I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 482: Star Fortress


Fang Chong stared motionlessly at the light curtain. He was looking forward to everything he saw next. He didn't know what it was, but he hoped that the weapons and equipment that would appear on the 'light curtain' would be enough to deal with the future. Zak ...

With such expectations, Fang Chong's expression was tense ...

"What would it be?" Fang Chong had clenched his hands inadvertently.

At this time, the light curtain is in Fang Chong's infinite expectations, those ‘unknown’ characters have disappeared, and the image Fang Chong ’s expectations have appeared ...

Appearing at the top of the light curtain is a picture, yes, a picture with a very 'cluttered' picture.

Fang Chong stared at this picture with a doubtful expression. The appearance of the picture surprised Fang Chong, which was very different from the weapon he imagined.

"Zoom out of the 'Starry Sky Fortress' ..." Maya saw Fang Chong's doubts and puzzlements, and she herself was slightly surprised.

'Starry Fortress' is an absolute must-have weapon against Zak in the 'Mayan civilization'. Simply put, it is a 'floating' fortress in the sky, which is a war machine that integrates flight, force and attack and defense, except for Starry Fortress. In addition to the domineering name, more Mayan galaxies prefer to call it Zach 'buster' ...

Encountering the "Star Fortress" is the absolute "nightmare" of the Zak. In the Mayan civilization, the "Star Fortress" is said to be an absolute main force against the Zak ...

"Then what do you mean by narrowing down?" Fang Chong did not think of it. This messy-looking picture has such a large history. Fang Chong is not surprised, but what makes him even more confused is why Maya added a 'small' word when he said this ...

"'Starry Sky Fortress' is huge in size and only produced a limited amount with the strength of 'Mayan civilization.' If you want to create one based on the current earth technology, you may not be able to find the ore to make it if you dig the earth. Can you reduce the size? ”Maya said angrily, Fang Chong was sometimes very clever. But sometimes it's stupid ...

"Uh ....." Looking at Maya's glanced glance, Fang Chong looked depressed again, but he couldn't refute it, he didn't really think of it ...

"So how powerful is this small 'Starry Sky Fortress' ..." Fang Chong has understood. So he didn't and didn't talk about those problems. Then again, the situation is the same ...

"If it can be made successfully, I don't need to say how big a role a flying 'fortress' can play on this planet of the planet?" Maya gave an example ...

"A 'moving fortress' that can fly in the earth's atmosphere?" Fang Chong imagined in the direction described by Maya, and soon his expression became unnatural, and Qin Lan changed from surprise to excitement.

He can imagine ...


"Did you just say that such a 'moving fortress' requires a lot of materials?" Fang Chong's excited emotion came over for a while before slowly calming down. After calming down, Fang Chong thought of this problem that made him very tangled .


Just now Maya has improved. With the current technology and power of the earth, it is absolutely impossible to build a large 'Starry Sky Fortress' at once, but small is not a problem. But how much material is still unknown ...

"Yes, the larger the size, the more materials you need ..." Maya nodded without denying

"Now we can make up such a reduced‘ Starry Sky Fortress ’material?” Fang Chong ’s face suddenly became a little ugly. He wondered if Maya ’s answer was acceptable to him next.

The power of the starry fortress is indeed very attractive, but it is the most important thing whether it can be built. If the materials are not available, no matter how great the power is, it is useless ...

"Yes, because this reduced 'starry fortress' is based on the actual range of the planet, which is tens of thousands of times smaller than the original size ..." Maya did not disappoint Fang Chong this time, she said Fang Chong looked forward to.

"How powerful is that?" Fang Chong was relieved, but he was still a little worried.

Maya also mentioned before that the strength of the 'Starry Fortress' is directly related to its size. If it takes a lot of effort to build a starry fortress, but if the power of the "starry fortress" is unsatisfactory, it is not a waste of energy to do these unpleasant things ...

"It is certainly not as good as the true 'Starry Fortress', but now the Zak people on earth cannot be compared with the Mayan galaxy in the Mayan galaxy. The number of Zak people appearing is almost 100 million. The number of billions. And the ultra-large Zach in the Mayan galaxy is as large as thousands of meters. If you encounter large-scale Zak in the sky, it is easy to treat them as a planet from a distance ... .. "Maya made a comparison ...

"Would you think it was a planet?" Fang Chong's mouth widened. Fang Chong used such adjectives as Fang Chong could not imagine. Fang Chong did not know that if the Earth meets a wave of Zak people like this, the earth's sphere can Being able to survive has become a question ...

