I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 486: Hard to decide


"Okay! I want to know if you all want to know! Since they can do it, they are not afraid to be known ..." Feeling everyone's eyes, Commander Makino's expression was very complicated. In the end, his face His muscles were jerking, and he lifted his head as his fists clenched and relaxed again. m [Go to the novel ~] ^ / very literature / ^

He was also the opposition who made such a decision at the time, but they were weak, and it can be said that the five commanders of the base city of Kyoto all thought this way.

When the end of the last days erupted, they also imagined that the military would come out, but just day by day, their expectations became despair.

Since then, they have not had any contact with the military. As for what happened to the military? He doesn't know now.

If it weren't for Fang Chong, or he would have forgotten it someday ...

"Military, what do you mean ..." Huang Qianchuan's brow frowned into a Sichuan word. Unlike the anger on Fang Chong's face, Huang Qianchuan had a grim expression and gritted his teeth ...

He has guessed some doorways by now.

"I don't know the exact position, but the Chinese army exists as you guessed, but how many and how powerful are these questions? I don't know how these problems are." Commander Makino can clearly see everyone's expressions as he said All these words have changed ...

In addition to stings, more anger ...

Commander Makino was very calm. He was not so angry at the beginning, but what about anger? Personal strength is even stronger. Can it shake the power of a machine like the state?

That's an amazing number of troops.

As commander, he did not know how powerful the army was. Individuals and the army compete, and there is no difference between touching eggs with stones, and even if the eggs are cooked, they still cannot compete with machines like the state ...

"Well, it's good to exist. I'm afraid I guessed wrong ...." Fang Chong laughed instead of being angry, listening to the words spoken by Commander Makino, but the laughter sounded a little complicated.

Everyone looked at Fang Chong stupidly, they had never seen Fang Chong like this.

Although Fang Chong was smiling, they knew Fang Chong's anger. I don't know if the anger will be contagious or if everyone like Fang Chong can't accept the fact, as Fang Chong's laughter stopped, the entire conference room became extremely quiet ...

But everyone ’s emotional. You can even hear the rubbing sound of gritted teeth ...


"What do you want to do ..." Huang Qianchuan began to break the silence of the scene. He did not know this before. Although he is angry now, he has not lost his position. Like Commander Makino, he knows that the army is powerful and terrible ... ..

Today's change has also resolved a problem in his mind that has puzzled him for a long time.

After the end of the last days, he always felt that something was wrong, now he finally knows that the difference is the army, the large-scale army ...

"I don't want to do anything, but from now on. (Reading novels will come to.) We are who we are, and have nothing to do with any power before Huaxia, we are just survivors ..." Fang Chong raised his head, eyes unexpectedly surprised everyone The calm tone of the sentence is also very calm, but from the calm tone, everyone can hear Fang Chong's determination ...

There is a lot of meaning in this bland sentence. What everyone can understand is that Fang Chong has decided, they are them, and it starts when the military gives up the survivors. They are destined to lose something, and Fang Chong is letting them be part of this lost thing ...

"Well, I support you, what **** military, if you dare to come to Shanghai base city. I will tell them to come back or not ..." Huang Qianchuan laughed loudly, and Fang Chong's words were right to his appetite. He never feared anyone, what about the military ...

Huang Qianchuan even wanted to let them know that the world has been changing ...

"Do you have any opinions?" Fang Chong asked after seeing many people clapping their hands and many complex expressions. .

Fang Chong was not angry. He knew that in Huaxia, the military representative would always be a powerful symbol.

Those survivors with complicated expressions just don't know if Fang Chong's ability can compete with the military ...

"To compete with the military, there is no other way but to further improve the strength of the team ..." Commander Makino saw that everyone did not speak, but he added.

"Do you mean that our current strength is not enough to fight the military?" Commander Makino's sentence is short, but the meaning of Fang Chong can be heard ...

"I don't know, but in addition to the military's strength being hidden, the Chinese military is bound to have the top Chinese researchers in their base ..." Commander Makino shook his head and reminded everyone that he was not aware of the current Chinese military How much combat power exists, but instead admonish Fang Chong and not underestimate the enemy.

Huaxia is so big and there are so many people, there are still many experts, so Commander Makino is worried about experts, that is, genetic researchers. Once they appear, they ca n’t be treated in the normal way, and they will be out of reach every minute. Unexpected ...

"I understand the meaning of Commander Makino. We really need to take this variable seriously. Gene warriors are the key to determining the outcome ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded, and Commander Makino did say something.

