I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 495: Under the reservoir


"Not difficult ..." The giant lizard opened his mouth under Fang Chong's gaze and spit out two words. m (come to reading novels)

"Not difficult?" Fang Chong's expression could no longer be suppressed when he heard the giant lizard. Furious expression filled his face. Fang Chong's fist had just been inadvertently held up?

What's missing most in the last days? Master ...

That is, powerful human power. Once the Zak people appeared, the competition was not quantity, but the strength of the individual. Fang Chong had learned from Maya's mouth long ago that the Zak people did not particularly like groups. Action, after all, after they entered the earth, the environment where they grew up was different.

The most obvious characteristic of the Zak people is that they will evolve with the changes of the environment. To a large extent, the environment determines the type of their evolution, and their pedigree determines their strength.

Knowing these Fang Chong, as the eschatology elapsed, he became more aware of what is more beneficial to human development, and a strong human individual is the best guarantee.

After all, the individual's strength is so strong that one plus one can achieve it.

This is why Fang Chong was so excited after hearing that he was able to increase his strength to five hundred.

Does the earth say that it is not big, and that it is absolutely not small when it is small? Under the influence of the last days, such a large environment is impossible to say that some magical things have not been born.

Humans can evolve, animals can evolve, and things like plants and bacteria can't evolve.

Just want zombies or mutants. They also have something that helps human evolution. The things that the giant lizard said now are likely to be similar to the muscle meat in the body of a zombie or the body of a mutant creature.

The difference should be that the latter comes from zombies or mutated creatures, and what the giant lizard said may be bacteria or mutated plants ...

However, before seeing the real look, Fang Chong had a difficult conclusion.

"Go and see?" After Fang Chong was excited for a long time, he glanced over the others, and he had to ask others for their opinions. This is not a trivial matter ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"I want to go and see, but can we get into the water like this?" Murong Xue pointed to the reservoir, the meaning was very simple, except that she doubted the intention of the giant lizard. Also talk about their current situation, can you go into the water to find things without a diving suit and diving equipment?

"This is a problem, otherwise. You wait on it, I'll go and see, after all, it's not particularly safe here ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Murong Xue said the key points.

Although Murong Xue's worry is not unreasonable, after all, the reservoir's giant lizard is home, so he hastily believed that the giant lizard was indeed taking risks, but Fang Chong did not know why he believed it this time.

But for those unknown evolutionary artifacts, Fang Chong had to say that he was seriously tempted for the things that don't know exist or not. He decided to take a risk ...

"Don't persuade or say no, I decided ..." After Fang Chong said these words, after seeing Qin Lan and the three of them wanting to stop talking, he continued to say that he knew what they wanted them to say, and they decided Followed. (Read novels.)

Since it is risky, there is no reason for them to follow ...

Looking at Fang Chong's serious expression, Qin Lan and the three of them wanted to say no, but Fang Chong rarely behaved as they do now. Qin Lan and Ling Ya did not speak after opening their mouths. As for idyll? They were pulled behind them ...

At this time, all they can do is to believe in Fang Chong and the giant lizard ...

Think of giant lizards, Qin Lan subconsciously don't overdo it. The eyes stared at the eyes of the giant lizard.

The eyes are the window of the soul, Qin Lan Fang Chong likes this sentence. The reason why she would like Fang Chong, Qin Lan was attracted by Fang Chong's eyes at first, and in Fang Chong's eyes, she saw a trace of greed and corruption.

After all, in an environment like the last days, and under the circumstances that Fang Chong was extremely powerful, Fang Chong could still maintain a peaceful mentality.

Qin Lan thinks that her physical appearance is not inferior to her, but Fang Chong can be so calm and not so simple ...

Qin Lan once doubted her own charm and Fang Chong's sexual orientation. These two issues were not so entangled until later when she was really with Fang Chong.

Since that time, Qin Lan has believed that sentence even more.

Eyes can't fool people.

Although the giant lizard is not a human, but a mutated creature, does the giant lizard possess no less than human wisdom, do not understand the conspiracy and trick? Obviously Qin Lan didn't believe it. Like it used to fight with Fang Chong before, he had endless moves and many negative moves ...

All of these show the other side of the giant lizard from the side.

The giant lizard is different from human beings. Although it has human intelligence, it is obviously impossible to cover up as well as human beings, and this reason is why Qin Lan uses his eyes as a breakthrough point ...

But what made Qin Lan even more puzzled, she couldn't see anything she suspected in the giant lizard's big eyes. It seemed that they thought too much?

"Is it really the same as Fang Chong said, the mutants have their pride, and they admit that they lost?" Qin Lan remembered the reason Fang Chong explained to them after choosing to believe in giant lizards.

