I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 493: The most direct way


Fang Chong stopped, looked at the giant lizard solemnly, and it was time for the decisive battle. Is it because they fled or finished the giant lizard? Fang Chong was tangled. M [Go to the novel ~]

He did not plan to fight with the giant lizards. If they could not die, they would withdraw, and the ore of the energy crystal stone would be eliminated.

At least until they can defeat the giant lizard, otherwise, would it be silly to die with a mutant creature? Fang Chong could not think like this ...

"Hou… .." may be laughing at Fang Chong's uncontrollable power? After seeing Fang Chong stop, the giant lizard roared several times.

Listening to the roar of a giant lizard, Fang Chong's expression was a bit weird. He was really angry and funny. This giant lizard was too funny, almost like a child ...

If it were not for its huge body, Fang Chong really had such doubts ...

However, Fang Chong's expression soon returned to calm. How could the deadly fight be laughed? That looks very unprofessional.

Fang Chong did not move, and began to observe this giant lizard seriously and carefully for a hundred meters long body, with a strong and powerful tail shaking, a pair of eyes large enough to scare the crying child to look at Fang Chong At the same time, he looked at Fang Chong fiercely, his eyes were full of bad ...

The look gave Fang Chong a feeling of not breaking up, but Fang Chong ignored it.

After all, if the eyes could kill people, this giant lizard would have been gone for a long time. You know that although its eyes are large, there are eight of them. In terms of quantity, the giant lizard can't catch the horse.

After Fang Chong's gaze was placed on the face of the giant lizard, there was an urge to laugh. After all, mutant creatures with changed expressions are really rare, especially for such huge mutant creatures. Times ...

"Hou ..." However, Fang Chong had such carelessness that the giant lizard was gone. Finally, after Fang Chong looked at it for a few minutes. He erupted, and with a growl, the giant lizard's tail rose without any sign.

The huge tail shining with metallic luster in the sun swept towards Fang Chong with the howling wind ...

The distance between the two is only tens of meters. It is completely covered by the tail of the giant lizard. If Fang Chong can't hide, he can't avoid it ...

However, Fang Chong seemed to be frightened in the face of such a roaring tail. Fang Chong's eyes were tightly closed and his body was motionless, but Fang Chong's eyes opened suddenly after such a movement lasted for a short time.

At this time, the powerful tail was close to Fang Chong's face. But Fang Chong surprised everyone by not doing anything to dodge.

"Drink ..." As he yelled, and his feet were forced at the same time, he didn't retreat, like an arrow on a strong bow that was already tight, and suddenly broke off the bow string, rushing towards the body of the giant lizard ….

Such an unexpected counterattack, Fang Chong except for the elusive tail of the giant lizard. People also approached the giant lizard quickly. It is not difficult to see from Fang Chong's straight piercing action that Fang Chong's purpose is a weakness that almost all mutant creatures have.

This is where the eyes are ...

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"Fang Chong was too risky ..." Qin Lan arrived here. Although the giant lizard completely focused on Fang Chong, she was able to breathe, but for Qin Lan, who spent most of her physical strength, wanted to return to her peak at once. State is difficult, without the ability to help Chong. [Just reading the novel ~] She expressed her dissatisfaction with Fang Chong's adventure.

Although I know that Fang Chong also counts every time. But he just couldn't help worrying ...

"Adventure is adventure, but the effect is unexpectedly good ..." Li Yunyu looked seriously. He agreed with Qin Lan's evaluation of Fang Chong, but in his case, he might choose to make the same choice as Fang Chong ...

"Hopefully hit this giant lizard ....." Ling Ya clasped her hands tightly. If Fang Chong had told him several times, if they wanted to run dangerously, she might have rushed up ...

It ’s very different from fighting at all and choosing ...

When Ling Ya and others had a lot of thoughts, Fang Chong had rushed to the front of the giant lizard with a long sword, yes, it was right in front of his mouth ...

Fang Chong's expression was so dignified that he did not feel fortunate to avoid sweeping the tail of the 'giant lizard'. At this point, everything is under his control for the time being, but it is difficult to say whether it will be as smooth as imagined next. I knew this very well.

He can approach the 'giant lizard', but this does not mean that the giant lizard has no back hand.

Fang Chong is very afraid of the ice hockey attack of the giant lizard, especially in the case of this frontal attack ...

Fang Chong's speed was not kept in every place. When it was time to desperately, if he kept his hands, it was him who was afraid of death.

Knowing this, Fang Chong's speed is extremely fast. Rao is Li Yunyu and others who are not far behind in strength and Fang Chong. This one can only see a series of afterimages left by Fang Chong ...

