I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 474: monster?


While the bright light bloomed like sparks, accompanied by the fierce roar of mutant creatures, the residual limbs flew across the ground, and the scene was like purgatory. M (come to reading novels)

However, such a scene did not stop with the first bright energy light. Qin Lan's expression was extremely calm. Under her quiet instructions, one energy light continuously shot from the muzzle of the energy concentration gun ...

With enough energy crystals and stone flying supplies, energy weapons are the deadliest, that is, the weakness that needs time to buffer completely disappears.

Unlike Qin Lan's calmness, when he finally walked out of the cave, his expression was still a bit sorrowful and he looked at the scene in front of him. He was stunned, an unusual mutant creature, and an amazing number of mutant creatures. This will not see the momentum, let alone those who have been killed, the remaining hundreds of heads alone, debilitating, looking at them, everyone knows that they are thinking about it, is it right? ...

"Let's do it ..." At the same time that Lao Qi hadn't recovered from the surprise, Qin Lan pointed forward the **** sword in her hand and shouted out her body.

"Kill ..." Xiaojun never knew what was afraid? Although now they want to face more than ten times more mutated creatures than humans, there is no trace of worry in his young face.

"Kill… .." Looking at Qin Lan's army, Ling Ya, they rushed out one after the other, and stood behind them. The companions who had been waiting for the station had almost scrambled out. The former soldiers were gone, at the entrance of the cave. This will only leave a prayer and a few team members in charge of the energy cannon ...

The biggest reason they chose this kind of defense is that the energy-concentrating cannon is relatively bulky, and it is not easy to move. Qin Lan also left an escape route. Once they are defeated by mutants, these energy cannons can be used as support after the break.

Think about everything and stay one step longer and never regret it ...


Soon, the first Qin Lan who rushed out had already opened a few distances from the rear army. By this regret, Qin Lan had already faced a pig several times larger than an ordinary pig, and its color was black. Variation pig.

However, the huge mutant pig did not cause much trouble for Qin Lan. It's just a face-to-face. While its long fangs are stabbing at Qin Lan, Qin Lan's sword has long been split ...

There is no doubt that this extremity is well developed. The mutated pig head of the same developed shape was split by Qin Lan like a watermelon.

For slashing a mutant pig! Qin Lan didn't even look back to look at it. When the mutant pig carcass that attacked him leaped to the ground, Qin Lan's body had already appeared beside another mutant creature, and his hand fell from the knife ...

Qin Lan, whose strength has surpassed 300, plus the blood-red sword in her hand. Although Qin Lan was petite, she was like a god-killer at this time.

There wasn't a single zombie who could make two moves in her hands.

Of course, Qin Lan's performance was impeccable, with the small army behind her. Ling Ya and everyone else rushed to the army of mutant creatures just like a ghost. [It ’s about to read the novel.] It seems that they have reversed the identity of the mutant creature. Mutant creatures start to flee ...

The original number of mutant creatures more than ten times that of humans suddenly collapsed, and fled ....

Qin Lan did not stop there. After rushing into the most densely populated area, the slaughter began ...

Qin Lan, who had a higher level of strength than others, added the sharp blood soul sword, and the number of mutant creatures that died in her hands was the largest, not less than dozens. Ling Ya ’s strength is infinitely close to today. Three hundred levels, although not as good as Qin Lan, but for reasons of personality, she will not be less Qin Lan.

These two women have become the existence that dozens of men need to look up to ...

Although Xiaojun ranked third in the number of mutant creatures killed, he was very depressed, saying that he was ranked third, but the number of mutant creatures killed was more than double that of the first and second, and Still a woman ...

In the case of everyone killing mutant creatures, they were still escaped by a small number of mutant creatures, but Qin Lan did not care about them, and no one was killed or injured is the best result ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The mutant creature has lost ...." Watching the mutant creatures fleeing everywhere, Qin Lan and they started to clean up the battlefield. They still looked stupidly at the entrance of the cave and could not see what he wanted to say or what he was thinking. what.

But the grayness in his eyes was gone, and he saw hope from Qin Lan.

Mutant creatures are powerful, but humans are not weak….

This concept appeared in his dictionary for the first time. The mutants that were invincible in his mind were so thoroughly defeated today. For the first time, he had the confidence to fight the mutants, and he should not avenge his brother ... .

With so many beliefs in my heart, the expression of labor prayer finally became calm, and at this time, there was a touch of faith and self-confidence ...

