I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 492: Unexpected


Watching the large-scale fluctuation of the calm water surface, Fang Chong's mouth had a smile on his face, he knew that Qin Lan's attack worked. M [Go to the novel ~]

Although it is clear to them that an attack like Qin Lan's just now is unlikely to hurt the giant lizard, as long as they can push it out of the water, their purpose has been achieved.

Fang Chong's most hope now is that this giant lizard can jump out and fight against them ...

They don't have as much time to spend here as giant lizards.

In the environment of the last days, every day may undergo great changes, especially Fang Chong felt that their enemies may not only come from zombies, mutants and Zac outside the environment of the last days ...

Humans may be their greatest rivals in the future.

Whether it comes from other countries or China itself, these factors are full of uncertainty ...

"Grumbling, grumbling ..." Soon, the reaction above became even more violent. From the bitter expression of Qin Lan's teeth, it is not difficult to see that Qin Lan's power is now approaching the limit.

"Roar ..." Finally, with a more violent wave, the giant lizard finally returned to the water, and a violent roar sounded in Fang Chong's expectations. Listening to this voice, Fang Chong could not look With the slightest worry, as the giant lizard resurfaced out of the water, Fang Chong knew that what he wanted to achieve was near ...

However, Fang Chong did not move immediately, looking at the giant lizard that had just revealed his head. Fang Chong did not dare to rashly attack. Because if one does n’t mind, if they let this giant lizard escape again, then they will sniff ....

Fang Chong is unwilling and will not allow this to happen ...

"Come on, beast, can you reach me at such a high level?" Qin Lan saw Fang Chong not move. She was not panicked. After a look of surprise, she had already guessed Fang Chong's intentions. .

After understanding Fang Chong's intentions, Qin Lan did not immediately raise her height in the air, but cursed unexpectedly. If it weren't for the armor suit, I'd be afraid to fight with the shrews.

Looking at Qin Lan's depressed face, Fang Chong had an urge to laugh. After all, Qin Lan was the cutest at this time ...


I don't know how Qin Lan saw Fang Chongxiao this way. When Fang Chongzhen was uncomfortable, Qin Lan looked at Fang Chong with an angry look and stared at Fang Chong ...

"Roar ..." The giant lizard, who had been breathless by being provoked by Qin Lan, would see Qin Lan still have other thoughts to do other things, and it was angry.

So angry ...

After a violent roar erupted from its mouth, a mouth opened, and an ice ball suddenly flew out, shooting at Qin Lan at a very fast speed ...

"Good time ..." Qin Lan faced the attack from the giant lizard, her expression calm and calm, she had been prepared for a long time. In the face of the ice hockey flying fast, she sang a good sound, and the person moved horizontally for a few meters in space. Although it seemed a bit dangerous, Qin Lan easily escaped the blow from the giant lizard. (Read novels.)

But at this time, the mouth of the giant lizard opened again, and the moment Qin Lan had just stabilized his body, an ice hockey came again quickly.

Watching this ice hockey approaching Qin Lan a little faster than before, Fang Chong took a breath, and Qin Lan was in danger ...

Fang Chong even had the urge to shoot immediately. However, when seeing Qin Lan's expression still remained unchanged, Fang Chong stiffly resisted this impulse. He believed that Qin Lan was well-informed and not frightened ...

But at this time, Fang Chong's body bowed slightly in the air. Yes, Fang Chong is accumulating power ...

But when Fang Chong just finished these actions. Qin Lan moved. Facing the ice hockey approaching her quickly, she moved again, still a beautiful horizontal movement.

Although it looks very dangerous, it is worthy of being able to avoid the attack of ice hockey ...

Fang Chong breathed slightly, it was too dangerous.

However, just after Fang Chong sent such a sigh, he immediately saw the presence of a smile on Qin Lan's face, yes, Fang Chong did not read wrong, Qin Lan was laughing, and from Qin Lan's smile, Fang Chongbu It's hard to feel Qin Lan's confidence!

The next scene Fang Chong saw no doubt proved that his conjecture was correct.

While Qin Lan sprayed the puck once again with giant Zack, Qin Lan was not idle this time, while the silver long bow was in his hand, his right hand quickly pulled a black heavy arrow from the quiver behind him.

Bow and arrow ...

As a result, the hockey puck that the giant lizard spewed out was in front of Qin Lan, but after knowing the speed of the hockey puck, the third hockey puck flying towards Qin Lan could not bring any threat to Qin Lan.

With a calm expression, Qin Lan, after avoiding again easily, the silver long bow has been pulled away ...


