I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 473: coincidence? Still weird ...


As it slowly deepened, there were basically no traces of the road in front, and now where Qin Lan was walking, they were basically in the grass over a meter high. m 【】 【】

The environment, coupled with the dangers described earlier by Prayer and Prayer, the atmosphere seemed a little low as the team moved forward, and no one spoke.

However, it is not difficult to see from the clenched hands of everyone that everyone is ready to fight ...

Getting off the bus, it was not far from the mid-mountainside in the mouth of Lao Prairie. Although the atmosphere was a bit heavy, the environment gradually changed as we approached the mid-mountainside slowly.

There are no plants on the mountainside, all of them are bare stones, and there is a clear charred black.

"It's the kind of glittering stone that goes down, which is the energy crystal stone that you say ..." Rao's face is still calm, so calm that you can't see what he's thinking, and stretch out his finger from Rao to half Look at the hand of a stone cave on the mountainside.

Praying everything has returned to normal, and my hands are not shaking ...

But is it really back to normal? Qin Lan Xiaojun, they dare not be sure ...

"There should have been meteorite impact here, otherwise, the environment here would not be like this ..." Ling Ya observed the contrast of the surrounding stones, and finally she came up with a result.

"You should be right. From the scorched black and inch-grass appearance, it is enough to explain everything ..." Lao Qi nodded, this is also what they have been discussing before, they were not sure, but found a universe nearby After the spaceship. They affirmed this answer ...

"Have you been in the last time?" Qin Lan was not in a hurry to enter them. Although it was said that the energy crystal stone was very attractive to them, Qin Lan was very rational, even a small army. Before such a big event, before Qin Lan nodded, he did not dare to move ...

"Goed in, but last time we first discovered the existence of the spaceship and came here later, it was safe inside, but the thing was very simple, which is the energy crystal stone that you value very much.

"There is no danger in it, so how did you get chased by mutants?" Ling Ya asked suddenly. She is analyzing the situation around now. He is thinking why there are so many mutant organisms here, and what is the main purpose of these mutant organisms here ...

"I don't know, the sudden appearance of the mutant creature and the attack on us came after we exited the cave. I don't know if we took that energy crystal stone ..." Labor prayer seemed to come out of all the shadows in his heart, When Ling Ya said these things, his tone was still flat.

"It may or may be that they are hostile to humans ..." Qin Lan added, regarding the problem that mutant creatures like energy crystal stones. Qin Lan feels that the possibility is very small. The reason for hostility is much greater in Qin Lan's opinion ....

"Then we can't get in now?" Xiao Jun frowned slightly, and Qin Lan understood what they said, but this time. Until Qin Lan did not agree, he would not go to see.

Although he is not afraid. But he was afraid that Qin Lan was worried.


"Go in, you must go in. Even if it is dangerous, you must go in ..." Qin Lan smiled, and now they are not afraid of the general danger and trouble, let alone just explore it. [Read the novel ~]

The energy crystal stone is absolutely impossible for Qin Lan to miss, even if it is to fight with large-scale zombies and mutant creatures ...

"It's not too late, let's do it as quickly as possible ..." Ling Ya said.

"Don't worry, we set up the defensive weapons first. With enough energy crystal stones, we are not afraid of siege or other ..." After having seen the power of the energy crystal stones and adding the power of the energy concentration gun, They have full confidence ...

"Okay ..." With the exception of labor prayers, everyone else has seen this proposal and has no feeling.

Soon, with some surprised eyes of Lao Qin, Qin Lan Xiaojun moved quickly. Within a short time, several energy-concentrating guns were installed in front of the entrance to the cave ...

Looking at the several energy-concentrating cannons that were enough to defeat two hundred and fifty levels, Qin Lan was determined.

With this energy-concentrating gun, there is no need to worry about holding it, and the more important point is that Qin Lan Xiaojun has enough confidence ...

Subsequently, under the arrangement of Qin Lan, after leaving twenty people, Qin Lan finally set out on the way to visit the energy crystal stone.

"Go… .." Lao Qian, who had a torch in his hand, walked to the front. Unlike Qin Lan, their faces were dignified. Although Lao Qi was the weakest one among the crowd, he entered the cave with a calm expression. Already.

This is not the first time he has entered this hole. He is aware of any dangers, and his current strength is several times stronger than that of the original.

In the combination of these conditions, he walked more calmly to lead the way ...

"This hole seems to be very deep ...." After walking a little distance behind Lao Prayer, he found some different places. After entering the cave, the terrain was very flat, and after walking for a long time, the cave The feeling to them is endless ...

