Fang Chong's expression was slightly surprised. After listening to the words of labor prayer, he already had a rough mind in his heart. m (come to reading novels)

Fang Chong was already prepared when he mentioned it before Qin Lan, so although he was surprised at that time, he didn't react much ...

"Have any convoys been attacked ..." Fang Chong then asked. He wanted to determine from this question whether the strange call was a head or a group of ...

"No, in that direction, the original number of teams entering and leaving will be less. Although there have been several teams crossing recently, they did not meet when they met ..." Lao prayer answered without thinking.

Because of the crystal stone there, Lao Qi has been paying attention to the news there, especially after discovering these strange things, he remembers very well ...

"It seems that the number of monsters making strange noises should be few in number ..." Fang Chong nodded. Although Lao Peng's answer was simple, it was enough to listen to Fang Chong's ears ...

“Should… ..” I ca n’t say for sure, but from the descriptions of other teams, this number is more in line with…

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong didn't speak again, and their plans could not be changed. Although Lao Qin confirmed that Qin Lan was right before, this place must be visited.

In addition to Fang Chong's absolute confidence in his own strength, the energy crystals are more important. For the future of the Shanghai base city, the future of humanity, their future, they cannot shrink back, nor can they shrink back ...

"Do you still want to go?" Lao prayer found Fang Chong's struggling expression.

"Going is certain. But this time we will go by ourselves ..." Fang Chong knew that labor prayer was also worried about them.

"Don't you look at me or ....." Lao Qi looked slightly angry. Fang Chong was worried that his safety could not be heard there, but was he the kind of person who was greedy for life and feared death? Speaking of death, he fears ...

"So serious, let's go together ..." Fang Chong listened to the tone of labor prayer, he smiled slightly. What he likes is the character of labor prayer.

Although it seems that there is a sense of stupidity in it, in fact, the stupidity of praying is the easiest to get the trust and love of others. The person who puts himself in a humble position has the lowest position and is most respected by others. Easy….

"That's right ..." Labor prayed to see Fang Chong's smile. He laughed too, and smiled very heartily ...

"If Jiu Yu knows if she's going to call me desperately? Well, if you don't say hello to you, let's take risks together ..." Fang Chong's worries are Su Yu's suspicion, the relationship between labor prayer and Pu Yu. They all know.

"She won't ..." Knowing that Fang Chong had a joke and an inquiry in it, he shook his head in prayer.

"Okay, this is the case, let's not waste time. Let's go now ..." Looking at the lively scene here in the base city of Nanyue, Fang Chong stopped talking nonsense.

In addition to hurrying to time, Fang Chong also can't wait ...

"Huh ....." Lao Prayer had no opinion. After Fang Chong said this sentence, Lao Prayer has sent people to send off-road vehicles with excellent performance to cope with the action this time ...


"set off…."

Gao Yu was informed when the off-road vehicle arrived in front of Fang Chong. (Reading the novel will come.) She came, but after knowing Fang Chong's purpose, Yu Yu was beyond Fang Chong's surprise and no objection, even she wanted to go with Fang Chong.

Fang Chong knows the way they deal with others, she and labor prayer including the entire Nanyue base city received a lot of benefits from Fang Chong them.

In just two months, the strength of the entire Nanyue base city can be said to have doubled, and after knowing that zombies include corpses of mutated creatures, white muscle meat is something that can improve their strength, the entire Nanyue base city The passion for killing zombies was completely lit ...

And for her, in addition to the strength of the base city of Nanyue, a lot of improvement. Her own gain is also huge ...

In addition to her strength, she has successfully broken through two hundred levels. She has successfully broken through two hundred and fifty levels yesterday. The speed of this breakthrough was that she could not imagine before. She felt very good when she felt the powerful power in her body ...

This speed is already fast enough. But prayers are faster, just a little more than two months. Prayer to this day is infinitely close to two hundred levels.

Although the strength of the two hundred level now sounds no big deal, once you combine this with a person who was only one hundred two months ago, the increase in strength is like building a rocket. It ’s impossible to catch up ...

They were quite surprised by the performance of labor prayer and 佟 羽. They also knew that their actions to help the base city of Nanyue were right, and what they saw from now is enough to explain everything ...

No matter how much or nothing is paid, it is the most joyful, and Fang Chong is undoubtedly facing such a situation now ...

But Yu Yu's petitioner did not agree.