"What is Qin Lan going to do?" Fang Chong watched Qin Lan's series of moves a bit weird. He couldn't understand what the purpose of Qin Lan was. After all, the arrow's damage to the giant lizard was limited. In this case, the danger was obvious Just not worth it ...

What Fang Chong did not expect was that when he could not guess, Qin Lan had already given him the answer ...

Qin Lan relaxed the bow of the silvery white bow calmly and calmly.

The heavy black arrow spins fiercely to the giant lizard that is preparing for the next attack ...

Fang Chong looked at such a scene and finally understood why Qin Lan had just made such a dangerous move ...

Qin Lan's idea is simple. The scaled arrows on the surface of the giant lizard cannot be broken, but what about the mouth? The flesh without the protection of scale armor should have no way to resist the power of her bow and arrow?

Qin Lan's idea is taken for granted ...

but. Qin Lan's idea is good though. But it is not easy to complete it. She ignores that every time the giant lizard erupts the puck, she always likes one by one, so the black arrow shot by Qin Lan just reached the front of the giant lizard's slightly opened mouth. An ice hockey has appeared ...

However, even when Fang Chong thought that such a blow had no effect, an accident occurred ....

The black arrows and transparent ice hockey pucks have a strong visual impact. With the black arrows supporting the center of the hockey, the original hockey puck suddenly stopped. []

Positioned at less than one meter from the giant lizard's mouth ...

"Ka-chan ..." This unexpected scene happened, Fang Chong's mouth slightly opened, Qin Lan's expression was unexpected. As for giant lizards, their eyes widened, this is an incredible scene ...

With the sound of a click, the originally smooth, puck-shaped sphere appeared many dense cracks. These cracks spread outward from the center of the sphere concentrated by long black arrows ...


Within a second, when the entire ice hockey sphere was covered by cracks, the ice hockey exploded like a bomb, and the white **** was flying around ...

Of course, the most affected by the dross is the giant lizard himself, and his mouth bears the brunt ...

A moan came out of his mouth.

Seeing an accident that might be more powerful than her shooting an arrow, Qin Lan kept her hands.

He will not miss such a good opportunity. What she hopes most is to take advantage of the giant lizard disease and kill her ...

If you can solve it all at once, don't spend so much attention attracting it ashore ...


Qin Lan completely exploded without hiding his strength. The number of arrows at the shoot-out increased sharply. The status of the giant lizard that lost its initiative suddenly lost its advantage. After being passive, it was forced back by Qin Lan's bow and arrow.

However, as Qin Lan's quiver and arrows reduced in number and physical strength, Qin Lan's speed slowed down.

After Qin Lan shot the last arrow in the empty quiver, her body slowly landed on the edge of the reservoir.

Gasping slightly, Qin Lan looked at the giant lizard with a serious expression, though she had not suffered any fatal or major injuries. But Qin Lan didn't worry about the others. She was very confident and could not kill this giant lizard. Couldn't she have the ability to anger him? Qin Lan looked extremely angry, and many of her head scales fell off the damaged giant lizard under her bow and arrow. She guessed ...

She knew the vanity and pride of mutant creatures. It's hard to be reconciled, it's only a matter of time before going to land ...

"Roar ..." I felt that the bullet-like attack arrows disappeared. The giant lizard saw Qin Lan's location. After confirming that Qin Lan had no attack weapon, it rushed out. For the giant lizard, revenge It's time ...

But just after rushing for dozens of meters, a fast-moving bullet flew towards his head ...

The bullet is flying much faster than the arrows before it. After detecting that the bullet is flying, it is too late to do any evasive action. The giant lizard has to subconsciously subdue his proud head ...

"Cang ..." Still a crisp sound sounded from him, and a scale hit by a bullet fell from him with blood ...

"Roar ..." At this time, the giant lizard was so depressed that he could only vent his dissatisfaction with his roar, and his eyes felt like he was about to spit fire ...

The speed of the body, which was originally blocked by the bullet slightly and stopped for a while, was even faster than before ...

Looking at these, Fang Chong knew that his opportunity came, and it was time to add fuel to the fire ...

Thinking of this, while Fang Chong's body suddenly dropped sharply, the long sword in his hand was raised high, and he fell down severely ...

Fang Chong's timing was very accurate, and the long sword was chopped on the back of the giant lizard when the giant lizard was too late to respond ...

Although such a blow has still not been able to cause significant damage to the giant lizard, Fang Chong has been satisfied, and the purpose of anger can be said to have been achieved at this time.

That's why. Fang Chong is behind this sword. The body did not dare to make too many stops in the air. His flying ability was not twice as bad as Qin Lan's, twice as much ...