"Yes, there are so many, so you need to use such a powerful 'Starry Fortress'. Otherwise, no matter how powerful people are, in the face of such a large number of Zak army, even the ants are not counted. , Met, not even **** ... "Maya nodded, Fang Chong's expression she looked at, he was not alarmist, he was just telling the truth ...

"It ’s like the current situation on the earth. It ’s useless to meet the level of Zak in the reduced 'Starry Fortress' ..." I do n’t know how to describe his mood now. I opened the authority today and made him grow again. Back to insight ...

"Zak's" complete evolution ", but this Zak rarely occurs, their existence is almost the same as the" mutation king "in mutant organisms, but the Zak's" complete evolution "is also ' Kings of the Zak tribe '. Their strength is not comparable to that of ordinary mutant creature kings. The Zak tribe is a fully evolved body, and its strength is above the thousandth level ...

After reaching the thousandth level, speed and strength are not as simple as one plus one ... ". Maya did not directly answer Fang Chong's question.


"Zak's 'evolutionary', thousands ..." Fang Chong shook his head gently, and Maya said these two points. He didn't care so much. Now the ordinary 'evolution Zak' Did not appear, let alone say "complete evolution" ...

Thousands of Zac are right, they are very powerful, but whether they can appear is unknown.

"Although the complete evolution of the Zak tribe is not easy to appear. It ca n’t be guaranteed to appear. In the final analysis, the strength of the host is still weaker, you should know it. According to your current strength, you meet the ordinary type of primitive Zak There will be no problem with the clan, but in fact, once you encounter the ordinary type of "evolutionary Zach clan" ... "Maya said with a serious expression, and she was afraid of Fang Chong.

Maya was used to seeing powerful people. Fang Chong now has a strength of 300, which is far less than every previous master.

Some of them are already close to the thousand level, but they are still dead ...

That is why there is such a worry, Maya will show concern ...

"I understand ..." Fang Chong nodded.

He knew that Maya was telling the truth, and he would not be hit. Although the survivors of the earth are already strong enough, especially in Huaxia, but the world is so large, and not all the spaceships from outer space fall within the territory of Huaxia. It is difficult to protect other countries. The survivor will have the same opportunities as him.

If that is the case, he will have more opponents in the future ...

Fang Chong has maintained a sense of crisis long before.

Although this issue cannot be explored now, there is always a question in Fang Chong's mind. Huaxia has become like this now. What about other countries? Fang Chong raised his vigilance while curious ...

The world is so big. Once other countries have super powerful human beings, it is not difficult to guarantee that they will not mind trying to rob the resources that exist in other countries in the last days. Fang Chong thought of these, his frowns slightly ......

Fang Chong is already imagining the emergence of a large-scale Zak people. How do they need to resist.

In Fang Chong's opinion, it is always good to plan ahead ...

Maya looked at Fang Chong in silence. None of her concerns were seen from Fang Chong's face.

What arrogance. Or I did n’t see the worried expression and reaction after knowing the powerful opponent, some just calm and Fang Chong's confident expression, he believed in himself and was willing to work for it ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Let's continue to look down ..." After a while, Fang Chong raised his head. From his spirited eyes, it is not difficult to see that Fang Chong already had a plan in his heart. If the starry fortress is not built, he needs to explore with others Fang Chong, and whether the current strength of the earth can make it is Fang Chong's most worrying point.

If you think about it, although it is a reduced 'Starry Sky Fortress', in fact, the diameter of the 'Starry Sky Fortress' is still about 100 meters in diameter, and it is not difficult to see from the picture that the 'Starry Sky Fortress' looks round and round. Can such a shape fly?

It's really hard for Fang Chong to imagine.

And the most important point is the anti-dynamic system. Only this point can be overcome, and the 'Starry Fortress' can float in the air.

To know the steel of the main material of ‘Starry Sky Fortress’….

"Okay ..." Maya wasn't in a hurry to make Fang Chong decide. At the same time, Maya didn't know how much of Fang Chong's special permission could be surprising.

As Maya nodded, the light curtain immediately changed. Fang Chong's eyes gathered behind the light curtain, and the things appearing on it had been completely presented.

"Mecha ..." Fang Chong's eyes locked on the light curtain, and something similar to a black robot appeared on it ...

Fang Chong was still wondering whether Maya was a robot, and Maya had already spoken.

"In the Star Wars, the single soldier has the most powerful fighting power ..."

"Mecha ..." Fang Chong listened to Maya's introduction. Finally know why this thing can appear within the scope of limiting redemption. ‘Mecha’ is powerful and equally suitable for the future situation of the planet.

