I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 483: Plan launch


With the completion of the transaction, Fang Chong's mouth raised slightly, everything went so smoothly tonight, although it was an accident to say that the change of 'Maya' surprised him, but this unexpectedly beautiful ...

Beauty always makes people feel pleasing and comfortable ....

However, Fang Chong's naughty personality made Fang Chong feel a little depressed. When she made troubles, they were no more worrying than Qin Lan Muge. M [Go to the novel ~]

Already satisfied, after getting everything he hoped for, Fang Chong did not plan to spend too much time in the interior space of the Mayan System.

A short period of time has passed since the Maya upgrade was successful. Although Fang Chong did not know how much this period was, it was not less than a few hours.

Fang Chong was afraid to stay, Qin Lan would wake up ...

If they find him so uncomfortable with them, fear of making him cry and laugh will happen again.

Thinking of the three girls' turbulence at the same time, Fang Chong's scalp was a little numb, and he quickly said after saying "Maya" and left.

With his eyes open and closed, Fang Chong's consciousness had returned to his body, and by the silver moonlight shining into the windowsill, Fang Chong's eyes stayed on Qin Lan.

The three bumpy bodies were presented in front of him without any obstruction. At night before bedtime, Gu Chong felt nothing, but this time, by the light of the moonlight, Fang Chong remembered the Mayan system. Seeing that Maya was naked and hung.

That mountain. That Yin Hong bulge ...

Fang Chong's breathing slowly became heavy before he knew it. Looking at the body where the three women did not have much clothing, Fang Chong's eyes gradually became hot ...

In addition, Fang Chong did not suppress the impulse in his heart. He extended his hand uncontrollably, placed it on Qin Lan's body, and began to walk away ...

Fang Chong, who had known their sensitive location for a long time, under his deliberate action, Qin Lan in his sleep made a soft moan and groan without waking up.

Listening to this seductive moan, groan, Fang Chong's movements in the hands a little more ...


"Fang Chong you ..." Qin Lan finally woke up. Her body was a little twitchy, but after seeing Fang Chong's hot eyes, she was still a little surprised, but thought that she had been separated from Fang Chong for such a long time. It's not surprising that Fang Chong ...

And before she finished speaking, Fang Chongshen kissed her mouth ...

As the place became moist and muddy, Qin Lan flushed and looked at Fang Chong's eyes with affection again ...

In the next time, Qin Lan's panting sound, Fang Chong's low roar, rippled in the room ...

In the end, the formerly aboriginal Muge and Ling Ya were also awakened by the violent shaking of the bed, and the two had long had experience. Don't even go and see what Qin Lan and Fang Chong are doing.

Thinking of those shameful movements, their faces became flushed invariably, especially the rhythmic impact sound. Human nature could have their lips clenched, for fear of making a sound ...

However, what they didn't expect was that Fang Chong's every move, including the change in expression, was seen by Fang Chong. After Qin Lan's breath was violent, the room fell into a short silence, and they felt something was in them Walk up and down. 【】 【】

With Min, the sensory position is touched. Muge and Ling Ya gave a moan and groan at the same time.

"Don't pretend to sleep, it's rare that the four of us are in bed together, let's all come ..." Fang Chong pressed Ling Ya under his body, his mouth exhaling hot in Ling Ya's ears.

While speaking. Fang Chong did not intend to let Ling Ya answer, and her mouth immediately occupied her mouth with arrogance. Crazy and hot ...

Along with the most primitive instinct, Ling Ya also surrendered. With a violent twitch in her body, she lost her power ...

But the process was happy, happy, and Fang Chong let her realize what a woman is happy ...

Although Fang Chong then left her body to make her feel a bit empty, but she was not jealous and dissatisfied. She knew that she had experienced happiness, but shepherd ...

The most difficult thing from now until now is this little Nizi ...

Before Ling Ya could think too much, she had already heard the pride of Muge, panting sounded ...

However, she and Qin Lan, who were exhausted, were already exhausted, and they could not regain appreciation. With a smile on her face, she fell asleep ...


The time soon arrived in the early morning of the next day. When the sun poured into the window sill and shone on the bed, Fang Chong's eyes opened. Unlike the three women who were still tired and sleeping, they did an overnight exercise. Fang Chong did not have any sequelae. He found that his ability in this area actually developed in direct proportion to the improvement of his strength.

For this situation, Fang Chong didn't know it was to cry and laugh. He didn't feel much difference, but Qin Lan and their three daughters felt very different. Rao is that they had three people in rotation, but still could not stop Fang Chong's offensive ... ...

In the end they lost ...

