I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 472: No wasting


Commander Makino's expression changes as she stops talking. Fang Chong all looked at him. Although Commander Makino didn't say it, Fang Chong understood what Commander Makino wanted to say.

But Maki and Commander Makino were very surprised to hear that millions of people said that Fang Chong ’s response would be much flatter.

Is there a million people? Not much. For the Shanghai base market that is still empty, the population of millions of survivors entering Shanghai is a very good foundation ...

Although it is said that the human sea tactics will not play a large role in many situations in the last days, but the population base is large, and the emergence of talented people is naturally large.

Fang Chong understands that the purpose of Huang Qianchuan should be here, and that the enemies of mankind to this day are still more than Zak ...

Although zombies and mutants are not as threatening to humans as before, it is very difficult to completely kill zombies and mutants. Especially in the major survivor base cities, the amount of available combat power is not large. ...

In this case, the number of survivors becomes important. Especially for Fang Chong, they have a way to make the survivors directly stronger.

Although it takes time, it takes time and natural evolution many times faster ...

The tens of thousands of combatants they now have are a good example ...

"Uncle, don't worry. Although there are risks to millions of survivors all the way, there is basically no problem after we rush through ..." Fang Chong understood the meaning of Commander Makino. It ’s the place where he first fought the commander of Makino.

After all, on the first day, I went to the Shanghai base city to express my opinions casually. I don't respect other people ...

"It's good if you have a plan in mind, I believe you, you are young now, and you are more daring to do things ..." Commander Makino smiled softly. It is not surprising that Fang Chong saw his thoughts ...

Fang Chong's carefulness he ignored today, but after Fang Chong said this, he was relieved

Fang Chong is not weaker than them in terms of overall view or other, and he has never seen Fang Chong have pride, and this reason is also one of the reasons he wanted to hand over the pastoral song to Fang Chong ... .

"Uncle?" Hearing Fang Chong's name, Song Ming's expression was stunned. Although Song Ming also lived in the base city of Kyoto for a short period of time, but dealing with the five commanders was generally Ling except Fang Chong. Ya and Qin Lan, Song Ming is not weak in the team, but basically he has never dealt with the five commanders, although he has probably met, but after so long, he has forgotten ...

"My father, Commander Makino… .." Muge saw doubts about Song Ming's expression. She suddenly thought of Song Ming, including Xiao Lan, Xiao Jun. They didn't know his father.

I thought of here to introduce the pastor ...

"Commander Makino?" After hearing this, Song Ming suddenly realized that Fang Chong could not even call his uncle.

Hearing the elders, Song Ming quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hands while introducing himself ...


"Brother Song Ming, my father came to Shanghu Base City this time, I and Fang Chong invited us. We plan to let him take charge of the daily affairs and construction of the base city in Shanghai. Do you think it is OK?" Song Ming and Makino After the commander knew each other, Muge pulled Song Ming aside

The relationship between Song Ming and Fang Chong, including Lingya and their daughters, knows that Song of Songs has always regarded Song Ming as an elder brother, so by this time, Song of Songs was not polite, but she was still cautious when she said these words. It ’s like she does n’t know that she treats Song Ming as an elder brother, and that she is a younger sister ...

And this kind of thing similar to deprivation of power.

She volunteered because she was afraid that Fang Chong's words would affect their brothers ’feelings ...

"Xiao Ge, are you afraid I don't agree or misunderstand?" Song Ming showed a kind smile. Although he was honest, he was not stupid. At this moment, the idyll seemed to know what he was worried about ...

"I have them, but you don't agree that it's okay, I'm afraid that you misunderstand ..." Mu Ge looked at Song Ming with a smile, and she spit out her tongue. Although Song Ming didn't answer her directly, Song Ming's attitude has been Explain everything ...

"You both call my brother, what can't the two brothers and sisters directly say, and you don't want to be the power base of the Shanghai base city? You are not unclear. If it was Fang Chong who pushed it hard, I would only blame ... .... "Song Ming smiled

This careful performance of the pastoral song appeared to Song Ming, not only did he not feel disgusted, but instead he narrowed the relationship between them.

Muge's worry indirectly shows that she and Fang Chong would both care about him ...

Although there is no blood relationship, they have experienced so many moments of life and death together.

"We just keep hearing you say this time I went to base city in Kyoto, and I had such an idea. You don't know what we are worried about all the way, the most fear is that you misunderstand ..." Muge said with a smile.

