I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 476: Su Yu's doubts


Yan Yu's eyes watched as she came, her expression was a bit complicated. Now she prays with a little smile, but her expression is real. She does not know how long she has n’t seen it, or she has never seen it before. ….

Different from the previous days, more different from before ...

After paying careful attention to labor prayer, Yan Yu found from her impressive that her memory of labor prayer was blurred.

"You said ..." Yu Yu said again.

"Qin Lan came from the Shanghai base city, and their purpose of coming to the base city of Nanyue is not to compete for the base city of Nanyue, but a cooperative relationship. With their strength, we do not need everything in our base city of Nanyue ..... "Rao ’s expression is calm. Of course, he can see the changes in the eyes of Yan Yu, but now he is talking about business. He wants to be serious, and after getting out of the shadows, he is back to normal. No more covering up ...

"Really?" After hearing the words of labor prayer, Yu Yu's expression was a little cold, and her eyes were a little surprised and surprised.

Such things as laboring as a lobbyist are beyond her imagination ...

"I know what you may doubt, and maybe even more suspect that I was bought by them, but what I said is the truth, of course, provided that it is based on how much you believe in me ..." Praying eyes looked at Yu Yu calmly, He had long thought about Su Yu's skepticism, but after he chose to trust Qin Lan, his position was very firm ...

"Yes, I doubt that you are very different today, but I'm not a child. I believe that anyone who listens will never believe it. Who doesn't want the power? Yes, I don't care. , But I need to be responsible for the millions of survivors in this base city… .. ”Yu Yu did not flinch. Although the words of labor prayer were sincere, his doubts would not change.

Who knows in the last days, although she is willing to believe in the prayer of labor, but the performance of labor prayer today is abnormal. If it is not the eyes of the labor prayer are still so divine, so clear, she even wants to start to wonder whether the labor prayer is being Qin Lan He controlled ...

"Let me take you to a place ..." Yu Yu's words made labor prayer a bit difficult. He thought that it would be difficult to convince Yu Yu. But he didn't think that he was talking about his own words. He Yu is a smart woman, but often he is not smart ...

There was no way to pray, he thought of his companion. The group of companions who are now racing against time to improve their strength ...

Prayer believes that they are the best basis for persuading Yu Yu.

"Okay ....." Yu Yu is not afraid of any bad intentions from laboring and praying to coerce her. She believes that her character is clear.


"Let's go, too ..." Qin Lan watched Lao Qian and the two of them leave, and she also said lightly, since they chose to believe in Lao Qi, they would not intervene. As for whether Yu Yu is willing to believe in the end, they don't matter.

The reason why they are so troubled is that they don't want humans who have not survived in the original number to encounter large-scale destruction this time.

No one knows whether humans will be killed after the Zak crisis erupts ...

After laboring out of the office building, he did not choose to take a car. Just striding forward but not fast, basically not much slower than driving in the city.

The Yu Yu behind him just followed silently. They are not ordinary people, and there is no problem with this speed.

As for Qin Lan, they seemed more relaxed. Along the way, the distance between them has always been consistent, such a strange behavior of a group of people, on the road have caused passers-by to watch.

Many people in the base city of Nanyue know about labor prayer and cymbals. In this case, everyone gave them a tacit understanding.

"Where do you want to go ..." After walking for ten minutes, I was not close to the office building where Li Yu had been. When I saw that Lao Qi still didn't stop, Li Yu said.

"Go to the station ..." Lao Peng slowed down, turned around, and looked at the Yu Yu who had stopped.

"Okay ..." Although she didn't know what kind of mentality Lao prayer was holding, she didn't doubt it after hearing Lao casually telling her destination. After all, she still believes in prayer.

"Looking at Yu Yu again, he walked in first, and Lao Qian's mouth moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something! But in the end he held back ...

Prayer turned his head back and moved again, actually a little faster.

After another acceleration, they took less than ten minutes to appear in front of a metal sheet similar to a factory building.


"Let's go ..." Seeing the complex expression of Yan Yu, Lao Qi smiled a little, this iron-clad house similar to the factory workshop is their residence.

"Okay ..." Yu Yu nodded subconsciously. She didn't know that the place where Lao Qin usually lived was here. She was a little confused and more complicated.

Prayer did not say anything, just pushed forward the iron door and went straight in.

Qin Lan followed them. It was also the first time that they were staying in prayer, and looked around as they walked.

"Captain, you are back… .." Soon, the pace of labor prayer stopped, and there were dozens of people standing in front of him. These people were of all ages. Qin Lan was no stranger to these people. His subordinate, more accurately, should be his brother.

