I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 469: Understated


"Someone in front ..." Huang Qianchuan and they started with Yumei's convoy. Because of the identity of three people and their strong strength, Yumei invited them to sit in the front car. I do n’t know if the zombies had been slaughtered. The reason was due to the strong breath emitted by the three of Huang Qianchuan, which made the zombies horrified. Along the way, the zombies did not meet, but this peaceful atmosphere lasted only half an hour. With the emergence of the team, Behind the edge of the city, the car running in the forefront stopped abruptly, a younger team member in front shouted ...

"Who ..." After listening to these words, Yu Mei, who was sitting beside Huang Qianchuan, stood up suddenly. m []

In an environment like the last days, sometimes human beings are more dangerous than zombies. It is difficult to guarantee that no one wants to get them for nothing. The biggest reason why Yumei shows such worries ...

"I don't know, many people, many vehicles, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands ..." As the reconnaissance vehicle stopped, a team member who had just shouted someone ran over and took a telescope in his hand.

"Ten thousand?" After hearing this number, Yu Mei's expression couldn't be calm. What ten thousand meant was clear in his heart, but what he didn't understand was how such a large number of convoys appeared here. You must know that in the western base city Inside, there are not many convoys with tens of thousands of people. Like this powerful force, the targets that are generally selected are those larger second-tier cities or first-tier cities.

Similar to the three-tier cities where they have just acquired a position, only small teams like them have the value of climbing one or more trips ...

"That's right. So many vehicles have the fewest people ..." The team members said as they handed the telescope in Yumei's hand.

"This ..." Yu Mei took the telescope in a heavy mood, and with her eyes facing the telescope's hole, her face changed greatly.

The team's investigators didn't say that there were really a large number of teams ahead. It's less than 500 meters away.

At this time, Yu Mei was extremely embarrassed in her heart. Huang Qianchuan's strength is extremely powerful. It can even be said that Huang Qianchuan's strength is now the most powerful person she has seen in the western base city for so long, but double The fists are hard to beat the four hands, but Yu Mei is not naive to think that the three of them can fight tens of thousands of people.

And among the tens of thousands of people, the strong ones are not comparable to these small teams ...

"Is it really that terrible?" Murong Xue laughed, looking at Yu Mei's face that changed greatly and the expressions of others in their team that had changed color. She smiled and said.

Although she did not observe how many people were in front of her, she intuitively told them that the person who appeared was probably their own companion. After all, things couldn't be so coincidental. In such a small three-tier city, there will be another team with more than ten thousand ...

Knowing this, Murong Xue was not worried at all ...


"It can't be a good thing. I'm afraid it's a fierce battle. Maybe we should hand over these materials ..." Looking at Murong Xue's expression of disapproval. Yu Mei shook her head slightly, her expression bleak ...

"Okay, see what you are worried about, let me tell you directly. [Reading novels ~] We are our people, so don't worry about it so much. Accelerate ..." Murong Xue smiled ...

"Your people?" Hearing Murong Xue. Rain Charm has an incredible expression on his face.

"Hmm ..." Murong Xue nodded.

Seeing that Murong Xue didn't seem to be joking, Yu Yu didn't think about other things any more. With a wave of his hand, the team restarted ...

However, as the team approached, Yumei's breathing slowly got heavy ...

However, with the three of Murong Xue and Huang Qianchuan getting out of the car and meeting there, Yu Mei's heart was suspended for a long time, but after seeing the real number of Huang Qianchuan's team including weapons preparation, She took a deep breath ...

This prepared fleet is simply not comparable to their western base cities.

If you compare Huang Qianchuan to a well-off family, then the teams in the western base city are afraid that even beggars will be reluctant ... "" Don't worry about it ... ". Murong Xue and Huang Qianchuan returned to the team for a while Then she went back to Yumei again, looking at Yumei who was very surprised, Murong Xue laughed ...

"You ..." Seeing Murong Xue's smile, Yu Mei didn't know what to say, and now it's all she couldn't imagine.

But what made her even more puzzled is that, like Huang Qianchuan and Murong Xue, they are already so powerful, and the team is so powerful. Why do they help them ...

In the last days, isn't it that the more powerful you are, the more outrageous you are.

Yu charms used to be warm and cold, but when she saw them, she suddenly discovered that the so-called facts before were also wrong ...


