I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 485: Fang Chong's anger


After listening to Qin Lan calmly and seriously, Fang Chong frowned. It is normal for the m [] energy crystal stone and the alien spacecraft to fall, and that kind of energy fluctuation is nothing to humans, but it is extremely sensitive to mutants, Zak, or zombies. Chong knew from Maya's mouth.

The energy carried on the energy crystal stone or the alien spaceship has greatly helped their evolution ...

Because of this recognition, Fang Chong did not feel that Qin Lan was just worried because Qin Lan said it was dangerous.

However, the earth is so large, and there are so many types of environmentally mutated creatures such as the last days or the Zak tribe, Fang Chong cannot know what dangers exist.

Maybe there are really dangerous things, and maybe Qin Lan think too much. After all, they have killed so many mutant creatures when they got the energy crystal stone to leave ...

But these did not go to the scene, everything is speculation ...

The only thing Fang Chong could do was wait until he was going to southern Guangdong province to be more serious and improve his attention.

Fang Chong made such an answer, Qin Lan just nodded, and she also knew that there was no other way but to do this ...

"The installation should be successful today. Once it is successful, it is not difficult to know what is happening in the whole area of ​​Huaxia ..." When Fang Chong and Qin Lan said this, the two children, the old and the old, were smiling. Came over and looked very happy from their expressions.

"Trouble is getting old ..." Fang Chong did not expect the project to progress so fast. These engineers. Contributions were made, especially to the second old man. During these few days, they had hardly rested. If they had not been supported by genetic medicine, they would have fallen.

However, with one bottle of genetic medicine a day, Erao now doesn't seem to be old at all. Except that he looks energetic, his rosy complexion can't see people who have reached the age of sixty or seventy ...

"It's just a matter of saying these things. Your worry is not unreasonable. We don't have the ambitions of other countries to take over China, it doesn't mean that others don't. There are two places where our old bones can still be used. You're welcome ... .. "Childhood has always been that kind of character. Although they are old, they are not confused or invited ...

"Hehe ....." Fang Chong likes the character of the Second Elder very much. Their uninvited merit, not possession, and grandfather's selflessness are invaluable in the last days, but also the hope of Huaxia's future and the future of technology ...

"Okay, just look at the rest. We went back to the R & D center and wanted naval warfare. Warships are indispensable. We will do some research and will not let you down ..." Ye Lao also said no nonsense, The time in the last days is very precious, especially after hearing Fang Chong's concerns, the second old man is now full of motivation.

And with the emergence of new energy sources, the elders' confidence is also full, and the strength of the navy before the end of the world is not comparable to other countries. In particular, the State of Mi is largely lagging behind in energy. When the carrier of the State is already equipped with nuclear power, Huaxia ’s carrier is still diesel-powered, compared to the two. The difference is not a little or two ...

But with the energy crystal stone provided by Fang Chong, if it can be equipped on the battleship. [NEW] The higher ones are not one or two ...

Basically invincible opponents of the same level, with the speed advantage, it is difficult to say who is dead, and besides the huge power of energy weapons, the speed close to the speed of light is unmatched by any thermal weapon.

Childhood and Ye Lao are very clear in their hearts. If there is really a country that does n’t know how to live and die, they would like to eat a big piece of fat from China.

Give them a hard lesson, and now it reminds me of it ...


"They ..." Looking at the second elder who was talking very excitedly, Fang Chong and Qin Lan looked at each other. The second elder liked the fight so much that Fang Chong's unexpected.

However, I have to say that their personality is very appetizing for Fang Chong. What is needed is this mentality. The hard lesson is light. If it really gets hot, Fang Chong will let them annihilate the army ...

"This is not right. Tong Lao Ye Lao has begun to make preparations. We also need to make arrangements as early as possible to fight humans and zombies. Mutated creatures are different and require tactics." .

But unlike their optimism, Qin Lan was a little worried.

The use of new energy is undoubtedly a big advantage for them, but they are not from the military background, especially in the navy. In the end, whether these soldiers can reach 10% of their combat power at sea remains to be verified.

But the situation in the country of Rice may be much better than them.

Naval warfare is their specialty. Once their soldiers have not suffered too much damage in the last days, their naval strength cannot be ignored ...

"You're right, but who are we looking for?" Fang Chong nodded, and Qin Lan said the key point. If Qin Lan didn't say it, Fang Chong would easily ignore it.

In addition to being a different battlefield at sea, fighting with humans is very different from zombie mutants and even Zak.

Especially in the case of weapons facing weapons, the lethality is large-scale, and this must be clearly understood, otherwise they may be the losers ...