"No, there is a small corner in front, and there is a relatively large hole after that, and the energy crystal stones are scattered around ...." Lao prayer turned his head and shook his head gently while watching Xiaojun ...

"Really?" Xiao Jun did not expect to say this in the prayer prayers. In addition to the accident, he was a little more curious about the cause of the cave ...

"I'll know later ..." Prayer nodded.

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"It's really an energy crystal stone ..." Sure enough, shortly after the prayers of labor, Xiao Jun and Qin Lan immediately felt a different sensation appearing, not to say how much the place was instantly wide. And glittering things appeared before their eyes.

These glittering things are undoubtedly energy crystal stones ...

It is already known that after the great role of energy crystal stones, it is not surprising to see such a large number of energy crystal stones ...


"Haha, sister Qin Lan. These are all true?" Xiaojun stood stupidly, looking at so many energy crystals. At this moment, his mood is still excited except for excitement, so many energy crystals He knows what it means. []

Moreover, Fang Chong needs these things very much. This incident seems to be the first time that Xiaojun has given Fang Chong a victory for so long since he has been with Fang Chong for so long ...

"Of course it's true, but your kid doesn't have to be happy to be like this ..." Qin Lan didn't know Xiao Jun thought so many thoughts, but shook his head with a smile.

"Of course I want to be happy. These energy crystal stones are the guy he valued the most since I followed Brother Fang Chong. I can finally do something for him ..." Xiao Jun's answer also revealed his thoughts ...

"Originally, you made this idea ..." Qin Lan heard these words behind Xiaojun, and finally felt a sense of awakening. She has always forgotten the small army, and this problem is something she did not think of ...

"Of course, Brother Fang Chong is so good to us, I can't worry him all the time ..." Xiao Jun nodded solemnly, Fang Chong was in his mind. In addition to the existence of idols, Fang Chong treats them well, and he deeply remembers every tick that cares about them ...

"It's good if you know, but you are still young. Don't think about these things, we have something in mind ..." Qin Lan looked at Xiao Jun's expression. She smiled happily, and the facts tell it all ...

"No. I'm not young, manly husband ..." Xiao Jun shook his head, listening to the laughter of Qin Lan, and then repeated the declaration that he had grown up several times.

Looking at Xiao Jun's serious expression, both Qin Lan and Ling Ya who smiled while observing the terrain and the energy crystal stone ...

As for Xiaojun, he was depressed by the three of them watching ...

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"Let ’s not waste time, pack up these energy crystal stones as much as possible, and then transport them away. Now I do n’t know at all that the energy crystal stones here or the alien meteorite hit the earth. Anyway, these energy No crystal stone can be wasted… .. ”After looking at Xiaojun's depressed look, Qin Lan wouldn't talk about this topic any more, otherwise, Xiaojun would not be good.

Xiaojun has always emphasized that he is a man and a big husband. In this case, Qin Lan would have to give him a face ...

"Understand ....." I had the same doubts, but Ling Ya hadn't been sure by herself. Now that Qin Lan feels the same way, Ling Ya doesn't waste any more time ...

While Qin Lan and Xiaojun also bent down to pick up the energy crystal stones, Ling Ya also gave instructions. Soon, more than thirty people who came into the cave together worked hard ...

What made Xiaojun Qin Lan unexpected was that with so many people, they could not pick up the energy crystal stones scattered on the ground ...

From this, it also indirectly shows that the number of energy crystal stones is more powerful than they think ...

"We are making a lot of money today ..." But we ca n’t finish the picking. Xiaojun, not only are they not frustrated, but they are excited, especially Qin Lan Xiaojun Ling Ya. They are three people who know the role of energy crystal stones ...

"Even if it's full, we can't finish it today, we still have a chance… .." Seeing Xiao Jun's inexhaustible look, Qin Lan spoke ...

"That's okay ....." Xiao Jun heard Qin Lan's words and raised his head, nodding unwillingly.

But among so many people, he was indeed the happiest ...

"Don't have a depressed expression, look at it yourself, there are so many, do you think I let you pretend, can you finish it?" Qin Lan looked at the young army with a depressed expression, and she was quite speechless.

Xiaojun, this guy has got some money fans recently, and still has power control ...

"I just see inconsistency and waste ..." Xiao Jun explained, and his eyes were reluctant to look at the energy crystal stones on the ground ...

"Almost we are about to leave. Last time I was too greedy. I stayed here for a long time and caused regret in my life. I did n’t know if it was a coincidence or something else ..." Looked around, watching Xiaojun quickly collecting energy crystal stones.

