I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 471: 0 million transfers

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"Did you see what the current western base city looks like?" Huang Qianchuan said this sentence slowly after a pause ...

"What is the current situation of the western base city?" Zhang Quan frowned tightly. Although he knew that the current western base city had a sense of chaos, he should not let outsiders hate him for reasons ...

"Go and see for yourself. Not only the environment is bad, even the survivors in the western base city have become three or six or nine ..." Huang Qianchuan said angrily

Liu Quan's stern expression made him lose his temper. As a ruler, a commander, like Zhang Quan now is a failure, an expression of incompetence ...

"Without this, the environment in the western base city actually requires ordinary survivors to surrender your supplies. Do you think such a survivor camp is really built for the survivors? You, such a commander, as the western base city Do you think this is the case for those in power? Or, that was your original intention when you established the western base city? "Huang Qianchuan stood up, the more excited he was, the more annoyed he was ...

"The base city in the west was built by our hard work. We want it to be whatever it is. Those who are not satisfied can go, and you are the same. Here you ca n’t find your finger ........." Commander Zhang Quan listened to Fang Chong said these words without opening a word, sitting there meditating all the time, it seems that Huang Qianchuan's words touched some of his feelings ...

However, Commander Zhang Quan did not speak, which does not mean that other people are willing to let Huang Qianchuan curse like this. He is accustomed to power. He is used to being high above him. So when Huang Qianchuan said this, a man with long hair and black trench coat stood up.

Eyes looked very badly at Huang Qianchuan, it seemed that the battle was about to start… ..

"Did you build? You can do whatever you want?" Listening to the words of the man in the black trench coat, Huang Qianchuan laughed, but the laughter scared Zhang Quan and others.

Especially after Emperor Qianchuan strengthened his tone of the four words ...

"So this kills you all, this base city can be changed, isn't it ..." Huang Qianchuan laughed a few times, unexpectedly Zhang Quan, and let them say this coldly words….

"What do you want to do?" When Huang Qianchuan finished saying this, his eyes locked on the black trench coat man. After staring at Huang Qianchuan's eyes without emotion, the black trench coat man's face changed color. He Hearing the meaning of Huang Qianchuan's words, and the murderousness revealed from Huang Qianchuan, he knew that Huang Qianchuan had such strength

With this feeling, his voice trembled ...

"You just said that the western base city was built by you, and you can do whatever you want, then I will kill you first until no one will say that if the western base city is established and they can do whatever they want, then I will stop ... "Huang Qianchuan was still expressionless, but also said such a bland word, the expression of the man in the black trench coat became paler.

Huang Qianchuan's eyes like poisonous snakes, Rao is such a soldier who killed a lot of zombies can not calm down ...

"Scum is the right time to kill ..." Murong Xue also stood up. From the words of Huang Qianchuan just now, she knew that the battle was about to start, and he was also ready ...

"What do you think, Commander Zhang Quan?" Huang Qianchuan didn't go to see this man in a black trench coat killing such a person again. For him, there is not much difference between killing a chicken ...

"No, you can't just kill people casually here in the western base city. Otherwise, we are bound to go to war, and many people will die ...." Zhang Quan can feel from Huang Qianchuan, Murong Xue, Li Yunyu. The strong murderous gas permeated, the kind that even felt dangerous to him, he took a deep breath ....

"You don't think we can kill you instantly?" Huang Qianchuan still smiled

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Huang Qianchuan's words came to an end. Li Yunyu and Murong Xue didn't use Huang Qianchuan's greetings at all. The two of them moved at the same time. When Zhang Quan commanded them to react, they appeared behind them, one knife holder on their neck ... .

"What do you think now ..." Huang Qianchuan returned to his chair at this time. He believes that after showing such strength, it should be easy to say a lot ...

"You ..." It was originally known that Huang Qianchuan was very powerful, but after really seeing the degree displayed by Li Yunyu and Murong Xue, Zhang Quan knew that they were wrong again. Now Huang Qianchuan in front of them is not at all in terms of strength. At the same level, he didn't even know that humans can reach such a degree ...

"What do you mean now?" Huang Qianchuan's mouth slightly tilted, and his smile seemed very evil to Zhang Quan

"How about ...?" Huang Qianchuan no longer intends to take time with Zhang Quan. They have become accustomed to Zhang Quan who is superior. They are no longer taking ordinary people seriously, but Huang Qianchuan and Murong Xue Some of them are undoubtedly such people ...

