I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 491: loose the temper


Although Fang Chong saw that the "water polo" flying towards him was abnormal, when he noticed the anomaly, the "water polo" was less than a few meters away from him. This distance plus the speed of the "water polo" flight was basically Fang Chong is not allowed to make any dodging actions. Without a solution, Fang Chong's sword can only do the same as before ...

"Cang… .." A loud noise accompanied Fang Chong's sword to the "water polo" position. "Book uploader" Splashes of water ...

But what made Lingya in the distance feel incredible is that Fang Chong easily broke the water column ejected by the giant lizard the last time, but this time, even a 'water polo' could not be cut. Changes, they suddenly sounded ...

But as ‘water polo’ fell to the ground with Fang Chong ’s counterattack, they understood ...

"Water polo" shattered, flashing all over the ground ...

"Not a water polo?" Ling Ya exclaimed when she saw the water ball bursting and breaking.

"It's actually ice ..." Pastoral was startled, shocked that this giant lizard can spray ice hockey skills, but even more Fang Chong's next situation, full of unknown abilities and powerful strength is undoubtedly giant Lizard's biggest hole card, Fang Chong is dangerous ...

"Mutant creatures still have this ability?" Murong Xue's expression was more weird than Ling Ya. The ability of mutant creatures was not something he could understand.

"We need to be prepared. Fang Chongsheng is not a big deal. The giant lizard's ability is a bit abnormal, and the reservoir is his absolute advantage ..." Song Ming's expression was dignified, unlike everyone's exclaim. He is already thinking about how to support him in the future ...

But he didn't do it immediately. He knew that even if they did it immediately, it was impossible to defeat the giant lizard at once. After all, except that Qin Lan has the advantage in the air to attack giant lizards from a long distance, they and Fang Chong are now the same ...

If one more person stood out, wouldn't it give the giant lizard one more target?

Although Song Ming has a strong personality, he is not stupid. He has experienced so many battles and has honed for so long between life and death. This simple thing cannot be understood ...

"Understand ..." The crowd didn't speak again, they just clenched the sword. Looking forward blankly ...

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"Sure enough, this thing is an ice hockey ..." Fang Chong felt the tingling of his arms, and he frowned.

Such a giant lizard's attack completely unexpected him, although the blow just released the danger. But I ate a dark loss ...

Looking at the dross that flickered in the sun, Fang Chong was surprised and wondered, he didn't know why this giant lizard could make the water polo into a puck on the way ...

Fang Chong knew very well that the ice hockey was still a water polo for a long time after leaving the giant lizard's mouth. It was only slowly converted into ice hockey on the way ...

In addition to not understanding the reason, Fang Chong is even more unbelievable in the hardness of the puck. With the sharpness of his sword, he can't cut a puck. rupture. But this is enough to prove that the puck is strong ...

Fang Chong frowned slightly after confirming this ...

"What if I get hit by an ice hockey?" Fang Chong asked a question in his heart. He dared to imagine that speed and weight would still be strong. Afraid of being hit, I have to break a few bones ...

Obviously, the attack of ice hockey is not comparable to the previous water column. Everywhere, Fang Chong doubts his defensive ability of the armor set ...

The attack power of mutant creatures approaching or exceeding five hundred levels is not to be underestimated ...

Fang Chong took a deep breath, his eye's attention was taken back from the ground's glittering scum, and it was put back on the giant lizard.

Although I realized the powerful attacking power of the giant lizard, Fang Chong did not show the slightest timidity. It can even be said that Fang Chong's hot eyes are not difficult to see that Fang Chong is more excited ...

It's been several months since I started to do anything. Fang Chong saw that the giant lizard can be even more powerful than him, and his warfare broke out ...

Only battle is the most direct manifestation of verifying his strength. Fang Chong's war-flaming eyes said everything ...

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"Roar… .." You may feel that Fang Chong is not afraid of rising, and the giant lizard is roaring again. His round eyes look at Fang Chong with hate. The feeling is really anxious. Chong gave it to eat ...

However, Fang Chong easily destroyed its attack several times in a row, making him afraid to underestimate Fang Chong.

But like Ling Ya and Song Ming, they imagined that these attacks before were really not the only way to attack giant lizards, or that they were more powerful in the back ...

"Come on ..." Fang Chong, who knows that the giant lizard understands human words, secretly raises his alertness, and still keeps provocative in language. Fang Chong respects this sentence very much, and in Fang Chong's view, the opponent is not human What's more, there is no need to care about this, and in the face of life and death, everything is false except to live ...

After Fang Chong put on a defensive action, the sword was raised in front of him and he did not move ...

Before the giant lizard went ashore, all he could do was wait. Although passive defense was depressing and dangerous, Fang Chong had no choice now ...