Qin Lan was doubtful about this reason before, but now she believes ...


"Be careful of abnormal changes. If you are in danger, please notify me in the water as much as possible. If you don't have time, run away and don't be dragged ..." Fang Chong did not know where to find an oxygen-like substance. Bottles of bottles. Putting it on his back, he turned his head and said to Qin Lan.

Fang Chong wasn't particularly worried about the plot of the giant lizard. He is now more worried about Qin Lan, who are on the shore. After all, they killed hundreds of mutant creatures before. The **** smell is enough to attract more mutant creatures, and they just made so much movement with the giant lizard. To a large extent, the unknown danger that may occur in the future. It will be more, after all, once the giant lizard dives into the reservoir with him, the situation will be very different ...

Without the tremor of a powerful giant lizard, Fang Chong's worry would be justified ...

Qin Lan just nodded and didn't speak again. Like Fang Chong, they worry more about Fang Chong. [Let ’s read the novel ~] After all, if this is the plot of a giant lizard, Fang Chong is really dangerous ...

But after the giant lizard jumped into the water, everyone knew that life was dead.

But to everyone's surprise. After jumping into the water, the giant lizard actually did not dive into the water immediately, but floated on it, resting its head on the dam, and seemed to be waiting for Fang Chong to walk up ...

Looking at the action of the giant lizard, except Fang Chong's performance is still calm, everyone's expression is full of surprise.

At the same time, the weakness of the giant lizard, at the same time, Fang Chong and they could make the surrender of the 'giant lizard' undoubtedly Qin Lan seized it, but now the giant lizard has generously given up the position of the weakness on its head ...

what's going on?

Qin Lan looked at each other, and it seemed that they were using the heart of a gentleman to "believe a gentleman." It shouldn't be the belly of the giant lizard ...

The reason why ‘giant lizards’ do this may be to sneer at them, to slap their faces fiercely, to tell them that although he is a mutant creature, it has their pride ...

"Be careful yourself ..." Fang Chong smiled softly. The move of "Giant Lizard" assured him will undoubtedly make him feel good. In this case, he strode to "Giant Lizard" ...

Standing on the head of a giant lizard, Fang Chong's mood has an unspeakable excitement. It seems that encountering a 'giant lizard' today is a very lucky thing, of course. This is not just about having a super thug ...

‘Giant Lizard’ knows humanity so much and will undoubtedly become their partner in the future ...

The common purpose of everyone is to live ...


As the body of the "giant lizard" slowly sinks, Fang Chong's appearance in the "black armor suit" has changed rapidly. With a black covering his whole body, Fang Chong's appearance has changed from wearing a diving suit Too big a difference.

And the oxygen cylinder on his back was also covered by the armor suit. In this case, Fang Chong can breathe freely in the water ...

The water in the reservoir is a bit cold. Although separated by the armor set, Fang Chong can still feel clearly, but this water temperature Fang Chong is directly ignored, this feeling is only because of the different environment ...

What made Fang Chong even more surprised was that he was still worried that his body was difficult to control after entering the water. After all, he could swim, but he had never learned about diving, and his fear was inevitable, especially for such a huge one. Reservoir, the depth of water is more than 100 meters.

Such a depth, before the end of the world, even the capable divers dare not take risks ...

However, Fang Chong soon discovered that his worry was superfluous. After his body was submerged in the water, his body did not float away from the water and break away from the head of the `` giant lizard '' as he feared.

With his eyes open, Fang Chong, it is not difficult to find that his feet are still standing on top of the 'giant lizard' like Tarzan.

At the same time, Fang Chong quickly found out why.

'Obviously, this has something to do with' giant lizards'. I don't know when it will change. 'Giant lizards' have a few scales on their heads, and these upscale scales tightly cover Fang Chong's feet. Make it possible to stand steadily ...

Fang Chong was very moved at this time, and he was even more convinced of what the giant lizard had said before. After all, it can be achieved to such a degree that the giant lizard does not need to deceive them ...

And apart from today ’s fight, they have no new hatreds ...

The giant lizard dives very quickly. This reservoir is his home field. It can be said that the environment of the entire reservoir is too clear for him to know ...

While thinking about Fang Chong, the speed of the giant lizard slowly decreased. After feeling this strange feeling, Fang Chong's eyes opened again. Got here. The one above the water was basically unable to pass in, Fang Chong basically couldn't see anything ...

It's dark ...

However, Fang Chong did not show any worries about this. He knew his own family affairs. In the reservoir where giant lizards could dominate, he was completely worried about the danger.

