I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 490: Giant Lizard?


The monster's exposed water has a large head, and the color looks a pale blue. The skin looks smooth, not like scaled armor. The shape of the head gives the illusion of a snake ...

"What kind of monster is this?" Looking at the monster with its head and part of its body screaming, the monster's huge body has caused too much impact on human vision ...

"Is it a dinosaur?" Qin Lan said. She went to the same place as Fang Chong, but could it be a dinosaur? Qin Lan and Fang Chong, after saying this, they are not sure, after all, the creature such as a dinosaur disappeared on the earth for too long. M [Go to the novel ~]

Tens of thousands of years, enough to make dinosaurs disappear in the long river of time ...

Thinking of this, Qin Lan's expression became more and more confused, what is not a dinosaur? Does it have something to do with dinosaurs? This possibility is most likely to Qin Lan ...

"Giant Lizard ..." After Fang Chong was silent for a long time, he finally spoke.

After seeing the shocking visual impact of this monster just now, he immediately asked the Mayan system, and the answer given by Maya was not the dinosaur he initially suspected, but a giant lizard, an amphibious mutant creature … ..

After all, dinosaurs have been in the earth for a long time, and they have disappeared for too long. It is impossible to reappear on the earth ...

However, if this giant lizard is strictly speaking, it has a certain blood relationship with dinosaurs. This is the only case. It's only after the giant lizard has erupted that it can make such a huge change.

The biggest reason should be a genetic inheritance of dinosaurs in common lizards, and the opportunity in the last days allowed these genes that had lurked in the body cells of ordinary lizards to explode.

The answer given by the Maya system is this ...


"Giant lizard.?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, the expressions of others were dull. Can the lizard grow to this extent? Listening to the sound and speed of giant lizards swimming in the water, this title is hard to believe ...

The average lizard is so big. The giant lizards they see now are afraid of being hundreds of times higher than ordinary lizards ...

"Yes, because this giant lizard has dinosaur genes in its bloodline, and the environment like the last days is enough to stimulate the dinosaur genes lurking in the lizard cells, so the outbreak is normal ..." Fang Chong explained. He remembers the reactions of everyone very clearly. Isn't that the case when he was talking with the Maya system just now?

"Is there really a dinosaur gene in it?" When Fang Chong said it was a dinosaur, everyone didn't hear it, but Qin Lan said the sentence. Others heard it very clearly.

"You do n’t want to see the head of the dinosaur in the head of the dinosaur, do you think the head of the snake-necked dragon in the water? There is not much difference between the appearance and the snake ..." Fang Chong added, almost copied, Fang Chong took from Maya The explanations reached there are all moved over ...

"It's very like ..." Everyone was described by Fang Chong, but they felt more and more like ...

"Everyone pays more attention. Although it is not a dinosaur, but with such a huge body and our unknown attack power, we do not need to be careful, and his strength should be more than 400 or more. ….

But now we may be uncertain, after all, before he shot, it was difficult to say ... "Fang Chong looked at the giant lizard that had been tens of meters away from them, and asked everyone to pay attention.

Giant lizards are amphibious creatures, and the land can't help him. This is to tell Fang Chong that they are still not safe even if they are at a certain distance from the giant lizards ....

"Understand ..." Hearing Fang Chong's concerns, Qin Lan and they started to retreat. Fang Chong's response ability was the most sensitive of them. They did not worry about what would happen to Fang Chong ...

Although it is not ruled out that the giant lizard can reach the land, after landing on the land, the huge body of the giant lizard may be his fatal weakness ...

But will it be the weakness of giant lizards? Fang Chong did not know, others were even more afraid to be sure, they wanted things. But often things go wrong ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"His… .." As the giant lizard approached the bank of the reservoir, Fang Chong looked so calm. It finally roared out, dare the roar was venting its dissatisfaction or angry.

Fang Chong's performance is too calm ...

"Oh, come on, we are not afraid of you ..." After knowing that the strength of this giant lizard is close to or above 500 levels, Fang Chong knew that this level of mutant creatures wants to hear It should not be difficult to understand human language ...

"Roar ..." Sure enough, after hearing Fang Chong's voice similar to the provocation, both eyes of the giant lizard glared at Fang Chong, as if accidentally there was a fire blasting out of it, a mouth, and a roar filled In his ear ...

Loud and deafening ...

"Maya said that he didn't know the attack method of your guy, come on, let me see, you are so good that I beat you down ..." Fang Chong could not see any expression on his face, but his narrow eyes looked It is concluded that Fang Chong is very frightened and serious about this giant lizard in front of him ...

The main reason Fang Chong talked was to see if he could anger this giant lizard and let it attack ...