Letting Qin Lan join in the attack is undoubtedly putting Qin Lan in a dangerous position. Fang Chong did not want or want to ...

He had dispelled this thought since the giant lizard had just sprayed out the water column.

"Roar ..." Another roar rang, but this time, the giant lizard did not pierce its head into the water, but opened its mouth after roaring, and unexpectedly squirted another water polo ...

Fang Chongrao was prepared for such sudden changes. I was still caught by surprise and wanted to scold my mother directly ....

After getting away quite embarrassedly, whistling sounds and exclaiming sounds from Ling Ya and others came from the ears.

Fang Chong did not look up, he discerned the whistling in his ear. After making sure that the body fell directly to the ground for a quick roll ...

However, the attack of the giant lizard did not stop in this way. Fang Chong only heard the sound of whistling in his ears, and his whole body was moving around the ground, occasionally waving a sword to split a sword ...

Fang Chong did not know how many times after lying on the ground, the sound of whistling in his ear was finally quiet, he slightly raised his head, and the head of the giant lizard plunged into the water again ....

Fang Chong knew that it should be the "bullet" of the giant lizard.

After starting to bounce off the ground. Fang Chong's expression was a bit ugly.

Not to mention that he was so embarrassed by the giant Zach just now, he is depressed when he just sees himself covered with muddy water ...

At this time, the black armor set on his body turned completely yellow.

It can be said that since Fang Chongda has erupted in the last days for more than a year now, the most embarrassing thing is this time.

He gritted his teeth. Looking at the water with anger on his face, he could not wait to rush into his hand, and killed the giant lizard with a sword ...

Whether Fang Chong can be killed with a single sword is out of consideration ....

However, after taking a few mouthfuls of slightly smelly air, Fang Chong's expression returned to calmness, he was thinking. Want to deal with giant lizards ...

If we continue this way, will we not be able to attract the giant lizard? If we are tired, we will be able to exhaust ourselves. Fang Chong's head is a bit big ...

It is clear. He is too cunning in the giant lizard, and he knows the advantages it has in the water ...

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"That's right. Although I can't fly as high as Qin Lan, it's still possible to fight with a giant lizard bucket on the water. That's right ..." Fang Chong watched the waves on the water intensify, he Knowing that the giant lizard is about to end its water absorption, the corner of his mouth is slightly raised, and he already has an idea ...

When he was dodging just now, he remembered the mocking expression of the giant lizard ...

Soon, after the head of the giant lizard emerged from the water, an ice ball flew from its mouth without any warning. For Fang Chong, his expression did not appear to fluctuate in the face of the sudden ice ball.

The Wolverine dodging just now is not without gain. At this time, Fang Chong was able to clearly calculate the speed and frequency of the hockey puck flying by the giant lizard.

After being able to determine such a speed, Fang Chong would dodge easily.

And this time, unlike the embarrassment just forced, Fang Chong was always able to dodge when the ice hockey flew in front of him every time, going out and occasionally splitting a sword to relieve trouble, Fang Chong Basically all have the advantage ...

Soon, this round of offense and defense was over, but this time the depressed person replaced a giant lizard.

The roar that emanated before he got into the water is not difficult to hear his depressed mood ...

However, Fang Chong did not have time to rejoice. He waited for the opportunity for the giant lizard to plunge into the water.

When Fang Chong ran in a group, his foot was working hard, and the whole person leaped high on the edge of the reservoir and vacated ...

After ten meters from the ground, Fang Chong spread his arms, and a gliding posture slid toward the water surface tens of meters away ...

The goal is obvious, that is, the surface of the water is so volatile that the giant lizard plunged into the water ...

Fang Chong taxied to this point, standing with his sword, with a serious expression and calmness.

And to everyone's surprise, Fang Chong can stand steadily a few meters from the water today, and this position is the height when the giant lizard's head is raised ...

Ling Ya and others were surprised. They did not know why Fang Chong rushed into the reservoir, but after seeing Fang Chong's current action, they understood ...

Although Fang Chong does not know whether the sword can break the defense of the giant lizard, nor does it know where the weakness of the giant lizard is, but it is not impossible to take this opportunity to anger the giant lizard ...

After Fang Chong stood for a while, the amplitude of the water surface fluctuations became more severe. Fang Chong didn't feel anything about it. The time when the giant lizard dipped into the water to absorb the water, he probably already knows that, like preparing for the fierce fluctuation now, it is the precursor of the giant lizard water ….

"Wow ...". Sure enough. Fang Chong's idea had just fallen, the sound of water was violent, and the head of the giant lizard had sprang out of the water.

"Roar ..." But the giant lizard with a big mouth wants to eject the ice hockey but can't find the trace of Fang Chongren, it growls angrily ...

