I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 481: Authority and redemption power

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"Maya you ..." Looking at Maya's black pupils, Fang Chong's expression was no longer calm, and those watery eyes seemed to be able to speak. Rao, who is familiar with beautiful women, also stammered ...

Maya is beautiful, and Chong cannot pick out a few flaws from top to bottom ...

Fang Chong's face is beautiful, so beautiful that it makes Fang Chong have a sense of suffocation. Although he knows that it is easy to be fascinated, Fang Chong has to stare into Maya's eyes. Fang Chong knows that if the eyes are down, the full mountains will red. m naked in front of his eyes.

Although Maya is just a system, Maya is very human. Fang Chong still knows this, and Fang Chong has always regarded the Maya system as a friend, and he still understands the term of rudeness ...

"Oh, why is your face so red?" Maya raised her lips slightly, and a beautiful arc appeared on Maya's face. She smiled ...

"Uh ....." Fang Chong was speechless. He didn't know if Maya really didn't know it or did it on purpose. She asked it knowingly, but Fang Chong had to admit that Maya was very tempting, especially her current voice. Although There is still not much change, but the face is clear, the sound that makes people crunch into the bones, plus her tender and watery expression, the lethality is infinitely enlarged ...

"It's okay, it's a bit hot in this space ..." Fang Chong's expression was a little awkward, but Maya didn't know it, so he followed his meaning ...

"Will it be hot inside? And the host is just a virtual existence now. How can I feel ..." Maya heard Fang Chong's words. She took a step towards Fang Chong and crooked her head. She looked naive and asked ...

"Oh, I don't know about this, let's not talk about this topic, let's talk about your upgraded situation ..." Fang Chong ignored it a bit, but as a human being and a more active human, Fang Chong Huyou's Kung Fu was not bad either, and quickly changed the subject.

Although the wisdom of Maya is not weaker than the existence of human beings, they have to think as much as human beings. It is impossible to think about so many messy things. When Fang Chong changed the topic so much, she didn't insist anymore ...

Just nodded ...


"Maya, after you successfully upgraded. Why does it become like this now ..." Fang Chong was relieved. Although Maya is smart, compared to Qin Lan, they are still better off ....

However, although it is said to be flickering, Fang Chong does have a lot of questions to ask the Maya system, just to ease the embarrassment, ahead of time ...

"Do you talk about the body?" Maya pointed to herself, her expression slightly puzzled.

"That's right ..." Fang Chong nodded, but the arc was not too large, and he was afraid that he might look down unconsciously with an accidental eye. Thinking of those two points just now, Fang Chong's determination force was much worse, and then he managed to resume a smooth breath and suddenly started to rush again ...

Fang Chong is depressed! Let such a stunner stand in front of him alive, and he actually pretends to be a gentleman. Isn't this a living suffering? You know he's a man, a very man like ...

"Isn't this good-looking?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, Maya twisted her body slightly and lowered her head to look at her body.

"Good-looking, good-looking. It's just ..." Fang Chong's annoyance, such a Maya really didn't know what to say yesterday ...

"Just what?" Seeing that Fang Chong was closed, the muscles on his face were twitching, she took another step ...

Fang Chong could hear the voice, and he knew that Maya was one step closer to him. He could even smell the aroma from Maya ...

"It's just that you can find a piece of clothes to put on. Now we don't speak well like this ..." Fang Chong finally couldn't hold back. If Maya continues like this, it will be difficult for him to keep his spirit from breaking down ...

"Clothes ..." Maya showed a lovely smile, as if Fang Chong said that the words "clothes" reminded her of something ...

"Yes, find clothes to put on. If you like to become human, you need to have human habits ..." Fang Chong did not dare nod, Maya is so close to him now, if he does not keep staring at Maya's eyes If you do, your eyes will always move down inadvertently. When you see it, some children are not suitable ...

"The host is impulsive?" Maya's eyes, who seemed to be discharging, blinked slightly.

"Uh ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Maya even knew the three words "impulsive". He didn't know what to say. Maya now had an innocent and innocent expression, but in Fang Chong's view, he always It is suspected that Maya was pretending.

In Fang Chong's understanding, Maya is very clever. Since she is not inferior to humans, how could she not even understand such simple things. Thinking of this, as long as Maya is not a degraded intelligent system, it is impossible not to know these. The more I think Maya is pretending ...

As for the purpose of Maya doing this? Fang Chong didn't know if it was because he liked to play.