Huang Qianchuan is still restraining, but Commander Zhang Quan will not keep his hand once the next words are not speculative. It is not the first time to kill, not to mention scum. Huang Qianchuan killed them and also proved the black windbreaker. Men's words ...

"Don't try, I admit, we were wrong, we were in the wrong direction, we ourselves were wrong, and we were confused by that power ..." Zhang Quan's face was very pale at this time

Although Murong Xue and Li Yunyu's swords were not put on his neck, the strong confidence revealed on Huang Qianchuan's face made him have no resistance.

Huang Qianchuan The power they show is not what they can now compete with

What's more, Zhang Quan was sobered by Huang Qianchuan's words, he was really confused.

"I want the western base city to change the current situation ..." Huang Qianchuan's expression did not change much, but he looked at Zhang Quan coldly ...

"How to change?" Zhang Quan frowned when he heard Huang Qianchuan's words. He didn't understand.

If it is said that the harvest is easier to solve than this adjustment, but now the living environment of the western base city is suddenly changed.

The base density of the western base city now he is the ruler of the western base city.

If the population does not decrease, the environment will always be like this, and as the last days continue, this situation will only become more and more prominent. He can say that there is nothing he can do about this issue ...

"Calculate carefully the environment in which the western base city can live, calculate the most suitable population to live here in the western base city, and transfer more ..." Huang Qianchuan has no nonsense


"Transfer?" Zhang Quan heard these words from Huang Qianchuan, his expression blanked.

The meaning of what Huang Qianchuan said was clear to him. It is not difficult to calculate and count these problems. He suspected that it was the ability of Huang Qianchuan ...

It's not difficult to say, but it's not so easy to do it

Transfer is just two words, but if it is to be done, I am afraid that tens of thousands of people can do it at the same time?

Zhang Quan is very skeptical ...

The number of resident survivors in the western base city is close to 3 million. Right has been recorded, but the largest population capacity in the western base city is about two million, that is, if Huang Qianchuan wants to transfer the survivors, The quantity should reach or approach one million ...

One million is a lot of money to know how dangerous it is.

And in this eschatological environment, who can guarantee that Huang Qianchuan will not run into trouble and danger when they go back all the way?

"Thousands of survivors, the three of you can transfer?" Zhang Quan somewhat doubted Huang Qianchuan's words. Such words may work for children, but for them, it is a bit reluctant ...

"Who said the three of us… .." Murong Xue is still sulking. It is not difficult to see that Murong Xue still looks at Zhang Quan and they are not very pleasing to the eye.

"Are you still there?" Zhang Quan chuckled in his heart and he heard it right ...

"Yes, not only people, but many ..." Murong Xue's mouth rose in a radian, and she liked to see Zhang Quan's expression of shock.

The feeling of no one in their eyes before was what she hated the most. Now she can treat her body with her own way ...

"Uh ...." Listening to Murong Xue's words, Huang Qianchuan's forehead black line popped out, Murong Xue had her ...

Although everyone agreed to hate Zhang Quan's attitude, Murong Xue chose this expression and tone, which was too obvious.

And as the commander of a base city, isn't it rare for a child to hear your sarcasm?

Huang Qianchuan saw that the attitude of Commander Zhang Quan had changed, so I planned to give them a warning this time, but it was more difficult to say how things would change after being engaged by Murong Xue.

Thinking of this, Huang Qianchuan looked at Commander Zhang Quan ...

"Okay, we understand what you mean and believe you ..." What unexpected to Huang Qianchuan was that Commander Zhang Quan's expression was very embarrassing after Murong Xue said this sentence, but he was not ashamed or angry, Instead, he nodded

Looking at the performance of Commander Zhang Quan, Huang Qianchuan was a bit puzzled, but this result was what he hoped to see, and then everyone discussed some detailed issues.

But the detailed question just stops at the matter of transfer

Huang Qianchuan will not reveal their targets without confirming whether Commander Zhang Quan ’s performance is sincere. Of course, things such as genetic drugs and weaponry will be kept confidential ....

As for Commander Zhang Quan himself, after Huang Qianchuan they scolded him, he remembered the glory that once belonged to a soldier. It would not matter if he was ridiculed by Murong Xue. He had done something wrong and wanted to make up ...

So after the three of Huang Qianchuan left, he started to act as promised to Huang Qianchuan.

Carry out statistics and surveys ...

