their promises ...

"Well, it's good to do something here. She's already scared like this, I don't even think about it ..." Looking at Yu Mei, who is holding a mortal heart, and Huang Qianchuan, who has always kept a cold expression. Finally, Murong Xue couldn't see it anymore, and it was very bad to watch those survivors cry.

Although the same atmosphere preceded Yu Mei's actions, it was enough to scare them into this.

Thinking of this, Murong Xue finally spoke ...

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"Okay. You actually spoke like this, so forget it ..." Huang Qianchuan looked at Murong Xue's expression of anger, he immediately smiled, Murong Xue was right. His scary purpose has been achieved, and that's it! There is no need to continue ...

"What did you say?" Yu Mei, who had closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes at this time. She could not hear the shouts of her companions behind her, but she could still hear a part of the conversation between Huang Qianchuan and Murong Xue. .

"He didn't mean to kill you at all, he was very dissatisfied with the previous act of not treating others' lives as life, not to mention that we are not murderous madness ........" Murongxue said at this time. The same is a woman. Murong Xue did not go to embarrass Yumei. She was more able to understand the difficulties of a woman struggling to survive in the last days than Huang Qianchuan. She was powerful. And it is fortunate to have an advantage since the end of the last days. But Yumei is more difficult than her ...

"You guys ..." Yu Mei listened to the words as if dreaming, and her expression completely froze.

"In fact, you should be glad of your choice today. If you don't insist on choosing first, I'm afraid you won't be able to stand here now ..." Murong Xue smiled lightly, saying that Emperor Qianchuan was merciful, It might as well be said that Yumei gave her a chance.

Her persistence made Huang Qianchuan see the other side of Yu Mei, and that side was what Huang Qianchuan most admired.

"I'm sorry ..." After still making sure that she didn't hear it wrong, Yumei hadn't shaken God for a while, she didn't know how to express her feelings in this dramatic change.

For Huang Qianchuan's intimidation, she has no trace of resentment from her heart ...

Compared with Huang Qianchuan's intimidation, she provokes the bald biao and Huang Qianchuan's intimidation at a completely different level. Instead, she is afraid that the result should be killed ...

Thinking of this, Yu Mei's eyes looked at Huang Qianchuan, Murong Xue and Li Yunyu, and their heads dropped deeply ...

"Forget it, I'm sorry I don't need to say it, I scared you once, and I will give you a lesson is revenge ..." After hearing that Yu Mei's apology was sincere, Mu Rongxue shook gently Shake his head.

"Thank you ..." After hearing Murong Xue's meaning, Yu Mei bowed deeply.

"Well, you don't need to say these words. If you want to thank you, let's talk to us about the situation in the western base city ..." Murong Xue waved her hand and prevented Yu Mei from continuing. She was planning to leave. But, thinking that it was not far from the base city of the west, she stopped ...

"Don't you come from the western base city?" After hearing Murong Xue's words, Yumei's expression became instantly surprised. She did not know where the three of Huang Qianchuan came from the western base city ... .

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"Yeah ..." Murong Xue nodded, she was not surprised that Yu Mei would show such expression when she heard such words. After all, in the eyes of ordinary survivors or the eyes of ordinary evolutionaries, she was far away in an environment like the last days. The degree of danger.

What's more, now they are only a combination of three people ...

"Do you want to go to the western base city?" After getting the affirmation of Murong Xue, Yu Mei's expression was still full of incredible, but she felt relieved when she thought of the strength of Huang Qianchuan.

The last days are dangerous in their eyes, but that danger does not mean that they are the same in Huang Qianchuan's eyes. With this understanding, Yumei asked again.

"Yes, but you don't have to worry, we won't do anything dangerous and crazy to the western base city. The western base city is nothing to our eyes ..." Murong Xue has passed the development of Shanghai Stock Market now , That size is enough to let her say this sentence with confidence ...

"You ..." Yu Mei did not expect that Murong Xue would say this, but from the tone of Murong Xue she was very skeptical, but in the end, she agreed ...