This scene. He still remembers it fresh in his memory, but behind that memory is the past he didn't want to face. Those pictures, like the deep marks left in his heart by the knife, are indelible ...

"OK ..." Knowing that there are many unknowns in this cave, Qin Lan has no opinion on the proposal of labor prayer ...

From labor to prayer, she still has a lingering sorrow and a deeply regretful expression. It is not difficult for Qin Lan to feel how terrible what happened at the time ...

"Go ..." Ling Ya also understood that she looked at Qin Lan and then shouted ...


"Boom ..." when everyone mentioned that they had a bag of energy crystal stones just ready to leave. If the explosion makes them sting.

"It's late ..." Hearing the sound of such bombardment and the slight vibration of the ground, the expression of labor prayer suddenly became difficult to look at. He was the one who knew the most clearly what was happening ...

Although now only heard the sound of shelling. But he can already imagine the numerous mutant creatures surrounding the hole, and in the end they will run out of food,

This scene seems to repeat itself in this place after a few months!

"Not necessarily ..." and the deep worry on Lao Qian's face, the difference is that although Qin Lan took a lot of serious expressions when they heard the sound of gunfire, it was difficult to be afraid ...

From Kyoto base city to Nanyue base city. Almost half of the Huaxia country has let them go around. Are you afraid of a few zombies? Or is it a mutant?

Qin Lan's words fell, and the bag containing the energy crystal stones in her hand fell from her instantly, while praying for something. As soon as Qin Lan reached out behind her, a red sword appeared in her hand. At the same time, Qin Lan's body has rushed out ...

Originally, they had already seen Duo Qinlan's laboring prayer. Today I saw that my mouth was still open.

Because not only Qin Lan behaved so calmly and calmly, in contrast to others, when Qin Lan rushed out, they followed suit. Dozens of bags of energy crystal stones fell to the ground almost at the same time, and the sound of the fall and the sound of a drawn sword ….

"They ..." Lao Qi's expression was wonderful. It seemed difficult for him to understand the performance of Qin Lan and these people. At this time, he was holding the sword tightly in his hands, but his body was shaking.

That's right, it's shaking, especially the right hand holding the black sword. The shaking frequency is very high. It seems that the sword is alive.

Prayer is fighting fiercely with the shadow in his heart ...

Originally he was surprised that he had been able to forget, ignore, it didn't matter, but only then did he realize deeply that some things are not time to forget them ...

"Yeah ..." Lao Qi shouted, his expression became very stubborn. After yelling like crazy, Lao Qi's trembling hand stopped at this time, if the blue blood vessels on his arm were still there Coiled on the arm of prayer, it is difficult to imagine the performance before prayer ...

"Spelled… .." After the body calmed down safely, Lao prayer regained consciousness, and the sound of loud shells came from the ears ...

Listening to the sound of the distance exploding, his face still calmly came down and spit out two words gently.

At this time, Prayer did not hesitate any more, turned his head, dropped the energy crystal stone, and ran out ....

He needs to face it bravely, prove himself with his strength and actions, and show his brothers that their sacrifice was not wasted ...


"It seems that this cave is really weird… .." It has appeared outside where they laid the line of defense before entering the cave, Qin Lan's expression was very puzzled.

She couldn't figure out why the mountain forests that had been calm before could only have such a large number of mutant organisms in a short period of time, and different kinds of mutant creatures came, which was something they had never encountered before.

However, the doubts return to the doubts. One thing Qin Lan can determine is that the greatest possibility of this abnormal situation is related to this cave ...

Otherwise, it is impossible to pray that they also encountered that time, and this time they could happen to meet ...

An accident, but more times, there is a reason ...

But what is the reason? Qin Lan doesn't know now ...

And this time is not the time to think about this issue ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hundreds of huge mutant creatures are slowly approaching their line of defense ...

"Hit… .." But Qin Lan, who was very confident in her defense, looked at the mutant creature that was approaching slowly, and her expression was very calm. After seeing the mutant creatures slowly gathered, she knew that the opportunity was coming Now ...

"Boom ..." With the fall of Qin Lan's voice, a bright white light burst out at the muzzle of the Energy Concentration Cannon, blooming almost at the same time in the densest place of mutant creatures ...

Under the dual effect of the original power and the addition of energy crystal stones, many mutants were bombed before they could scream, and the number was not one or two ...

The mutant creatures are too large because they are dense. At this time, the huge number of creatures has become their biggest Achilles heel ...


…………………………………………………………………………. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (an. ) Vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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