"It's not a good thing to be powerful ..." Fang Chong looked at the idyll curled up in his arms, and Qin Lan and Ling Ya slept three people beside him. He thought with a helpless expression.

But this kind of thing is not something he can decide. It can't be done without it? Wouldn't it be to die ...

Fang Chong was thinking about this issue, and finally he was still unable to shake his head.

Qin Lan did not wake up, Fang Chong did not move, he did not want to wake them ...

After getting noisy outside and the whole room was completely bright, Qin Lan finally woke up, but when they found that they were all naked and naked, all three exclaimed, and at the same time gave Fang Chong a white eye ... .

"I did everything, and I was afraid to see ..." Fang Chong's eyes were unscrupulous in the same three white. Swipe back and forth across the seductive body. It feels a bit like appreciating art.

"You also said ..." Rao is usually a bold and indifferent idyll. Under Fang Chong's stare and naked eyes, her face turned red, which was a little worse than Qin Lan Ling Ya's. ….

"Hehe ..." Fang Chong just laughed. 【】 【】

"Xiaoge, ignore him, he's getting more and more cheeky now, our three sisters have been cheated by him, and last night let him succeed ..." Qin Lan has put on his underwear. Just walked over to help the herds, and Fang Chong looked at her with every move ...

Although the heart is quite satisfied with the attraction of the body, but the girl's unique restraint still makes her a little shy and annoyed ...

Then contact Chong above and she had a little dissatisfaction with the kind of intolerance that happened in front of other people last night ...

"Men are like this, this kind of blessing is what they want most ..." Muge hummed in agreement. The little hand also waved symbolically.

However, Ling Ya was relatively quiet, except for her rosy face, she kept talking but she didn't sit far away from Fang Chong ...

"I don't want to, but if you are alone, how can your body eat up ..." Fang Chong was said by them. Although he knew it was a joke, his old face was still a little embarrassed. Yes, I'm sorry to be seen through and said ....

But to hide this embarrassment. Fang Chong said inexorably, his expression was pitiful ...

It seems like how much he was wronged just now ...

"Fang Chong is actually right, I really can't take it anymore, I almost went with the three of them ..." Of course, Ling Ya could see that Fang Chong was pretending, but she leaned lightly on Fang Chong's body, her voice Said softly.

"Well, since sister Ling Ya said so, you're cheaper ..." Muge recalled.

Qin Lan is actually the most indifferent of the three women. Since she accepted Muge and Ling Ya, she thought of such a day. And if Fang Chong can be happy, why not?

Although Qin Lan did not speak, Fang Chong understood from his eyes ...


"What? This thing can really fly ..." The atmosphere in the conference room of 'Shanghai Base City' and the port 'Weapon R & D Center' was very lively. Almost all high-level ‘Shanghai base cities’ are here, and these people also include labor prayer and 佟 羽….

Fang Chong did not intend to leave the matter of the 'Starry Sky Fortress' for later. Already knew the role of this 'Starry Sky Fortress' at 'Maya'. Although he held a half-believe attitude, Fang Chong believed with the absolute assurance of 'Maya'.

Although ‘Maya’ has become naughty, she has never lied to Fang Chong. Fang Chong believes that she used to be like this, and she still does ...

In this case, after Fang Chong determined that there was nothing wrong with all the drawings and materials, he convened the largest meeting of the Shanghai Base City since its establishment ...

This meeting is of great significance. In addition to starting the construction of the "Star Fortress" project, Commander Fang Chonghe and Makino also discussed that they need to make a plan for the "Shanghai Base City".

What is the future of human beings? Fang Chong and they do n’t know, but whether the ‘Zak’ will appear. Fang Chong ’s can say with absolute certainty that today ’s Maya ’s words made it clear last night ...

When is it just a matter of time ...

"Should be able to fly… .." What is different from the incredible performance of other people who saw the drawings is Ye Lao, an old man who represents one of the most powerful researchers in China. His tone is slightly doubtful, but he is affirmative. attitude….

"Yes, in theory, it can fly. Of course, if you want it to fly, the first point you need to overcome is the" anti-gravity system "..." Tong Lao did not oppose Ye Lao. He was stronger than Ye Lao in theory.

Of course, he was right. If the ‘starry fortress’ can fly, the ‘combat anti-gravity’ system is necessary.

"Can it be developed on the basis of our current base city?" Fang Chong asked, and he also knew that the antigravity system was the most important point. He is now more concerned about research. As long as the research can be successful, the "Star Fortress" The plan is already ...

"As long as there are no major errors in these materials and drawings. We can guarantee the completion of research and development ..." Ye Lao didn't say much. But when it comes to his professional issues, he is very serious ...