And in addition to such variables as genetic soldiers, the military's destructive weapons are also one they need to fear as the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Huang Qianchuan is not difficult to imagine. Once they reject the military's recruiting, will the military take destructive weapons? They do n’t know about the threat of their weapons ...

"Don't worry, even if the military has genetic fighters, but we don't?" Unlike Huang Qianchuan's dignified expression, Fang Chong's expression is as calm as ever. In terms of genetic fighters, he does not believe that the military can beat them. Faster and stronger than them ...

Although it is said that they are destructive weapons. But with the Maya system. It is not impossible to intercept ...

"Yes, we have gene warriors, and the number is tens of thousands, and many of their strengths have exceeded one hundred levels. This power cannot be ignored ..." As Fang Chong reminded, other people's expressions changed. Get excited, not others, they are all genetic warriors alone ...

If you fight genetically, the Shanghai base city has never been afraid of anyone ...

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"It is also not necessary to worry about destructive weapons, as long as they dare to threaten. [Reading novels ~] I will definitely teach them to regret ..." Fang Chong stood up again, looking at the others, and looking at the spirited companion, Fang Chong's previous anger and a trace of fear of the military had disappeared. Faith was given to him by his companions ...

"Okay, we are not afraid. From now on, the Shanghai base city does not belong to the past ..." Huang Qianchuan also stood up, and he was infected by Fang Chong's fighting spirit.

Although it sounds incredible to confront the military, Huang Qianchuan never thought of being afraid ...

"Do you still have any opinions?" Fang Chong glanced again, and after finding no abnormalities, he asked ...

After everyone stated that there were no other problems, Fang Chong waved his hand to signal that everyone was dispersed. The purpose of mobilizing this meeting had been achieved, which was not much different from what he imagined. Everyone was angry.

The angry army's cold-blooded actions in order to save power, why don't they think about it, once all the people of this China have died and become zombies, does their existence still make sense?

When will Huaxia's army be afraid of death ...

At least Fang Chong is still unable to accept this answer, he also does not know how to convince him to believe ...

Soon, most people had left the conference room, but unlike the relaxed expression when they came, everyone looked dignified, the atmosphere was weird and dignified. As if the air is full of many unstable factors, it seems that a careless accident will cause an uproar ...

But knowing such a thing is indeed like an earthquake ...

Not long after, dozens of people were left in the conference room of the University of Tanzania, Qin Lan Xiaolan, Ling Ya Muge ... and so on. Of course, like Murong Xue. Li Yunyu is the same.

"In fact, I know the military's choice at first, but we didn't agree and didn't want to hide it ..." Fewer people, the commander of Makino once again said that what was still the case, but this time it was his Experience and understanding.

"Why hide it? Huaxia's millions of troops, even if they become zombies, are not so many. In the early days of the last days, zombies are so weak and there are enough guns and ammunition, it will not be the entire fall of Huaxia. 1.3 billion The population is less than tens of millions ... "Ling Ya seemed a little excited. She didn't say a word just now, and she was afraid of losing control. Now there are only them, she can't help it ...

Before she was met by Shang Shang, no one could understand how much pressure she had. When the team of hundreds of people died one by one, the remaining half was less than ...

If the military does not hide, they may not have to die ...

"It's hard to say. We have our way of understanding. They have their ideas. The original military was divided into two factions, but I don't know why the opposition was compromised later ..." The commander of Makino shook his head. This question is also He has never understood, time has passed for more than a year, and there is no answer to this question ...

And now, how much combat power does Huaxia ’s military have? He does n’t know. Everything needs to be waited until they show up to know what ’s going on ...

"No matter what, the army existed to protect the people from the very beginning. When they abandoned the people, they were no longer the guardians of the people, but the enemies ..." Li Yunyu said coldly, with strong hatred in his words. Meaning, that kind of tone without the slightest emotional fluctuation makes it difficult to imagine. Once an army appears, Li Yunyu is likely to be the one who kills in the front ...

"Yes, they **** it ..." Murong Xue also said, they had the feeling of a husband singing with his wife.

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"It seems that China and China must experience a **** war sooner or later ..." Looking at everyone's decided look. Commander Makino said nothing else. He knew that such a war could not be avoided. After all, the army was the guardian of the people at the beginning of the army. There is no reason or excuse. Even if they die, they must die in front of the people ...

Unlike the unarmed people, they are fully armed, both weapons and supplies are amazing ...