Looking at this kind of Fang Chong, they were secretly surprised. The strength Fang Chong showed was completely beyond their imagination. None of them dare to say that under the outbreak of this power of Fang Chong ...

Although they think so, they don't represent the idea of ​​giant lizards.

While Fang Chong approached the giant lizard at a rapid speed, the giant lizard that felt dangerous had long opened his mouth and stared at Fang Chong with round big eyes. A cold air from his mouth and nose let the surroundings The temperature dropped suddenly.

Although Fang Chong did not know the purpose of such a giant lizard, his expression became more serious. He knew that this should be the last move of the giant lizard ...

However, Fang Chong did not change his plan because of this. The force under his feet was a little stronger, almost to the limit that his body could bear.

"Drink ..." At last, the distance of tens of meters was rapidly drawn in a very short period of time. Fang Chong was suddenly less than ten meters away from the giant lizard, and his legs suddenly exerted force. The ground leaped high.

The dazzling cold sword slashed down from the air by the force of the falling body.

Fang Chong chose a tricky position this time, knowing that any scaled armored position on the giant lizard could not be broken by his current strength and sword in his hand. (Read novels.)

So it chose eyes ...

The long sword fell towards the eye of the giant lizard at an extremely fast speed ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"His… .." Fang Chong didn't expect that the giant lizard who had been motionless just staring at him before. After Fang Chong's body leaped up high and showed a falling posture, his mouth grew a little bigger.

Fang Chong has always been most worried that its mouth also appeared at this time.

A milky breath, visible to the naked eye, spouted from the mouth of the giant lizard.

The milky-white smell similar to the mist gave Fang Chong an extremely dangerous feeling. Although Fang Chong did not know what the milky breath represented, he believed his intuition at the critical moment.

Fang Chong made a choice in the time of one ten thousandth of a second, and his original body moved strangely in the air. The body changed the trajectory inconceivably. This kind of behavior that can change the trajectory in the air arbitrarily made everyone crazy ... Except for making such a difficult movement, Fang Chong's hand was not idle. The sword suddenly flew out under the force of the wrist. The target is very clear, which is the eye of the giant lizard ...

But to Fang Chong's disappointment and surprise, it was true that Chang Jian was accurately out of his grasp. However, as the long sword penetrated into the area covered by the ‘milky white’ atmosphere, the situation changed drastically ...

Originally, it could only be seen as a white light sword. After entering the range covered by the milky atmosphere, the sharp speed of the sword suddenly slowed down. The feeling seemed to be that the long sword fell into a quagmire at this time, pulling hard ...

And what makes Fang Chong even more unexpected is still behind. While the sword is constantly struggling, the sword body is slowly covered with a layer of hoarfrost ...

After looking at the sword body covered with such a layer of things, Fang Chong had a stiff expression before being too stiff. Because under his power is enough to break through four hundred mutant creatures. The Zak's long sword actually appeared a crack under the milky breath sprayed by the giant lizard, and the crack continued to grow in front of him, and the result was that the sword body was completely broken ...

Looking at such an incredible scene, Fang Chong's expression finally changed.

I have long thought that this giant lizard is a difficult hard bone, but Fang Chong is not fatal to such a degree ...

Today the pale green sword cannot break the defense of this giant lizard. Fang Chong actually tried to change a weapon, after all, he didn't do it for several months. And the opponent he was facing was not as good as him, so he didn't feel much.

But today's giant lizard has caused him to be seriously passive ...

But Fang Chong wanted to change weapons. Does not mean that this pale green sword is not easy to use.

It can be said that now on the entire earth, he has the highest level of the various melee weapons of this long sword ...

And this is why Fang Chong will show a surprised expression after seeing the simple broken sword.

If such a scene did not happen today, Fang Chong said that he would not believe anything, and Chang Jian would disappear into his hands in such a posture ...

Fang Chong's mood was very complicated, and his expression was ugly ...

Many things that the giant has shown so far are not as simple as he imagined, especially those unknown milky flavors ...

Fang Chong is most afraid of it now, but Fang Chong can determine that its attributes are cold ...

It's so cold that it can't withstand the cold of special metals. Fang Chong thought it should be hundreds of degrees below zero?

What if he didn't remind him directly, and rushed to desperate everything?

Although it is said that they can ignore the temperature problem to a great extent after putting on the armor set, the disregard here is at most tens of degrees Celsius above zero, or tens of degrees Celsius below zero. Within the range, like this, even special metals can't escape the temperature being destroyed, Fang Chong even lost his mind to try ...

Had it not been within the attack range of the giant lizard, he would have stopped all the moves and shouted ...

