I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 470: Commander Zhang Quan


"Let's go and see that Zhang Quanzhang now?" Murong Xue asked after leaving Yu Yu's settlement, unlike Yu Yu's fear, there was no pressure on the three of them. m [Go to the novel ~]

Judging by their relaxed expressions, people who do n’t know thought they wanted to go swimming in the mountains ...

"Go, start now. There is no way to be low-key. We might as well make a big fight ..." Huang Qianchuan has never been a fearful master. Since it has been decided, Huang Qianchuan does not plan to wait any longer, Fang He remembers what Chong said, they need to race against time ...

"When you make a big noise, you make a big noise. When was my sister afraid of it ..." Murong Xue looked at him with a big smile.

"Okay, noisy ..." Although Li Yunyu didn't like to talk about personality problems, he was also not afraid of things.

After a few words, Huang Qianchuan and the three of them have unified their opinions, that is, one word is noisy, and two words are noisy. As for the three words, they are noisy ...

Although there are no people who lead Yumei lead the way, but when they came to the base city, and they knew about the direction of Yumei's finger before, and they passed by the mountain, they could see that they went smoothly along the way.

But despite this, they encountered a lot of trouble along the way, because every time they visited a different area, they needed to check.

Of course, the three people who have decided to make trouble are all hard-hitting along the way. Although they did not kill, there were a few uninteresting ones who were kicked by them ...

Non-stop along the way, they soon reached the end of the city buildings. Closest to the peak. The number of soldiers guarding the ground has gradually increased, and the degree of censorship has become even stricter.

But when they came to this place, Huang Qianchuan they found that the most different place was really much better like Yumei said.

Apart from the fresh air, the environment is quiet. People living in such an environment can indeed live for years.

This kind of environmental change that is different from the previous one, Huang Qianchuan suddenly found that they could be quiet in such an environment with a mood of making a big noise….

Unexpected, very unexpected, unexpected beyond their imagination ...

"Should we break through or let these guards report?" Murong Xue asked Fang Chong when he stopped and found that he felt different.

"It's a good announcement. We'll salute the soldiers first, if he is still like that. We will destroy him ..." Huang Qianchuan said violently, but he has this confidence and ability ...

"Okay, I understand ..." Murong Xue, who understands Huang Qianchuan's meaning, nodded, and she walked towards the guard behind the center of the western base behind the guard ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Do you want to see our commander?" I heard Murong Xue said. The guard soldier laughed, and asked with a look of irony ...

"Yes, I want to see him, he wants to see as well as see, and also wants to see ..." Huang Qianchuan said. The rudeness to deal with made him angry ...

"Good breath, who do you think you are? Grandpa, kid, let me tell you, if you don't speak loudly, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive ..." The guard soldier heard Huang Qianchuan's sentence. [] [] Some expressions are difficult to look at. Huang Qianchuan's rhetoric has touched their bottom line.

"Really?" Huang Qianchuan listened to these guard soldiers. He laughed, but this seemingly bland smile familiar to Huang Qianchuan knew that he was about to launch an attack.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing Huang Qianchuan's smile. The expressions of several guarded soldiers changed suddenly. They saw Huang Qianchuan's smile and the looming murderous look.

Combining the two, they finally slowed down ...

"Forcing the power-holders of your base city, I think I'd better kill a few people to make us more cruel, do you think?" Huang Qianchuan looked very relaxed. The meaning of his words is very clear. If these guards do not know any more, I am afraid they will have to corpse the sky and the ground on the spot ...

"You ..." Listening to naked threats like Huang Qianchuan, the expressions of several guard soldiers froze instantly.

Humans in the last days are very strange and dare to say such things, and they are still in the base city, they know that this kind of person is not simple, so after Huang Qianchuan sent a threat signal, they did not suspect that Huang Qianchuan was kidding ...

Thinking that Huang Qianchuan might have the possibility of killing, their faces became pale ...

"Stop or not stop ..." Huang Qianchuan became very serious after expressing their purpose.

"I can't stop it ..." After listening to the words that Huang then said, they were silent, but afraid that Huang Qianchuan was not happy, they soon made choices and decisions ...

"Leave… .." Huang Qianchuan is not worried that these people will report anything after they leave, get their support team, afraid that the three of them will disappear long ago without end ...

"Understand ..." Huang Qianchuan replied, Murong Xue and Li Yunyu answered in unison.


"I want to find Commander Zhang Quan. You didn't ask clearly. We're going to find it now ..." After passing the last level without interruption, they have already entered the location of the western base city center. Not big, but full of happiness ...