The principle of knowing oneself and knowing one another is clear.

"Roar ..." Fang Chong's provocation still exchanged the angry lion of the giant lizard. At the same time, this time the giant lizard moved, and after a loud roar, its huge body suddenly disappeared on the water, and the whole The water of the reservoir was stirred up fiercely ...

Watching this change, Fang Chong's expression slowly became dignified ...

The giant lizard disappeared on the water. Fang Chong would not be naive to think that the giant lizard was scared away by him. And even if he ran away, he did n’t want to see it. He wanted to solve the giant lizard at one time, otherwise, this energy crystal stone mine would not be developed ...

But the premise of solving it is that giant lizards are within the range they can solve ...

Fang Chong looked dignified, his eyes staring at the water surface of the reservoir.

From the fluctuations in the water, Fang Chong could see that the giant lizard was approaching him. Although Fang Chong knew the purpose and idea of ​​the giant lizard, at this time, he was not able to change anything, and it was undoubtedly a way of killing him to start fighting with the giant lizard. (Read novels.)

But apart from this method, Fang Chong could not think of other good methods. He did not have a method of long-range attack.

The only thing you can do now is wait. Wait for the giant lizard to surface and see what he wants to do ...

The waves on the water surface became more and more violent, and the distance between him and him was only twenty or thirty meters.

At such a distance, the giant lizard may hit the side Chong with a forward stroke. But what Fang Chong did not expect, the giant lizard did not escape from the water after this distance, and attacked ...

Watching the water calm down unexpectedly, Fang Chong felt incredible, but he did not relax his alertness.

The giant Zach did not leave here, still lurking under the water ...


"What does it want to do?" Fang Chong's expression was full of doubts. He just imagined the possibility of several attacks when the giant lizard was approaching, but how could he never imagine such a trick ...

As for Qin Lan and others, they also saw such a strange scene. But before Fang Chong did not signal them to pass, they remained in place ...

The weird scene lasted for several minutes, and finally, the water in the reservoir changed again, but this time it was different from the previous violent fluctuations.

A small small vortex appeared above the position where the giant lizard finally sank ...

Watching the emergence of this small vortex, Fang Chong's doubtful expression added a fear, he knew that the original calm water level of the reservoir could not have changed in this way.

The only possibility is that the giant lizard in the water is playing tricks ...

But what about giant lizards? Fang Chong could not help asking questions ...

However, as the range of the vortex on the water surface became larger, Fang Chong also suspended his cluttered thoughts, and watched the changes in the water surface seriously and vigilantly.

At the same time, Fang Chong still maintained strength in his legs. Keep dormant for the first time anywhere, anytime ...

The giant lizard did not allow Fang Chong to wait long. As the small vortex on the water surface disappeared and the calmness of the water surface was less than a minute later, a huge skull emerged from the water of the reservoir with the sound of a gurgling sound ... ...

When Fang Chong had just reacted, the giant lizard's eyes glared. Mouth wide ...

But this time, it was different from Fang Chong's imagination. The giant lizard's mouth was not roaring, but a jet of water close to one meter in diameter spouted from its mouth.

The water flow is like a high-pressure water gun, no, it is more rapid than a high-pressure water gun ...

Fang Chong did not expect this to happen. Although he had been prepared long ago, Fang Chong was inevitably hit by a huge water column.

The huge water column combined with huge strength, although Fang Chong wore a suit of armor, but in the face of such an all-rounder, Fang Chong only felt that his body was hit hard by a huge force.

The chest feels stuffy, and the hot feeling is very obvious ...

However, due to the armor suit, Fang Chong did not receive much damage in this fierce blow, but only looked a little embarrassed ...

After being blasted out by the water column for hundreds of meters, Fang Chong slowly climbed up from the ground, and he looked at the giant lizard a bit high with a depressed expression ...

Judging from this blow, the giant lizard is smarter than he thought, but how smart is still to be confirmed ...


Seeing the unexpected feeling of the giant lizard and the way Fang Chong flew out, the others were taken aback, but after seeing Fang Chong quickly got up from the ground. Everyone can not help but breathe a sigh of relief ...

"You still stay where you are. This giant lizard's attack method should be more than this trick ..." Fang Chong waved his hands when they saw Song Ming rushing over.

Let other people take risks, Fang Chong still feels that he himself is much safer ....

He came to care for all the people who came here today, and it was more sad to watch them happen than Fang Chong himself ...

"You have to be careful ..." The group who knew Fang Chong's personality, after hearing Fang Chong's words, they stopped although they were unwilling, but Xiao Lan had already found a higher ground at this time, and she could set her The place where a heavy sniper rifle was mounted, with a somber expression, stared at the front.