However, there is no danger. There is no danger. In order to see the environment deep in the reservoir, Qin Lan took out a small volume of energy crystal stone ...

The addition of this ‘energy crystal stone’ is undoubtedly a light in the dark….

Fang Chong himself was able to see the surrounding environment clearly by the light from the "Energy Crystal Stone" ...

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Before long, Fang Chong did not know how far the 'giant lizard' has sunk from the beginning to the present. But as there were craters in his eyes, he knew that he had reached the low level of the reservoir.

Eyes looked around, Fang Chong's expression was slightly surprised. Because he found that there was no bright light in the distance, there was not much difference between that light and the light from the "energy crystal stone" in his hand ...

Fang Chong's first discovery was 'Energy Crystal Stone'?

With doubt, Fang Chong motioned for the ‘giant lizard’ to swim over ...

Although it is strange that Fang Chong's purpose is not something unknown and evolutionary? But Fang Chong actually went elsewhere ...

Although in doubt, the `` giant lizard '' has no consciousness of inverting Fang Chong, four strong and powerful big feet are swiping at the same time, a huge tail swings, and a giant body blows out ...

"So many energy crystal stones?" When the "giant lizard" stopped on these transparent crystals, Fang Chong couldn't help but utter an exclamation. From Fang Chong's tone, it was not hard to hear that Fang Chong was shocked ... .

‘Giant Lizard’ did n’t speak. Although these energy crystal stones can emit some energy that can be enjoyed by him, they have little effect. In the basic case, giant lizards choose to ignore ...

"Haha, it takes no time ..." and the calmness of the giant lizard is not different. Fang Chong's expression excitedly behind the black armor suit, only the two eyes outside exposed with a strong light ...

When time permits, Fang Chong's feet are instantly detached from the body of the giant lizard.

At the same time, in order to ensure that his body does not float to the water, Fang Chong took out a sword from the storage space. The sword made of 'special metal' is, to a large extent, enough to stabilize the buoyancy of Fang Chong's body. . .

After the body was able to be free under the water by the weight of the sword, Fang Chong kept on his hands and kept his feet busy, the goal was very obvious. It's all those bright energy crystal stones ...

With such a clear sign, Fang Chong was fast. It didn't take long for him to have all the energy crystal stones in his pocket ...

However, there are more important things to do. Fang Chong obviously does not intend to make too many stops on this energy crystal. If there are a lot of energy crystal stones, he will do further exploration in the future.


After returning to the head of the "giant lizard", the tail of the "giant lizard" was swung hard, and immediately turned his head. As the limbs were swiped hard, he quickly returned to Fang Chong's existence of the "energy crystal stone". s position….

Answering this place again, this time Fang Chong carefully paid attention to the things around him.

Although the giant lizard did not speak, he stopped at this place twice, which undoubtedly indicates that what Fang Chong himself is looking for is in this place ...

When Fang Chong thought about it, he looked seriously and looked around with his eyes wide open.

Soon, Fang Chong discovered a color 'dark green', as the 'giant lizard' said, with creatures the size of their fingers swimming in their hands ...

Looking at the creature with the color 'dark green' and slow speed, Fang Chong looked at the 'giant lizard'.

Knowing that Fang Chong was asking, ‘giant lizard’ nodded to indicate that Fang Chong ’s guess was correct….

Knowing that this was true, Fang Chong expressed his joy, stretched out his hand, and grabbed it all at once. Looking at the guy who was struggling slightly in his hands, Fang Chong frowned, except that the color could attract people's attention. And the appearance is not much different from the caterpillar, can it really enhance its strength like the "giant lizard" said?

The doubt on Fang Chong's face undoubtedly shows that he is very skeptical ...

With this suspicion, Fang Chongli made contact with the Mayan system ...

Fang Chong believes that if this thing can really be as magical as the ‘giant lizard’ said, it is impossible for the Mayan system to know ...

"Moxin ..." Soon ~ www.readwn.com ~ Maya System named a name in Fang Chong's expectations ...

"Mo Xin?" Fang Chong's expression was a little weird. The name sounded strange. This thing not only looks weird, but the speed of movement is even stranger. Even the name is so strange now ...

However, Fang Chong's tone slightly surprised from the Maya system still looks forward to what the Maya system says next ...

"Isn't it what‘ giant lizards ’say? The one that can increase strength and be very powerful ...” Fang Chong asked.

"Yes," Moxin "is the" super supplement "that the giant lizard said to enhance the strength of the fighter. This kind of thing is very rare even in the" Maya Star Series ". I was so lucky to think that it actually exists here on earth ... "The Mayan system did not cover her shock and the role of this thing ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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