"Don't find it. The place we are standing at is the most central place in the whole western base city. We want to find Zhang Quan and Commander Zhang. It's actually very simple. I think we can go down this road and it's not difficult to find ..." Huang Qianchuan said.

"Is that so?" Listening to Huang Qianchuan's words so simple, Murong Xue's expression was very skeptical ...

"That's right. If we can't find it, we want to ask him again ..." Huang Qianchuan ignored Mu Rongxue's suspicion, and after he made up his mind, he continued to move forward ...

"…………………………… .."

When three people came here, they became more low-key. The survivors are from the north and the south, and coupled with their low-key Huang Qianchuan, no one notices them.

After ten minutes of walking, they came to a building with a strange shape.

But this weird building. They still noticed ...

Why use weirdness to describe it?

You can think of it, on the **** of a high mountain, an irregularly shaped building is erected high, it seems to give people the illusion of falling down. (Read novels.)

Seeing this, Huang Qianchuan and the three of them gave each other a certain look. They knew this was where they were looking ...

"Go ..." Huang Qianchuan gently spit out two words, and strode towards the door to guard the general building ...

"Somebody, stop ..." Unexpectedly. Huang Qianchuan just stopped at the entrance of the building ...

I don't know if it was because they were looking for Commander Zhang Quan and broke into the base city. There were other reasons. Several guards stopped Huang Qianchuan and fired guns. These weapons are firmly held in their hands, and they tacitly surrounded the three Emperor Qianchuan ...

"The person looking for your commander ..." Huang Qianchuan stopped, but he didn't feel any concern about these people on his face, and he could be ignored.

Seeing the alertness of these people, he did not intend to flicker. From the battle of these people, it is not difficult to see that Emperor Qianchuan knows their identity ...

"It seems that you are the three people who ventured into our base city boldly?" After hearing the words of Huang Qianchuan, among the several guards, one of them was older, and there should be a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties. Looking at Huang Qianchuan the three of them.

"Yes, I don't want to kill people. And you better let it go or call your commander ..." Huang Qianchuan's tone was a bit cold, and what he hated most was that other people also talked to him in such a tone ...

"You guys ..." Listening to the coldest tone of Huang Qianchuan. There was also a murderous look. The middle-aged guard who just spoke took a breath of air. Although they now have the complete number advantage, and Huang Qianchuan are on their site, he did not feel a little sense of security. He You can feel the murderous spirit of Huang Qianchuan. This murderous spirit undoubtedly illustrates one thing.

Huang Qianchuan They are not kidding.


"Hand up your weapons, this thing is that we stand here so that you can hurt us without seeing them back ..." Murong Xue said, being pointed with a gun and a knife. very bad….

"Let me teach them ..." As soon as Murong Xue's words fell, these guards were at a loss, and Li Yunyu's body suddenly disappeared into place. The head of this sentence, he had already said In front of several guards, before they responded, they took the sword and guns in their hands a few times ...

With this sudden change, the expressions of several guards fell into utter silence.

Their eyes were frightened, and the speed with which Li Yunyu showed them suddenly collapsed in their self-confidence.

They knew well that if Li Yunyu wanted them to die, they would not be able to stand here ...

Death just passed them by ...

"Now you should be able to notify Commander Zhang Quan, or let it go now?" Huang Qianchuan did not expect Li Yunyu and Murong Xue to have such a face, but to be honest, their purpose has been achieved ...

"You guys, wait ..." The middle-aged guard who was standing in the forefront at this time continued to drop the sweat beads from his forehead. He was very fortunate that he had ordered Huang Qianchuan to order them all at once. The three were arrested, otherwise, they were afraid that Huang Qianchuan and the three of them would still be good, and they were afraid they would be in the wild ...

After seeing Huang Qianchuan's strength beyond the range that he can fight, the middle-aged guard Weiwenuonuo said a word and quickly turned to walk out of the strange-shaped building.

Looking at the back of the middle-aged guard, Huang Qianchuan and the three of them faced the door with a calm expression. It seemed that the threat just now was on their own site. They didn't worry about it. It was the site of Commander Zhang Quan ...

Some of the survivors attracted by the changes here, the soldiers looked at the three of Huang Qianchuan with astonished expressions. Although they had the knowledge, they experienced the speed that Yunyu showed. But in front of an absolute number of people, the strength of individuals in their opinion can not play a big role at all, against a base city with the strength of three people? There is no doubt that it is with a stone .....

More importantly, Commander Zhang Quan is very powerful ...

If more people think like this, there will be more discussion ...

