"Finally returned to the Shanghai base city. After so many days, I can always rest assured ..." On a sunny day, the Shanghai base city ushered in the most lively day after the last days, the Shanghai base city The number of survivors has finally broken a million. m [Go to the novel ~]

Although it is impossible to return to the intensive level before the end of the world, as long as millions of forces can be converted into combat power, Fang Chong is very confident in the future, but can they not meet their expectations, or It is difficult to say whether the Croats are willing to give them this time.

However, before the Zak ethnic group broke out on a large scale, Fang Chong had all their chances and Fang Chong had confidence.

"Now the entire Shanghai Stock Exchange and the surrounding area have been completely cleared out, we can just place survivors without worrying about being attacked by zombies or mutant creatures ..." Hearing Huang Qianchuan said, Song Ming introduced For several months, he was in charge of the Shanghai base city. In addition to taking care of ordinary affairs, the rest of his time was not wasted.

One of the key points of Song Ming's work is to clean up the zombies in Shanghai and the surrounding areas, including mutants ...

In addition to eliminating some factors of instability in the Shanghai base city, this task also provides some people with low-strength opportunities for practical combat. He did not miss a few things.

And with the weapons research, the child and Ye Lao made another breakthrough, and now an amazing number of detectors have been installed in areas outside the Shanghai city center ...

This detector is not bulky. But each can cover a full area of ​​200 square meters. The biggest function of this kind of detector is reflected in the defense, as long as there are zombies or mutants in the range of the detector, it can send information to the command center. Let the center staff know that there is an enemy invasion ...

The birth of this kind of detector can reduce the waste of manpower and material resources to a great extent, and there is no need to build a large-scale defense wall. Fighting power ...

It is because of the existence of something like a detector that the entire Shanghai base city can expand and expand again.

of course. Even in the future, this kind of detector can play a lot of functions.

"By the way, Song Ming set out with you, who is in charge of the base city, is it possible that Qin Lan is back?" Huang Qianchuan nodded. He found a problem.

"No, Qin Lan has no news for the time being. No one knows what happened, but there should be no problem. Otherwise, they would have asked for help ..." Fang Chong was reminded of Qin Lan by Huang Qianchuan. Haven't returned yet, to be honest, Fang Chong hasn't seen Qin Lan for almost half a month now, and thought of it here. He was a little worried ...

"It ’s not Qin Lan, who is that? What new genius appears in the base city?" Huang Qianchuan didn't expect Fang Chong to answer this, but who would it be except Qin Lan? High-level officials like Huangqianchuan who have absolute power in the Shanghai base city, of course, know very well what people are in the Shanghai base city now.

Talents similar to those in power, except Qin Lan, are more qualified than himself. Compared with some people who can not be trusted, it is impossible to put the Shanghai base market into their hands. 【】 【】

Competency says that they are not afraid of being taken away by their strength, but once they are really taken away, they want to get them back. The bloodshed will definitely happen. Such a scene is not what they want to see ...

"You'll know when you see it ..." Fang Chonghua pulled his mouth back and looked at Huang Qianchuan's curious expression.

Looking at Fang Chong like this, Huang Qianchuan was depressed, but Fang Chong had no choice but to follow them and walk inside ...


"Uncle Makino ..." Finally. With great curiosity, he entered the most central government building in the base city of Shanghai, and Huang Qianchuan finally saw the person in power in Shanghai. Is he the familiar Makino Commander? After seeing the commander of Makino, Huang Qianchuan's expression was a little stunned.

The accident was very unexpected. Huang Qianchuan came all the way and had many ideas, but he didn't think about Commander Makino. The accident only happened ...

At the moment when he saw Commander Makino, all the puzzles before Huang Qianchuan were clear. Only Commander Makino could give the vacancy to take over from Song Ming, and only Commander Makino Fang Chong would dare to rest assured ...

"Oh, Qianchuan is back?" After Commander Makino heard Huang Qianchuan's voice, he put down the workstation at hand and stood up.

"Uncle Makino, why are you here in Shanghai Base City?" After hearing the words of the commander of Makino, Huang Qianchuan rushed to God from surprise. Huang Qianchuan's expression at this meeting was very rich, and he was surprised and happy.

He originally planned to wait two days for free. He could talk to Fang Chong and see if he could know something about the base city of Kyoto from the mouth of Huanghe Muge.

Kyoto base city still has a lot of different feelings for him, special commander in chief, that exists like his father.