Yeah, this giant lizard is playing pigs and eating tigers. He almost got fooled and lost a lot ...


Fang Chong also finally understood why it did n’t matter that the giant lizard's middle door opened, and why he was indifferent to see Fang Chong approaching the attack. He was waiting for Fang Chong to throw himself in the net ...

Fang Chong now has to overthrow all his knowledge of giant lizards. It is still not what Fang Chong can understand, nor is it possible that the Mayan system can help.

From the appearance of this giant lizard to the present, the Mayan system provided Fang Chong with his name. It wasn't until just now that its level was mentioned, the level was between 500 and 550 ...

But other attack abilities and combat specialties, the Maya system is one question and three unknown ...

Fang Chong just wondered if this Mayan system had fallen into his head after upgrading. Know less than before ...

But after seeing what is really powerful, Fang Chong understood ...

However, after analyzing all these things, Fang Chong's expression returned to calmness, and now I can determine where the weakness of the giant lizard that caused Fang Chong to feel powerless for the first time ...

Still eyes.

But how do you win in the battle against giant lizards? Fang Chong needs to think about it now ...

But while thinking. Fang Chong still has to think about how he can remain undefeated before he can figure out a solution.

As for Qin Lan, Ling Ya and others, at this time, a heart has been mentioned in their throats, and in the thrilling scene just now, they all screamed a cold sweat. They have stayed with Fang Chong for so long. Maybe they do n’t know the level of the sword? It ’s because they know that they behave so simply ...

At the same time, they also understood the reason why Fang Chong did not let them help in the past. From the attack method of the giant lizard just now, if they changed it to them, they were not much different from the pale green sword.

While Qin Lan was struggling to get up to help, Fang Chong had switched offensively, although it seemed a bit embarrassed. After all, once the distance is widened. The tail of the giant lizard is not a fuel-saving lamp, and now it is this tail that the other party threatens most.

But if Fang Chong chooses, he would rather be swept away by the tail sweep of the chicken flying dog, rather than face the terrible cold, thinking that his body suddenly broke into a place, Fang Chong thought of a chicken skin. pimple.

But slowly catch the frequency of sweeping the tail of the giant lizard. Fang Chong is relaxed a lot, and he has a small body and a small body. Fang Chong can show what is flexible in front of giant lizards ....

Fang Chong knew in his heart that the competition between him and the giant lizard was endurance. Whoever gets tired first loses it, but he loses, but compared to the giant lizard, he has some obvious advantages. After dodging familiarity, he wastes less energy than the giant lizard, and he has sufficient genetic medicine on his body while running While replenishing energy, I am afraid that it will be fine for a few days ...

However, when Fang Chong's confidence increased greatly, the Mayan system rarely took the initiative to speak today ...

Although he was surprised by the sound from the Maya system, Fang Chong still sounded seriously. He hoped that Maya could bring him good news.

Without it, they can only retreat ....

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"What's the matter?" Fang Chong didn't make nonsense. Now it's risky to fight against giant lizards. It's not difficult to find death if you say nonsense again ...

"The most direct way to deal with this giant lizard ..." Maya listened to Fang Chong's tone without any emotional changes. Indeed, Maya herself knew that his performance today would be difficult to meet Fang Chong's expectations, but For the mutant creatures she didn't know, she couldn't help, but after Fang Chong fought with the giant lizard for so long, she finally found a way to subdue the giant lizard, but if it was the same as her projection, Fang Chong would go before them Verified….

Anyway, according to her theory, yes ...

"The most direct way?" Fang Chong's expression was difficult to conceal, and he was surprised. After all, this statement was difficult to understand.

"The weakness of the giant lizard is right in the eyes, but the position in the center of the head is the little red that the host can now see. Something like a crown is the weakness of the giant lizard. The host can find a way to jump on the back of the giant lizard. Back, then attack ... "Maya described what he observed ~ www.readwn.com ~ In his opinion, yes ...

"Is that place useful?" Fang Chong was very skeptical, because Maya had told him long ago that she didn't know the weakness of this giant lizard or something, and he still remembered clearly ...

"Try it ..." Maya was asked back by Fang Chong, and her confidence was not enough ...

"Okay, let's try it ..." Fang Chong originally wanted to say no, but in addition to thinking that Maya never seemed to make mistakes, Fang Chong also remembered that Qin Lan's flight ability was to a great extent capable of this task.

As long as he can attract the attention of the giant lizard as much as possible, Qin Lan's safety will not be a problem.

After Fang Chong gritted his teeth, he decided to do it ...

Fang Chong then turned on the intercom and informed Qin Lan ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued) . If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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