"I didn't mean to conceal you ..." When Qin Lan looked up, his eyes just touched Fang Chong's eyes, Qin Lan's look was a little messy, and his eyes flashed with tears ...

"I didn't ask myself ..." Fang Chong was in a similar mood, but when he saw the expression of Qin Lan, he knew that he had thought a lot, Qin Lan was still that Qin Lan, not to mention the past, but to survive in the last days Is it the instinct of a man of his own?

Qin Lan didn't deceive him. As he said, he didn't ask himself ...

"Do you believe me?" Qin Lan didn't expect Fang Chong to say this, her voice was chaotic ... Fang Chong's calmness made her think that the storm was quiet before the storm came ...

"Of course I believe, I don't believe you, who else can I believe in ..." Fang Chong gently stretched out his hand, slowly put it on Qin Lan's face, and moved her gently to wipe the tears from her eyes ...

"Did you mean it?" Qin Lan seemed to find that she had misunderstood. Fang Chong's gentleness could be felt, just like the kind of warmth she gave her in the past, so familiar ...

"Stupid girl, ups and downs, life and death have gone through so much. Is it true that our feelings can't stand the test in your opinion? Is it because you have no confidence in yourself, or do I make you feel uneasy ... "Fang Chong took a step forward. m (come to read the novel.) At this time there is no gap between the two people. After holding Qin Lan in his arms, he kissed his hair and said.

"I have no confidence in myself ..." Qin Lan could not help crying, and said in a crying voice, while her hands were wrapped around Fang Chong's waist. Hold tightly ...

"Well, don't think about it, there will always be a solution, not to mention we don't really have to fight the military, let alone your father. If possible, we can find him ..." Fang Chong hand light He patted Qin Lan's back. If Qin Lan's heart to him couldn't feel this way, he would be a little 'two'.

Fang Chong has wanted to open, Qin Lan's father has nothing to do with Qin Lan, and what is Qin Lan's father's choice? They also didn't know that before they contacted the military, all of this was just their guess ...


After knowing the presence of the military. The entire high-level Shanghai base city completely changed its attitude, and everyone took a sigh of relief and anger.

And the biggest change with the high-level changes in the base city is the atmosphere of the entire Shanghai base city.

There are more convoys in and out of the base city, and the number of times to complete the task is right. More training, hands-on combat.

After not knowing whether the opponent was a human, Huang Qianchuan changed the training method and focused on human-based fighting.

Man is the most cunning and can kill people. The skills needed to kill zombies and mutants are simple ...

As for the doubts of the members, Fang Chong and they did not disclose it until they had determined the real motivation of the military. They were waiting. Wait for a better time, so as not to cause unnecessary confusion.

They didn't have much emotional fluctuations against the military. But this does not mean that survivors in other base cities can be as calm as them. (Read novels.)

It's the best choice to avoid talking now before their strength really grows up ....

That's it. The strength of the Shanghai base city has entered a period of rapid development. Every day there are unexpected changes, and more talented people have been tapped.

This is undoubtedly the most unexpected achievement of Fang Chong ...

"It has been two months, and our gains are not so small. There are good news from children and Ye Lao. The latest battleships have come out. Although they are small to ensure speed and flexibility. However, the ability to fight should not be underestimated. If it can be developed on a large scale, it will be an invaluable combat force ... "In the afternoon of this day, Fang Chong and others who have been busy for a long time finally have the time to sit down and enjoy a rare experience The sun is warm in the afternoon ...

Two months have passed since the day Qin Lan informed the military of its existence, and Fang Chong appeared. What they expected was that the military was still quiet as if it did not exist.

Although the Zak people find it from time to time, most of them are only one head and two heads, and they are all ordinary.

As far as Fang Chong was concerned, the rice country, including other countries, is still calm.

Everything was so peaceful that Fang Chong felt very incredible. This feeling was difficult for him to express in words.

"Yes, the combat effectiveness of this battleship has been verified, and its performance is very good in all aspects. It is a rare new battleship and a representative of new energy ..." Qin Lan's voice fell, Muge added.

In the absence of going out, and the base city is calm, in this case, the idyll is a little bit dry ...

However, it is dry, but Muge is not idle. In addition to helping to count the strength of Shanghai base city, her favorite place to run is the weapon R & D center ...

"But the only flaw is the lack of enough energy crystal stones ..." Ling Ya finally spoke with a calm expression, and she said something important ...

"It seems that once again the trip to South Guangdong Province must be on the agenda ..." Fang Chong did not have much disappointment and exclamation.

