"Everything is ready ....." In the Shanghai base city under the warm sunshine in the early morning, tens of thousands of teams have assembled. Such a large-scale military buildup will undoubtedly attract a lot of survivors from the Shanghai base city to watch. In this case, Fang Chong and others did not have much accident. M 【】 【】

Fang Chong, they are still quiet and busy with their affairs ...

"All have been assembled, the materials and food are in place, and you can start at any time ..." I heard Fang Chong asked, Muge nodded, and Qin Lan Lingya was not in Fang Chong's days. She must take their place and try to help Fang Chong pay attention Something trivial.

"How about Song Ming?" Fang Chong nodded with satisfaction, and he turned his head slightly, looking at Muge with a serious expression.

Fang Chong originally meant that he did not plan to set off with Song Ming after all. After all, in the recent period of time, he has been busy with the Shanghai base city, and now he has the commander of Makino. The situation was not so dangerous. Fang Chong wanted to give him a holiday so that he could get together with Xiao Lan, but Song Ming refused until Fang Chong finished speaking ...

He even chose to take over the task with Commander Makino overnight, and made clear what he knew, while everyone else knew ...

Of course, Song Ming did this because he started with Fang Chong today ...

"Should say goodbye to Xiao Lan, look at him like this, you can see that he has been bored here in the base city during this time, otherwise, his character would not be like this ..." Muge smiled, Song Ming yesterday He was clear talking to her father all night long. Although it is a bit difficult to understand, after understanding the problem from the perspective of Song Ming, she understood ...

"Let's start when he returns ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Song Ming could understand this.

"Okay ..." Muge knew more about the brotherhood between Song Ming and Fang Chong.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Is there any news from Huang Qianchuan?" After the team had set off for most of the day. Fang Chong looked at the scenes of many battles along the way. Although he only sent Huang Qianchuan, but from the scenes left now, the battle was fierce.

"They have not suffered many casualties, and the situation is much better than we thought ..." Muge replied. Although the scene looks very horrible, the problem is not big. If there is really a problem, it is impossible for Huang Qianchuan to ask them to support and **** yesterday.

"That's true. It seems that Huang Qianchuan went all the way before, it was much more dangerous than we went to the base city of Kyoto ..." Fang Chongpo lamented that the route they are taking now is the way that Emperor Qianchuan went on the day, but Compared to the original Huang Qianchuan. Fang Chong they are now much easier, no matter the danger they need to face or the situation of the road can be notified directly.

After reducing these two kinds of troubles, Fang Chong was very fast. In this case, they have to travel a lot more in a day ...

that's it. The time passed two days, and Fang Chong and they have met Huang Qianchuan's convoy, and this position is a distance from the western base city ...

"Fang Chong, are you here?" Huang Qianchuan's team recognized the number of millions of survivors. [Let ’s read the novel ~] Such a team is really huge and crowded.

However, Fang Chong's identity. After appearing in front of Huang Qianchuan's team, they appeared in front of Huang Qianchuan without any interruption. Seeing them were Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan's expression was a little surprised and very surprised.

He didn't dare to think that other teams would come to help, after all, Fang Chong and Muge went to the base city of Kyoto, and they were not too close, but Qin Lan was also not close. As for Song Ming?

Although usually reliable, in these days, he has a lot of busy places, and the Shanghai base city cannot be suppressed by no one. Song Ming plays the role of suppression ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded at the words of Huang Qianchuan.


"What's going on all the way ....." When the team is camping, Fang Chong and his team will bring nearly 80,000 teams to the town around the camp and pay close attention to the surrounding environment.

So many of these survivors, humans, were on the road together, and it was easy to provoke the attack of zombies or mutants. Although Fang Chong did not say it, in fact, he was most worried about this problem.

"It's okay! Mutant creatures encounter a few waves, and the number of zombies is large, but these have been solved one by one. After walking for nearly two days, the real danger has never been encountered." Hearing Fang Chong asked, Huang Qianchuan While frowning slightly, I was also thinking about what happened two days before they set off from the western base city.

"That's okay. Now there are more than 80,000 soldiers on our side joining, as long as they don't meet other kings of the same level and the same king, otherwise, their current situation should be scary and dangerous ...": " Fang Chong nodded and said something. From these words of Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong heard some news he wanted to know.

Now the situation in the whole Huaxia country seems to be better than they imagined. After all, they are above the Shanghai market and have made a big crossing in the three directions of the whole China. The situation they encountered and the situation where Huang Qianchuan met was Almost, there are not many zombies and mutants that can threaten the existence of powerful humans.