After Yu Mei chose to believe, she didn't think much about telling the three of Huang Qianchuan that he knew about the western base city.

Huang Qianchuan and Li Yunyu haven't said a word, but after Yu Mei talked about the western base city, the spirit of the two of them came.

quickly. Yu Mei finished the information about the western base city now, and Huang Qianchuan who heard the words is not bad. Li Yunyu already has a plan in his heart, and he has a certain understanding of the western base city. Understand ...

"Okay. What we want to know is already known. You will leave by yourself. You will be late. This place will be surrounded by zombies ..." After listening to Yu Mei's words, Huang Qianchuan said. One sentence. Already familiar with zombies, he could hear the murmurs from the faint murmur.

After all, they made such a big movement before, it is very difficult to not attract the zombies ...

"Zombies are here?" Yu Mei's face changed slightly when he heard the words of Huang Qianchuan. The expression was a bit tangled.

"You won't be able to put up the supplies in the shopping mall, right?" Looking at Yumei including those who were under the bald head before, even when he heard the zombie surrounded his face, he was afraid. But they are obviously unwilling to leave now ...

"If we do n’t take the supplies, we won't be able to survive at all. The living conditions in the western base cities are cruel, and we need supplies ..." Yumei nodded, knowing that Huang Qianchuan was good, but if they did not get the supplies, they would not Can't go back.

And this time it was a rare opportunity to come to the center of the city without encountering many zombies ...

"This ....." After hearing such a reply, Murong Xue frowned slightly. She understood Yumei's choice, but judging by the squeaking noise from the zombies, there were a lot of zombies. Thousands, right?

It is not a problem for them to be larger than this, but it is larger than Yumei including the bald heads left before the team adds up to the number of two hundred people. Such a number is a bit reluctant to fight thousands of zombies, and There is no guarantee that these zombies will not have reinforcements ...

"You go first, we are dead and rich and rich in heaven ..." Yumei once again gave Huang Qianchuan a deep bow, and her ever-changing expression also had a choice ...

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"Looks like we can do it to the end, and send the Buddha to the west ..." Seeing the decision made, Yu Rongxue looked into the emperor with a look of surprise when she walked into the shopping plaza without any muddy water. Qianchuan and Li Yunyu said.

She always looked at the tangled expression before Yu Mei made her decision, and Yu Mei also mentioned in the introduction of some conditions in the western base city ...

"Your heart is still too soft ..." Huang Qianchuan shook his head, but did not object.

"Actually, I haven't done it for a long time, and my hands have itchy ..." Li Yunyu raised his head and looked at the intersection where the zombies were moving in the distance ...

"Then let's take action and have a good fight ..." Murong Xue was a little excited, her feeling was similar to that of Li Yunyu, her hands were itchy ...

"Action ....." Huang Qianchuan's sword is in hand, and slowly walks towards the zombies in front of it ...

After smelling the smell of human beings, they just appeared at the street, and the zombies were hundreds of meters away from Huangqianchuan. As the shark smelled bloody, the speed suddenly increased, and the three of them started to run towards Huangqianchuan ...

It has been more than a year since the end of the last days, and now the first and second-order zombies have basically disappeared. Huang Qianchuan now look at them, and the most seen colors are red corpse beasts and Hulk ... .

If so many months ago, so many zombies could still put a great deal of pressure on Huang Qianchuan, but it would be different. In particular, Huang Qianchuan, after breaking through the 300th level of strength, and then confronting the zombies, there will be no more pressure ....

Zombies are fast. Huang Qianchuan, they did not plan to do too much pull with these thousands of zombies, the position of the sword changed, Huang Qianchuan's speed suddenly increased, and the whole person disappeared in situ instantly ....

"Say we are soft-hearted and run fastest when we kill the zombies ..." Watching Huang Qianchuan's speed at full speed, Murong Xue behind him looked depressed. She was now fighting and was planning to kill all the fun. But she knows the strength of Huang Qianchuan. If they are really killed by Huang Qianchuan, they will not have to play ...

