I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 477: Believed [Happy New Year]


It took less than a minute to drink the prayer of repairing genetic medicine, and the rapid breathing became stable, and the complexion that had become red because of excessive force returned to normal. m [Go to the novel ~]

This scene of Yu Yu completely looked at her, and it surprised her not only these, but labor prayer seemed to enjoy this time ...

"It feels great, as if the body is full of strength, and all the wounded areas have been restored ..." After a while, Lao Qi's eyes opened, and he smiled slightly at Qin Lan and said to them.

"Yes, this is a repair-type gene medicine. It can repair your injuries while restoring your physical strength ..." Xiao Jun nodded, and Prayer could understand that this repair-type gene medicine was used in labor Prayer is worth it ...

"Thank you ..." After hearing Xiaojun's explanation, Lao Qi's expression suddenly became joyful.

Xiaojun, they said easily, but for labor, they said that such a powerful function would undoubtedly give him a chance to be born again. In the last days of lack of medicine and medicine, he can cure the hidden diseases on his body, which is better than Nothing is happy.

Although it is said that humans in the last days will become strong, and the quality of powerful human bodies will become better, hidden diseases are hidden diseases. A strong physical quality does not mean that they can be fully cured. Normal attacks are okay, it would be difficult to say what would happen if they occurred instantly in combat,

Afraid to die is also disabled.

"Okay, let's go ..." Xiaojun said nothing, and he really felt nothing like this kind of hand-raised gesture. And now this repair type of gene medicine is not much different from ordinary gene medicine for them, especially if the gene medicine is sufficient ...

"Um ....." Prayer nodded, and now he feels better than before, in this case. Even if I run another lap, I'm afraid he's better than before ...

Looking at Lao Qi like this, he just calmed down the heartbeat and breathing of Yu Yu, his expression became more suspicious.

She prays for all the changes, but she looks at them all, but is the repairing genetic medicine so amazing? She didn't believe much, but after she didn't believe it, she believed a little. She knew the character of prayer and could not lie. Not to lie to him ...

With this entanglement of faith and unbelief, Yan Yu followed Qin Lan in a stiff expression.

But here, Qin Lan and they are no longer in a hurry to hurry, but slowly walked up like sightseeing.

What made Yu Yu even more unexpected was. The people who appeared around them were very respectful and greeted Qin Lan, and there were many people.

Looking at so many fighters, Yu Yu believed that Qin Lan had more than 40,000 soldiers, and what made Yu Yu even more unexpected was that the strength of these soldiers was ridiculously high. None of them is below the level of labor prayer, and their strength completely exceeds one hundred levels, and what makes Yu Yu even more unexpected is that among these fighters. From time to time, there are several strength breaths that are not weaker than her existence.

Feeling this kind of strength, Yan Yu's face has been dignified ...

"Labour prayers did not lie to him. What Qin Lan said was also the truth ..." As he walked all the way, Yu Yu's final expression was numb. [] Shocked, very shocked. Qin Lan's strength here is not what she can imagine, especially after seeing the strongest presence in the team, she no longer knows what words to use to describe her mood.

As the most powerful fighting force in the base city of Nanyue, she came to Qin Lan, and her strength was actually incomparable to the team members in the team. This huge psychological gap made Qin Lan's eyes stare ...

However, despite the physical and mental damage, Yu Yu is not without gain, at least by this time Yu Yu has determined that the prayer of labor did not lie to him.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"I don't know if you have come to believe what we said before?" After walking for a while, Qin Lan appeared in front of an energy-concentrating cannon, knowing that Yu Yu, who had been deeply shocked, should be in the mood now Very complicated….

"I want to see the so-called new weapons and equipment in your mouth ..." Yu Yu didn't answer. Although she had already counted it in her heart, she didn't plan to admit it so quickly. She needed time and wanted time to judge. Is it true that what you saw just now?

With this intention. For the first time, Yu Yu's shocked expression relaxed after coming to Qin Lan's camp.

"OK ..." Qin Lan nodded.

It had long been thought that Xu Yu might ask, otherwise, he would never bring Xu Yu over.

Qin Lan nodded and promised that while her hands were not idle, she also instructed Xiaojun to open the inlet of the energy-concentrating gun.

Xiao Jun, who had long understood Qin Lan's thoughts, had already begun when Qin Lan's words fell. Soon, Xiao Jun not only opened the fuel port, but also started.

When Xiaojun did these things, Qin Lan herself was not idle either. While waiting for the energy crystal to turn into an energy cannon, she began to look for the target. How powerful the energy-concentrating gun is after adding the energy crystal stone, Qin Lan knows, because of this reason, he needs to find a target, so that he can give Yu Yu a bigger surprise.

