I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 494: Sneak attack and surrender


Understand Fang Chong's plan, Qin Lan, she has risen in the air without any hesitation. Although her strength has not been fully recovered, her physical strength is enough to support her to reach the head of the "giant lizard". If the Maya system says nothing wrong, , She was able to complete the task smoothly. M [Go to the novel ~]

And even if it fails, as long as Fang Chong can attract the attention of the 'giant lizard', Qin Lan's escape will not be a problem.

This is also why Fang Chong let Qin Lan go. Otherwise, Fang Chongning would retreat and would not agree with Qin Lan's adventure ...

After Qin Lan's full strength broke out, he flew towards the 'giant lizard' at a rapid speed, but this time the flight height of Qin Lan was very low, and as far as possible, kept his shape from being noticed by the 'giant lizard'.

Fang Chong's body was irregular, and he occasionally rushed towards the giant lizard. In this way, the attention of the "giant lizard" was exactly as Fang Chong hoped, and he completely put it on him. Qin Lan approached the "giant lizard" surprisingly smoothly. .

Qin Lan's expression was serious, because she knew that her next blow would determine whether a continuous plan behind them could proceed smoothly.

With the careful approach of Qin Lan, as far as the head of the 'giant lizard', which was several square meters wide, was close at hand, Qin Lan also saw the red 'granula' like the crown that Fang Chong had just told her ...

Seeing that Qin Lan was already above the head of the 'giant lizard', Fang Chong had a dignified expression and his heartbeat accelerated. He knew that success or failure was here, if Qin Lan was by his side. They should retreat.

Worried about Qin Lan's safety. At this time, regardless of the other, he kicked his feet and quickly approached the 'giant lizard'. His purpose was very simple. In addition to attracting the attention of the 'giant lizard' as much as possible, he could also fail in Qin Lan. Finally shot to help ...

Fortunately, Fang Chong felt that when he was not close to the "giant lizard", Qin Lan had already leapt down, and his body stopped firmly on the head of the "giant lizard".

The ‘giant lizard’ who had seen Fang Chong suddenly rushed past had a slightly opened mouth, and was ready to spray milky breath again, but his expression became stiff as Qin Lan's feet dropped onto his head ...

"Qin Lan succeeded?" Fang Chong obviously could feel the change in the movement of 'giant lizard'. As Qin Lan's cold-sworded sword arrived on its blood-colored 'granula', the look of the 'giant lizard' was irresistible ...

Of course, there is an unbelievable expression besides that.

In response, Fang Chong's hand stopped. Judging from the current changes of the giant lizard, the guess of the ‘Mayan system’ is not wrong. The blood-colored granulation is indeed the weakness of the giant lizard….

However, how to deal with this "giant lizard" is a difficult problem. Fang Chong looked at the "giant lizard" not far ahead.

Approaching the end, I can feel the power of this "giant lizard" more ...

"His… .." The weakness was firmly grasped in Qin Lan's hands. The giant lizard was not willing to scream, unwilling to lose the former domineering at this time ...

The weak point is in the hands of the enemy. If it is stubborn again, it will be ugly to fear death. It is not stupid to have a giant lizard that has no less than human wisdom. [Go to read the novel ~] Especially for humans like Fang Chong who know how to plan, he behaves very carefully ...

"Not willing? Still angry?" Fang Chong continued to look a lot at this giant lizard. Fang Chong didn't worry about his groaning. The giant lizard looked carefully. Fang Chong all looked at him. From these he It is not difficult to see that the giant lizard is completely ruthless ...

"His…." Listening to Fang Chong's words, the anger in ‘Giant Lizard’ ’s heart was wide, his feeling seemed to be the only way to unravel Fang Chong ’s hatred….

But helplessly, if he just made a move, the possibility was unpredictable. The last thing he could do was make a few bellows to show his dissatisfaction ...


"I know that you can understand us and you are unwilling, but in the end you failed, you became the king, and you were not qualified to challenge ..." Of course, Fang Chong ignored the anger of the "giant lizard".

of course. What Fang Chong said is also the big truth, ‘giant lizard’ will think of this after his failure….

"What do you say we are going to do with you?" Fang Chong returned to the main issue. Since Qin Lan subdued the 'giant lizard' just now, he has been thinking about what to choose.

Fang Chong was entangled. In the end, he thought of choosing to leave it to the 'giant lizard'. After all, after experiencing the power of the 'giant lizard', Fang Chong's personal hope was to tame the 'giant lizard' because they Once they can persuade the 'giant lizard', they make a lot of money.