However, this noisy and noisy pointer quieted after the sound of footsteps coming from the building. Everyone's expressions became serious, breathing even became heavy with thoughts of tension or expectation ...

However, in the face of these changes, Huang Qianchuan and the three of them still looked astonished.

"You look for me ..." The footsteps were getting closer, and soon a huge figure appeared in Huang Qianchuan's field of vision. As Huang Qianchuan looked up, the huge figure opened.

The sound was deep and powerful, with a strong military taste.

But Huang Qianchuan frowned slightly when he heard such a voice, and he was even more confused. Why is this military-inspired commander Zhang Quan making a base city black and white.

Here Huang Qianchuan even felt that people were divided into three, six, nine, etc ...

"Yeah ..." Huang Qianchuan was very puzzled and angry. When answering this sentence, Huang Qianchuan's tone was very unfriendly ...

"Who are you ..." Zhang Quan's attention was quickly attracted by the three of Huang Qianchuan. Although he heard the guard say that Huang Qianchuan and the three of them were young, he did not expect Huang Qianchuan to be so young.

But what surprised him the most was not Huang Qianchuan's age, it should be said that their tone and hatred against him.

This feeling surprised them so much ...


"Not a survivor of this western base city, we are from Shanghai base city ..." Huang Qianchuan frowned slightly, and Zhang Quan's current performance he was not sure if he was in the dark base environment of western base city. Caused.

After not knowing whether the facts are what he imagined. Huang Qianchuan answered ...

"Base city in Shanghai?" Hearing these words spoken by Huang Qianchuan, not only the commander's expression changed color instantly, but Rao was the other survivor who wanted to see the liveliness. The soldiers took a deep breath.

They know how far the Shanghai market is from the western base city. I even know how much danger I need to encounter from Shanghai Base City to West Base City ....

"Yes, you may not believe it. But we are indeed from Shanghai base city ..." Huang Qianchuan didn't bother with the surprised expression of these people, so to speak. To this day, they have seen so many surprised expressions, and they are not surprised.

If it were n’t for the big scenes, and they have experienced so many lives and deaths, I ’m afraid they would feel that it is meaningful and meaningful that they would move from the Shanghai base city to the current western base city in an environment like the last days. Challenging action ...

Listening to the plain but serious tone of Huang Qianchuan, Zhang Quan didn't speak, but his expression was complicated.

He didn't know if he should believe what Huang Qianchuan said, and at this time, he didn't understand why they wanted him ...

And before Huang Qianchuan, they showed such hostility ...

He did not know why he was the host of the western base city, why he was hated by the survivors from the Shanghai base city, he was very depressed ...

"Go in and talk ..." After thinking about it for a while and not knowing what the reason was, Zhang Quan exhaled and said something to Huang Qianchuan.

He couldn't feel how powerful Huang Qianchuan was, but from Huang Qianchuan, they can behave so calmly in the face of so many people, which can prove that they are not simple, and if Huang Qianchuan they really came from the Shanghai base city Is even more difficult ...

In order not to have any unnecessary bloodshed, Zhang Quan took a step back and greeted the three people from Huang Qianchuan into the building ...

"Okay ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded. The reason why he didn't break out all of a sudden was to save Zhang Quan's face before he knew things.

He also did not want to see the massive bloodshed.


"Sit ..." Huang Qianchuan and Commander Zhang Quan walked into a relatively large room. The environment is a bit like a conference room. After Zhang Quan took the lead, he pointed to other locations to signal Huang Qianchuan. They sat down, and more than a dozen others came along with the four of them. Huang Qianchuan can see that these people should all be high-level executives in the western base city ...

"Okay ..." Huang Qianchuan didn't doubt the others and sat down straight. He didn't worry about fraud ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is a kind of strong absolute confidence, and since Commander Zhang Quan appeared for so long, Huang Qianchuan See the strength of Zhang Quan.

Close to two hundred levels, but breakthrough still needs opportunity ...

As for the others, their strength is even lower, all around 150.

After looking at the high-end power in the western base city, there were only a few of them, and his brows frowned again.

The western base city is weak ...

"I can ask you why you always hold a feeling of hostility towards me?" After seeing Huang Qianchuan and they sat down, Zhang Quan was slightly relieved. The performance of Huang Qianchuan's performance undoubtedly shows that they don't want to take it easy. After knowing this, Zhang Quan directly asked his doubts ...

"Why?" Huang Qianchuan stared at Zhang Quan, as if there were flowers on his face ...

............ (To be continued. If you like this work, You are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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