Qin Lan knew the purpose of labor prayer. He wanted to bring Yu Yu with her, and let her take a look and see the changes of his brothers.

These brothers who labored to pray should have kept them here after trying the benefits of genetic medicine.

"Look at their changes ..." Labor prayed just nodded to his brothers and said to Yu Yu.

"They ..." Pu Yu looked a little puzzled, but still stepped forward, Pu Yu was no stranger to these people who labored and subordinated. They are a bunch of soldiers who are stronger than ordinary people.

She also had such a preconceived idea that she would be surprised by prayer in her, but when she stepped forward and locked her eyes on the brothers who prayed, her expression was dull.

When strength reaches a certain level. We can see the strength of people who are weaker than him, and Yu Yu has undoubtedly reached such a level. I have already recognized the brothers who prayed for labor, and they are clear about their strength. But now, she is confused. The strength of this group of brothers has actually improved significantly, although they are still not strong. However, the strength at the level of forty or fifty is no longer weak. Even in the most powerful team in Nanyue City, the average is about fifty. After all, the strength of fifty is already in an environment like the last days. I have life-saving strength ...

And what makes Yu Yu more incredible is. Among these brothers who prayed, more than one person actually reached or approached the 50th level, but all, a whole group ...

Hundreds or even hundreds of them had reached such a level, she couldn't calm down.

She knew what labor prayer asked him to see. Prayer has long known the strength of his brothers ...

"Is it related to Qin Lan and them?" Thinking of Lao Qi knowing that his brothers' strength has improved, Su Yu immediately thought of Qin Lan them. After all, before Qin Lan and they came to the base city of Nanyue, they were all so powerful Is ordinary. It is undoubtedly related to Qin Lan who can make such changes now. The thought of Yan Yu here is even more complicated.

Qin Lan and these people are very mysterious and powerful. Although she did not fight, but she couldn't see Qin Lan's strength when she was close to two hundred levels, she already thought that Qin Lan's strength was above her.

Overall, she is even more difficult to handle ...

"Is their strength beyond your expectations, and mine ..." Rao ’s expression remained calm, and Yu Yu ’s performance was in his expectation, so after seeing Yu Yu ’s questioning look, Luo Prayer spoke.

At the same time as speaking, the strength of labor prayer was not concealed.

The strength close to one hundred and twenty makes the momentum of labor prayer very strong.

“You… ..” Yu Yu has always ignored the strength of labor prayer, but the strength of labor prayer before a few heads did not break through the 100th level, but now, it has actually reached 120th level. Yu is speechless ...

"When is it so easy to improve your strength?" Xu Yu kept asking questions.

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"You haven't believed what they said, so I don't need to conceal you. Our strength is indeed only recently improved, and this method to quickly improve our strength comes from Qin Lan them ..." Yu was surprised and changed her expression constantly, and he smiled slightly. Such a change of Pu Yu undoubtedly shows that his purpose has been achieved.

"They ..." Although she had doubts for a long time, but after realizing that the method came from Qin Lan's mouth, she was still stunned.

"Yes, what helps us to improve our strength is something called a genetic potion ..." Lao Qi didn't know when he had added a lot of white liquid in his hand. While saying these words, his hand was shaking gently Akira ...

"Did you take it without any doubt?" Looking at this white liquid and the powerful function learned from Lao Qin's mouth, Li Yu's face became hard to look. She didn't know whether to pray for them.

Anything is dangerous, especially this kind of thing that can quickly improve its strength. Yu Yu can't imagine what would happen if this thing was poisonous ...

"I tried it myself, and they also reconciled themselves, and there was no problem at all ..." Lao Qi was not angry at the change of expressions like Qiu Yu. Qiu Yu was worried about them, but he prayed more in his heart. Clearly, there is no problem with these gene medicines. If Qin Lan has other purposes, they can use this to seduce people who are more powerful than them. Their role is much stronger than them ...

"You… .." Xu Yu was not relieved by the explanation of labor prayer, but was more skeptical of Qin Lan, so when the speech of labor prayer ended, she suddenly turned her head, glaring at Qin Lan and counting them, her eyes seemed to be A fire will blow out.

But the words have just been spoken. After she saw Qin Lan's calm expression, she stopped. From Qin Lan's calm expression, she was a little puzzled, was he thinking more. And Qin Lan ’s gene medicine for labor prayer is not a problem at all ...