"The front is the base city in the west ..." Murong Xue knew that it was difficult for Yu Mei to accept their strength, but in Murong Xue's opinion, they didn't have much to accept or not, and their purpose was to the west. Base city, and it is still difficult to say whether the trip to the western base city is smooth ...

As for Yu Mei, after seeing Murong Xue's strength, they became more aware of their beings, so Murong Xue wanted to go to the western base city, and she no longer suspected that there was ...

For their strength, there is no need to compete for a base city in the western base city that is not a strong base. It is not worth it ...

"The base city in the west is the front?" With the direction of Yumei's fingers, Murong Xue can already see a large area of ​​buildings. Looking far away, there is not much difference from other base cities. Some words shocked Murong Xue ...

"Yes. But the building we are seeing is just the periphery of the western base city. The real central location of the western base city is inside the mountain ..." Yumei nodded.

"Inside the mountain?" Murong Xue's expression puzzled when she heard this sentence. The base city was built inside the mountain ...

"Yes, in the early days of the last days. [] [] The center of the western base city is indeed inside these buildings, but as the last days go, the zombies are getting stronger and stronger. Without better defenses, humans The survivor suffered heavy losses, and staying in the city simply couldn't figure it out. In the end, he was the commander of the western base city. That is, now the commander of the western base city, the commander Zhang Quan figured out a way to shift the focus of the western base city to the back. In the mountains… .. ”Seeing Murong Xue's doubts, Yu Mei explained. After all, it ’s really hard to imagine such things without saying….

"That's the way it is ..." Murong Xue understood. She didn't build the defensive line in the base city. She needed a lot of materials and manpower. In an environment like the last days, it is difficult to accomplish at all.

So she understands the approach of the western base city, but one thing she wonders is, isn't the mountain more dangerous? Where the wild is more dangerous than the city lies in mutant organisms. And an environment like a mountain, except on three sides of a cliff. Conditions can be formed that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, otherwise. Afraid to be more dangerous than in the city ...

"Although the mountain here in the western base city is not three cliffs, but the mountain is relatively stable and easy to get in and out, the other mountains are steep and dangerous. It is impossible for zombies to come forward, and even if they can step forward, By sending out a small amount of power, you can keep it ... "Listening to Murong Xue's question, Yu Mei explained.

"Oh ..." Murong Xue was said by Yu Mei, but she thought of a deadly weakness of zombies.

Zombies do n’t bend over, let alone climb ...

It seems that the western base cities do occupy the geographical worries ...

"After you go in, you can see for yourself ....." Yu Mei saw that the base city was approaching, and she rarely showed a smiling face. Although the living conditions in the base city are cruel, after all, the base city is not a worry Where it died ...

The base city is like a home in the eyes of many eschatological survivors. Although home is not particularly happy for everyone, it is at least a home ...

Listening to these words of Yumei, Murong Xue just nodded and didn't talk anymore ...


In the following time, Huang Qianchuan placed the other people, who were more than 200 people together except Yumei, on a high ground not far from the western base city. The new type of personnel carrier docked together described a defense. ring…..

Although Yu Mei learned that the western base city had not been subjected to a large-scale zombies attack for a long time, but in order to be foolproof, Huang Qianchuan did not choose to care ...

After placing the large troops, Huang Qianchuan and the three of them would enter the western base city with Yumei in a low-key manner ...

"The environment here is not very good, even worse about the other city ruins where no survivors exist, but there is no way to be safe here ..." As the team slowly entered the western base city, Yumei was driving while giving Huang Qianchuan introduced them ...

After entering the western base city, the environment is very poor, and it can be compared with the poor kiln in some poor and backward countries in the world before the end of the world.

Various unpleasant smells flooded every corner of the base city.

Fortunately, it is the last days. Otherwise, the fear of the virus growing in such an environment is enough to cause such a deadly infectious disease as a base city ...

However, the human beings who can survive to the present in the last days, the body is enough to be immune to these viruses ...

"The survivors here need to pay a lot of materials every day, right?" Huang Qianchuan's brows frowned slightly, and the environment of the western base city was much worse than he believed.

And just now he saw Yumei that the amount of materials they handed in was also amazing. In this case, a time bomb will be buried for the stability of a base city ...

Although I do n’t know how the environment of the base city of Nanyue they went to Qin Lan, compared to other base cities, the base city in the west is the worst ...

"Hmm ..." Yumei nodded, and this time they got a lot with the help of Huang Qianchuan. There are dozens of carts of supplies and food, but when you return to the base city, you have already handed in a cart of food and a large truck of daily necessities, almost one-sixth ...