It may be that after being seen by Fang Chong, Maya smiled slightly and did not let Fang Chong be depressed. After a stream of light appeared on her, her fair skin like goat fat was once green, like silk ornaments. Cover.

Although there is still a large seductive skin exposed outside, but compared to the completely red, naked, much better ...

Seeing that Maya finally listened to his words, Fang Chong was relieved for this, and his eyes no longer needed to widen like a cross-eye ...

At this time, Fang Chong was able to be sure that Maya had deliberately just teased him ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong shook his head helplessly, he seemed destined to be teased by a woman ...

"Okay. Host. Maya is just a joke, don't be angry, let alone your men are the favorite to see the naked, naked women?" Maya waited for a while before seeing Fang Chong, she asked; one sentence, she I thought Fang Chong was angry ...

"And my body is in your aesthetic sense, should be considered good ..." said Maya with a little grievance.

"Okay, I'm not angry, but don't do this kind of boring behavior in the future, will it be so fun to tease me?" Fang Chong originally intended to explode. But when everything was still being said, Maya actually preempted and was told by her, and Fang Chong said something else. It seems that he has a chicken belly ...

Although unwilling, but seeing Maya's sincere appearance now, he could only nod.

Maya is too clever, but Fang Chong has learned today.

If it weren't for his doubts, he might have been turned around by the Maya system.

However, although Maya loves to be funny, Fang Chong is also very fortunate to encounter the Maya system. Otherwise, it is difficult to stand on such an opponent ...

When Fang Chong thought about this, Maya gently spit out his tongue, and he could see the changes on Fang Chong's face. Fang Chong was not angry.

"Okay, now we don't mention these anymore, let's talk about it now, and talk about the place where you have changed the most since the upgrade was successful ..." Looking at Maya's smile now, Fang Chongda felt good from his heart ...


"The biggest change?" Knowing that Fang Chong cares about this now, and also knows that her mission is this, Maya started thinking after thinking about it.

"The ability to detect Zak has improved, and with the increase of your strength as a host, there are a lot more open functions ..."

"What is the specific function?" Fang Chong continued to ask, and he probably guessed what Maya said now. But he didn't know the specific, and the specific is the most important ...

"Permission, and power to redeem ..." Maya said.

"Authority?" Fang Chong didn't understand. What is the authority and the power of exchange? Didn't he see all the convertible things in the exchange space before?

Fang Chong suddenly became curious ...

"In the exchange space inside the system. Some of them are restricted, that is, they cannot be exchanged outside the life of the Maya galaxy. But this time the system was upgraded, this restriction was lifted, but I do n’t know if it is good news or bad news ... . "Maya looked at Fang Chong with curiosity and looked calmly.

For the opening of this permission, it is difficult to say whether it is good or bad ...

"How do you say that?" Fang Chong frowned slightly. Maya's worries were like he hadn't thought of before.

"Within the limits of authority, the power of many weapons and equipment is much greater than that without limits of authority. Most of them are the most advanced and advanced weapon preparations in the Maya galaxy, and such permissions are turned on. I will not Do you know if it is an omen, now that the Zak or other creatures on the planet Earth are beyond the scope of being afraid of ordinary weapons? ”Maya expressed the worry in her heart, and the reason she can think of is also Only this one, it is impossible to open the authority arbitrarily ...

"Is there any reason for this?" Fang Chong's expression became dignified after hearing Maya's concerns.

Although I do n’t know if Maya ’s worry is justified, but with Maya ’s personality, it ’s a joke when she ’s joking. Now she ’s saying she has no reason to joke….

Moreover, recent developments have been smooth sailing, and Fang Chong found that he had a bit of care ...

"I don't know, I also guess that there is such a possibility, but the Zak are a terrible and fast-evolving creature. As long as they exist on the planet Earth, these accidents may occur. ..... "Maya shook her head, he wasn't sure.

She didn't intend to say these things, after all, it is very likely that speaking out will affect Fang Chong's thoughts.

But this is not a trivial matter. Instead of being caught off guard by the Zak or other powerful creatures, it is better to take precautions now, and the blow will be blown. Fang Chong's character is a bit like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed ...

This blow should not be afraid ...

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"The Zak people are terrible. And there should be a lot of them. But I believe that we humans will one day drive the Zak people out of the earth ..." Fang Chong nodded, he could not deny the Zak people. powerful,

"I will try to help the host ..." Maya also raised her face and clenched her little hands.