"Soldier, the best survivor of the Navy ..." Qin Lan said earnestly.

"But we have no candidates ..." Fang Chong frowned. He could understand what Qin Lan said, but where did the navy go? If possible, Fang Chong wanted to find a naval commander ...

But is it possible? Fang Chong thought of this, but he laughed. If everything goes so smoothly, it will not be the end of the world, and there is no need to worry as much as now ...

"Have you forgotten the commander of Makino? As the military, they should know more about things we don't know. Do you think the power of the country has completely collapsed since the end of the last days?" Qin Lan said.

"Is there still a weak force in Huaxia?" Fang Chong's eyes widened for a moment. Qin Lan's words made him feel incredible.

China is known as the country with the largest number of soldiers in the world. Could millions of troops completely become zombies when they erupt in the last days? impossible….

Fang Chong shook his head by himself, and now he thinks it is impossible. After all, soldiers are not ordinary people. Their physical quality is several times that of ordinary people. In the event of an eschatology, their resistance can be stronger than ordinary people. Many, the proportion of surviving should be higher than the average talent pair ...


But thinking of this, Fang Chong's expression became more puzzled. [ww.RaN] These soldiers did not become zombies, but where did these people go? Fang Chong frowned even more, he wondered ...

"Don't ..." Fang Chong thought of a possibility.

Those staggering numbers of troops were not turned into zombies, nor were they missing. But hid!

After thinking about this possibility, a little anger gradually appeared between Fang Chong's eyebrows, and the sound of a fist sounded between the bones because of the clenched fists.

"Fang Chong you ..." Qin Lan, who is standing next to Fang Chong, might not have known Fang Chong's change. Fang Chong thought of the possibility before Fang Chong, but she did not dare to say ...

The machines of the state are very powerful. Although their power is right now, it is still a question mark whether they can compete with the state;

Qin Lan did not say that the biggest reason was that he was afraid of Fang Chong's impulse. To know the identity of the police before Qin Lan, the eschatology began. She has more or less received some news, and the family behind her is also the military; the Fang people ...

Originally, she did not intend to say anything, but until today Fang Chong talked about his worry in her heart, she did not move her mind.

She likes the country of Huaxia, but the military; Fang's method of doing things this time does not agree with her, she doesn't want them to work hard to save some people in the end ...

"The best thing I think is not true, otherwise ..." Fang Chong looked a little embarrassed. Although not a great man, but thinking of so many compatriots, the elderly and children died under the hands of zombies and mutant creatures. He couldn't calm down.

He knew that it was impossible for the military to save so many humans, but at least the number of humans would not be as scarce as it is now ...

"Afraid what you think is true ..." Qin Lan looked at Fang Chong's expression, and she sighed lightly.

What the military did not expect should be a variable like Fang Chong. According to common thinking, now the zombie mutant creature is gradually in the range that can be controlled. It ’s time for the military ...

But whether everything is as simple as you originally thought it is unknown ...

Qin Lan's expression was a little complicated at this time. She didn't know what to say. After all, what would happen if all surviving humans knew that there are still so many military forces in China? Like Fang Chong?

I'm afraid it will be a lot bigger than Fang Chong's fire! Especially those helpless survivors watching their relatives and friends die in front of them.

Afraid that at that time, China will be more chaotic, especially the survivors who have strength ...

Does the army have energy weapons? No…

Qin Lan can be sure that they only have the energy weapon. Fang Chong comes from where these things are. She doesn't know, others don't know ...

And where did the idea for the armor set come from? Qin Lan also didn't know ...

These two aspects are the variables Qin Lan said earlier. Neither the Chinese military nor other countries can own such things.

As for genetic medicine, Qin Lan believes that the military should be able to achieve some results, and using research to promote its own pace is an indispensable method for all modern humans.

Therefore, it is difficult to guarantee that the military will not find this peculiarity of genetic medicine ...

But it is still very difficult for the military forces to upgrade them so fast, they need time to verify ...


"Go, find Commander Makino, and tell everyone to focus on the meeting ..." Qin Lan was still thinking about himself. Fang Chong has acted. After saying a word to Qin Lan, he immediately turned on the intercom, and said something directly to the muge that was in the command center ...

With the announcement of the pastoral song, Qin Lan knew that all the high-rises in the base cities would soon be concentrated in the municipal buildings. After this meeting today, I am afraid that the pattern of China will change dramatically ....

To put it simply, after China Huaxia today, the former military wants to return to the era of ruling China for fear of being gone forever ...

After knowing Fang Chong's idea, Qin Lan didn't speak up, and Fang Chong made all the decisions she made now. She had been very opposed to the military's moves since.