By this time, he had completely walked out of the prayers brought by the mutants in the past, and when he saw Qin Lan's busy figure in the corpses of the mutants, he also stepped out of the cave when he was curious.

This is not the first time he has seen Qin Lan's strange action.

When saving them for the first time, Qin Lan did the same thing after killing so many zombies. Although he was curious at that time, but he had no enthusiasm for life, he did n’t know much about it. .

But now it ’s different. After a person has hope, everything is beautiful, and labor prayer is the same. Although he has a lot of things on his shoulders, he believes that humankind cannot perish under the small test of the last days ...

With such a change in attitude, Lao Xun strode toward Qin Lan with a black sword. He wanted to help. He liked the atmosphere of Qin Lan's team, and he thanked Qin Lan for giving him hope for life again.

It can be said that Qin Lan saved them except a few days ago. Now save him again ...

"Yes, actually came out ..." Qin Lan's strength could not feel that someone came behind her, but when she looked back and saw that it was labor prayer, she looked slightly surprised, but her eyes touched labor After praying again with hope for life, she got down ...

Today is up to now and it can be said that it can be done in one fell swoop ...

Not only the energy crystal stone was found, but also a large number, but also this batch of mutant creatures who did not know how to write the dead words. [] So many mutated creatures were undoubtedly sent to them with muscle flesh, and the most important thing was to recover by labor.

The trauma of the mind can't be healed casually, and the prayers can come out, which shows that they have not mistaken people ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Thank you. It was you who gave me new life, new hope ..." Lao Qi could hear the meaning of the pun in Qin Lan's sentence. He heard this sentence of concern and was even more grateful.

After all, he and Qin Lan knew each other almost like Pingshui, and he was a stranger to them. But they helped him without thinking ...

"It was you who defeated your own heart, and it has nothing to do with us ..." Qin Lan shook her head gently. Although the recovery of labor prayer does have their credit in it, labor prayer can be recovered at once. The most important reason is in his own body. Only himself can truly defeat himself ...

"No. I know your intentions ..." The labor prayer has been completely restored, and now my judgment is strong ...

"Oh. Anyway, it is a good thing to be able to come out anyway. We treat you as a friend and you do n’t care about it and be polite. Otherwise, it will cause a layer of separation between our relationship ..." Xiao Jun heard Qin Lan and labor prayer Dialogue, he could not help but interject.

"Okay, I don't say, but starting today, I am also a member of this team ..." Lao Qi looked at Qin Lan and said solemnly after seeing that they had no other opinions.

"Okay, welcome ..." While surprised to say this, the small army reacted the fastest this time, and he held out a hand of friendship ...

"Thank you ..." Lao prayer said thank you this time. "this is the last time….."


"You must be curious what we did to dissect the corpses of these mutant creatures?" While accepting the last thanks of Lao Qi, Qin Lan found that Lao Qi's eyes had been staring at the flesh in their hands.

After thinking that they still haven't revealed a little bit about gene warriors in the base city of Nanyue to this day, Qin Lan asked ...

"That's right ..." Lao Qian nodded, he smiled a little embarrassed, Qin Lan asked what he wanted to know now ...

"Those things are called fleshy meat, both in the body of zombies and mutants. The stronger the mutants or zombies, the bigger and more beautiful these fleshy meats are, of course, the bigger the effect ... "Qin Lan explained.

"Function? What's the effect?" Lao Qian heard Qin Lan's explanation. It wasn't stupid that gave him an understanding quickly, but the only thing he didn't understand was the point, which is the role of myogenic meat in Qin Lan's mouth ...

It is not difficult to understand the beauty, it seems that Glittering wants to exist the jelly ...

"Do you remember those white gene medicines we gave you before?" Knowing how to explain, Qin Lan remembered the gene medicines they left him before. The strength of labor prayers has grown so fast recently. The most important contribution is Thanks to these myogenic meats from mutants and zombies ... but I pray that when I heard that the raw materials of those medicines are from zombies, I do n’t know if I will not dare to take them again ...

"Do you mean that these myogenic meats are the raw materials of those genetic medicines?" After hearing Qin Lan's words, Lao Qi's unavoidable face was dismayed, but this kind of wrong expression appeared on Lao Qi's face. Time is short.

"Yes, the energy of gene medicine is so huge. And the source of that energy comes from muscle meat." Qin Lan nodded.

"Did it feel terrible?" Lao Qi calmed down, and at this time, Ling Ya had completed all the work at hand. Ling Ya was knowing what Qin Lan and Lao Pra were talking about. She asked curiously ...

"No, it doesn't, it tastes good, really ...." After Laohan's face showed a smile, he said seriously.