If there were no Zak-like creatures from the planet on Earth, humans would already be able to dominate in an environment like the last days.

Fang Chong knew that as long as they waited for Qin Lan's return, they could know if the situation in the base city of Nanyue was the same as theirs. But from the moment both places are the same, he can be sure that Qin Lan will not have an accident on their side ...

And with such a discovery at the same time. Fang Chong knew that many of their previous plans could be further accelerated, especially the plan to regain large cities.

As for unifying human survivors, plans to look at making strong survivors are equally urgent. In particular, when Fang Chong heard Huang Qianchuan say that they were on their way, and encountered hundreds of Zack ambushes near the base city of the west, he was more nervous about trying to implement two plans that they felt feasible.

But he couldn't guarantee his success.

He didn't want to use threatening, **** methods to carry out their plans, in which case it would be difficult to go smoothly.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"With the arrival of you and Song Ming, my heart can really be put down, although I have more than 40,000 strong combat forces on my side. [Reading novels will come ~] But in the last days, this environment can appear anytime, anywhere. In the case of too much change, I dare not give a 100% guarantee, especially this time the number of survivors has reached an amazing number of millions ... "Huang Qianchuan said that the number of millions of survivors was quite moody heavy.

Because one careless word. Maybe this million survivors are finished ...

If there is a day when this happens, he will be guilty.

After all, his commitment to leave these western base cities with these people is to make them live in a safer and warmer environment than in western base cities. With this commitment, millions of survivors dare to follow them. Come out ...

"Hehe. This problem does not need to worry now, even if there are millions of zombies, it is not without the power of World War I ..." Fang Chong laughed, and people like Huang Qianchuan who were not afraid of the sky were also worried. At the time, he was quite surprised.

But he also admired Huang Qianchuan's courage. In his words, he might not dare to take a huge team of millions of survivors at once ...

"Do you say that the future of humankind is as beautiful as we think? Or once the Zak people appear on a large scale. All the advantages we have worked hard to build have been lost?" Huang Qianchuan looked at the manchu The starry night sky, his expression is a bit complicated. And these words can be heard, which is Huang Qianchuan's heart, and it should be one that Huang Qianchuan is more worried about.

"There may be accidents. Now we don't know how strong the Zak will be in the future, but we can plan ahead and increase our own strength as much as possible ..." Fang Chong nodded without denying.

Fang Chong knows that this problem should be considered by many people, but he doesn't matter now ...

The Maya system is right. Take a step and look at it. Instead of wasting time on your imagination, try harder and improve your strength even more. This way, you have a little more hope for survival in the last days ...

But to be honest, what Fang Chong is looking forward to now is nothing else, it should be what the Mayan system looks like after the upgrade.

After breaking through 300 levels from Fang Chong, the Mayan system that had been in Fang Chong's mind disappeared, and the reason for his disappearance Fang Chong knew that the time for the Maya system upgrade ...

Although such an upgrade is an opportunity for them ...

The only technology that Fang Chong dared to say could fight against the Zak came from the Maya system.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Unlike the complexity of Fang Chong's side, in addition to the fact that Qin Lan did not know that Fang Chong's side needed to **** millions of survivors, he also did not know that the Mayan system existed in Fang Chong's body.

In addition to not knowing these, they also did not know that while they were leaving the energy crystal stone hole, there was a monster outside the huge water inventory with a length of more than 100 meters.

This dark unknown monster, after Qin Lan and theirs left, the huge body climbed ashore, and a huge mouth two meters wide opened and sucked.

The bodies of the mutant creatures previously bombarded by Qin Lan even floated up.

Finally it was sucked into the mouth quickly ....

The corpses of thousands of mutant creatures are just sucked up in an instant, this super shocking scene is somewhat unimaginable ...

And this huge and unknown creature, two yellow eyes glowing slightly on the head, looked at Qin Lan in the direction they left, and plunged into the reservoir.

The huge body hit the water like a cannonball, and the water of the entire reservoir suddenly rippled. The waves are up to several meters, and the splashes are up to 100 meters ...

"Did you hear any noise just now?" The troop carrier was walking down the mountain, but when Qin Lan saw the foot of the mountain, they suddenly heard a plop. As if something fell into the water.

But this sound is just ...

"It sounds like something fell into the water ..." Ling Ya nodded, and she heard it.