"Hehe ..." Fang Chong laughed and looked at the cute look of Maya. He threw all his concerns out of Jiu Xiaoyun and chatted with the upgraded Maya. Fang Chong found it to be a treat ...

He enjoyed this feeling very much and was very warm. Very motivated.

Moreover, Fang Chong had an illusion. After Maya was upgraded, he seemed to understand him better. Many times he thought about it. Maya always guesses all at once?

Fang Chong is a little puzzled. It stands to reason that even if science and technology progress, it is impossible to produce such an idea that can gain insight into the activities of human beings? Otherwise, it would be too bad ...

But think of it this way, Fang Chong is still skeptical ...

"Will the host go and see what can be exchanged after the permission is turned on?" Maya asked, and she could see that Fang Chong's complex mental activities are now ...

The cause of Fang Chong's entanglement, Maya also knows, to a large extent, from what she said just now, so she thought about the exchange space, especially after the permission was turned on. What are those things? She didn't know that since she had consciousness, no host needed to enable this permission, Fang Chong was the first.

In other words, this time is Fang Chong's first time, and it is also her first time as a beautiful system. The combination should be very sensible ...

"Yes, of course? Fools don't want to… .." Fang Chong Fang Chong said affirmatively, Maya said it ridiculously, don't go and see. Isn't it a big loss?

"Okay, then together, this is my first time, very excited ..." Maya looked at Fang Chong's excited look, she couldn't help it.

"First time?" Fang Chong's expression was a little stunned. Listening to a beautiful woman saying such a thing for the first time, although I know what it means. But he still wanted to get into trouble ....

"Host you want to crook again ..." Maya blushed this time ...


Fang Chong also made a big red face after being sent by Maya. Maya didn't wrong him, he really wanted to crook. In the end, Fang Chong entered the redemption space with embarrassment ...

As for Maya, although it was quite embarrassing just now, she thought Fang Chong had a red face than her, so she wanted to laugh and was very satisfied. It seemed that she was happy to see Fang Chong ...

But after entering the redemption space, Maya's expression gradually became dignified, and she had no smile ...

As a system, it is absolutely not allowed to make mistakes, let alone jokes, if you are not serious ...

After watching Maya's serious expression, Fang Chong's heart calmed down ...

Originally, it was not necessary to be serious about the exchange of things, but Fang Chong was afraid of disturbing Maya's procedures, so Fang Chong also kept quiet and waited for Maya's manipulation ...

Different from the previous exchange, after a light screen appeared in front of Fang Chong, Maya did not control it as before. She listed the convertible things herself, but stretched out her ten long fingers to imagine the virtual light. Operation on the screen is fast ...

However, what Maya entered was a kind of text-like existence, but what kind of text Fang Chong knew, it looked like a very strange symbol. Fang Chong did not know where the text was, in short, it was not Chinese. Not English anymore ...

Although a little curious, after seeing Maya's serious expression, Fang Chong did not bother to talk, but looked at it quietly ...

The speed of Maya's finger movement was very fast, and Fang Chong's eyesight was a little difficult to count the number of times she hit ...

After about a minute or so of beating, Maya stopped and let out a sigh of relief, her expression relieved.

Looking at Maya like this, Fang Chong understands a bit. When I hit those unknown words just now, one of the conditions needed was one in one go? Otherwise, it would be impossible for a person illusioned by the system to feel tired ...

Knowing that this was a more demanding condition, Fang Chong was even more anticipating the preparation of the weapon at hand.

If things are common, such complicated actions will not be used at all ...

The Maya system's ability to achieve such an open permission should also have a lot to do with the Maya galaxy hating the Zak people?

"Is it open?" Maya suddenly turned around and asked when Fang Chong guessed the reason ...

"Enable ..." Fang Chong nodded, although the procedure of this inquiry was depressed, but it was impossible to skip it.

Maya could see Fang Chong's speechlessness ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then she didn't talk anymore, and she could save as little as possible ...

As for the light curtain in front of them, after Fang Chong opened the two words, the light curtain kept changing, and at the same time, many texts similar to the Mayan input symbol appeared ...

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"Ding ......" After getting all the strange symbols covering the whole light curtain, a crisp sound suddenly sounded, and the original bright screen suddenly darkened, and Fang Chong's eyes were attracted by this change. Now, watching intently, staring ...

what is it? What will happen

Fang Chong is looking forward to everything I see next ...

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