What Mu Rongxue didn't expect was that he hadn't finished speaking. The body of Li Yunyu beside him also disappeared ...

Seeing one doing both, Murong Xue was so angry that she broke the speed completely.

She knew she would come in vain if she didn't do anything ...

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"They ..." Yu Mei, who had originally commanded the team members to guard and the dead zombie, froze after hearing the roar of the zombie.

From the dense roar of zombies, Yumei is not difficult to hear the number of zombies. This amount of zombies is no longer what they can now compete with more than two hundred people, but under such strong pressure from zombies, Huang Qianchuan and the three of them actually rushed towards the zombies like that. That feeling seems to be late, the zombies are gone ...

The three knew that Huang Qianchuan and their three were very powerful. But after really seeing their full strength, she realized that her previous thoughts were a bit ridiculous ...

She has imagined Huang Qianchuan's strength very powerful. But in fact, she was still wrong ...

The three people she saw now, Huang Qianchuan and Murong Xue, like three killing machines, were madly inserted into the zombies, and the huge number of zombies could not cause them any trouble at all. Everywhere, the body of the zombie flew horizontally, and everywhere Sword Mang swept, that place was completely empty ...

This kind of scene is totally beyond their imagination….

With the passage of time, Yu Mei's expression was completely dull. This shocking scene, which can only be seen in Hollywood movies, was constantly performed in front of them, and the level of excitement was too much ...

Ten minutes passed quickly, and the number of zombies has now become sparse.

Although there is no exact calculation, one thing they can be sure of is that the number of zombies who died in Huang Qianchuan's hands will not be less than one thousand.

Now this horrible amount, they never knew how wise they had not chosen before and Huang Qianchuan's choice ...

With the passage of ten minutes, Huang Qianchuan could not see a zombie standing around their eyes. This undoubtedly shows that the battle has come to an end, and the result is Huang Qianchuan's victory ...

Looking at this situation, Yumei and others finally couldn't help cheering loudly .........

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"Get supplies, speed up ..." Looking at the cheers of the people around her, Yu Mei's performance was much calmer. She knew what Huang Qianchuan's purpose was to meet these zombies.

Thinking of this, she did not dare to hesitate. She waved her hands and screamed, and for the first time she hit the shopping mall ...

Although the temporary zombies crisis was resolved with the help of Huang Qianchuan, so many zombies were killed, and the **** smell may also attract more zombies. Yumei did not dare to think that Huang Qianchuan would always help them ...

Huang Qianchuan and they have done this to the best of their ability. It can be said that they have complained in virtue. After all, they haven't met a little bit before, and because of her reasons, they can be regarded as enemies.

With Yumei's voice appearing and acting, other talents suddenly realized.

More than two hundred people ran into the shopping mall like a robber ...

After less than half an hour, the dozens of trucks originally parked outside the shopping plaza were already filled with a variety of supplies. It can be said that there is food to eat, drink and sleep. After the edible supplies are emptied, They didn't even let things like clothes and daily necessities ...

As the vehicles were full, their faces were filled with smiles, and the richness of today's harvest was beyond their expectations ...

Of course, thanks to Huang Qianchuan.

"Are you going with us?" The purpose has been achieved, Yumei walked to Huang Qianchuan. Although it was strange what Huang Qianchuan did to dissect the corpse, she didn't ask.

"Well, that's fine ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded when he put the last piece of white muscle meat into a bag and heard Yumei's proposal.

Although they don't get lost by themselves ~ www.readwn.com ~, it is much easier for someone to lead the way ...

"Then let's go… .." I didn't expect that she would just say that Huang Qianchuan nodded and agreed, she said in surprise.

In addition to wanting to repay Huang Qianchuan for their help just now, she also does not deny that he has a small selfishness.

Huang Qianchuan They have such a powerful fighting force, they have to be a lot safer ...


"Walk ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded after confirming Yumei's path and the route chosen by them and the rest of the team.

"Go ..." With the start of the vehicle, a group of survivors who survived the death were full of emotions and smiles on their faces ...

The western base city is not far ... (to be continued ...)


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