The fighting power of giant lizards is there, and Fang Chong, who played against the "giant lizard", how could he not know the fighting power of this "giant lizard", if the Mayan system suddenly knew where the weakness of the giant lizard was, I am afraid they are now I'm afraid it's not here ...

So at this time, letting the giant lizard make its own choice is undoubtedly the best way. Fang Chong believes that the head of the mutant creature is proud of itself. Once it is selected, repentance is impossible. Fang Chong believes in these mutant creatures. Especially the giant lizard, he showed something beyond their imagination ...

"What to do with me?" That hate in the giant lizard's heart! In its mind, Fang Chong was too shameless, and he would not say anything about sneaky attacks on it, but he also asked him to say how to deal with it? Could it be that he himself said that Fang Chong killed it?

The giant lizard trembled slightly due to excessive anger, looking at Fang Chong's eyes full of hatred. The feeling was terrifying. It seemed that he would choose to end up with Fang Chong if he accidentally ...

But the action of the giant lizard did not last long. As the cold sword in Qin Lan's hand continued to touch the **** granulation above it. His body was stiff, and the look of death as if on his body disappeared instantly.

The giant lizard compromised once again at the scene of the idea that he might die tragically at any moment. It is not afraid of death, but it does not want to die so awkwardly ...


"Think clearly? This is your last choice. If I say, I'm afraid it will be too late ..." Of course, Fang Chong knows what the giant lizard is thinking now, although he himself thinks he is a bit mean, but he also wants to Fang Chong has no choice but to survive well. [Just read the novel ~] So he continued to pressure ...

"I surrender ..." Finally, under the pressure from Fang Chong, the giant lizard finally lowered its proud head.

But what surprised Fang Chongda was not the giant proud lizard's lowered proud head, but the giant lizard actually spoke human ...

Listening to the words "I surrender", Fang Chongzhen stopped.

This giant lizard is really a pig eating a tiger. Fortunately, they are fighting, they win.

After confirming that the giant lizard was really surrendering, Fang Chong laughed, and the others could ignore it, because the surrender of the giant lizard undoubtedly gave them a huge boost. Now even if they meet the intermediate Zak people, No fear.

In addition to the physical quality of the giant lizard, it is definitely not inferior to that of the Zak tribe. Its strength of more than five hundred levels is also satisfied in an environment like the last days ...

With the same expression as Fang Chong, except Qin Lan, everyone else is the same.

It seems terrible that this giant lizard can speak out ...

And bite words are clear and standard, listen to the words alone. It ’s really hard to tell ...

"Really? Surrender?" Fang Chong quickly cleared up. It was not important whether the giant lizard could utter words. What was important was their commitment. Fang Chong needed to be confirmed again.

Although possessing the tame skill, the giant lizard is different from those mutant creatures that Fang Chong tames, and has less strength than him ...

With that in mind. What Fang Chong can do is to instill this idea into the giant lizard as much as possible, so that he can follow them down in the future. This is what Fang Chong wants to see ...

"Yes, surrender, surrender unconditionally. I surrender to you, and I am willing to use it for you ..." The giant lizard knew that Fang Chong was forcing him to express his position, and did not let Fang Chong be disappointed. After all, his life was in the hands of people. Surrender They all said it. Still afraid of commitment?

The giant lizard looked away ...


"Although I am willing to believe what you say, but you are stronger than us. It seems that once we let you go, if you regret it, we will be in danger?" Fang Chong looked at the giant lizard irresistibly, in his eyes Undisguised to reveal a thick suspicion ...

"Doubt ..." Upon hearing Fang Chong's words, the expression of the giant lizard was even more depressed. He did not expect his existence as a dignified mutant creature king, but he was even questioned if he would regret it?

He really wanted to swear. Although he was not human, he was much prouder than the meanness of humans ...

It is from the heart that he never thought about repentance. He knows how to defeat the king ...

"Since you don't believe me, you still kill me. I can't help it ..." The giant lizard is getting more and more fierce. Although it wants to survive, now Fang Chong's move is undoubtedly deliberately making things difficult. In this case, all he can choose is to die proudly ....

"Okay ..." Fang Chong thought that the giant lizard was very proud, but the pride was beyond his expectation to this extent, but the attitude of the giant lizard made Fang Chong loose, and he succeeded in subduing the giant lizard from Qin Lan. Never thought about killing it again.

Although the level of mutant creatures like giant lizards, the muscles in their bodies can further increase their strength, but if a living giant lizard can be used for them, the value will far exceed the muscles. In the last resort, Fang Chong will not do this.

And if the giant lizard has been reluctant to express his position, Fang Chong really has the urge to use tame skills. This kind of risk is worth taking ...