‘Mecha’ can even come in handy for star battles, let alone the earth… ..

However, after knowing the powerful role of ‘Mecha’, Fang Chong was not in a hurry to make a decision. After all, exchange is his business, and he can slowly consider it ...

Attention glanced down, Fang Chong was already looking forward to the next weapon and equipment ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Next, there are not many weapons and equipment, but each one is a boutique, whether it is a `` battle '' or a `` armor suit '', there are also some genetic potions ...

But these things have a degree limit. Especially the two things "Battle Knife" and "Gene Elixir" ...

The swords are all people who can't put it down at first glance. Those attacking Rao are Fang Chong's self-concealed guys. They can't move their eyes because the attack is too amazing, and they can break the 800-level defense. However, the use of a combat knife is not a waste if it does not reach the level of 700 or so, because the power of a combat knife cannot be exerted at less than 700. If the combat effectiveness of a combat knife cannot be exerted, it would be a waste to use such a sword ...

Fang Chong considered again and again to let go. After all, the opportunity is not only this time, and his current strength should not be said to be 700, and 400 can not be reached ...

As for genetic medicine, Fang Chong saw many types. Basically, they are all complete gene drugs. Such gene drugs are hard to come by, but unfortunately, there are also restrictions on the level of such gene drugs. Take power gene drugs.

It is completely the gene of the 'Golden Bear'. This kind of large guy, Fang Chong knows that it is impossible to appear on the earth. Even in an advanced civilization such as the 'Maya Galaxy', he wants to find this kind of It is not easy for the guys who reach the peak of power, otherwise, it would not be possible to be placed in this place with limited permissions ...

And Fang Chong them. In terms of strength, the most powerful one is Song Ming, but Song Ming, who has not broken through the 400th level, also needs more than 200 levels to be able to take the gene medicine in the 'Earth King Kong Bear' gene therapy. . Once Song Ming's strength can reach the level of 600, after taking the genetic medicine of the earth diamond bear. Have the opportunity to break through the thousand levels ...

This is what Fang Chong values ​​most. As long as he can become a complete body, he has several times more chances than other people to be promoted to the thousand level ...


"Is the host redeemed?" After checking everything in Fang Chong, Maya asked, although there are many redemption points for these things that have permission to set, for Fang Chong, the reward points are no longer a problem, especially It was after Huang Qianchuan that they killed hundreds of Zaks.

And in recent months, the number of zombies and mutants who have died in their hands has been no less than five million. At such an amazing number, the exchangeable items are also amazing ...

"Yes, why not, there is a reward point for killing zombies ..." Fang Chong said that he had a lot of money without thinking about it. Later, their plan was to harvest the city occupied by zombies on a large scale. Reward points? And now the most important thing is to improve the strength of human survivors ...

"Please confirm ..." After listening to Fang Chong's words, Maya just said a little smile and then said nothing. It seems that Fang Chong's choice had long been expected. With Maya's words falling, only two things appeared in the light curtain ... .

"The strongest combat power of the Star Fortress and the individual soldiers is" Mecha "..."

"Just these two ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Maya knew he would choose these two. He smiled and chose OK,

With the sound of the successful exchange, Fang Chong asked Maya to withdraw from this authorized space.

"Maya, how many reward points are left now ..." Fang Chong looked at an additional drawing in his hand including instructions, and asked.

"A lot ....." Maya gestured with her hand, telling Fang Chong that there are still millions of reward points ...

"Go to redeem space ..." Fang Chong did not plan to stop there. Millions of reward points are also a waste. In addition, all survivors are now racing against time. With such a large number of reward points, Fang Chong's The intention is to turn them all into resources so that survivors can grow faster ...

And weapons and equipment need to be equipped ...

"Okay ..." Maya, after knowing Fang Chong's purpose, directly switched the screen to the redemption space ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is no permission setting here, it is the kind that can be redeemed infinitely as long as you have enough reward points ...

Fang Chong, who was already familiar with everything here, quickly looked at things himself.

He needs to pick something.


With a purpose and an idea, Fang Chong quickly targeted the evolutionary genetic potions, weapons, and armor sets ...

These three things are the most widely used and also the most used ...

For survivors of average strength, in addition to these three things, in addition to the strength can be further improved, life-saving and attacking weapons are also available, it is simply a powerful addition ...

Fang Chong is quite looking forward to it, and I look forward to seeing the survivors after the sublimation in the near future ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote at the starting point for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is My greatest motivation.)

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