As for the brothers and subordinates of Commander Zhang Quan, although they did not have the feeling of Zhang Quan, they were forced by Huang Qianchuan and Murong Xue said indirectly that they were stationed outside the western base city. Although they were not fully willing, they wanted To survive, they did not resist ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"These types of troop carriers are really good. Not only are they fast, but they are very comfortable to sit on ..." Fang Chong and they set off on the road after spending two or three days in the base city of Kyoto.

People are still the same as those teams. The only difference is that except for the lack of some types of equipment, samples of types of weapons, and the data center.

The biggest difference is that there is one more person, a person who has great influence on Fang Chong and the future of Shanghai Stock Exchange. Of course, this person is the commander of Makino ...

Of course, the commander of Makino was able to join them on the road, and the happiest people do n’t have to say any more to know how to sing ....

The sorrow of sadness no longer seen between the frowns of herds is also Fang Chong's most wanted to see ...

By now, the convoy has set off for a day, and the commander of Makino, who has been in the troop carrier for a whole day, sat in the troop carrier after the convoy stopped and camped.

In the past, the animal husbandry told him that he was very godlike, but to be honest, he didn't believe it from the heart, but this doubt had long disappeared after some personal experience.

Rather than hurrying, enjoy ....

And more importantly, this type of personnel carrier is so comfortable to sit, and the appearance of the defense force can be so powerful, it is really not easy ...

"Of course you didn't always believe it before, as if your daughter had deliberately lied to you ..." Muge said with a grunt.

"Oh, Dad is not disbelieving and can't believe it ..." The Makino commander, who was somewhat guilty about her, was then stunned. Although only Fang Chong was on the same car with their father and daughter, he was in front of Fang Chong The idyllic said, his old face still wants ...

"Don't lie, I'm your daughter, would you know what little ninety-nine are you hitting?" The commander of Makino didn't expect that Fang Chong had pretended not to see it, and gave him his name, but he didn't think of it. Fang Chong left him a name, but the idyll did not ...


"The Shanghai base city is ahead ..." Two days have passed since the dialogue between Muge and Commander Makino that day. After three days of rushing through the stars and the moon, Fang Chong and they can now see the outline of Shanghai base city. This place needs only one or two hours to enter, it is considered home ...

Of course, for Fang Chong, they are not much different, but for Commander Makino, things are more than just home.

He has been in power since the Shanghai Stock Exchange. What the future of the Shanghai Stock Exchange will look like will have a lot to do with him ...

Thinking of Fang Chonghe's trust in him, the pressure of Commander Makino felt great.

But Commander Makino has seen many ups and downs. In the face of this pressure, although he feels the pressure, but wants to overwhelm him? Not enough

In addition to his life experience enough to be qualified for this position, as a member of the base city of Kyoto, it was easy for him to manage and formulate various regulations.

"It's big, and the building still looks like before the end of the world ..." Commander Makino nodded and sighed

In the Shanghai base city, he found the most obvious TV tower ...

After saying this, Fang Chongzhong launched the type of personnel carrier ...

After less than an hour, Fang Chong they have entered the scope of the Shanghai base city

After two investigations, Fang Chong and they have reached the gate of the city government building

"Fang Chong, you are back ..." Huang Qianchuan, as they got out of the car, a tall figure stepped out of the gate and saw Fang Chong's voice.

However, what made Fang Chong a little puzzled was that Song Ming's voice was a little worried and surprised.

"Um ..." Song Ming's words made the smile on Fang Chong's face disappear, and he had a little bad hunch ...

"Is something wrong ..." Muge also felt something different. Song Ming's tone is bound to matter ...

"It's all good for you to return, although it's not a big deal, but it's definitely not a trivial matter ..."

"What the **** is it ..." Muge asked, and Song Ming's sentence was completely superficial ...

"Huang Qianchuan, they arrived in the western base city ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the news came that they would transfer nearly one million survivors from the western base city to Shanghai base city, and he requested support ... Song Ming made a long story short, and made clear what he was worried about in a few words. "We didn't know how to support it just now, but you came back and solved all the problems ..."

"Millions of survivors?" When Song Ming reported such a number, Muge and the next Makino commander who followed them took a breath of air. They knew what a million survivors represent ...

Millions of people were transferred before the end of the world is not a trivial matter, plus do n’t say it ’s an environment like the end of the world ...

It takes a lot of courage to move millions of people at once ...

Of course, the arrangements and plans as well as the strength of the protection team are indispensable. The commander of Makino is also very aware of such things.

But at this time his mouth moved. He didn't know if he wanted to open up and let Fang Chong talk about them. After all, the number of millions of survivors is not a trivial matter ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued)

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