"Isn't it possible? There are hundreds of meters and thousands of kilometers away from the location of the reservoir. If anyone can hear the sound of things falling into the reservoir here, how old is that guy ..." The strength is weak. He didn't hear it, but it was ridiculous to judge by experience. It is simply impossible ...

"Look, there's water vapor ..." A little water dripped from Xiaojun's hands.

"Did it really start from the reservoir?" Laohan looked puzzled. Looking up at the sky, he seems to be seeing if any water drops are dripping ...

The others didn't speak at this time, everyone's expressions were very serious ... But after everyone got serious, the strange things disappeared again. No sound of water, no water vapor, everything seems to have returned to normal.

At this point, Qin Lan and they didn't say anything, they just thought that they heard it wrong ...

The water drops received by Xiaojun were just a coincidence ...

As the team moved further and further. The water level of the mountainside reservoir has returned to normal again. Except that it is not caused by wind and waves, everything seems to have not changed. And the giant unknown monster didn't seem to have appeared.

If it were not for the slightly cloudy water quality at the edge of the reservoir, it would be really hard to imagine ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Not long. After leaving the mountainous location, the convoy quickly moved towards the base city of Nanyue.

"It's good if I go to see Yu Yu. Let's go together. It matters. I believe she's not a woman who doesn't talk about any truth. But she believes that the non-existence of Zak's alien creatures is a problem. … .. ”After returning to the base city of Nanyue, Lao Qi said before he got out of the car.

Already believe that Qin Lan's prayers of their words are now basically based on Qin Lan's team.

"Let ’s go with it! Believe it or not ..." Qin Lan hesitated a bit, and the words of labor and prayer were right. Qi Yu was indeed not a woman who didn't talk about any truth. On the contrary, she was very smart, a very smart. Woman ...

"Okay, let's see if we can convince her that it's time for us to go back to the Shanghai base city and see what the future plans are ..." Ling Ya also said.

The biggest reason for Ling Ya to say this is that apart from the fact that they have been out for a short period of time, it is the last word that they have harvested so many energy crystal stones to be transported back to Shanghai Base City, and that place is very weird. They also plan to explore with Fang Chong after they finish talking ...

Otherwise, there is no confidence in the strength of these people.

"Okay, let's all be together ..." After hearing Lao Qi saying this, after Qin Lan and Ling Ya agreed, Xiaojun certainly had no opinion, and he personally felt like a woman of your feet in Qi Yuqi, and one person told her true It ’s better than many people tell her ...

"It shouldn't be too late ..." Praying since he came out of the shadows, he is completely an activist.

Knowing that the labor prayer was also intended for millions of survivors in the base city of Nanyue, Qin Lan did not object.

Soon, several cars were parked in front of the building where the base city of Nanyue was located.

Because of the existence of labor prayers, Qin Lan entered the building without having to make a hard break or wait.

"So many people are looking for me? Something ....." When Qin Lan and a few of them showed up at Yu Yu's office building, she looked at Lao Qi accidentally, and then looked at Qin Lan and others. She looked a little bit confused.

"Yes, something ..." Qin Lan nodded.

"Is it your purpose to come to the base city of Nanyue?" Seeing Qin Lan nodded, Pu Yu seemed to think of what Qin Lan might have said.

"Yes, but it shouldn't be what you think ...." Qin Lan smiled slightly, and Yu Yu was worried and looked very funny, as if they were going to grab his South Guangdong base city.


"Let me say ...." Listening to Qin Lan's and Yu Yu's similar way of speaking a maze, Lao Pra frowned slightly, he didn't know what they meant. He now has a changed personality and prefers quick decisions.

"What do you say?" Hearing the words of labor prayer and the meaning of speaking ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yu Yu turned her head in an instant, looked at labor prayer with a look of surprise, it seemed that the simple words of labor prayer gave her The same shock ...

"That's right ..." Lao prayed that Qin Lan had no objection, and he nodded.

"What's your relationship now?" Ai Yu didn't understand a bit. She was the one who labored before Prayer, worried that it has changed so much now ...

"Cooperative relationship ..." Prayer was straightforward.

"Okay, then you say ....." Feeling the eyes of this prayer, that kind of strong confidence and courage, and the feeling of being shocked by Yu Yu, she seems to feel that today's labor prayer has changed a lot. .

It's just a temperament change from the bottom of my heart ...

She was curious and wondered what happened to Lao Ping during these short days, and what happened to him and Qin Lan ...

…………………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote at the starting point (an.). Recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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