After confirming Song Ming's attitude, she was relaxed ...

"Also say you know me? I see, you all lie ..." Song Ming was also very relaxed. The arrival of Commander Makino liberated him. Striving at the forefront is what he longs for most.


"How long has Huang Qianchuan heard the news that they have called for help ..." After Muge and Song Ming said this, there was also a rough draft of plans for troop support between Fang Chong and Commander Makino.

After setting this point, Fang Chong needs exact time, so that he can add a good determination ....

"It's been almost a day, but they will start tomorrow as soon as possible and our journey from the western base city is about four days, but the previous road was opened by Huang Qianchuan. They can be shortened a lot if they go smoothly ... Song Ming said that he had made a detailed plan long before Fang Chong had returned.

Originally, without knowing Fang Chong's return, he had already begun preparations. In the event of an accident, Fang Chong could act on his own ...

"Well, I know ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Song Ming's words had said everything

"Let the team rest, but the mission set off tomorrow should focus on explaining ..." Fang Chong then urged the mugege ...

"Understand ..." Mu Ge knows this as long as she also knows that Fang Chong, Song Ming, and his dad are going to discuss the issue of power in base city ...

After Muge left, Fang Chong and Song Ming greeted Commander Makino to enter the city government building

"We went straight to the point. The matter is very simple, that is, there is a question about those in power behind the Shanghai base market ..." Fang Chong was not polite to Song Ming, and he was clear enough, and between them The relationship plus is not such a thing that can be shaken, so Fang Chong went straight in ....

"I was not expected by the manager. Now that Commander Makino is here, I can retire successfully ..." Song Ming stated his position before Fang Chong said that Commander Makino wanted to speak ...

"Just don't get me wrong ..." Huang Qianchuan laughed when he heard Song Ming's words. This is his good brother ...

"Commander Makino will take care of you in this Shanghai base city in the future ..." After Song Ming smiled with Fang Chong, he turned his head and said seriously to Commander Makino.

"I will ..." Commander Makino can feel Song Ming's sincerity, and he is equally serious and solemn in his commitment

At the Shanghai base city, Commander Makino can feel which kind of atmosphere is very different from the base city of Kyoto.

Not only unusual unity but also a thriving atmosphere

Commander Makino can imagine what the Shanghai base city will look like in the future ...

"Fang Chong, you go to rest and prepare for me and Commander Makino to explain something about the base city. Tomorrow I can go with you. After all, millions of survivors are transferred, and one more person has more strength ..." Song Ming believes in Makino very much. After all, the commander of Makino is there, and Song Mingjia believes in Fang Chong. Fang Chong is not the kind of person who ignores other people because of the relationship. He has been with Fang Chong for so long. clear….

"Okay ....." Fang Chong did not make nonsense, Song Ming thinks farther than him ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"It's been five days, should we be able to set off?" The small army sitting in the troop carrier has been boring in the troop carrier these days, and that's not going

Kill the zombies? Around the base city of Nanyue, there are still a lot of zombies, but Xiaojun has no interest in these lower-level zombies ... he is most concerned about energy crystal stones

However, after they separated from the labor prayer on the third day, he wanted to go to Uncle Labor and Qin with them to find the place where the energy crystal stone appeared, but Qin Lan was not allowed to ...

Qin Lan wants to give extra time to labor prayer, after all, the place they are going to is not a safe place, and for labor prayer, it has an extraordinary significance in it ...

Qin Lan knew some of the powerful mutants and zombies in the place when they described it before

And they have a different feeling from labor prayer, Qin Lan, they know why there are so many powerful mutant creatures around the appearance of these energy crystal stones, including zombies ...

"It's time ....." Qin Lan didn't disappoint Xiaojun this time. She knew that they would not be able to stay here for many days in the base city of Nanyue. Now they are going out to find the energy crystal stone. The matter has not been completed yet. In addition, persuading Yan Yu was temporarily stranded ...

"Okay, we'll soon ..." Xiaojun cheered

"This boy ..." Looking at the Xiaojun who got off the train without even waiting for them, Ling Ya shook her head slightly and laughed. Xiaojun's character is still like a child ...

"I hope this time will not let us down ..." Qin Lan also smiled slightly


"How do you feel?" Soon, Xiaojun Ling Ya Qin Lan and the three of them appeared at the place where they lived and prayed in the base city of Nanyue, Qin Lan wanted to verify ...