He had already considered this problem long after he decided to develop a new energy warship, and he did not expect to come so fast ...


"You mean where we found the energy crystal stone?" Ling Ya's expression froze. Although time has passed for a short period of time, Ling Ya still remembers it because of trouble there ...

"Yes, I think so, after all, we don't know how much time we can waste ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"When does it set sail?" Muge looked excited, and for two months breathed out, he finally had time to go out for a while, although he said that the outside is now in the last days. It became more and more dangerous, but the idyll was not afraid.

In these two months, although she seemed to be doing nothing, her strength did not fall. Her current strength has also broken through the 300 levels a few days ago. In terms of combat effectiveness, she is also a leader ...

As for Fang Chong, they finally broke through to the 400th level in the quiet time in these two months, and they are already comparable to the strength of the middle-class Zachs. Fang Chong's confidence is a little bit more ...


"Is there a problem?" Looking at the excited expression of Muge, Fang Chong looked at the others subconsciously, this time he didn't plan to take many people. [Seeing the novel ~] After all, with more people, the speed drops. With their strength, it means little to have more people and fewer people.

The meaning in Fang Chongxin is better than ten people. This configuration is most suitable for such actions.

And this time Fang Chong went with him. With storage space, he didn't need to worry about the energy crystal stone not being taken away.

In addition to this, he wants to determine whether there is an energy crystal stone deposit or some energy crystal stones are scattered ...

After determining this. He can make better arrangements ...

"No, we can start at anytime, anywhere ..." Song Ming and Li Yunyu all nodded directly, and to be honest, they have panicked in the past two months. Actually, it wasn't just pastoral songs, everyone was used to fighting. All of a sudden I'm not used to it. Especially in a stable day like now.

It doesn't seem serious to be **** ...

"Since everyone has no problems, we will start tomorrow, and you are all prepared. This time, we can make a small energy vehicle directly in the past, which can save a lot of time on the road ..." Fang Chong did not talk nonsense, everyone said there was no problem After that, he couldn't even justify his mother-in-law.

"Okay ....." Muge looked excited.

"Whoever we go to stay ..." Muge ran to prepare, but everyone else stayed here for the time being. Huang Qianchuan asked ...

"You and Xiaojun stay in the base city of Shanghai. I have storage space. If there are many energy crystals, I can bring them back ..." Fang Chong had already made arrangements earlier ...

"Okay, I have no opinion. You have to be careful. If things aren't right, you can withdraw and ask for support ..." Huang Qianchuan understands Fang Chong's meaning. Storage space is Fang Chong's biggest advantage, and this cannot be copied ... .

"I understand ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly.

In fact, Huang Qianchuan's current strength is slightly inferior to him, but working in the base city of Fang Chong, Fang Chong is not at the same level as Huang Qianchuan. In the past two months, Huang Qianchuan managed him. The talents are used to the fullest, even if the commander of Makino, if it is not his experience, he will be compared by Huang Qianchuan ...

However, whether it is Commander Makino or Fang Chong and others. , Everyone only admires and marvels at this amazing talent of Huang Qianchuan. No one will be jealous ...


The next morning, several small energy vehicles were neatly placed here in front of the central square of the Shanghai base, and Fang Chong did not attract anyone's attention.

In addition to Fang Chong, Qin Lan Muge and Ling Ya are absolutely rare.

In addition to the four of them, the remaining are Song Ming and Xiao Lan, Li Yunyu and Murong Xue, a total of eight ...

They were all in black armor suits, which looked cool, and a little bit of the Matrix's question asked inside. And Xiaolan's petite figure and the super-long sniper rifle behind her are the most alternative, most eye-catching, and most surprising ...

However, Xiao Lan seems to have long been used to everyone's eyes. Her expression is calm, especially her eyes. The clear eyes make you not see any emotions ....

Of course, Fang Chong himself knew that if Xiao Lan didn't have such a talent, he would not be a qualified or even extremely powerful sniper.

Calmness and cold blood are the qualities that they must have ...

"Go ..." Fang Chong was very satisfied looking at everyone's current situation. This kind of strength is enough to cope with all accidents. Even Qin Lan was really worried.

After all, among them, his and Song Ming's strengths have already broken through the 400th level. Today, they are close to the 420th level, and Qin Lan is very close to the 400th level. And her flying ability becomes more powerful with the improvement of strength. If he really wants to fight, he and Song Ming may not be able to win Qin Lan steadily ...