Although I was a little surprised, I drank so much genetic medicine, and it is recognized that the genetic medicine is good ...

Others labored and wondered if they could hold back the raw material of flesh, but he could.

"So what are you thinking?" Ling Ya was curious. It is not easy for them to understand this prayer ...

"I was wondering what would happen once this base city in Nanyue had a lot of genetic medicine, powerful or otherwise ..." said Lao prayer.

"Strong is inevitable. Affirmation that genetic medicine can increase strength. And he can ignore talent, but everyone's potential is different. In the end, the strength cannot be the same, just like yourself. Then, it ’s impossible to stand here now ... ”Qin Lan said, she somewhat understands what prayers are thinking… ..

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"What is the ultimate purpose of your coming here in the base city of Nanyue?" Especially when Qin Lan said that there were so many effects about gene medicine, he was even more puzzled. These findings today completely overturned all his previous speculations that Qin Lan had come to the base city of Nanyue.

Site? Qin Lan's prayers had long been known to them. Shanghai Stock Market is already their place ...

Talent? The base city of Nanyue survivors does not have any strong talents. Although there is a certain possibility, the probability is not high, except for these two. The possibility that labor prayer can think of is basically gone ...

"You may not believe it after speaking! But it doesn't matter if I tell you, we can see that the relationship between you and Yan Yu is a bit complicated ..." Qin Lan said.

"Uh ....." When Lao Qin heard Qin Lan's words, he became more curious, but after hearing the second half of Qin Lan's words, his expression was awkward.

"In the future, we humans need to face not only zombies and mutated creatures, but also a more powerful alien creature, the Zak ... ... and the ultimate purpose of our visit to the base city of Nanyue is to make peace Talk about the plans for the survivors of Huaxia in the future ... "Qin Lan added.

"Zach? Extraterrestrial creatures?" The expression of Lao Qi could not be calm again this time, and what Qin Lan said completely subverted his cognition ...

However, with Qin Lan's in-depth explanation, Lao Qi understood, and he finally knew why Qin Lan was not far from the Shanghai base city to the Nanyue base city, and he admired Qin Lan's spirit.

In an environment like the last days, will anyone still think of other people and the future of mankind?

There is something unbelievable in prayer, and I have a choice in my heart.

Qin Lan is right, he and Qiu Yu have some complicated relationship before. Qiu Yu was doubting Qin Lan ’s purpose before, and he himself was also suspicious, but at this time, Lao prayer will not doubt Qin Lan ’s purpose anymore. .

So he volunteered to get rid of Yu Yu.

As for where does faith come from? When Lao Qin thought about this problem, his eyes were directly on the genetic medicine. He believed that once Yu Yu tasted the sweetness of the genetic medicine, she would not accept Qin Lan if they did not accept it ...

And Qin Lan, when they saw such a labor prayer, they would not be able to say anything. Sooner or later, the gene medicine should be told to Yu Yu. The difference is only a matter of time, but it doesn't matter ...

With Lao Qin and Qin Lan's call ending, some members of the other team went back to the cave to get the energy crystal stone, and some helped dismantle the energy accumulation gun ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The secrets of the cave will not be explored for the time being. As the spaceship cannot run, we might as well wait for a while. The situation here is weird. I think you can try to contact Fang Chong and let them come over if possible ..." After returning to the troop carrier together, after loading up the energy crystal stones, Qin Lan and a few of them gathered together.

"It's not that I'm afraid, but it's really weird here. The emergence of those mutant creatures is unpredictable. It's just that you are strong today to avoid them. For other people, there is no life ..."

Although he has come out of the shadows, but remembering those experiences, he is still unforgettable ...

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then let's go back temporarily, wait until the matter of Nanyue base city is resolved, then we'll wait for the prayers to get Commander Yu Yu, okay, uncle, come on ..." Xiaojun was very The adult patted Lao Qi's shoulder.

With a smile on my face, everyone likes to make fun of him ...

After everyone agreed, they did n’t stay any longer. The troop carrier started and the convoy drove to the base city of Nanyue ...

What Qin Lan could never imagine was that the water in the reservoir, which was hundreds of acres in size, began to shake after they had not left the mountainside reservoir for a long time.

As if there was a big earthquake, after a half-sound, a round head appeared on the water with a long neck. It looked weird ...

The body under the head, which is five or six meters long, has not surfaced, but from the shadow refracted under the water, it is definitely not less than 100 meters ...

This is an unknown monster with a huge body… .. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. .)

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