"We choose to believe in you, and believe that you also know that in an environment like the last days, our goal is just as simple and we want to live. There is no hatred between humans and mutants ..." Fang Chong considered After all the pros and cons. He said, this time he was very detailed and clear ...

"Trust me?" The sound of the giant lizard fluctuated. In Fang Chong's opinion, he chose to believe the wiseness of the decision. From the giant lizard's tone, it is not difficult to see that the giant lizard was moved.

Fang Chong is now sincere, and the giant lizard feels it.

And there really isn't any serious friction between him and Fang Chong. As for today's fighting, the so-called non-familiarity, let them take this opportunity to know ...

"Yes. I choose to believe in you, believe that you will not let us down, and also believe that we can live together in the future ..." Fang Chong's tone was very flat, but Fang Chong's attitude was very clear ...

"Okay. I also believe in your sincerity. If I betray my promises, I will lose all my strength and return to the humble reptile era ..." The giant lizard felt the sincerity Fang Chong expected, and he was not far behind .

"Okay ..." Fang Chong was satisfied that the giant lizard had achieved this level, and it can be said that Fang Chong was completely relieved ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Qin Lan came down ..." Unexpectedly, Fang Chong waved and waved Qin Lan above the giant lizard's head.

Although Qin Lan's expression was still slightly doubtful and worried, Fang Chong insisted that he didn't show it ...

"Know it. The giant lizard has joined our team ..." Fang Chong knew what Qin Lan was worried about, but since she fell to this meeting, the giant lizard has not done anything. This is enough to show that his commitment is true. of.

With the introduction of Fang Chong, in addition to Qin Lan, Ling Yamu Song Song Mingli Yunyu ... and others also came over one by one, and said hello once they knew each other ...

The atmosphere between giant lizards and Fang Chong, with the deepening of the understanding, is not as boring as before, and the biggest change is the giant lizard.

Because of his power, there is almost no such friend in the mutant creature. People like Fang Chong them seem to be better than mutant creatures ...

After all, in the world of mutant creatures, the principle of weak meat and strong food is that every mutant creature must understand, it is impossible to say that there are a lot of friends ...

The giant lizard after having this feeling. Looking at Fang Chong's eyes again, it was much softer. And this change of giant lizard is very sensitive to Qin Lan and these women.

They were quite surprised that the giant lizard had this emotional change, but as they thought about the rules of survival in the mutant biological world, they understood ...

After making this discovery, when they looked at the giant lizard again, they got close to many people, and the terrible appearance of the giant lizard also became cute.

If the manifestation of the giant lizard is not too huge, judging from the performance of Qin Lan Qin Lan, it is not impossible to be afraid to hold it and play ...

"Although there is a king in your mutant creature, how does the strength of more than 500 levels come from ..." Fang Chong asked the most doubtful place in his heart.

According to the normal evolutionary situation, even if the giant lizard is no matter how strong it is, it cannot be as strong as this level. The five hundred levels have entered the series of masters in the last days.

Rao is unable to reach this level of the Zak people, and it is because of this that Fang Chong had the idea to find out.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Evolved ..." The giant lizard obviously did not quite understand the meaning of Fang Chong's sentence.

"I asked whether there is any special opportunity for evolution under normal conditions ..." Fang Chong still overestimated the IQ of the giant lizard, but Fang Chong understood and asked more patiently ...

Fang Chong is looking forward to the giant lizard's next answer. After all, within the normal range, if the giant lizard can remember, he must have eaten something strange.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong looked at the face of the giant lizard without blinking, and he needed to be sure. . . .

"Under the reservoir is a thumb-sized thing with a length of only one foot. The taste is average, but for strength, those unknown things are good ..." According to Fang Chong, the giant lizard is In retrospect, this answer is even more exciting for Fang Chong ...

He doesn't know what can improve the giant lizard, but what works is effective. This is the most important ...

"But the thing is that the effect is obvious before breaking through the 500th level ~ www.readwn.com ~ Once this level is passed, the situation will be very different ..." the giant lizard explained.

"It's also hard to come by. The level of five hundred is actually a master's presence in the future of the earth, which is enough ..." Fang Chong's expression worked hard and calm, after all, the five hundred level is a big watershed, which can basically break through Hundreds. Is undoubtedly a witness of the times, and he is telling the truth ...

"Is that thing deep in the reservoir now?" Fang Chong added.

"Yes ..." The giant lizard gave an answer long enough to excite Fang Chong ...

"Difficult to take?" Fang Chong was really excited, and he could make so many things powerful, how could he miss ...

Fang Chong's expression at this time is not difficult to see. If the giant lizard is not difficult to answer, I'm afraid that Fang Chong may really plunge into the water ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… .. (to be continued. If you like this work, You are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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