"Animal. Don't look for it, I'm here ..." Fang Chong, standing with a sword, smiled with a smile on his face after the giant lizard roared angrily. He knew the opportunity was coming ...

As the sword rises, Fang Chong's body slowly rises, and as his voice falls, the whole person quickly descends from the air by taking advantage of the situation.

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"Roar ..." Hear Fang Chong's voice sounded above him. The giant lizard turned his head in panic, but his angry roar had just sounded, and Fang Chong's sword suddenly fell in front of him ...

"Cang… .." While the long sword shined in Fang Chong's hands, it was accurately cut on the head of the giant lizard.

But let Fang Chong feel a kind of vomiting blood. The huge power of the sword makes the bottom of the giant lizard's body quite a lot, but Fang Chong thought that the giant lizard's head had no scale armor. It was wrong.

The position where the sword was chopped just now is on a scale.

The huge strength of up to 40 thousand pounds and the sharpness of the long sword actually left only a faint trace on the scale armor of the giant lizard's head position ...

In this situation, Fang Chong was extremely depressed, and the giant lizard's defense was a little stronger than he thought ...

From this point, Fang Chong can also determine that the level of a giant lizard is above 500. Otherwise, although such a blow would not be fatal, at least a wound must be left on the giant lizard ...

But now it is! Fang Chong has a feeling of being hit ...

"Roar ..." However, as the mutant lizard issued a sharp scream and a move into the water instantly, Fang Chong's expression was still full of mischief.

Is this giant lizard too painful? Can't stand such a little pain? Fang Chong is speechless ...

However, Fang Chong dare not care. Is the giant lizard dodging or tricking into the water? Fang Chong didn't know, but the cunning that the giant lizard showed before. Fang Chong kept alert ...

The body slowly flew around the water, all attention was focused on the water. The calmness of the water made him very helpless, but what is certain is that the giant lizard did not move ...

However, Fang Chong was not very sure. After all, how deep is the water in this reservoir? Fang Chong has no bottom, because once the water depth of the reservoir reaches a certain level, even if the giant lizard swims inside, it is difficult to see it on the water ...

"Did you really escape and hide?" Fang Chong's originally calm heart was a little irritated after a few minutes passed. After all, his flying ability was limited, and he was very worried that the giant lizard would not come out.

If this giant lizard is not resolved today, this place will be unsafe ...

"Wow, wow ...." But when Fang Chong's idea first appeared, the water surface moved. Although the amplitude was not large, Fang Chong's sensitive hearing could still listen to different places at once.

When Fang Chong heard such a voice, he immediately ruled out the possibility of the giant lizard running away and hiding. With the pride of mutant creatures, running away at a loss was obviously not their style, and it was still stronger than Fang Chong.

After Fang Chong determined this, he admired the cunning of this giant lizard ...


"I'm coming ..." Qin Lan couldn't help but know Fang Chong's strength. Of course, she knew how long Fang Chong could stay in the air. After seeing this time passed, she moved ...

"What do you want to do?" Fang Chong didn't feel unhappy because Qin Lan suddenly appeared. Qin Lan knew him best. He didn't want her to come because he was afraid of her being hurt, and Qin Lan knew this.

So Fang Chong knew that Qin Lan was approaching, and there must be a way ...

"It doesn't come out in the water. I should have no problem pushing him out with an arrow. Although it can't kill him, it shouldn't be a problem to anger him ..." Qin Lan explained.

"Okay, you try it, but as soon as the giant lizard comes out, you immediately lift off ..." Fang Chong nodded, which Qin Lan said is undoubtedly a good way, and bow and arrow are the key, and more importantly, the giant lizard's The body is huge, which undoubtedly gives Qin Lan a tall goal, basically there is no need to worry about shooting empty ...

"I understand ..." Qin Lan smiled slightly, Fang Chong's simple concern was undoubtedly the most lethal ...

After saying this, Qin Lan did not speak any more. After maintaining a certain height, she held the bow in her left hand and the arrow in her right hand ...

After the red lips were bitten slightly, the white bowstrings did not pull away at once, showing a full moon shape ...

With the bowstring tightening ~ www.readwn.com ~ The black long arrow turned into a black streamer and flew down after the three fingers of Qin Lansong's right hand holding the arrow ...

There are no obstacles, no sounds, and no water splashes. The long black arrows have disappeared into the vision of Fang Chong Qin Lan ...

However, this arrow is as quiet as the sea, without any waves stirred in the reservoir ...

However, Qin Lan's expression did not change. Her hands were mechanical. For a short period of time, she maintained the action of bow and arrow shooting, but she did not do too much aiming, but aimed at the deeper color under the water. Look It looks like a giant lizard ...

But after releasing the unknown arrow, the calm water finally moved ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued.)


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