"Can you start?" After Xiaojun saw that the energy accumulating cannon had absorbed the energy crystal stone, Qin Lan turned her head and looked at the puzzled expression of Yu Yu.

The energy-concentrating gun really looks strange, except that the barrel is not straight, and there are a lot of things on it that seem to have no effect at all, he is frightened ...

"Yes ..." After Qin Lan asked his opinion, she nodded quickly.

"Begin… .." Qin Lan still smiled on her face, and now Yu Yu's calmness cannot be seen by her behavior. Qin Lan can be sure that after the bombardment of the energy-concentrating cannon, Yu Yu admitted … ..

After Qin Lan said the first two words, Xiaojun did not hesitate to force his fingers. While touching the keys in his hand, a white light quickly formed at the muzzle of the energy-concentrating gun. A strong and dangerous atmosphere changed the expressions of Yan Yu and Lao Qi, even if Lao Qi was the first time to see the energy-concentrating gun, it was so exaggerated.

But Yu Yu prayed that they hadn't had much time to think about. As the light at the muzzle became more and more dazzling, the dangerous breath made Yan Yu's pores tighten up and down. It seems that the muzzle of the energy-concentrating gun will be fired towards them in the next second ...


When Yu Yu looked at them in astonishment, Xiaojun ’s finger resting on the button moved again. At this time, the muzzle, which had already dazzled with white light, expanded again. Points, and Yu Yu they looked at this situation, inadvertently moved a few steps back. [Read the novel ~]

"Fa… .." After knowing that time was almost there, Qin Lan's voice sounded ...

With Qin Lan's voice falling, Xiaojun also did not hesitate to force his fingers.

No violent explosion. Nor was there a huge backlash, and what Yu Yu and Laozhu saw was just a dazzling light getting farther and farther away from them.

After Bai Guang and them got farther and farther from Yu Yu, they almost hit the same building in the same second before Qin Lan chose to be the test target building, a building that looked like a rotten tail building before the last days.

"Boom ..." A loud noise finally broke out after the white light hit the rotten building. With a loud noise, this 14-five-story building collapsed in an instant ...

"This ....." Looking at this power and the speed of light, Qi Yu finally knew why Qin Lan had been so confident. If she also had such a powerful weapon, no one would be afraid.

"Do you need to have another shot?" Qin Lan turned her head to see the stern expression on Yu Yu's mouth. She asked with a smile.

"No need, I believe ..." Qi Yu understood what Qin Lan was laughing, and waved her hand a little awkwardly. Such a powerful weapon is enough to prove that what Qin Lan and Lao Qi said before were true. After confirming such a point, it was her fault to say anything else. But one thing that Yu Yu hasn't been able to understand is, what is Qin Lan's purpose? Are there really unselfish humans like Qin Lan in the last days?

Yan Yu wants to believe. But she could n’t believe it. After seeing too many people, she remained skeptical ...

However, it is unlikely that Qin Lan has other purposes. After all, a base city only needs a lot of energy to take care of it.

If the base city wants to exist in an environment like the last days, in addition to a certain amount of combat power, it must maintain sufficient food supply. Otherwise, no matter how strong your guard is, in the face of food shortage, it will soon It fell apart.

In addition to food supply, it is human greed and degeneration.

In base cities, although the crimes such as murder and robbery are expressly prohibited, it is not known how much this kind of thing happens in places where the base city guards cannot see.

Like Yan Yu, what they can do is reduce as much as possible.

After all, among the survivors of the last days, powerful human beings are not in the minority. Many times, even the guards of the base city see and can't help it ...

That is to say, knowing this situation, Yu Yu was a little disappointed with humans, and also doubted Qin Lan's purpose.


Qi Yu, with a very abnormal expression, was prayed to take Qin Lan together with Qin Lan and abandoned it. It was recently developed by Qin Lan's team to temporarily serve as a command center.

"We hope you believe that we have no interest in the power of Nanyue base city or anything, we still say that, what we don't want to see is that in the future, Nanyue base city will be destroyed once ..." Sit down Later, Qin Lan said in a serious tone. She Yu now believes it, and she will mention it again. If Yu Yu does not believe this time, she will give up, although it is a pity that a few million people at a time, especially In an environment like the last days, but without these millions of people, they can also make things such as supplies, weapons and equipment more concentrated, and better improve the strength of other survivors. By comparison, the difference is not particularly large. … ..

"Why do you keep saying that the base city of Nanyue will be ruined in the future?" This is not the first time that Qin Lan has heard these words from Yu Yu. She was quite puzzled by the meaning of this sentence.