Although after hearing this giant lizard's strength is close to or beyond five hundred levels. She lost all her confidence, but did not have the confidence to kill the giant lizard, but he was happy to cause some trouble to it ...

As for Qin Lan, this time Fang Chong walked near the reservoir. She is already in the sky, holding a long bow in her hand, and a long silver arrow pointing in front of the giant lizard ...

However, Qin Lan didn't take any action. This situation undoubtedly exposed her position immediately. Fang Chong was right. The giant lizard should still have a lot of attack methods that were not exposed to them.

Before they can fully understand, all they need to do is wait for the giant lizards to be exposed one by one ...

Thinking of this, Qin Lan slowly raised her altitude in the air before the giant lizard did not find her ...

Fang Chong did not expect that Qin Lan and Xiao Lan had made so many preparations to face this giant lizard. At this time in his heart, he was still calm, even if he felt a little surprised ...

He himself did not understand where this self-confidence came from.

Approaching step by step, Fang Chong's eyes soon contacted the eyes of the giant lizard again. At the moment of contact, Fang Chong could feel the changes in the eyes of the giant lizard. Obviously, Fang Chong was completely fine. It's expected.

Fang Chong felt that the expression of the giant lizard was changing. He even had the illusion that a water column attack was the most powerful attack method of the giant lizard.

However, this feeling was quickly thrown away by him. Is a giant lizard close to 500 or more than 500 capable of attacking so little?

The answer is absolutely impossible. Otherwise, isn't it Bai Changlong?

While Fang Chong was still thinking about this, the giant lizard's mouth opened again. Obviously, Fang Chong's unaffected appearance still made it take a hit. It had to be doubled back ...

Fang Chong was well prepared. Facing the water jet that once again emerged from the giant lizard's mouth, he could not escape. He has eaten a loss in Shuizhu once and behaves very calmly ...

One second before the water column reached him, the long sword in his hand was held up, and it was severely chopped before the water column touched him ...

The rainbow-like water column was split in half directly in front of Fang Chong's sword.

This time, such an attack was not splashed on Fang Chong's body ...


"Roar ..." Unexpectedly Fang Chong, the giant lizard was even more angry. This time Fang Chong's defense made him angry, and the angry and cold eyes made Fang Chong feel that the surrounding temperature seemed to be a few degrees cold ...

Fang Chong was shocked by this feeling. His expression was filled with astonishment. He did not expect that he would be scared by the eyes of the giant lizard ...

However, Fang Chong discovered a different place soon. It seems that the decrease in temperature is not that he was scared by the giant lizard, but that the temperature has really dropped by several degrees ...

Fang Chong was surprised, his eyes were a little more fearful than the previous dignity ...

The breath revealed by the current giant lizard finally made Fang Chong feel what is called a powerful breath above level 500 ...

This powerful atmosphere made Fang Chong feel dangerous for the first time, but the danger returned to danger. Fang Chong did not plan to retreat. Although the giant lizards of level 500 and above were dangerous, they could not be killed ...

Fang Chong's eyes stared at the giant lizard, and the hugely changed lizards were also full of Fang Chong, but it was not difficult to see from his eyes that the momentum had completely changed, and he looked at Fang Chong's eyes full of ridicule ...

Was ironic? Fang Chong's expression was a little depressed. Now that these mutant creatures are powerful and have almost human wisdom, they even understand how to laugh at such things ...

However, although Fang Chong was depressed, he was not dizzy with anger. He was waiting. He still had to wait for the giant lizard to shoot first. In Fang Chong's plan, it is best to be able to anger the giant lizard and attract him ashore. His advantage It's obvious ...

The giant lizard, who had the absolute advantage in momentum, did not intend to consume it with Fang Chong. He drooped his head, plunged into the water suddenly, and opened his mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ inhaled a lot of water ...

"Are you here?" Fang Chong was puzzled. Fang Chong's water column couldn't hurt him, but he was going to defeat him with a sip of water? Fang Chong could not help asking questions after seeing this action of giant lizards ...

However, the giant lizard did not pay attention to the weird expression of Fang Chong, he still absorbed the water in his own way, and then stored his power. Before Fang Chong did not make any defensive action, his mouth widened and a water polo flew out of his mouth ...

Looking at the water polo shining in the sun, Fang Chong noticed something strange ...

Because as the water polo approached, the air seemed colder ...

Fang Chong thought of this, and the pupils of his eyes suddenly enlarged. When he looked at the water polo through the refracted light, he noticed different situations ...

The water polo flying towards him is not just as simple as water polo ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome Come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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