They have just broken through the 250-level strength. For Fang Chong, they are not strong, they are not weak ...

However, in Fang Chong's opinion, once they are united, these two people can't solve the problem. There is no difference between one more feather and one less ...

So they rejected Yan Yu, do n’t make unnecessary sacrifice ...

And Fang Chong them, they are now full of confidence, they never thought they were going to die ...

Although Yu Yu had a little regret in her heart, she also understood Fang Chong's meaning, and she also knew in her heart that before the base city of Nanyue was not really strong, she really couldn't do anything ...

When He Yuyu said this, the personnel sent out by the labor prayer just returned, and following them came back two black off-road vehicles, which were domineering in appearance. Looks very wild off-road vehicle ...

With Fang Chong's departure. They added nine people to labor and prayed without hesitation ...

The goal is to discover holes in energy crystal stones ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Strange, why are you so calm today ..." Two black off-road vehicles with super strong off-road performance slowly made it up the hillside. They did not encounter any trouble along the way, and soon they reached the middle of the mountain ...

This is a mountain with lush trees and flowers. Especially after the end of the last century, such a forest usually does not have humans, and it has become a paradise for plants and animals ...

Moreover, the changes in the four seasons in South Guangdong Province are not large. Even in winter, the coldest is generally not lower than four or five degrees, in this case. [] [] Plants will not be affected, lushness is inevitable ...

For Qin Lan Muge and Lao Qi, who are not here for the first time, although there are so many gossips here, in fact. Not much different from when they last left.

Through the top of the reservoir, you can directly see the opposite. The branches of the trees that were destroyed by the last resistance to mutants are still there, but they are completely dry ...

Looking at all these familiar things, Lao prayer always felt that there was something missing. He didn't remember it suddenly until he heard some rustling sounds from the wind sweeping the leaves.

The abnormal place is a weird cry, but it didn't appear today?

"Can it be an illusion? Or the sound of leaves shaking and rubbing by the wind?" Murong Xue's expression was also doubtful.

Although she was not afraid of death and challenges, she used to pray to describe the weird cry so strangely, but she was a bit dreadful ...

After all, for girls, the killing power is still quite large ...

"Impossible. The illusion of one person hearing wrongly, but two people are the same ... not to mention that there are hundreds of people without a thousand ...". Shaoxing shook his head, negating Murong Xue's statement ...

"Regardless of these, we go to the holes of the energy crystal stone first, where is the top priority of our goal ..." Fang Chong said, he did not intend to explore these things that have little to do with their purpose, at all It's just hard work.

"it is good….."

Fang Chong spoke, and when it came to the point, other people had no opinion. Everyone learned that Fang Chong took out his weapon, and his expression was quiet and focused. Everyone knows what they will encounter in this short journey ...

Fang Chong, who is at the forefront, is not slow, not hurry ....

But everyone's nervousness seemed to be superfluous. Grasses, half of the dam of the reservoir. They didn't even encounter a mosquito. This strange change made everyone's expressions not relaxed. The more calm they were, the more violent they might be.

This kind of thing has not happened once or twice ...

But as they went deeper and did not encounter any accidents, their tough hearts began to shake. After all, it is difficult to maintain a high-intensity alert for a long time.

It may be that after feeling that his companions have shown signs of relaxation, he could not help but hold the sword more tightly. He is the head, others can rest assured, he cannot, he needs to be responsible for them ...



"This hole is ..." As Fang Chong stepped into a patch of weeds that were not growing much, they could still see that the ground was dark in color.

When I got to this place, there was an indication that their destination was near. After Fang Chong had not yet made a questioning voice, Muge pointed to a small hole in front of him ...

The cave looks normal, but it seems deep.

"Into it, there is usually no danger in it ..." Fang Chong stood a little thoughtful at the entrance of the cave, and said to labor to enter several times.

In addition to having some experience, he did not find any dangerous places in this cave, nor was there any abnormality.

That is why there is such a layer in it, everyone's expressions are a lot easier ...

"Go ..." Fang Chong, who heard the simple news in the mouth of Lao Ping, entered the cave without any hesitation.

Enter with prayer. Others followed suit ...

"Look at you ..." Fang Chong entered the cave. After walking a distance of about tens of meters, he entered a large hole with a size of tens of square meters. Because there were many reasons for the existence of energy crystals all the way, there was no problem of invisibleness in the cave. Although it is not as bright as the sun outside, the ability to see things is definitely not a problem ...