Although Fang Chongyi was chic, it seemed a little daunting when he ran away. It can be said that he was crawling around, but at this time, Fang Chong had no regard for the top, and he also believed that the more he behaved Wolverine will attract giant lizards more and more ...

With Qin Lan backed up. Fang Chong had already reached the shore at this time. As for the giant lizard, obstructed by a shot from time to time, the giant lizard kept a distance with Fang Chong and Fang Chongta and Qin Lan were dozens of meters away from the bank of the reservoir. They worked hard, and the long-awaited scene finally appeared.

After the giant lizard roared, the huge body jumped out of the water and, for the first time, a body over 100 meters long appeared in front of humans ...

Looking at the giant lizards that are several meters in height and over 100 meters in length, Fang Chong's expressions are exceptionally wonderful. They have always wondered how powerful the giant lizards are. Although I learned a little later, I ca n’t say anything. They were so surprised, but it was time. They finally know why ...

One hundred meters long What is this feeling? If Fang Chong hadn't seen it now, otherwise, how could he have never figured it out, and he couldn't believe that this giant lizard could be so huge ...

Looking at the huge body shining in the sun, Fang Chong took a breath of air.

To be honest, Fang Chong even had the idea of ​​shrinking, compared with such a huge body, and wanted to kill it? Is it easy?

Except not knowing where its weakness is, even if you know it can be harmed by their current weapons? Fang Chong wondered ...

However, the giant lizard obviously did not intend to give Fang Chong too much consideration, after his body jumped ashore. The four strong and powerful legs suddenly exerted strength, and they quickly approached Fang Chong to approach them ...

In this rapid rush, even the bullets shot by Xiao Lan's heavy sniper rifle can not cause trouble for the giant lizard when he was in the water ...

"It is indeed an amphibious creature. Whether in water or on land, the attack power is extremely powerful ..." Fang Chong's face showed his solemn expression for the first time today. He was somewhat skeptical that they were making the right decision today.

Judging from the strength and combat effectiveness of the giant lizards now, it is probably wrong ...


"Touch ..." I want to return. When Fang Chong thought about these things, they didn't dare to stop. While Fang Chong ran hurriedly, they were as far away as possible from the direction in which Ling Ya Muge was before. Knowing that Qin Lan might not have much strength, Fang Chong also These must be discouraged, and Fang Chong fell into a passive state for a while.

At this time, the powerful body of the giant lizard finally showed its effect.

Its most powerful weapon is not the sharp teeth of the paw, but the tail that occupies nearly half of the body.

The strong and powerful tail is covered with sharp spikes. It is not difficult for Fang Chong to imagine that if such a tail is swept into the body, he is afraid that his armor set will be completely penetrated ...

Fang Chong can determine this from the trees that are constantly falling around, and what makes Fang Chong even more depressing is that the giant lizard is so huge, but the speed of shuttle in the trees is not inferior to him? And the tail, which should be more than fifty meters in length, can shake freely under rapid running ...

In the face of this, Fang Chong's urge to curse his mother is becoming more and more obvious.

Fang Chong is getting more and more chaotic. Although I have seen Qin Lan and Ling Ya Mu Ge and others have followed me, how can I defeat this mutant lizard? Fang Chong did not know that after seeing the power of mutant lizards, the previous ideas in his mind had been invalidated.

The power of giant lizards is no longer something they can handle together.

Fang Chong ignores one point. For mutant creatures, the manifestation of strength is not simply a simple unit now on the level, their physical advantage is sometimes more abnormal than the level.

The giant lizard is undoubtedly the best proof of this ...

"What to do? What to do ..." Fang Chong kept roaring. Maybe he might win this giant lizard, but they are definitely not intact. This is not what Fang Chong hopes to see. He cares about these people ...

He does not allow such things to happen ...

In this way, Fang Chong ran in the woods with a giant lizard. Basically, this area was not small ~ www.readwn.com ~ The wooded mountain was run back and forth by one, no, more than two, both ….

At this time, the trees where they ran by basically fell down. Of course, except for a part that was knocked down by a giant lizard, most of them were swept by the tail of the giant lizard. The degree of cruelty can be seen ... .

However, after this lap, Fang Chong's speed slowly dropped, and his breath was also adjusted.

Fang Chong originally intended to consume the physical strength of the giant lizard while he was running, and then tried to fight again, but now, after his own breath seems a little messy, the giant lizard still keeps the same speed ...

There is no other way but Fang Chong's fist clenched tightly ...

It may be known that Fang Chong slowed his pace and decided to fight decisively. The speed of the giant lizard also slowed down, and he still kept a distance of tens of meters from Fang Chong ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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