"From the time when they chose to step back, they should have thought of such a day. They are more hateful than zombies. Whenever and wherever, Fang Chong must be their enemy ..." Fang Chong did not speak loudly, But one word at a time.

"Yes, they must be the enemy ..." Huang Qianchuan almost all of them agreed ...

However, no statement was made by Qin Lan and Commander Makino ...

Commander Makino didn't say anything and everyone knew why. After all, his army came out, and he still had very complicated emotions in the army. It was more difficult for him to say that he was against them ...

But Qin Lan is the same. Others do n’t know why, and Fang Chong looked even more surprised in Qin Lan ’s eyes. Later, Fang Chong ’s expression became a little pale. After calming down, he remembered why this incident happened today. The light came out ...

It is from the mouth of Qin Lan ...

How did Qin Lan know? Fang Chong would not think that Qin Lan had come up with this. This is impossible ...

"How did you know about this ..." After some daring to imagine, Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan.

"Like Commander Makino, I have received a back order as early as the end of the world. But I did not back down ..." Qin Lan felt Fang Chong's eyes that made her worry, she was worried about this It feels like there will be a gap between them ...

"Have you received the order?" Although Fang Chong thought that Qin Lan might be related to the military, he didn't expect that he was still a big one. Now it is mixed. Everyone is quiet after hearing the conversation between Qin Lan and Fang Chong. ….

Qin Lan actually has another identity. Everyone is very curious and weird ...


"My dad is the captain of the Southern Military Region ..." Qin Lan knew that if he did not make it clear, he would really leave a gap with Fang Chong himself. That situation was not what he wanted to see.

"Captain of the army?" Fang Chong was completely frightened when he heard Qin Lan's words. For a moment he didn't know how to speak. Qin Lan actually had such a status. After he knew the military's actions this time, the battle was absolute, but after Qin Lan had such a status, what would he do?

The captain is a big man with some military power. They are definitely enemies in the future ...

Compared with Fang Chong, other people's response was not so good. Everyone froze. No one knew what to do in the future. It was originally a hostile relationship, but Qin Lan was added in the middle. What would they do?

In other things, maybe you can buffer and then reconcile, but in this matter, reconciliation is impossible ...

"Quit the Shanghai base city?" Fang Chong thought of the only solution he could choose. He gave up the Shanghai market. Only in this way, he would never become the enemy with Qin Lan's father in the future ...

Otherwise, he doesn't know what to do.

But it was easy to quit, but he was gone, what else would the others do? What about the entire Shanghai Stock Exchange? At present, the number of survivors in the Shanghai base city is more than 1.2 million. They were brought by Fang Chong. When he leaves, the Shanghai base city is likely to be dispersed.

After all, the entire high-level Shanghai base city is his people. If he wants to leave, they will not be able to stay on, even Fang Chong's order will not work ...

The meeting room fell into silence again. Everyone's expressions were complicated. Fang Chong also didn't speak. Fang Chong and others were in a mood. She could imagine it, but she was also struggling. All her intelligence was completely useless at this time ... .

"Maybe I should go?" Qin Lan came up with an idea, an idea that she thought she could do, so that others might not have to be so troublesome as now.

Qin Lan thought of this, her mouth moved slightly, but she stopped when she spoke. She knew that once she said this, Fang Chong would not agree, and if she wanted to leave, she would also quietly ...

"This matter is temporarily put aside. Before the military did not show up, we had no effect in discussing this issue ..." After a while, Fang Chong spoke, and he could only do so if he could not make a choice. Now, as for what to do in the future? It's up to God.

If Qin Lan's father can leave the army, it would be better ...

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"Well, yes, I'll talk about this later ~ www.readwn.com ~ Whether the military will show up or not is just a guess ..." Muge continued after Fang Chong said, she was also very worried, she was really worried Afraid of what will happen to the four of them ...

"Yes, this matter can only be settled for the time being. Don't think about it. We increase our combat effectiveness as much as possible and improve the team's combat effectiveness. Before the military appears, we need to face the Zak and zombie , The test of mutant creatures ... "Huang Qianchuan summarized, in a case where the atmosphere is not right, it is not suitable to continue ...

"it is good……"

After Huang Qianchuan said this, everyone also dispersed, and only Qin Lan and Fang Chong remained in the conference room ...

Everyone knows that they need to leave a space for the two of them, let them talk about themselves, they are the most tacit, and no one wants problems between them ...

Today I do n’t know if it ’s a coincidence or something ...

…………………………………………………………. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote at the starting point for recommendation, monthly tickets, your support, Is my greatest motivation.)

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