"Yu Yu, I brought you here to tell you that Qin Lan is very powerful. If she needs a base city in Nanyue, she doesn't need any conspiracy. The tens of thousands of troops they camp in the base city of Nanyue will suffice. City, you do n’t need to use tactics like you think now. Poisoning or something…. ”Prayer is a little annoyed. Although all the things that Yu Yu is doing now are worried that he was cheated, it ’s not good to suspect anything. Is it, and is it poisonous? The question is clear on its own. He is not a child, and he has n’t seen anything before. After many lives and deaths, he knows people better than him.

"Ten thousands of teams?" Yan Yu's expression became a little pale, I don't know if it was because he heard tens of thousands of teams or he shouted loudly in prayer.

"Okay. I'll tell you the truth. The reason why we pray here for the South Guangdong Survivor Base City is not to want the South Guangdong Base City, but to be afraid that the South Guangdong Base City will be strong in the future. The opponent is vulnerable. Now the number of survivors of the entire Chinese returning home is not much. It would be a pity to die of millions more casually… .. Qin Lan knows the relationship between Lao Qi and Ji Yu . I'm afraid it's not good for them to keep talking.

Qin Lan decided to showdown ...

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"We are outside the base city of Nanyue, and the combat strength is no less than 40,000 people. Among these 40,000 people, the lowest strength is more than 100. Do you think we have to use conspiracy to have such strength? Qin Lan went on to say, but at this time Qi Yu was speechless.

Qin Lan's tone is very light, but it feels unbelievable, and what Qin Lan's words most shocked Yu Yu was the strength of the team members. Yu Yu couldn't imagine what the lowest level was above 100. concept….

"I'm surprised that no, in fact, the 40,000 combat effectiveness is not the most terrible, the most terrible is also our most confident. We have the power of science and technology, whether it is genetic research technology or weapons ..." Qin Lan didn't bother with Yu Yu's shock. Slightly speaking, it seemed that she didn't know how shocking her words seemed to Yan Yu.

"If you don't believe it, we can take you out of Nanyuan base city to see our team and our new weapons ..." Qin Lan continued.

"Okay, I'll go ....." Qi Yu gasped, his face flushed. After hearing Qin Lan's words again, he finally gritted his teeth and agreed, and he wanted evidence, if Qin Lan had just said these It was true, she believed it.

After all, if a team really has such a powerful force, there is no problem with the defense line in the base city of Nanyue, and Qin Lan will not be so boring and they consume time.

Now Yu Yu is taking evidence as the weight ...

Qin Lan seemed to see the thoughts in Jiu Yu's heart. After Qiu Yu agreed, Qin Lan did not speak any more, but turned her head smartly, and still went out calmly.

Qin Lan's footsteps are very physical, walking looks casual, but in fact, Qin Lan's speed is very fast, which is more than double the speed when he prays to labor, and this speed is even before the end of the world. One hundred meters of flying people can not surpass.

Qin Lan's expression was very calm, but labor prayer was a bit laborious. He could only run out of power if he wanted to keep up with this speed. After all, where is the difference in strength, and Yu Yu, although it looks much better than labor prayer, However, compared with the light and light wind of Qin Lan and others, they are much more embarrassed ...

At this speed, they and their team soon went to the base camp of Qin Lan's team except for the base city. When they arrived here, the prayers were inevitably panting, and Yu Yu's blush was red. Everyone knows that they are going all out. It was caused by circumstances, after all, in the second half, Yu Yu wanted to keep up with Qin Lan, and their outbreak of power in this way was very embarrassing.

The panty-sucking expression of Yu Yu was very depressed. He knew that Qin Lan was intentional, but she could not help it. The gap in strength was there. When she saw that Qin Lan still had no expression changes and her breathing was confused, she felt secretly Shocked, how powerful Qin Lan is, she dare not imagine ...

"Drink it ..." Xiaojun walked to Lao Peng's body and threw him a bottle of pink and pink gene medicine ~ www.readwn.com ~ to repair the gene.

The purpose of the army to repair the gene fairies for labor prayer is very simple. In addition to quickly recovering the power of labor prayer, it is also possible to show Yu Yu the power of genetic medicine, and the number of battles that labor prayer has experienced in this case The gene repair agent can repair the potential injuries and dark diseases in the body before labor prayer in a large situation, and further improve the physical fitness of labor prayer.

No longer have labor prayer as a small army of outsiders, etc. These things have helped labor prayer think long ago ...

Yan Yu ’s expression is a bit complicated. Some depressed soldiers only throw the genetic medicine to labor prayer, and at the same time, they are worried about whether labor prayer will be used. For the good, he didn't doubt whether the thing that Xiaojun threw to him this time was a good thing, just opened it and drank it ...

Feeling the feeling of warmth in the abdomen scattered to the body, he exhaled a breath ...

........................................ ..... (To be continued ...)

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