Although the fighting power of the base city of Nanyue is not particularly strong from the last days to the present, it is definitely not weak. It may be possible to exist to this day, but since Qin Lan's appearance these days, one of the words she heard the most is that the base city of Nanyue will be destroyed once.

Are zombie mutants powerful, aren't they? In Yu Yu's opinion, what is the present, the future is still the same ...

No! It should be said that this is the case, the future will be better, after all, in the recent period of time. Humans have been faintly victorious against zombie mutants. With this momentum, with the strong adaptability of humans, it is inevitable that the future will be better.

It is impossible to do what Qin Lan said. The base city of Nanyue will be destroyed once ...

In Yu Yu's opinion, Qin Lan was just alarmist ...

"You shouldn't know that besides zombies and mutated creatures on this earth, there is a third thing that can threaten humans, and there is something more powerful than mutated zombies, right?" Qin Lan wasn't because of direct questions such as Yu Yu There is a big change in expression.

Su Yu will doubt that she is a qualified leader.

"Third ..." Qin Lan's tone was very bland, so bland that she was a little surprised. But compared to Qin Lan's expression, Qin Lan's words are even more shocking.

"Zak, a creature that does not belong to the earth ..." Qin Lan asked Xiaojun to bring a notebook and opened it. Qin Lan pointed at the video above and said.

"Creatures that do not belong to the earth ..." Qi Yu looked at the battle scene playing on the laptop screen, and she was speechless. This is a video of the fight, although not particularly high definition. But you can see clearly ...

Looking at the strange creature in the video, Yu Yu was shocked. She understood what Qin Lan wanted to say ...

"The humans inside are our companions, and this video was taken a few months ago. At that time, the level of this mutant creature was 250 ...." Qin Lan nodded, pointing his finger at the screen still full of shock. The fight said.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Qin Lan, Ling Ya, and Xiao Jun explained the information and information about the Zak people one by one. At the end, Lao Qi and Yu Yu were completely stunned. They did not expect such an alien creature. Existence, and under Qin Lan ’s so detailed introduction, they no longer doubt Qin Lan ’s other purpose, but it ’s hard to say if it really exists in the Zak ...

Xu Yu wanted to doubt, but thinking of Qin Lan they could say so detailed and clear, and after Qin Lan had given them for no purpose, she finally chose to believe.

This choice is undoubtedly very happy, and as Yu Yu chooses to believe, Qin Lan intends to give full support, such as the method of extracting genetic agents, and at the same time, Qin Lan can also send Yu Yu to Shanghai base city to learn new weapons Manufacturing method, or she can visit it herself. ,

After all, it is not troublesome for one or several people to want to go from Shanghai base city to Nanyue base city. A small energy transport vehicle can be used for a few hours ...

And under consideration, Yan Yu also drank a bottle of genetic medicine under the encouragement of labor prayer and experienced it for herself.

"This thing for you, you should be able to use their power with your strength ..." While Yu Yu was still intoxicated by the pleasure brought by the gene potion, Qin Lan took out two black suits of war armor, and also There are two red swords and one black sword ...

"These are…." Seeing this, Lao Pian felt a little familiar, and soon he remembered that these things were not Qin Lan's soldiers wearing the most combat uniforms? Compared to the armor set, the two red and black swords that make labor prayer more eye-catching are the red sword and the black sword. After they went out with Qin Lan today, he knew the power of this sword, and those mutant creatures with amazing defense were in these sword There is not much difference between the front and the tofu ...

Although it is said that Qin Lan's strength is strong, but weapon preparation is also essential ...

"The role of the armor set is defense. Attacks below level 250 can be ignored. Heifeng's attack power is level 200. It is just appropriate to use your current strength, and the red sword is called Blood Soul and Feather. Its strength is more suitable. It can basically break through the 250-level defense. Even if it meets ordinary Zak people, it does not have the strength of World War I. "Qin Lan explained.


After listening to what Qin Lan said ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yu Yu, their heart that had been calmed down has been re-mobilized, and they understand what this kind of thing represents, such as the armor set, in many cases Represents the second life.

"Did you make these things?" Without hesitation, Lao Qi and Yu Yu immediately put on the armor suit. The thick feeling made them unable to pull out their original weapons and cut a few knives. There was no trace of the armor set left, and they were surprised to speak ...

"Yes ..." Qin Lan did not deny.

When they saw Qin Lan, they nodded, and Yu Yu suddenly realized how skeptical she was about Qin Lan before. It seemed that what they had taken out casually was like a treasure in their eyes, and they would treat her like this. Do you see a base city?

After understanding this, while knowing that Qin Lan would leave soon, he decided to follow them and go to the base city of Shanghai to see ...

……………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( an.) To vote for referrals and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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