"Okay, very good, very powerful ...." Lao Qi heard Qin Lan's words, his eyes flickered. He was a lot stronger these days. The feeling of fullness filled his entire body. Confident, he wants revenge ...

"What about the others?" Qin Lan nodded, and saw that Lao Qi had improved his strength by dozens of levels in just four or five days. Qin Lan was also glad that his strength was close to a hundred, and he was already considered to be good. Up ...

Although it is not particularly powerful, it is at least not a problem in terms of self-protection ...

"Similarly, everyone's strength has been strengthened ..." Lao Qi heard Qin Lan again asking these brothers with a smile on his face, reassured to see that his brother who was born and died became strong, and he was glad ...

"That's good, you guys get ready, let's go now ..." After making sure that there are no problems with many of you survivors, Qin Lan is not polite ........

The anxiety of the small army did not mean that they were not in a hurry. The reason why they did not show up was that the most important Qin Lan saw that they were praying and praying for these eschatological soldiers. They were very serious and compassionate ...

"Understand ....." Lao Qing understands Qin Lan's meaning. Qin Lan can wait for them for so many days and have respected them. Praying himself is very touching. Without Qin Lan, there is no way he can be so powerful now.

"Okay ..." Qin Lan nodded and walked out to wait for prayer

Not long after, Lao Xun appeared in front of Qin Lan Xiaojun carrying a black sword.

The sword was given to him by Qin Lan, and the name is still Hei Feng. This sword is the most widely used sword in Shanghai bases now.

Heifeng has a unique advantage whether it is dealing with zombies or mutated creatures ...

"Go ..." After coming to Qin Lan, they prayed and sat on the army's ordinary off-road vehicle. He wanted to lead the way, and he sat at the front with the army ...

"Okay ..." After hearing the words of labor prayer, Xiaojun, who had been preparing for a long time, responded with a sound, and he started the vehicle instantly.

Because I do n’t know what I ’m going to face there, Qin Lan does n’t have many people, less than ten off-road vehicles, but no more than fifty

………………………………………………………………………………………… ....

Because it is in a relatively remote area, Qin Lan and Prayer prayed that their journey went smoothly. There were no abandoned vehicles blocking the way, and occasional mutant creatures or zombies were quickly eliminated.

Although it is only a team of dozens of people, among these people, if they are not to pray, they are the weakest at 200 levels. Even with 10,000 zombies, such strength is not without the strength of a battle. ….

However, the road is good, but for a distance of several hundred kilometers, it took Qin Lan them several hours to arrive ...

"After passing the previous turn, and then following the mountain, it will be halfway up the mountain next to a large reservoir ..." Rao's expression was still calm at this time, but his hands trembling slightly from his small The army was still able to find that Prayer has been under a lot of pressure ...

But I ’ve already come here, it ’s up to him to pray that Uncle Lao can survive ....

They ca n’t help if they want to help. The only thing they can rely on in their hearts is whether they can turn sadness into motivation through prayer.

"Okay ..." Xiaojun didn't say much. He informed Qin Lan that they didn't say anything more. Prayer now needs a relatively peaceful environment ...

After the car fell into a quiet state, the car was still on the road evenly, but Xiao Jun's expression slowly condensed.

They described the environment here before the prayer, and they remember it well ...

Finally, it took less than half an hour, and Xiaojun finally saw the mid-hillside said before the prayer in the car.

Seeing the destination is just around the corner, Xiaojun's inevitable excitement strikes, his fists clenched

"The position of the spacecraft is near the mountainside near the mountain, but now a few months have passed, will it be entangled by the vines on the mountain and it will not be impossible to see ...

"Let's go to see the energy crystal stone first ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then go to see the spaceship ..." After hearing the words of labor prayer, Qin Lan understood that the meaning of labor prayer was asking them what they meant ...

For Qin Lan, spacecraft are less important now than others

And in the absence of Fang Chong, it is difficult to open an alien spacecraft ...

"Okay ....." Lao Prayer had no opinion. Today, his main purpose is to accompany Qin Lan, and then he will have a good feel of the last place of his brothers in this land

After escaping for so long, they dare to stand in this place today, face well, face his dead brothers, face his heart ...

"I will face it bravely and not let your sacrifice go to waste ..." While leading the way, praying and clenching my fists, my heart is very complicated ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… .............. .. To be continued)

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