Although he never called his father, Huang Qianchuan never denied it.

He has his pride ...

"Fang Chong and they said that the Shanghai base city needs manpower here, and I will come here, and you are welcome too?" The commander of Makino smiled slightly and motioned Huang Qianchuan to sit down with him on the sofa ...

"Welcome, welcome, of course. With our uncle here, we don't need to worry about the rear of the Shanghai base city ..." Huang Qianchuan knows that Commander Makino is joking, but what he said is also true. Commander Makino Experience and systematic training are not comparable to those of monks like Qin Lan or Song Ming.

As long as the Makino commander has enough staff, Shanghai must be as defensive as the iron base ...

"Let's not be hurt ..." and Huang Qianchuan greeted after a while. Commander Makino's expression slowly became serious. It's time for business ...

"It's not a big injury. It's been a long time ....." I know that Commander Makino is from a heart relationship, and Huang Qianchuan did not hide it. Huang Qianchuan knows the relationship between Commander Makino and the Grand Commander. If they do n’t have much respect, now calling Uncle Makino is completely from the heart ...

Speaking of injuries, Huang Qianchuan also has quite fresh memories, and the large-scale 蜈蚣 Zack's attacking power still makes him feel scared. [Read the novel ~]

But now if he meets again, 蜈蚣 Zack will not be his opponent, his strength after taking the super large 蜈蚣 Zack's genetic medicine. Both in terms of strength and speed have been further improved. These were also unexpected to him before. Now his strength is very close to the end of the 300th level. If there is another mutant mutant Beastmaster with more powerful existence, or It has evolved the Zak people. He broke through four hundred levels and was watching ...

"That's good. In the last days, protecting yourself is the most important ..." Although Emperor Qianqian said it lightly, but the commander of Makino knew that the situation must be dangerous at that time, and his opponent must be strong. Strength, including Fang Chong them, Commander Makino already knew the way when he came.

In addition to his surprise, he also has a lot of worries, the stronger the so-called ability. The greater the responsibility, this is not a joke, just like now, no matter Huang Qianchuan or Fang Chong them, they have had to step on the stage of the times, this kind of things can not be avoided ...

Unless they don't want to survive, they have to fight ...


In the next short period of time, Huang Qianchuan and Fang Chong and the commander of Makino had an in-depth conversation. Of course, the content has a great relationship with the future development of Shanghai base cities.

In other words, it has a profound impact on the future of the entire China region.

Before the Zak people broke out. Human beings can have enough upper hand, and the commander of Makino means that during the period when the Zak people have not appeared, human beings must seize the time to improve their own strength, and also set up several large-scale survivor base cities to become iron. Barrels exist to accommodate the large-scale outbreak of the Zak people.

There are many types of Zak people. Abilities and methods of attack are very different, and that situation is not something humans can adapt to at once.

The strong defensive base city defense can undoubtedly give humans a certain buffer time. With human adaptation, once there is a buffering time, and with the strong potential of human beings, under high pressure, the outbreak should not be a problem.

For now, humans should have ceased to exist due to the strength and quantity of zombies and mutant creatures, but as a result, not only do humans exist well on the earth, but now they have stabilized. Zombies and mutated creatures, humans survived ten or dozens or hundreds of times mutated creatures and zombies ...

And this advantage will become more apparent over time.

But in the future, can this miracle also happen to the upper Zak people? The commander of Makino did not know, Huang Qianchuan did not know, Fang Chong also did not know, they now only know that they must do their best to unite the humans in Huaxia. Is huge.

In the future, they will not be defeated in the face of the Zak.

"Unity is not a problem now. Although we have gone hard, the gains are still huge ..." Huang Qianchuan listened to the commander of Makino, and he agreed with it. In fact, long before the commander of Makino came to the Shanghai base city Fang Chong already said similar thoughts to them, but no Makino commander said so carefully.

Otherwise, he and Li Yunyu Murongxue will not take tens of thousands of people to venture to the western base city.

Qin Lan and Ling Yajun will not go to the base city of Nanyue.

"They have accepted the cooperation suggestions put forward by our Shanghai base city. The most important thing is that they are excited. We are strong enough to attract them. Now I do n’t know how Qin Lan is doing with them. As long as they are smooth, the whole China can say Most of them are united ... "Huang Qianchuan continued.