After Fang Chong came into the cave, Fang Chong was not in a hurry to put a lot of energy crystal stones on the ground into the storage space, and after looking at the surrounding environment, he took out a golden robot dog from the storage space. A dog is about half a meter long. It doesn't look so big ...

Fang Chong took out the metal dog. He squatted down and pressed his hand while the metal dog was pressed. With a red light on the nose of the metal dog lit up, Fang Chong gave an order ...

Metal dogs are not big. But it is also the product of intelligence, especially in Fang Chong who changed them ...

As Fang Chong's order was issued, the red indicator light on the nose of the metal dog flashed, and the metal dog was busy. He started to move inside the cave with his four metal legs. Quite cute…

As for the others, looking at such a metal dog, everyone's expressions were stunned except for their surprise. They didn't know what Fang Chong had done with such a guy, especially the three men of labor prayer and Li Yunyu.

Although now they can count as their own people. But in fact, they still do n’t know much about Fang Chong, and from this point it is clearer that ...

However, Fang Chong didn't have time to take care of so much at this time. After the metal dog walked around the cave of dozens of square meters, he finally stopped ...


"Are there any gains?" Fang Chong looked at the metal dog who had stopped, with a smile on his face. He hoped that the metal dog would give him a satisfactory answer ...

Fang Chong looked at the stopped metal dog, and his expression was rare and tense.

This metal dog was obtained from the Maya system before Fang Chong left the Shanghai base city. The biggest role of the metal dog is to detect the existence of energy crystal stones.

Fang Chong took it to the base city of Nanyue with him. The biggest purpose was to know the cave. Are the energy crystals appearing as minerals or some energy crystals existing on the surface ...

Although both are energy crystal stones, the difference between the two is huge.

If it is a mineral deposit, it will help Fang Chong's future development. The time of the energy crystal city will appear sooner or later. Can Fang Chong be in the forefront of humanity. It's here ...

Like Maya said, now the earth is above. There are not a small number of energy crystal stones, but whether they can be found is a problem, and whether they can be used after discovery is even more of a problem.

However, for Fang Chong, after overcoming the two problems of using and increasing energy weapons, their current purpose is to find the mineral deposits of energy crystals ...

Today will be their first time. Whether they can succeed depends on the answer of the metal dog….

"How?" Although the metal dog needs to be answered, although the metal dog is equipped with an intelligent system, but it does not have a voice system, and even less like Maya, it can learn the language of the earth all at once ...

Therefore, in the past few days, Fang Chong could only get information from the metal dog through the Maya system ...

"It is a mineral deposit of energy crystals. Although it is not a large quantity, it has at least thousands of cubic meters ..." Maya, who did not disappoint Fang Chong, responded after hearing Fang Chong's inquiry.

"Thousands of cubic meters?" Fang Chong looked slightly surprised when he heard such a figure.

What is the concept of thousands of cubic meters? The huge energy existing in the energy crystal stone, even a large energy fighter, one cubic meter is enough to make it fly far, very long ...

"Yes, but scattered scattered ..." Fang Chong was surprised, and Fang Chong's voice sounded in Fang Chong's ears again.

"Well, no matter how scattered, I believe we can always find them ..." Fang Chong was somewhat dismissive, Maya worried that the problem of scattered is inevitable.

Although it takes a long time to dig, as long as there are sufficient staff, the problem is definitely not great.


"Since there are so many ~ www.readwn.com ~ we will dig first, those who can't dig, we will go back to Nanyue base city and look for someone to see if we can find some experienced ... ... "Fang Chong explained to everyone the situation inside this hole, Song Ming opened his mouth ...

"Yes, for the time being ...." Fang Chong nodded, and it was not their style to return empty-handed. At the end of this, Fang Chong had taken out several tools from the storage space and distributed them to everyone, and Xiao Lan Then she walked out of the cave with her large sniper rifle and came to the gate to guard the cave ...

It ’s inevitable that mutated creatures will riot with all energy crystal stones. Although they were killed so much last time, is there any idea? But in order to avoid being caught off guard, Xiao Lan set up a black heavy sniper rifle ... .

The ammunition is loaded, and a lot of energy crystal stones are added to the energy device. This can ensure the power of the sniper rifle and the speed of firing to a large extent ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued. If You like this work, and you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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