This kind of opposition was in the early days of the last days, let alone now, especially after seeing so many lives.

It's fake to say no to hate ...

Fang Chong was angry, and his steps were fast. At this time, Qin Lan could only follow him silently, and concealed Fang Chong from the beginning. Now when I think of Qin Lan, I have to say that some guilt is certain.

Although Fang Chong did not ask herself, Qin Lan knew the reason why Fang Chong did not ask, Fang Chong was afraid that mentioning the words of father and mother would touch her sadness ...

Thinking of this, Qin Lan followed Fang Chong all the way and tried to speak several times, but finally held back. She was a bit afraid. She didn't know if Fang Chong would mind if she didn't deliberately hide ...

A few kilometers are not far or near. However, at the current speed of Fang Chong, under the condition of deliberate acceleration, even if there is no scooter, it is only a few minutes.

Fang Chong and the two of them soon appeared in front of the city government building, which is now the command center of Shanghai base city ...

When Fang Chong and the two of them arrived, there were already a lot of people at the gate. Song Ming and Xiao Lan were also among them. Under normal circumstances, Xiao Lan rarely appeared, but Fang Chong's tone is strange and strange today. She had to come over to her. They are familiar with Fang Chong, knowing that something must have happened, otherwise Fang Chong's calm personality would not have experienced such emotional fluctuations ...

Fang Chong's face was so dull that even when he saw them, he didn't speak ....

Looking at such an abnormal Fang Chong. Xiao Lan and Song Ming talked and stopped, but watched Fang Chong walk in. In the end, the two of them focused on Qin Lan who was slowing down. They knew that to know what was going on first, it was only from Qin Lan ...

"Sister Qin Lan, what happened?" The relationship between Xiao Lan and Qin Lan was the best. When the last days broke out, she was rescued by Qin Lan. If it were not for Qin Lan, she did not know how many times she had died. Qin Lan was in her mind The existence of my sister ...

"This matter is more complicated, go in and talk about it, but Fang Chong is not angry because of anyone in this base city, don't think about it ..." The reason why Qin Lan's footsteps came down was to see the expression of everyone's expressions, after all This kind of Fang Chong has never been seen before. Qin Lan is like this, others are even more like this ...

Qin Lan does not intend to say more, saying that these are just to dispel everyone's doubts ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Oh… .." Xiao Lan's expression was more complicated, and had nothing to do with the base city, but why did Fang Chong call everyone together to the bottom? And it's not hard to see from Fang Chong's somber expression that Fang Chong is so big that he wants to eat people ...

But Qin Lan said so, Xiao Lan couldn't ask any more questions, but just quietly accelerated the pace ...

Ten minutes later, the high-level of all the base cities have arrived, whether it is logistics management or the leader of the vanguard, as long as the high-level have arrived.

This is not the first time that a large-scale conference like this one is held, but the atmosphere today is obviously different. The feeling of depression is like the depression before the storm, and it makes people feel breathless.

Before Fang Chong didn't speak, the conference room was quiet and the exhalation sound was clearly visible ...

"What happened to Fang Chong?" Knowing this kind of depression, it is easy to drive people crazy. Commander Makino, as a senior, had to speak first. Fang Chong's appearance today makes him equally confused. . Like everyone else, his expression was full of doubts ...

"Do you know that so many Chinese troops have gone there since the end of the last days?" Fang Chong stood up unexpectedly. After hearing the commander of Makino, he asked a little coldly, but not for the commander of Makino. , The commander of Makino was able to stand on the forefront of the battle, and everything has been explained ...

The purpose of Fang Chong's question is to know if the military is really like this ...

Commander Makino was a soldier before the end of the last days. This kind of thing is afraid that in the entire Shanghai base city, no one is clear except him ...

"What do you want to know?" Hearing Fang Chong ~ www.readwn.com ~ The face of Commander Makino suddenly changed color. He finally knew where Fang Chong's anger originated.

He already associates the future with Fang Chong's anger ...

"Uncle Makino, tell Fang Chong ..." Huang Qianchuan was the closest to Fang Chong and he could hear the dialogue between Fang Chong and the commander of Makino very clearly.

He was still wondering about Fang Chong without a head and asked such a sentence. After seeing the change in the expression of Commander Makino, he seemed to think of something, but he was still full of doubts before getting the confirmation of Commander Makino ...

With Fang Chong's question, Commander Makino's counter-question, and then added to Huang Qianchuan ...

The expressions of other people are more confused ...

At the same time, everyone's eyes were completely focused on Commander Makino at this time.

………………………………………………………………………………………… .. (to be continued.)


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