"It's best to be able to do this, but now you are talking about large base cities, how much do you know about small base cities or survivor camps?" Commander Makino nodded. There are now five large survivor base cities. The number of survivors in each of the five base cities has exceeded one million, between one million and one million.

The five survivor base cities are Kyoto base city, Jiangnan base city, Shanghai base city, Nanyue base city and western base city. Except for Jiangnan base city and Shanghai base city not far apart, the remaining three base cities are It feels a little bit north-south, in three different locations in China.

"I don't know, there should be a lot, and those small survivor camps. The number of survivors combined should not be lower than the five major base cities, after all, China is very large ..." Fang Chong shook his head, and the commander of Makino asked this question Difficult to do.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

But after speaking, Fang Chong's eyes lit up. He thought of the Mayan system.

They want to inform all the survivors of the Huaxia base city that it is not impossible to mobilize. The Maya system can control the satellite system before the promotion, let alone after the promotion.

As long as the Maya system can control a new artificial satellite, they can easily tell other small survivor camps throughout China to know that there are five major base cities through the satellite system, and tell them something about the current situation in China. The situation of human survivors, plus the situation of the Zachs in the future.

At the same time, they can choose to stick to the camp or join the five base cities.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's confidence is greatly increased, everything is better than they had imagined before.

"In the end, we ignored the important role of this satellite, but of course the premise is that the connection controls them ..." Hearing Fang Chong mentioned the artificial satellite. Commander Makino has a look of surprise. From his expression, it is not difficult to see that artificial satellites are ignored by them. In fact, many people ignore artificial satellites. After all, to control artificial satellites, they need to go to the aerospace center, and this secret Many people do n’t know where it is located, and in this case, it is not worth it to launch the survivors to find it.

After all, it is impossible for him to be against the sky like Fang Chong, and to possess such artifacts as Maya now ...

"We can try as much as possible, and success is the best. If it is not successful, we can think of other ways ..." Although Fang Chongxin had great confidence in it, but before the Maya system fully woke up, Fang Chong I'm afraid that others will be disappointed.

"Well ..." I heard Fang Chong say so. Commander Makino and Huang Qianchuan nodded, and they understood Fang Chong ...

"Okay. Uncle Makino, you are busy with what you have on hand. Millions of people have entered the Shanghai base city. We need to go out and see if we can help ..." Fang Chong saw that the matter had been almost discussed, He said.

"Okay, you guys, as long as the survivors are settled, we have no shortage of resources and food here in Shanghai base city, there is no need to worry about confusion these problems ..." Commander Makino nodded, if he did not need his own solution There are so many things, he is a little impulsive and Fang Chong them, these young people go crazy for a while ...

"Understand ..." Fang Chong nodded and left.

The reason why dare to bring millions of people back, Fang Chong did not worry about food.

With the in-depth exchanges between the two base cities of Shanghai Base City and Jiangnan Base City, all the available farmland from Shanghai Base City to Jiangnan Base City now has mutant rice that has been planted. With high yields and short harvest time, this rice can fundamentally solve human future food.


"The two of you really plan to take a look at Shanghai base city with us?" On a sunny morning, in front of the base city of Nanyue, Nanyue Province, Qin Lan's tens of thousands of teams have gathered together.

Before the team set off, Qin Lan looked at the labor prayers next to him and Yan Yu seriously said that although he had invited both of them before, but if they had left, wouldn't the base city of Nanyue be without the backbone?

"Be sure to go. We need to see how your base city is established. After we have to learn, powerful technology must not be lacking ..." Xu Yu nodded very seriously, but her eyes caught Lao Praying little love shows that she stretched out one hand, and leaned against the waist of labor prayer ...

With painful hoarse and grinning prayers, there is no way but to compliment ~ www.readwn.com ~ According to labor prayers, there is no big relationship between going and not going, and Qin Lan will arrange them well.

However, it seems to be a good trip in the last days ...

"Okay, let's do it together ..." Qin Lan looked at them like this and knew that their relationship should have changed dramatically in the recent period of time. Otherwise, this kind of intimate action between lovers is done. Not coming out ...

It ’s been a long time since I left the Shanghai base city, and when I went back, although Qin Lan and Ling Ya did n’t say anything on the lips, they actually turned back to their hearts. After the team started, they moved forward quickly ...

It ’s a lot easier to go back than when you came. The road is the one you ’ve walked through before. Various obstacles are cleared when you come.

After spending two days, Qin Lan and they finally saw what the Shanghai base city looks like ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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