Among them, the weakest is Xiao Lan. However, her current strength is also close to 300, and the breakthrough is only a matter of time, but the sniper rifle in her hand is not a bargain. It is a heavy sniper that Fang Chong redeemed from the Maya system space in the past two months. The broken heavy sniper rifle is very powerful. If it hits a weak point, it is enough to kill 400-level creatures in seconds. And the effective killing range is close to two kilometers ...

Rao is Fang Chong, such an exaggerated fighting power. If he is not careful, he may not escape ...

As long as Xiao Lan is not approached by the enemy, the fighting strength is among them. Enough to rank fourth ...

The strength of Li Yunyu and Murong Xue occupy the mid-stream position among the eight, and they have broken through the 350th level, but there is still a considerable distance from the 400th level ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

A two-person four small energy car slowly rises, and as two air currents blow out at the rear of the small-capacity vehicle, the four small energy cars suddenly fly out like four white lights. It's so fast ...

At such an amazing speed, it took about two days to drive between the Shanghai base city and the southern Guangdong province, but it took just over two hours to appear over the southern Guangdong base city. At such a speed, Li Yunyu Murong Xue, who has not yet taken a small energy car, has a look of two expressions ...

They were surprised that they didn't sit in them to do any operation except for the speed of small-capacity cars. And they were flying all the way at high altitude. He was not attacked by any flying mutants ...

However, they did not know, and the representative Fang Chong did not. Now riding a small energy vehicle, Fang Chong is always used to handing control directly to Maya. As a super-intelligent system, Maya is much better at controlling such intelligent aircrafts. Maya can be ‘perfect’….

It can save a lot of trouble and can do better, Fang Chong is not stupid, so he won't be stupid ...

As far as it is not attacked by mutant flying creatures, the biggest reason is that it is fast. The speed of small energy vehicles is close to the speed of sound under the perfect control of the Maya system. At such a speed, ordinary mutant creatures cannot catch up with them at all. There are very few kings, and Fang Chong cannot meet them casually like this ...

And as the mutant creatures of the king, they are already very smart, and they have a certain intelligence, of course, they will not be stupid to do these difficult and unpleasant things ...

Under the guidance of Qin Lan, who has been here once, four small energy vehicles slowly landed in a square in the center of Nanyue base city. This way of playing has undoubtedly attracted the attention of many experts in Nanyue base city, and they have not got off the car yet. , It is no longer surrounded by outside ...

However, Fang Chong and others who have been accustomed to the big scenes have long been surprised at the scenes surrounded by people and paid attention to them. They got out of the car with a calm expression, and it seemed that those who watched them were airy. same….

"It's you, Fang Chong Qin Lan ..." But what Fang Chong didn't expect is that when they get out of the car, someone will call out their name ...

Looking at the past along the source of the sound, Lao Qi was in it, and it was Fang Chong who was very pleased to see it. They have not been together for a long time, but the character of Lao Qi is very much ...

"Pray for how you are here ..." Fang Chong greeted them ...

"I have noticed you appearing in the air, but I didn't expect that it was you ...." I was still wondering what these flying things were. After meeting Fang Chong and others, he also let go. Now, what Fang Chong took out is no longer strange ....

"How is the base city of Nanyue recently here ..." Fang Chong asked.

"Since we returned to the base city of Shanghai, we have been very calm. Even zombies have decreased. Recently, we have begun to clean up the zombies in Huadu, the largest city in southern Guangdong ..." Confused answer, it seems that he also found something unusual in it ...

"Even fewer zombies?" When Fang Chong heard this sentence, his expression sank slightly.

The simple words of labor prayer undoubtedly confirmed his previous speculation, and now calm may be the big storm that is brewing ...

With such worries inside, Fang Chong heard such calm news and couldn't be happy if he wanted to be happy ...


"You are here this time ..." Lao prayer led the way in front of ~ www.readwn.com ~ also asked Fang Chong their purpose, he knew Fang Chong's busyness, came to the base city of Nanyue, There is absolutely something, otherwise, they would not arrive in such a pulling way ...

"Energy Crystal Stone ..." Knowing that Lao Qi went to their destination several times this time, Fang Chong did not conceal his prayers. This time, maybe he still wanted him to lead the way. After all, Qin Lan was in a hurry last time. Said she could remember all of a sudden that she was deceiving ...

"That place doesn't seem to be safe recently. There are convoys passing by there. It is said that we have heard strange and harsh screams. The weird laughter makes the goose bumps ...

"Scream?" Fang Chong glanced at Qin Lan subconsciously, and he knew what Qin Lan said last time was true.

............................. (To be continued. If you like this Works, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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