And this one-sixth is at most allowing them to survive in the western base city for two months ...

This is the reason that Yumei is so stressed ...

"It seems necessary to find Commander Zhang Quan of the western base city and have a good chat ..." Huang Qianchuan's expression was not very good-looking. In addition to the unpleasant smell of the air, there is even more dissatisfaction ...

Although he does not require every person in power in the base city to do what he wants under the control of the five base commanders of Kyoto base city, at least it cannot be like the western base city ...

Before the last days, the strength of the Western Military Region was very powerful, but it is the fault of those in power that has fallen to the present level ...

They originally came to the western base city to cooperate, but now cooperation is not so simple. He wanted the western base city to change ...

The number of survivors is now small, and they are not allowed to be consumed by this living environment ...

"You ..." Huang Qianchuan said this with a smile. But Yumei still heard something different ...

"You can rest assured that there will be changes in the western base city, or you can change the environment ..." Murong Xue understands the meaning of Huang Qianchuan ...


Rain charm is a little stunned. But after seeing Huang Qianchuan they stopped talking and she was silent.

The convoy slowly walked down the stench and noisy road.

When entering the western base city, in addition to the environment, the extremely harsh environment left a deep impression on Huang Qianchuan, and another thing that can impress them is the density of survivors.

The number of survivors they saw was not inferior to the population density of some first-tier cities before the end of the last days.

Of course, Huang Qianchuan also knew what caused this density. To a large extent, this is due to the small area of ​​the western base cities.

Of course, the population of western base cities now seems to be the largest among so many base cities in the entire China region, exceeding three million ...

"The front is where our team lives ..." After walking about half an hour in the western base city, Huang Qianchuan's vehicle stopped slowly.

"The environment here is a little better than the outside ..." I heard Yu Mei's introduction. Huang Qianchuan also got off the car, although the environment here is not very good. But they were also afraid of the environment from the zombies. They have long since turned a blind eye.

"Well, in the western base city, the deeper the place, the better the environment. If you really reach the depth of the base city, which is the place where I refer to the mountains, the air will basically have no smell. All the places are cut from the mountains, and people live comfortably ... "Yu Mei said.

"Don't you say that you can't go anywhere in the base city? Why do you know that so clearly?" Huang Qianchuan remembered that Yu Mei said just now.

"I went in once, when the zombies surrounded the base city. Only outsiders could say that ordinary people could enter ..." Yumei replied. "Some I listen to others ..."

"So what do we need to go in?" Huang Qianchuan asked again, they want to be low-key, but judging by Yu Mei's statement, it seems that low-key can't figure out ...

"It's difficult, especially if you want to see Commander Zhang Quan. It's even harder, and I have also heard that Commander Zhang Quan is a very powerful evolutionary ..." Yu Mei shook her head, she couldn't think of it Is there any direct way to enter the interior, you can think of a way, but it is difficult to meet the power of the western base city of Zhang Quan ...

"Okay, we know, you can move things in by ourselves, we can walk around ourselves ..." They have already got what they want from Yumei, Huang Qianchuan doesn't plan to stay any more, except that they have something to do. Besides, he is also afraid of causing any trouble to Yumei ...

Although it is much easier for people with them to lead the way, in other people's sites, without wanting to open the killing ring, Huang Qianchuan did not have the full confidence to protect the people who led them.

After a long time of understanding, Huang Qianchuan has a new understanding of Yumei them.


"Be careful ..." Yumei moved her mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ But she only said this at the end. She wanted to persuade Huang Qianchuan not to go, but thought of their strength and personality.

"It's okay, in the western base city, people who want to leave us are afraid that they haven't been born yet ..." Huang Qianchuan smiled. He didn't care about the powerful evolver of Commander Zhang Quan. He must know that he is very talented. A good evolutionary can be so powerful now. In addition to the advantages of the evolutionary, the more important point is the genetic medicine ...

And Murong Xue and Li Yunyu beside him are also not weak. Such a trio would not have any problem if they want to walk in the base city ...

And if they are in a hurry, Huang Qianchuan doesn't mind giving the western base city a little hard. The tens of thousands of people outside him are not vegetarian, and they are not afraid of killing the Zak people, let alone humans ...

I just ca n’t bear it, I ca n’t make it anymore ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued. If you like this work, You are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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