"There is no error in the information and drawings. This is for sure ..." Fang Chong did not expect Ye Lao to have so much confidence. We must know the significance of this 'anti-gravity system' ...

Speaking of materials and drawings, Fang Chong has no need to worry about what has come out of the ‘Mayan system’, so far there have been no problems.

"Okay, for our next task, as long as the 'anti-gravity system' can meet expectations, we will not let everyone down again ...": As Fang Chong's words fell. Childhood and Ye Lao successively stated ...


Fang Chong knew the traits of childhood and Ye Lao. It is impossible for them to be happy when they are not sure, and ‘Maya’ has also said this technology. It is not a problem to build with the current strength of human beings. Of course, it takes a lot of time and requires patience ...

Because the technology of the Mayan civilization exceeds the current earth too much, especially the ‘Starry Sky Fortress’ item. Although the information is detailed, some aspects of it require scientific and technological humans to slowly test ...

Fang Chong is not in a hurry. There is still time. In the early days of the outbreak of the Zak, it is not a big problem whether Star Fortress can be used. As long as you can catch up in the middle and late stages ...

In other words, the current "Starry Sky Fortress" was paid by Fang Chong with the expectation of the last human fortress ...

"Since the highest project for the construction of the 'Starry Sky Fortress' has been determined, there will be a little more tasks in the future ..." As the meeting for the construction of the 'Starry Sky Fortress' came to an end, the two children, Lao Ye and Lao Ye, could not help but hold the information And drawings go away ...

That joyful expression is like getting a baby ...

With the departure of their second elder, Fang Chong and they did not end the meeting.

"Uncle Makino, are you talking about metal collection?" After hearing the words of Commander Makino, everyone's attention was refocused. Huang Qianchuan then asked ...

"Yes, most of the starry fortress is made of metal, and in an environment like the last days, it is impossible for us to dig mountains and find ore for metal ore on a large scale. In this case, we can only In other ways…. ”Commander Makino nodded, Huang Qianchuan asked a good question, all he wanted to say was metal collection… ..

A small starry fortress with a diameter of one hundred meters, the metal needed to go into the sea.

However, not digging for mountains and mines does not mean that there is no hope. What is the most in the last days? Everyone may think of zombies at once. Mutant creatures these ...

But in reality, these things are right. But very much the same everywhere ....

"Various cars, abandoned cars ....."

These various types of cars that have been out of service for a long time have become a big traffic obstacle in the reconstruction of the city. Like the entire Shanghai Stock Exchange, although it has been unified by people, it actually finds a place to pile up all Get up and then don't take care of it ...

But now it ’s different. With the Star Fortress to be built, as long as it can be successful, these abandoned automobile metals will become precious again ...

"Car metal is not difficult to find. It seems that our hopes of building a starry fortress will not fail ...". With reference to this, the two members of the conference room who have only recently been promoted to administrators are smiling, as if they Enjoy this hopeful day… ..

"It won't fail, it just takes time ...." Fang Chong nodded. Everyone rushing towards the Star Fortress is undoubtedly a very good signal, but Fang Chong is somewhat worried that everyone will look at the Star Fortress. Too heavy, if you rely too much on the starry fortress and ignore your own growth, this is a bad phenomenon ...

Although the "Star Fortress" is highly effective in offense and defense, what if we can't make it?

Fang Chong has such a worry, after all, no one can say clearly in the future ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"You can now say that there is something in the Shanghai base city that is worth your attention. Since we chose to cooperate, we can provide a part of it unconditionally ..." After the matter of the Star Fortress came to a paragraph, everyone else was scattered ... .

Now the whole Shanghai base city is busy everywhere.

Suddenly more than one million survivors came, and there were too many things to do. Eating, drinking, sleeping, sleeping, and sleeping now all need to be guaranteed to give a sign of success ...

"I don't know if you can research the gene medicine method ..." I heard Fang Chong went straight to the point ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yu Yu didn't twiddle. Speak yourself ...

She hasn't been idle in Shanghai for the past two days, and the most attractive thing in Shanghai's Shanghai market is the gene medicine ...

In the Shanghai base city, as long as survivors with certain potential have access to the ‘gene medicine’… ..

"Yes, we can provide you with an extractor of 'gene medicament' ..." Fang Chong nodded, and there was a little more appreciation in their eyes when looking at Yu Yu, and even if this item is not Yu Yu, Fang Chong will also send when they leave ...

It is most important for everyone to be strong… ..

"Really?" After Yu Fang's expression heard Fang Chong say this, he froze instantly.

"Yeah ....."

……………………………………………………………………. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come and recommend it. Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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